Ozlotterries - Are They a Scam?

Without getting into the pros and cons of gambling I want to know what people think of Ozlotteries.

Last Tuesday I received an email from PinchMe advertising the Oz Lotto draw that night. The email had a link to Ozlotteries and there you can open an account and buy tickets. On their website you can buy tickets for all of the lotteries available in NSW. Somehow I thought that the price for a game was the same everywhere. And I thought that Ozlotteries was an official site for buying tickets. But now that I’ve gone back and had a look it appears that are just a middleman scalping fees.

Take for example a ticket in the super jackpot. The normal ticket price is $2.00 and as I understand it the extra $0.20 is the commission for the newsagent or seller. For that same ticket Ozlotteries charges $2.65. So $2.00 goes to the group that runs the lottery and $0.65 goes to Ozlotteries. And it’s the same for all the other products on Ozlotteries.

From what I can see you’re getting the exact same product and service on both sites except on one site you pay extra for everything. Is there some good reason to use Ozlotteries over the other site?

Am I missing something here or is Ozlotteries a scam?

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Oz Lotteries
Oz Lotteries


  • +16

    Buying lottery tickets is a scam at any price. But you knew that already :)

    Back to your question, I don't think Ozlotteries is a scam, they are charging more because their customers are willing to pay more. Economics. Is Harvey Norman a scam because they charge more than MSY? Is Expedia a scam because they charge more than SkyScanner?

      • +9

        @spm What's with your avatar???

      • +1

        There is only seller and buyer in business. No need calling people retards.

    • tldr

      The two issues I have is that,

      1. The product is not clearly defined. There is a difference between selling "a lottery ticket" and "a $2.00 lottery ticket". I don't care how much they sell it for but I do care that the consumer is able to clearly understand what they are buying. In this example the Tatts web site sells you a ticket for $2.20 and OzLotteries sells the same item for $2.65. They can charge whatever they like but I do think the consumer should be able to know what they're buying. Looking at both the Tatts and Ozlotteries websites there is no mention of the fact that you are buying a $2.00 ticket.

      2. It's not clear who you're dealing with. The distinction between Ozlotto and Ozlotteries is not clear.

      • Whats the difference between a 'lottery ticket' and a '$2 lottery ticket'? In both cases the buyer knew they were buying a lottery ticket.

    • Not a Scam but you lost money by participate anyway if you know simple maths

  • +15

    Do you know the definition of the word "scam"?

  • +11

    To be honest, for it to be a scam, there has to be some form of deception involved. It seems like they're selling you a legitimate product at a very clearly advertised price, that's not a scam. You're free to buy it or to not buy it.

    By your definition, any store that charges any higher than another is "scamming" you - that's not true.

  • Scam… fraudulent, deceptive, etc.

    So yeah I found it deceptive with the naming being so close to OzLotto. Maybe others would also find that too similar and think it's a part of the same business unit. It looks to me like that's the purpose of their naming convention. To create confusion with consumers.

    I don't have a problem with anyone charging more for the same product so long as the consumer is aware of who they're dealing with and weren't misled. In this case I haven't seen any reason why someone would use Ozlotteries vs the originator unless they were misled, confused, or unaware. Why would someone pay more for the same product or service?

    Anyhow that's why I'm asking the question is it a scam? Or is it just a rip off?

    • +2

      In this case I haven't seen any reason why someone would use Ozlotteries vs the originator unless they were misled, confused, or unaware. Why would someone pay more for the same product or service?

      So going to HN is a scam if JB have the same thing for cheaper?

      • -1

        I don't have a problem with anyone charging more for the same product so long as the consumer is aware of who they're dealing with and weren't misled.

        • +1

          You were dealing with Ozlotteries and you were buying a Super Jackpot Lottery?

    • +1

      It seems to be run by a Melbourne company that is an accredited sales agent of NSW Lotteries and Tattersalls.
      Some info from 11 years ago: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/254790

      As far as it being a rip-off, they are a profit making venture providing a service to people, and those people can make their own choice as to whether that service is of value to them.

  • +1

    Perhaps you should take it up with PinchMe.

    In the mean time set your email to put PinchMe in your SPAM folder with all the other "Scam… fraudulent, deceptive etc" offers.

  • -6

    Maybe I can rephrase the original question. Should there be pricing transparency? In the past lottery tickets bought at a newsagent would have the price and then the agents commission. This is completely transparent.

    If this site said for example here's a $2.00 ticket and our agents commission is $0.65 then that would be completely transparent as well. No problem at all with that.

    So what do you think? Should there be pricing transparency?

    Not sure if it makes much difference but this is after all a legally protected monopoly. No other organisation can operate lotteries in NSW.

    • +7

      There was never a problem. It's business as usual. If any, there is price for everything and in this case, "convenience" has a price (aside from costs running the business, i.e. web Hosting, etc)

      Think this way, would you say it's a scam for these scenarios?
      1. A vending machine sell a coke for $1.50/can. Does it has to display "oh by the way, coles/woolies sell it for xx cents". Would you ever say the machine is a scam?
      2. Go to a pub, they sell coke for $3.50. Are they scamming for not being transparent that they Get their supplies for much less?

    • +7

      So what do you think? Should there be pricing transparency?

      Something like this perhaps -

      Does OzLotteries.com pricing differ from offline agencies?

      There are additional costs for purchasing lottery products via OzLotteries.com compared to buying from a traditional retail agency.
      The additional charges cover, amongst other things, the cost of providing a secure internet based system, and are approved under >the regulatory framework that governs the sale of Lotteries in the jurisdictions OzLotteries.com is accredited in.

      Please refer to the various play pages for the various prices we charge for lottery products.

    • +1

      Should retail stores be forced to tell us the cost price of each item?

  • -6

    If I go to a shop and buy a $20 iTunes card I know what I'm buying and what it's worth. The retailer doesn't need to say anything about their cost and they can charge whatever they like.

    Here they don't tell you anywhere that what you're buying is a $2.00 ticket. They just tell you the price they're charging.

    • They don't have to tell you what other agencies are charging. Do you see Harvey Norman advertising cheaper prices from Jb hi-fi, Good Guys, Dicksmith etc.?

      Baysew quoted the last question on this page. Here is the link http://www.ozlotteries.com/support

      • -1

        Not suggesting they should tell us what other retailers are charging.

        But I wonder if they should state the value of the product you're buying?

        • No, the do not need to give exact costs. They already say they charge extra.

        • -1

          @ozhunter: I'm not asking about their costs though. That's their business. What I'm interested in is the value of the product people are buying. So in this case they don't say so but you're buying a $2.00 ticket. All they tell you is the price they charge.

          As before if I go to a shop to buy an iTunes card I want to know both how much I'm paying and what the value of the card is. I'm not so interested in what the retailers cost is. So if the retailer said here's an iTunes card and we'll sell it to you you for $25 but we're not going to tell you what the value is and later on you find out it's $20 worth of credit I would question whether that should be allowed.

        • +3


          What is the value of a lottery game? or a graphics card? or any other item?

          Is the value of an item the cheapest you can find online?

        • +3

          The 'value' isn't $2, it's the small chance to win a prize, and the chance and prize amount is the same no matter where you buy the ticket.

          An iTunes card is different - its value is the amount redeemable. Buying a $20 card for $10 is a bargain, but buying it for $30 isn't.

          A more appropriate example would be a movie or concert ticket, where the price at the box office might be different to that of an online reseller.

  • +2

    Go to tatt.com they charge the same as Newsagents No difference at all

    • +4

      Please don't do this :( Just go to the newsagency! You're supporting small business, and it costs you $0 :(

      • Wrong it costs you time, energy and having to remember to go back to the newsagents which some people can't do.

        Convenience of online is extremely valuable in this day and age where time and energy spent is precious.

  • +2

    Not a scam, just a bad deal, moving on

  • They are more expensive but they have a good syndicate option.

    • +1

      Ah, that's what I was asking about. If there is any advantage to using their service.

    • Hi! Sorry to advocate for bricks and mortar again, but have you tried any in store newsagencies? My local runs some pretty ace store syndicates.

      • The website's good because you can enter with other strangers and you get an email if you win so you don't need to check results.

        Bricks and mortar is never fun.

        • Unsure of other states but if you play in QLD with your membership card, wins are sent via cheque if you haven't claimed within 28 days. Do agree to the greater level of choice in syndicates online though :)

  • +3

    Legit company. They just charge a service fee. I havent bought a lotto or lottery ticket in a newsagent for years, but they also all used to charge a service fee. Same for scratchies. Only place you could get the original price, for Sydney people, was by buying from the NSW lottery office (such as the one that used to be on Pitt St in Sydney for those that remember).

    Use tatts.com if you're worried, they run the actual lotteries in various states such as NSW and have been in operation in Australia since 1930.

    • There is no mention anywhere of what the value is. If you’re buying a $2.00 ticket then you should be informed that this is what you’re buying.

      What is the value when buying from tatts.com?

  • +1

    Another person who doesn't know what 'scam' means. If they hide the final price or have hidden charges, then yeh a scam, but since they display the final charge, its up to you as the consumer to do your homework. And no this comment isn't a scam.

    • And no this comment isn't a scam


  • -1

    You silly.. Here's an answer simplified for you:

    If you buy LOTTO tickets via OzLotteries and you win, can you still claim the winning prize?
    - If no, then its a scam
    - If yes, then its not a scam

    It can be misleading or whatever but it doesnt make them a scammer. A smart marketing maybe yes. But they are definitely not a scammer if what they are selling is legit

    Now go do something more useful..

  • fully scam bro, go to ACA and TT, they will make you poster boy, fully

    go now or i will go and fully steal ur thunder

    me get massive spotter fee too, fully awesome

  • +1

    Mate who cares if its 65 cents more when you're winning a million dollars anyway?

    • +2

      A higher priced ticket lowers your already negative return on a lotto ticket even further :)

  • i've used ozlotteries, bought 5 tickets and won twice. i aint mad

  • The extra cost converts (in part at least) to reward points of 1 point per dollar spent so eventually you can redeem free or reduced price tickets. I prefer to use an online vendor to avoid having to wait in line behind 100 pensioners buying numerous tickets VERY slowly lol

  • +1

    Years ago Ozlotteries was the only game in town if you wanted to purchase tickets online. But now Tatts (previously NSW lotteries themselves) has online purchase which is cheaper.

    I think it's just Ozlotteries still trying to be in 'the game'.

  • -3

    Tattts do the same thing by not advertising the value of the ticket. The point is that when a business operates as a government sanctioned monopoly I would like to see them operate with a high level of moral integrity. Obviously though this is the real world, dog eat dog, anything for a buck so long as it doesn’t break the law. , etc etc.

    Clearly I’m in the minority here but that’s my opinion.

    • What do you mean by the value of the ticket.? It seems like you don't know what you mean.

      • The ticket has a value of $2.00. Everything on top of that is commission.

        • What makes it $2?

        • @Bystander:

          Tickets for Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot cost $2.20 and tickets for Lucky Lotteries Mega Jackpot cost $5.50 (including agent commissions).


        • @ozhunter: That's right. And the last time I went to a newsagent the ticket was $2 and commission .20c.

        • @Bystander:

          Is the commission 20c or is that just your assumption because it is called $2 Jackpot?

          How about for Ozlotto, tatts.com doesn't say anything.

        • @ozhunter: It's a $2 Jackpot Lottery and advertised price is $2.20 incl commission. When I used to go to the newsagent they called the 20c commission as well.

        • @Bystander:

          And Ozlotto? Neither say how much commission is pad for each ticket?

          Actually on both websites, it's neither called the $2 or $5 Jackpot, probably because they charge more than $2 now. It's called the Super and Mega Jackpot.

        • @ozhunter: You're right.

          And that's the point of starting this thread. The two issues I have is that,

          1. The product is not clearly defined. There is a difference between selling "a lottery ticket" and "a $2.00 lottery ticket". I don't care how much they sell it for but I do care that the consumer is able to clearly understand what they are buying. Currently there is no information about exactly what the ticket is on either Tatts or Ozlotteries websites They might have changed the name but it appears that you're still buying the same $2.00 ticket as it always has been.

          2. Maybe a lesser issue but it's not clear who you're dealing with. The distinction between Ozlotto and Ozlotteries is not clear.

  • OzLotteries are just resellers for products offered by Tatts Group, which owns Golden Casket, NSW Lotteries, Tattersalls and SA Lotteries. All these brands sell in different jurisdictions. Ozlotteries charges that extra commission and makes profit. If you want better priced tickets go to one of the above brand outlets. Lotteries product are themselves genuine and very highly regulated in Australia. You need to be in it to win it!

  • only a scam if you win the jackpot and they dont pay up because not officially affiliated…

  • Well you can always ask the $30 million winner if its a scam?

  • A few years ago the only way to buy lotto tickets online in QLD was through Ozlotteries, once golden casket/tatts finally made an online system available I received an email from Ozlotteries saying they could no longer sell tickets to someone in QLD and I was forced to use tatts/golden casket directly, which is fine as they were a little cheaper, but the point is that for a while unless you wanted to go to a newsagent the only option was Ozlotteries so no I do not think they are a scam (beyond the fact the lottery as a whole is a rather silly idea)

  • So is tatts.com cheaper than ozlotteries.com if say doing an autoplay every week on a few weekly lotteries.

    I have been using ozlotteries.com now for a few years and have won some lotto tickets but if I'm spending extra for the same ticket I could be buying at tatts.com then I would be ashamed to call myself an ozbargainer if I did not switch off it meant saving money and losing no features like autoplay or being able to recycle my winnings into future tickets aka accumulating and using my balance like I can do on ozlotteries.com

    So anybody know if there is still a price difference.

    I love the feeling of buying and checking a ticket in person at a newsagent but the thought of physically losing a ticket or forgoing something else because I still have to manually keep a mental note on it because it is not automated is too costly for my circumstances.

    It never feels good when you forget or miss something so the less I have to keep track on things personally and can just let a computer or system do it the better assuming no fraudulent activities obviously.

    • Which one do you use now? I only found out about thelott.com after previously using ozlotteries.com

      • I use the ozlotteries app now on android and the associated website

        • But that's the one OP is complaining about right? More expensive.

          • +1

            @ASOT: Oh yeah you are right.

            To be honest I don't want to compare it I will just go down a spiral rabbit hole I might not come out.

            Ozlotteries seems legit but pricewise I don't know.

            Everything is a scam to me these days honestly.

            Roof, bed, clean water that is all I need to survive atm.

          • +1

            @ASOT: my understanding is people use ozlotteries (reseller) instead of thelott, is because the app experience is better with ozlotteries.

            The product is exactly the same

  • +1

    Ozlotterries.com is legit. it is owned by Jumbo Interactive which is listed on the ASX under JIN. Refer to their 25 August 2020 ASX announcement which detailed their reseller agreement with Tabcorp.

    As to why you would buy lottery tickets from that website at a premium as opposed to buying direct…. the shareholders of JIN thank you.

  • I use OZL mostly for the Charity raffles.

    • if anyone interested you can checkout with GPAY-Amex cc for points.

      • i was able to checkout with A/GPAY-ZipPay today

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