• expired

iSelect $300 Savings Promise Promo Extended till 30/4


Hi all,
this deal is available by phone only 131920 - and I've got a $300 Visa Debit Card coming my way for my 20 minute effort.

I have Bupa Hospital and Extras cover and the iSelect TV add prompted me to have a go.
So, I had my Bupa self-service web page open with all my details including excess, monthly payment, and entitlements lists.
The 2nd operator then rattled through a number of questions, put me on hold and then advised me that I have a good deal with Bupa (being an Ozbargainer, I expected so) and that they could not better it.
She then gave me a Customer ID number which I had to register through the hard to find address below.

I'm still waiting for the confirmation email, with which I have to submit/attach proof of my Bupa account - so I've got that ready with screenshots and PDFs ready to fire back at them.

Was told Visa card can take up to 3 months to be delivered - but I can wait.

Worst case - they'll find you a better cover !!

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closed Comments

  • Nice. Will give it a go this arvo. Thanks OP.

  • +5

    Too bad corporate cover is excluded. otherwise Would have given them a call for sure

    • I read the T&Cs and didn't see this exclusion.

      • +1

        search for "^Excludes corporate offers and special deals" on the page

    • +2

      I rang them anyway. They said there's a flip side to this exclusion. If iSelect CAN find you a better policy, they will give you a $350 EFTPOS card.

      • So did they find you a better policy. I am on bupa basic corporate plan. Iselect won't be able to find a better policy for me

        • +5

          Actually yes. I'm on a pretty good Medibank corporate plan and they saved me $1 per fortnight by splitting my hospital and extras cover between AHM and Health Partners.

          Only a $1 saving, but it comes with $350 cash! :-)

        • @zzymurgy: thanks for update mate. I will give them a ring later today as well

  • +6

    It's a good deal if you are willing to give away 20 minutes of your life for the potential to score a $300 gift card. That's it.

    As far as actually getting a better deal on your health insurance, the vast majority of comparison sites for that are pretty dodgy and iSelect is pretty much at the top of the list.

    Don't believe me?

    Check this Clip made by Choice and you will understand.

    For our subscribers and readers, there is only one such service we are comfortable recommending.


    • +2

      20 mins = $900 p/hr - don't know many people earning that tax free.
      Agreed - iSelect guy is creepy.

      And I think I would have rung Bupa to "Price match" had iSelect found a better deal.

      • +1

        And I think I would have rung Bupa to "Price match" had iSelect found a better deal.

        Well played. Spoken like a true 'professional' :)

    • Just checked out better bills (went to their site directly, not through one of your referral links).
      They provided me with quotes from 3 different providers. If i do a comparison with Iselect, they quoted me on 4 different insurers. Which site offers a better comparison service?
      Maybe if you actually advertised for and did sponsored content for sites that truly are the best, users on this site might begin to actually pay attention to what you say and start using your referral links. Right now, all your posts are thinly veiled spam with no purpose other than to get your referral links clicked.

      • +1

        Thank you for your 'kind words'. ;)

        They provided me with quotes from 3 different providers. If i do a comparison with Iselect, they quoted me on 4 different insurers. Which site offers a better comparison service

        I have been advised that BetterBills have a temporary issue with their systems which prevents some providers from showing on certain search parameters (cover type, state etc). This should be resolved by the end of the week (according to their customer service rep)

        not through one of your referral links

        No worries at all mate. You'll get paid an extra $50 on top of their normal cashback if you go through the referral. If you don't want the fifty bucks then it's your choice to make :)

        all your posts are thinly veiled spam with no purpose other than to get your referral links clicked

        I have a long personal history on OzBargain which I am very proud of. Anyone is welcome to go through my profile and see for themselves.
        As far as the integrity of my business, we NEVER recommend anything cause we are getting paid for it. We recommend only things that are actually a good deal! Many of those deals pay us absolutely bugger all (e.g ING Direct, Citibank, Credit Cards, Most prepaid Smartphone deals)
        Furthermore, around 90% of the deals covered on the site go through my PERSONAL vetting as the Chief Hacker before they go on the site or to our email subscribers.

        Good day to you :)

    • +1

      This is a way better site for comparing private health insurance: http://www.privatehealth.gov.au/

      • +1

        This site is useless. Doesn't show half the available policies.. ie. cheapest basic hospital and extras for family = $243p/m. I pay $170p/m now… surely something is wrong here.

        • Agree. So useless. I went there once and have never returned.

        • +1

          That's because Privatehealth.gov.au displayed prices are not inclusive of the rebate, which you are clearly getting!

    • +2

      Still recall this 7.30 Report report in which it was suggested iSelect's cut for signing someone up to a new policy could be as high as $750-1000.

      So on top of not-so-impartial advice, perhaps they're imposing significant hidden costs on the system ultimately resulting in higher premiums, while we only see the $50-300 bonus when signing up to a new policy, and think iSelect is doing us a favour.

      • perhaps they're imposing significant hidden costs on the system ultimately resulting in higher premiums

        Not sure if I understood exactly what you meant here but if you think that iSelect 'load up' the premiums compared to what you would get going direct with the health funds, it is actually illegal.

        iSelect's cut for signing someone up to a new policy could be as high as $750-1000

        Not just iSelect's. ALL commercial comparison engines for health insurance get paid this sort of commissions.

        The service we recommend to our subscribers (Better Bills) is the only one in Australia which:

        1. splits any commissions they make 50/50 with the clients; and
        2. include funds in their comparisons which do not pay them any commissions.
        • Not alleging they're doing anything illegal, but the commissions would come out of the funds' marketing budgets - paid for as part of the base premium - and the funds could make a significant saving if they didn't have to pay commissions to external marketers, which they could pass on to customers.

        • @ajdlinux:

          You are completely and absolutely RIGHT!

          The thing is that this is how this (and many other industries) work!

          Think about it for a second: instead of spending money advertising on TV, Radio, Newspapers, social media and other places in order to get new business (which may or may not work for them), those companies instead choose to deploy their marketing budget to pay external marketers who are experts in marketing and most importantly, are only get paid if they produce results (i.e. new paying customers coming through the door).

          Those companies need to promote themselves somehow in order to get new business, especially in such a competitive industry such as private health insurance.

          They just choose to use some (or all in the case of smaller funds) of the funds they allocate to promoting themselves to paying marketers for producing the actual results they want.

          This is why referral or affiliate marketing is a great solution for these companies and, provided it is done right and in an ethical manner, it is also great for consumers because they get to find out about smaller and less known providers who can't necessarily afford to advertise on TV for example.

          Makes sense? :)

    • If better bills gets you a better deal with a provider that iSelect doesn't offer, then it's a shoo-in for the $300, right?

  • +1

    I did this a while ago, although it may have been less than $300. they paid up so I was pretty happy.

    • Try again :-)

      • Try again :-)

        No point if it was within the last 12 months.

        c. have not received a quote from iSelect or purchased through iSelect a “Hospital” or “Hospital and
        Extras” health insurance policy in the 12 months prior to 16 April 2015;

        iSelect is a big listed company and very savvy marketers. Don't dish out money easily ;)

        • +1

          Yeah this is the only reason I haven't. I got the $200 deal from later part of last year. Will wait it out and see if they do another deal later this year or next year.

  • Will give this a try when I get home haha.

  • So it excludes corporate policies, so what cover do you have with bupa because i could just sign up now to bupa purely to get the 300 right?

    • +1

      My cover is Bupa Budget Hospital Family since 2012 - with Mid Hospital and Mid Extras for around $235 mth

      I'd think half the country would be on similar

      • Similar plan with Bupa but corporate. Paying $209. There is no way i-select can beat it but unfortunately they excluded corporate plans.

  • +6

    Just called thanks for the $300 i-select, poor lady sounded depressed when they couldn't beat my current plan lol

    • +2

      well done Sir (I can see this deal being OzBargained soon)

      • +1

        Thanks for the reminder mitm, kept seeing the commercial & forgetting to call, then saw your post & went for it lol

  • Cool. Worth a call thanks

    How to revoke votes again??…

    • What's with the neg ?

      • +1

        i think it was an accident

      • +2


  • I did this before with GMF Health for I think $60, it was more than 12 months ago. I am not sure if I will do it again, $300 is quite a lot of money they could be parting with.

    • +1

      ..but they're asking you to try to take their money with a multi-million dollar campaign ?
      If it worked 12 months ago for you, I'd expect it to work again.

      Or look at it this way - $300 will postpone the 6.5% increase you're about to start paying. Inflation is less than 2% - so who's taking whose money ?.

      • iSelect are not responsible for increases or inflation.

  • +2

    I think what screws them is if your on a old plan 2-4 years old & haven't updated, usually latest plans have more benefits but go up in price.. imo..

    • +3

      Correct! I am on a legacy plan with Medibank Private which they stopped selling about 3 years ago.

      No one can ever come close to beating it now so I pretty much 'clean up' whenever those "we'll find you a better deal or pay you" offers come along.

      Just made another $300 and because I'm extra efficient (and pretty 'ruthless' if I might say so myself ;) ), it only took me less than 10 minutes (I timed it!)

      It's all in a day's work for the Spending Hacker :)

  • Also on Bupa Budget… will give it a go.

  • Just got my number to claim $300, still waiting for confirmation email. Anybody know how long it takes to receive it?

    • +1

      6 months

  • Has anyone tried with Medibank Young Hospital & Extra 55?

  • If you're with a restricted fund, you're excluded.

  • Thanks OP, I have filled in the form with my number and am awaiting the confirmation email.

  • Anyone know the paperwork you need to provide to claim?

    • +1

      Well done minnie,
      I'm sure they'll let you know in the email - but I have a screenshot of my Bupa self-service page showing details. And have printed PDFs of last statement etc.

      Not sure if I should blank out my membership number though as it wouldn't be relevant.

    • Just photocopied my membership card for sending - has ALL the details

  • Anyone been able to do this with a relatively new plan? I need to sign up to hospitals + extras and would like to take advantage of this offer.

    Would like to go with medibank as they've said they can waive the first month + wait times and the optical + dental is quite nice for the basics hospital + extras (70% option back).


    • It would take a few days to get a new Medibank account up and running via internet. By that time this deal expires.

      Perhaps it could be done same day if you went into an office. Then try this deal that night.

      • Thanks. Will do.

  • +1

    If they can find a better deal for you, are you forced to sign up to it? Like you don't have to give your credit card first or anything?

    • I don't think so, they would have to give you a chance to check out the policy yourself.

    • No credit card required and they don't have a gun to your head, but I imagine they'd be persuasive to earn their commission from said healthfund. There is usually a cooling off period too after a sign up.

    • Definitely not! You don't have to do anything.

  • +2

    Nice find.
    I check all my policies online annually anyway (but never registering). Easy $300. :-)

    And as we have 2x singles cover for the missus & I, I'll get her to do her's tonight too!!

    • +1

      You Sir, are a true OzBargainer.

    • +1

      The Promotion is limited to one Gift Card per household.

      • Damn. Why do they have "1 per household" alllllll the way down in "gift card receipt", and NOT in the "eligibility"?!

    • Use a differant address if you can, limited to only 1 per household

      8.b The Promotion is limited to one Gift Card per household and Gift Cards are not redeemable for cash
      or any alternative form of credit


      • They must be able to cross reference claims to avoid duplication - perhaps phone numbers, birthdates

        • We've got separate singles cover (was better for any excess payments per year, but had same price & extras caps as couples cover). So only thing that may let us down would be if there's a home address on any documentation I need to provide. Otherwise could do home for me, and work address for the missus.

          Will only be able to tell when I get the email from iSelect (still waiting!!).

  • Does not apply to Overseas Visitors Cover!

    • Discrimination of foreigners.
      T&Cs say Australian Residents for Medicare purposes only.

  • Apparently they can't beat mine with Bupa and gave me a customer ID and told me to register for the promo.. it almost sounds too good to be true honestly.

  • Wow.. That was the easiest $300 I've ever made. Bupa Active Saver FWIW. I think my rate is cheaper because I've held BUPA/MBF cover for a while (a new quote on their website comes up considerably more expensive than what I'm paying now…

  • I have no comprehension on why anybody would willingly volunteer to buy private health insurance in a country where we are afforded socialized healthcare, the more that people take it up less they will allocate to the public health system. It is a scam and nothing more than corporatization and americanization of healthcare. They are sucking you in through tax breaks… until of course that stops down the track. Posterity thanks you all very much.. not.

    • +4

      The 1% medicare levy surcharge for not having private hospital cover is a good enough reason for me.

    • +1
      • Interesting, So if I am single and don't earn over 88k a year then I should cancel my private health cover?

        • Well if you value private health cover more than it costs you you should keep it. I am in said situation and I do not. Although with my poor eyesight it makes financial sense to have extras cover.

    • Three words: Thirty Percent Rebate.

    • nope. i have no intention on waiting months/years for elective surgery.

      Needed to get an ankle reconstruction done. was advised 12-18 month wait by a friend (he had similar). With PHI, at least i could get into a private hospital, pay $5k out of pocket, and be at 90% about 12 months later.

    • Hence why i said "tax breaks" as temporary as they are.

  • +1

    7 confirmed.
    Total after 2 1/2 hrs posting = $2100

    • what

      • +1

        Ah, I see how that looks.
        Only 1 claim is mine !!

    • seems like they cant beat anyone at this rate there heading for a major loss, sounding a little to easy now, still haven't received a email back, time will tell if they come through with the $300, is it possible they get our details say they cant match, then go & bargain with few insurance companies we can sign up xx amount of people if you can beat xx price, then ring us back with another quote that beats our current insurance, thinking outside the box until I receive the $300 lol

      • +1

        "Patience you must have my young padawan" – Yoda

  • got my claim number as well… :))

    edit: also i was told the card would only be delivered around august though… :((

    • +1

      Curses! With 3% inflation your card will only be worth $297 by that point!

      • +2

        hopefully there's some 50-70% bargains during august to compensate that inflation!

  • Thank you so much! Took just over 20 minutes and received a claim number.

  • got my customer id after talk to a girl. checked the terms it pretty strict so guess not too easy to fit in criteria for everyone.

    Once get an email still need to verify your health insurance from your provider then it needs approval

    anyway done mine. waiting for the email, and hope it's comming in august!

    • Thanks for the update.

  • Soo they are not doing a like for like with Loyalty Bonuses.. I'm on hold. To be continued.

    Edit: Apparently mine can be beat and I'd get $350 but I didn't want to change companies and I didn't really believe I'd end up better.

  • So can they force us to join plan if its better than our current one?

    • yes. it think. coz terms say $300 if they cant find a cover for less than you paying now


    • No one can force you to switch - but you'd be ineligible for the $300

    • No, they don't take any kind of payment information before providing you their quotes

  • I qualified for the $300 eftpos card. The operator also offered me a $350 eftpos card instead if I chose to switch my cover - it wasn't really worth it for me but I can see how this would be a good incentive if their quote comes in only slightly higher than your current plan.

    • +1

      Interesting ?

    • +1

      The operator also offered me a $350 eftpos card instead if I chose to switch my cover

      I got offered the same thing.

      If you read the comments above about how much commission these companies get paid by the health funds for every new signup, you will understand that $350 is 'pocket change' and you are actually getting ripped off.

      If you do wanna switch, use Better Bills instead. They will pay you HALF of the commission they get (if they get anything) and will pay it to you in CASH which means you don't have to actually buy stuff with it and can instead put it towards your mortgage or in savings account for example.

      As I said above, iSelect is a BIG business and are very savvy. They know exactly what they are doing and rest assured they still stay profitable ;)

      • "Better Bills" looks good on the surface but the premiums they outline cost more than going to the provider directly so you really getting back nothing!

        • That would be illegal according to the private health insurance rules.

          Can you please provide a specific example where the price quoted by BetterBills was higher than buying the same plan from the health fund directly?

          I would honestly appreciate it. Seriously!

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