• expired

ING Direct - $250 Webjet Travel Voucher for New Customers


I just got this email from ING Direct:

Got your annual leave sorted for the next year? If you and your friends are thinking about your next holiday, we've got you all covered.

Simply tell your friends to open an Orange Everyday bank account and a Savings Maximiser, and follow the steps below, and you could both get a $250 Webjet travel voucher.

What your friends need to do:

  • Step 1: They need to be a new Orange Everyday and Savings Maximiser customer and register their details at ingdirect.com.au/refer using their Unique Friend Code below.

  • Step 2: Open an Orange Everyday and a Savings Maximiser.

  • Step 3: Deposit their salary of $1,000 or more within a calendar month into their Orange Everyday.

  • Step 4: Transfer their first deposit into their Savings Maximiser.

What you need to do:

  • Step 1: First, share this with your nearest and dearest.

  • Step 2: Once we confirm at least one of your friends has met the above criteria, we'll send you an email in the month following to provide you with your voucher details. You can tell as many friends as you like, and we thank you for doing so! But please note that we can only give you one voucher.

Simple. But tell them to hurry, as the offer is limited to the first 5,000 applicants who satisfy the eligibility criteria by 31 May 2015.

One voucher per referrer

Friend Code: DZK038

ING Direct Referral Wiki Page

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closed Comments

  • Your referral code is specific to YOU, not to anyone in particular (so you'll be the one getting the $250 webjet voucher)

  • so is it capped to one voucher per referrer

  • Literally signed up as a new customer on the 31st march! :(

    • Ask them nicely, tell them someone referred you and give their code :)

      • +1

        I seriously doubt this would work

        • On the phone to them now, ill let you know how it goes!

        • +1

          No luck, so lost out on this promotion and also lost out extra intrest rate. Shitty day to sign up!!

    • Nearly did too, but they have dropped their Interest Rate to 3.75%

      • So will everyone else if they haven't already, RBA dropped the cash rate in Feb: http://www.rba.gov.au/statistics/cash-rate/

        • They held on so long, as if they weren't going to drop it. Puts it on par with other accounts, so not worth moving.

        • +4

          @Steptoe: your current Bank has 2% payWave cashback and no atm fees?

        • @Lukian:

          Fair call. Have too look into it further.

  • Do they only send you the code by email or can you go an get it somehow from the online log on?

    • +1

      They send you the code. You probably aren't eligible (likely have to be a customer for X time) unless they do.

      I didn't find a way to find my code online when I looked ages ago.

    • Yes, I was confused until I checked my email and found the code.

  • +14

    Webjet charge $52 to book through them? What a scam!

    • +6

      Should update title to ~$198 travel voucher (after fees).

    • Can't accuse them of being "anti-competitive". I wish I could meet someone who uses Webjet for purchasing flights in particular and have them explain why.

  • -3

    Never got my Iconic voucher from them. Useless muppets.

    • +1

      I actually called them about not receiving my Iconic code and they were happy to look it up and tell me it over the phone. Might be worth a try :) apparently the codes were SMSed to customers in the last promotion so there could have been a mix up.

      • ok thanks!

        • Tell me how it goes so I know if I should call them as well

  • hi guys,

    newbie how to I know my referral code??

    • +1

      You have to be emailed one direct from ING.

      • thnx mate

      • Been an ING Direct customer for a decade and I don't seem to have received a referral code?

      • Is it targetted at certain customers? I've just signed up myself, anyone know if I should expect to receive one?

        • +1

          I would say you wont get one this time round. I signed up just after the last referral program, I didn't receive the past referral program offer but I got the current one.

          I suspect if they offer it a further time you should get the email.

        • @kearnsy: sounds reasonable enough. I'll keep an eye out for the next deal, and I'll be happy with my not-really-$250 voucher for now :)

  • Got the email with the code.
    It says that the friend account must be a new Orange Everyday AND Savings Maximiser customer. So if already have a savings maximiser but new to orange account do not qualify? Do I understand right?
    Or is it worth a try?

    • I could be late to the party, but I tried this with the iconic code. Gave it to my friend, I got nothing, called up and it was because he had a savings maximiser already =(

    • I could be late to the party, but I tried this with the iconic code. Gave it to my friend, I got nothing, called up and it was because he had a savings maximiser already =(

  • +1

    Is there any mention as to what defines a "new customer". I've had an ING account before…for the iconic $250 of course

    • +1

      If you currently hold or have previously held an Orange Everyday or Savings Maximiser between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2015, then you are ineligible for this offer.

  • +2

    Just a silly question, how do you get a referral code. Cant see it in my account

    • According to Lukian from the earlier comments, the code has to be emailed to you.
      Lukian's comment

    • Yeah, I think this has been addressed a few times. You only get the referral link via email so seems like a targeted offer

      • If this is a targeted offer then I hope the referral codes in the Wiki for the previous promo is also applicable to this new promo otherwise it's not going to work.

        • The referral code I was sent for this offer is the same as the one I was sent for the previous one, so I think it will work.

        • @moksha:
          "Previous one" - do you mean for Iconic Voucher some time ago ? If yes, did you receive the voucher after a friend signed up and met the criteria ? Yet they sent the same code again, so in theory the code would work twice ?

        • @MITM: Yep, I mean the Iconic Voucher. I did indeed receive the Iconic voucher, which expires on 30th June, so I should do something about that soon. The code should work twice, because they sent me another email about the webjet offer with the same code.

        • @moksha: thanks M, now I need to find my Iconic code - $500 travel bux coming up..

        • @MITM:
          Damn, only got 1 voucher for the new account.
          My iconic code must have expired when I reused it for this deal.

          Looks like it'll be only 3 star accommodation for us.

  • +1

    So guys, how do you get a referral code?

    Lol jk jk, just tryna annoy people :P

  • Am I right in saying that only the referrer receives the voucher (i.e. not the referee)?

    • +1

      The thing says "and you could both get a $250 Webjet travel voucher."

    • So 5 minutes of your time isn't worth an extra $100+?!.

  • Someone edited the wiki to say they used my code during the last promo but I never got an iconic voucher so I don't know who it was or if they bothered to the deposit the money .
    It would be good to somehow have a system on the wiki to get confirmation from the person who uses your code that they have actually completed ALL the steps in the promotion

    • Maybe they reached their limit of vouchers?

      Isn't there a limit on the number of vouchers available for this promo as well?

      • Yeah that is true but they used my code 2 months before the last promo ended so I should have received a voucher (but it still depends on whether they ever deposited $1000 into their account in time)

        • Yeah.. impossible to tell.. I guess you just trust ING, and hope they are complying.

          Oh well.. better luck next time ;)

  • Ok, i have 3 daughters (all under 3), none of which have bank accounts, could I get them all a new account and deposit their "salary" within the specified time period to be eligible? Hubby and I are current customers but i have not received a referral code (as yet). Anyone have any thoughts or know if this would work?

    • That's exactly what I was thinking of doing. I have an account but my son doesn't… Love to know if it can be done.

    • Your daughters will have to walk into the Post Office to have their identities verified with a Medicare Card, Drivers Licence, etc. just like you did when you first signed up. Can they do that ? Some banks use electronic verification such as Rates Notices, Electoral Roll, etc. but I could be wrong.

      • Drivers license/rates notice/electoral roll for under 3yr old? Are you serious? How do you think people under 16 get a bank account?

        • +3

          "How do you think people under 16 get a bank account?" they don't with ING !

          From page 10 of T&C's:
          Am I eligible to apply? Yes! As long as:
           the Orange Everyday is in a personal name, or names, and isn't opened or operated on behalf of a deceased estate, nor for business, trade, superannuation or trustee purposes (check out our website for our business products) and isn't being opened under a Power of Attorney;
           you're an Australian resident for taxation purposes with an Australian residential address; and
          you're 18 years or older

        • @MITM: Well there we go, I stand corrected.

  • How strict is the "Salary" portion of this? I only get paid once a month. This deal came at the wrong time of the month!

    • Not strict at all. You just need to deposit the money, from any source as far as I am aware.

    • Doesn't need to be direct from your employer

      deposit $1,000 or more within a calendar month from an external account into any personal ING DIRECT account in your name (excluding Living Super), collectively the 'Eligibility Criteria'.

    • It is based on total deposit (s). Can come from anywhere.

      If you are short, you can theoretically have $50 and transfer it back and forth 20 times between another bank.

  • +1

    So I got the code this afternoon as well.

    Went to sign up my partner who will be brand new to ING, looking at the terms this means we will get $500 between us which is pretty amazing I reckon.

    Went to do the sign up and had an error message on the second details page.

    Called the contact centre who advised they were just made aware of the offer and would have to log the issue and get back to me.

    Seriously lousy to launch a new marketing campaign right before easter with limited information to staff (and i'm talking from the call centres staff point of view)

    Anyway hoping to get this done early next week. Has anyone been successful?

    • I was successful in that my old man could register an account, but no clue if I'll get the money until it arrives.

  • Webjet has to e the biggest scam travel website out there. $50~ just to book a one way fare to Asia. WTF.

  • +1

    These are the deals where you wish you had more siblings.

  • How many voucher can I use a time?

    • You can refer as many as you want but the voucher can be used once.

  • Still waiting for my email from ING…. and I've got time off coming up too - would be perfect.

  • Do you get $500 if you sign up your partner? And actually use all $500 in purchasing one trip?

    • Yes, you would get $250 each (1 code each) but I doubt Webjet website has room to enter 2 codes, so you'll have to make 2 purchases.

    • +1

      Yes, you can use multiple $250 vouchers on webjet for the one trip. If you use less than $250 the remainder is maintained for future purchases.

      • Good to know. Saves checking out and checking back in to the same hotel.

    • " You can use multiple gift vouchers and split payment with a credit card. "

  • +1

    Anyone know if the vouchers have an expiry date, or if they can be resold at all if no intention to travel?


    • Yes, you could sell the codes on OzBargain classifieds. Plenty of people sold their Iconic gift codes.

      • Cheers :) not rcvd code as yet but I'm gonna call them and see if I can get one

        • you're suppose to receive the voucher in the following month of qualifying…

        • You have to open and deposit $1000 and move some to SM account first. It's a waiting game.

  • +2

    Received my Voucher Code today :)

    • +1

      Hi there mind if I ask how long your voucher took to arrive?, I signed up/deposited around a week ago and still haven't heard anything!?.

  • Received my voucher today too

  • Received my $250 Webjet voucher code, but couldn't find the expiry date.

    • I can't see the expiry date too

  • All Ozbargainers that received the Webjet voucher, can you please tell if you were new ING customers for both Orange and Savings Maximiser accounts?

    • Yes I'm new customer for both orange and saving maximiser accounts

    • I got the email from ING and tell the friends to open an Orange Everyday bank account and a Savings Maximiser. So at least one of them must have opened the account and I got the voucher.

  • Expiry date?

  • Just received a voucher. To the kind OzBargainer who used my referral code, thank you! I am very grateful :-)

  • See the classifieds if you want to trade your voucher.

  • +1

    FYI - contacted ING customer service regarding the expiry date and got the following reply:

    "The voucher can be used from now until 31 May 2016. Sorry for any confusion."

    • Thank you.

  • Received mine. Took about two weeks from the moment my friend met the criteria. Friend was completely new to ING if anyone was wondering.

  • w00t, got my voucher! It's 1 May, so I guess that makes sense given they normally assess offer eligibility for things on the last day of the month.

  • -2

    Anyone know what is the expiry date for the voucher? Thanks

    • +1

      Really? Take some time and look three replies above, please.

  • I just got a referral code, even though I only signed up last month. w00t!

  • Got a referal code, put it up

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