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(SYD) Films for Change - Free Movie Events - EARTHLINGS - 30/03, 12/04


Found this free event tonight in Surry Hills. Apparently there's food too, but can't find much info.

12/04: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/films-for-change-free-event-e…

Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, EARTHLINGS chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.
Director: Shaun Monson
Stars: Joaquin Phoenix
Music: Moby

Join us for a free screening of this important film, followed by a delicious free supper.

EDIT: Made deal link to the 2nd showing

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closed Comments

  • -2

    I wonder if its a beef steak dinner?

    • -1

      probably a bit of greens… poor plants being eaten!

      Film seems to be available to watch on YouTube.

      • +3

        Yes, also streamable free from the Earthlings website: http://earthlings.com/?page_id=32

      • Can someone explain why the above user is being downvoted?

        Im no advocate, nor biologist or whatever… but biologically, plants are living organisms, like our cute furry animals that we hate to admit, but eat…

        So, by him getting downvoted, isnt that an example of our bias? …which the film is trying to acknowledge?

        • +2

          Plants are not sentient. Animals are.

        • -4


          Is that a scientific fact, or just something we made up, because animals actually 'move', while plants don't really do anything?

          OK, so our dogs and cows are sentient. What about fish? Take it a step further - What about shrimps? Take it a step further - What about mussels and clams?

          …I think it's a matter of perspective; I'm not convinced!

        • -1

          @inose: take the concensus of credible science or take your own opinion. Whatever.

        • +1


          Give me some sources of those "credible science" you mention mate, or get off your high horse.

          The consensus is that animals suffer, because we can see them suffering. You don't need science to see that…

          But where's the evidence to say that plants don't suffer?

        • +2

          @thevofa: there's actually plenty of scientific research demonstrating plants having some form of sensation. For example anesthetics can be used to sedate and slow down certain reactions of a plant to a stimulus meaning although plants don't have a distinct nervous system (which is limited only to what we currently know) they actually do have a mechanism of sensation which can be blocked or stimulated just like animals. So in reality we just don't understand how their sensory system works exactly and so most assume it doesn't exist all together which is scientifically incorrect.

        • @inose: Plants do suffer trauma but they don't feel pain. Pain is our body's way of letting us know that there is something wrong. Put your hand over a naked flame and the pain and resulting reflex action will cause your hand to instantly move away from the flame without even thinking about it. Pain serves no purpose in plants

        • @Scrooge McDuck: well according to wickets video based on extensive "scientific research" - firefighters would go in and save a car—- so I guess a car has more potential to feel pain.

        • @inose: google Cambridge Declaration On Consciousness

        • @inose: actually just google or Wikipedia sentience.

        • @zine21:

          based on extensive "scientific research" - firefighters would go in and save a car

          Where does it say that?

        • @zine21:

          So if you're a vegan and you also don't eat plant or plant-based products, what can you consume? Serious question.

        • @wicket1120:


        • -1

          @wicket1120: at the start of the video when he argues his cause "a little truth in science for a change". His CNS argument is also not scientific by the way if you're interested. Central nervous system is distinct to animals granted, however plants can and do respond to chemical transmitters that are known to act and affect the nervous system, and they do respond surprisingly similar. I'm not actually trying to argue that we shouldn't be eating plants - it's just ignorant to assume that plants have no sensation and animals do - just because we have a CNS and they don't.

          I can't comment on what vegans should eat or shouldn't eat :) If you ask me there is no difference - humans are ultimately part of the ecosystem and within it we will depend on other living beings to survive and co-exist - we can't exist in isolation - we depend heavily on each other. But for some reason humans like to separate themselves from the rest of the ecosystem and place themselves at the center of everything. Part of that involves lying to ourselves about the foods we eat in order to make that okay- ow I don't eat animals I eat plants cause they won't feel it. Instead of stopping people from eating meat/plants and pumping ourselves with chemicals for nutrients - how about improving quality of life of the animals we consume - so that we have better ways of getting what is needed for survival without causing as much disturbance/harm (this isn't something new either - the animal kingdom is simply this). Obviously people who want to be vegetarian/vegan - can continue with that - but they won't have as much luck in trying to make everyone else in the planet a vegan- would be like trying to turn all of the animals into herbivores- can't do it in a day - and will require bigger evolutionary changes. (Humans think they can for themselves but even with that most struggle and depend on supplements - simply because we have evolved to this point of dependance - maybe back on the evolutionary tract we once could - but these essential organs are mostly remnants now.

          (I could go on and on about this but I think I should just force myself to stop now lol)

        • +1

          @zine21: there is plenty information that suggests plants are reactive rather than responsive but I suspect you are more interested in justifying animal exploitation than being concerned for plants. If I'm mistaken then vow to stop mowing your lawns and get back to me.

        • @thevofa: raise chickens at home - and you won't need to "maw your lawn". Pain is a reaction to chemical stimulus. Its nothing more then bradykinins acting on your free nerve endings to cause an immediate response/ie move your hand from the hot stove. Have a look at the video I attached- that is a response. And just like you that response can be manipulated

    • -6

      Sponsored by the tofu lovers federation of australia.

  • +13

    I have seen this film. Very graphic however it really gets the message across about how we treat our fellow 'earthlings'.

    • I can vouch for that, its very graphic, but it reveals (mmm veal) the truth about a lot of stuff in our society.

      I couldnt watch it all back when i was 18, couldnt handle it. Its watching the torture of animals, for humans' happiness… the truth

  • +14

    Warning: This movie disturbed me more than 'A Serbian Film' mainly because it's unfortunately all non-fiction. Should be part of all senior schools curriculum! Difficult to watch but nevertheless a must see! Not sure you'll want to look people in the eye afterwards let alone talk to anyone for a few hours though.

    • More than Taxidermia?

      • Haven't seen that one so I can't comment sorry.

    • agreed. one of the toughest films to watch - I haven't got through it all yet. It presents a very powerful argument that I had not considered in any real depth before this film.

      going to McDonalds after Supersize Me is a walk in the park compared to having a steak chaser after this film!

  • +12

    This is a doco worth watching

    (if you're not afraid of facing some awful realities).

    • +1

      + free food = I'm there

      Meet you there turnip?

      • +1

        On the 12th, you're on.
        Sunday cheap Opal fare too! :P
        (I'll book it now)

        • This is gonna be hotter than Schindler's List.

        • +1

          @Scrooge McDuck: The three hours will go by like that!

  • +2

    Second Date Added

  • -8

    Vegetarians/vegans do know that farmers shoot/poison/trap rabbits, birds, feral pigs, insects and other sentient pests too, right?

    • +8

      Ya know, sometimes it's worthwhile just trying to reduce the amount of shit we do to the planet, rather than trying to achieve total perfection in which nothing suffers and no damage is done.

      Knowledge/education is also still worthwhile even if you don't necessarily change the way you live as a result of it, IMO. Being informed has got to be better than remaining ignorant and naive.

      Making tiny changes (or even making different decisions now and then, rather than 100% of the time, be it the products you buy or foods you eat or activities you participate in that have some environmental impact) is better than making no changes at all. Using the old 'hypocrite' argument, as you've just attempted to, is quite honestly the worst way to respond to anything like this.

      I didn't neg you, btw.

  • +2

    and Ozvegan is born

  • -6

    Omg is goona bee all goooone like the treetix if you don't hurry! High in demand these tickets.

  • -2

    why this is offer us to visit and watch the film if they already have the links for us to watch on their Earthlings website?

    • +1

      Free food and poignant discussion afterwards.

    • +3

      Its an opportunity to connect with others. Make bonds, share ideas and make like-minded friends.

      • -4

        l like eat meat. would there be meat for the supper?

  • +1

    very graphic.

    if you're sensitive you wont eat meat for a little while - like my brother, he he.

    well worth seeing

  • +5

    Very pleased to see this on here. Thanks OP :)

  • +3

    If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we would all be vegetarian.

    ― Paul McCartney

  • It really does put things into perspective

  • I watched a part of it - some of it is BS. Like the poor pigs being scolded with boiling water. The pig`s dead, just like when you put it on the BBQ. :)

    • And some of it isn't. I'd be happier if it was all BS, but unfortunately, not the case.
      It's one thing to kill humanely, and then there's what you'll see in Earthlings.

      • If you think such a thing as humane killing exists then you've missed the entire point of Earthlings.

        • Even the RSPCA says there`s something like humane killing…


        • +3

          @saffers: The word humane just implies compassion. The most 'humane' way to kill an animal is instantly, yes. The core question that Earthlings raises is whether it is compassionate to bring life in to the world solely for human pleasure in the first place.

        • @saffers: Slave traders had rules for humane treatment too.

  • The scene when someone skined that animal alive in china will be in my mind forever

  • Very disturbing film, but everyone needs to watch it still! Like mentioned above, I was off all meat for a couple of months before starting to eat it again. However every now and then I think about this film and feel ashamed of myself for being such a hypocrite. Whilst a part of me strongly urges me to stop eating meat, I just can't. I was planning a steak dinner at Kingsley's for next week which won't happen for a while now :'(

    My sis though changed to being a vegetarian and she still is. She swears she's never going to eat meat ever again.

    • feel ashamed of myself for being such a hypocrite

      How so? I am not ashamed of what i eat. I don't think that may people expect their maccas treat to be sung kumbaya throughout its life while gently being whispered about the inevitable, that it's purpose in life is to be someones meal. Can it be done better? Probably. But how about we start being this upset about the human suffering all over the world?

      Edit: haven't watched it. Don't feel the need. But… is it also full of nature sorting itself out, just to balance it? For instance a zebra being torn to shreds by predators? Or is it really something created to make you feel bad think about what you eat?

      • Hi Martijn,

        It's about how humans treat animals. I feel bad because I've watched the film and when I eat meat I feel like I'm supporting the barbaric slaughter :(

        • Really? I hope this isn't going to offend you… but: Voting Liberal or Labour means you support the "war on terror (ISIS, etc)". Buying petrol from Shell means you indirectly support the shit going on in Nigeria. Buying apple products means you indirectly support/condone the terrible working conditions at foxxcon, etc.

          There's a place for concern. And i am sorry, but my concern is with human welfare first.

      • But how about we start being this upset about the human suffering all over the world?

        The irony is that a great deal of human suffering could be prevented if most of the world's crops were't used to feed livestock.

        • The irony is that a great deal of human suffering could be prevented if most of the world's crops were't used to feed livestock.

          I was thinking more about the suffering caused by wars, which are usually about money or control, one way or another. But i take your point, farming has become a business… and like any business, profits seem to rule.

        • hehehehe - sorry can`t help it.

      • -1

        Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.

        ― Theodor W. Adorno
        • Thus is order ensured: some have to play the game because they cannot otherwise live

          Also Theodor Adorno

        • @Martijn:

          What he actually wrote was :

          Thus is order ensured: some have to play the game because they cannot otherwise live, and those who could live otherwise are kept out because they do not want to play the game.


        • +1


          Oh well, don't eat meat. Easy, problem sorted. Just don't try to stop me :)

  • It's interesting to see how people are effected by a movie so much. I doubt the movie contains anything more then what we all already suspect is to be the case. We don't go around assuming the world is a big candy land where every creature within it is happy. If we had to get down to it - in nature animals are usually more happier then human beings - ever wonder why zebras dont get ulcers ? why birds don't just fly up and just let go. I know the aim of the movie is to probably to show how ill the animals we consume are treated - and for that some might go off the meat for a few hours or maybe a few days - couple of months ? then ultimately returning back to where they started. Why ? because we like to lie to ourselves - pretend things don't exist and end up doing things the same way regardless. If humans trully were "humane" (as we like to classify ourselves often) - we would first stop human sufferings on the planet - when we can't even help ourselves - can we really help other living beings ? I'm sorry but we have not evolved beyond our animalistic nature any more then the pets we raise. We just like distancing ourselves from the rest of nature - claiming we are civilised and beyond (cause we can form thoughts and ideas and have feelings ? ) - even when we are trying to help another life form we claim that they need our "superior" help - when in actual fact we often are the cause of the problem.

    • +1

      Only a very small minority would know where and how their meat and dairy products come from. Most people don't know and don't care. I've got an Indian friend who is a Hindu and a vegetarian because of his religion. However they do drink milk and eat dairy products. He couldn't care less about how they produced milk or where it came from. For him, it comes from the supermarket. He doesn't (and majority of general population don't) know where and how their dairy stuff is gotten and how animals are treated in the process.

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