This was posted 9 years 11 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Foxtel from Telstra - Save $105 on 12 Month Plan


Telstra is offering first 3 months of Sports + HD free on a 12 month contract for existing Telstra customers (mobile, broadband, etc). You just have to pay for the entertainment pack $25 and sport + HD will be included for free. Then pay $60 per month for the remaining 9 months to get Entertainment, Sport + HD

  • $0 install fee
  • $75 iQHD box
  • Pay only $25 per month for first 3 months
  • Then pay $60 per month for the remaining 9 months to get Entertainment, Sport + HD (or $50 per month if you don't go with additional HD)

Telstra doesn't have any IQ3 boxes as yet as it was release a couple of days ago
IQ3 will be $125 when released

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closed Comments

  • +1

    You just have to pay for the entertainment pack $25 and sport + HD will be included for free.

    Err the HD isn't included free..

    Then pay $60 per month for the remaining 9 months to get Entertainment, Sport + HD

    You're paying the $10 a month extra for the HD anyway, or else you'd only be paying $50 a month.

    • +3

      Don't want to split hairs here but I think you have misread the post Porthos. You get the HD free (and the sport) for the first 3 months and then you pay for it with your normal $60 package. Where the OP has it wrong is the first sentence, but corrects this in the next sentence. The 3 free months are for the Sport + HD component, not the Entertainment.

  • +9

    huge discount, but still too expensive lol

  • +18

    Wake me up when its $105 for 12 months

    • +8

      thats about how much i pay for netflix

      • +1

        that doesnt help for sports that this post is about. Netflix doesnt have too much afl or nrl as far as I know (or any other Aus programs)

  • +5

    $8.75 is a lot less than how much foxtel is overpriced. If anyone cares you can get satellite Foxtel, get a box for every room for $20 each and then give them to your mates who have old Foxtel satellites and split the bill. I get the full package for $35/month and I still don't watch it so I gave my last box to a mate and just facilitate their cheap Foxtel haha

    • How?

      • +3

        Get Foxtel w/ satellite dish on roof with premium package. Get additional outlets in your house (Apparently my garage has it haha). Each of those additional boxes cost $20 regardless of whether you're on the basic or premium package. Take those boxes and give them to your mates who have an old Foxtel or Austar satellite dish on the roof. It doesn't matter where they live. Mine have gone to old uni buddies so as far north as Byron bay and as far south as Wollongong (I just posted the box). We just divided the bill by 5 (5 boxes, one at at each person's house) and each pay via BPAY. Ironically despite having figured this out and called Foxtel for a 50% discount by threatening to cancel I still can't be bothered to watch it and prefer to watch $10/month Netflix. Hope that explains it :)

        • It works the same with cable too. Everyone just has to be on the same.

          But just be careful when they do a 'box blitz' and deliberately take down boxes to see who calls up to get them fixed!

        • Sounds interesting. I have an unused fox dish on my roof. just need to find someone who wants to split things.. :)

        • Just make sure that if there are any problems with the boxes to return them to the person who has the contract and get them to call so that Foxtel doesn't find out.

        • @noz: Would you avoid plugging the box into the internet? The features on the new IQ3 will probably be fairly limited without internet, yet if you plug it in, it would make it easy for them to track you.

        • @sb944:
          Would you need to plug it into the internet to timer record things? (I don't mean "remote web scheduling" I mean just even at the box itself).

  • +2

    I wouldn't pay $75 for an IQ 2 box that is going to be updated tomorrow

    • Dont rush into the iq3 is all i can recommend. Still very buggy, being new tech i expect it will be for a while. I miss my iq2 :(

      • Dont rush into the iq3 is all i can recommend.

        So you've used it?

        • Correct.

        • @throwawaytime:

          what additional features does it have over the IQ2 ?

          I'm still on the original IQ and looking at upgrading to HD this year…

        • +1

          Bluetooth remote (as opposed to IR) - however currently this un-pairs itself regularly and often buttons stop working so need to manually unpair it and re pair it to get it working again. Easier to just just the old ir remote on the iq3 (yes, it still works)

          The layout is MUCH different. Comes up with posters for shows/movies. Looks alright when connected to the net as it can load those posters, when not connected it doesnt look as good IMO

          There is now a page for suggested shows and trending shows, so just ways of finding new stuff to watch

          Start over function. So if you missed the start of a show you can start from the beginning (up to 24 hours ago i am pretty sure). This function uses data though to watch the program, not the sat.

          There is probably a few more things that i have forgotten. You will probably get smashed with ads about the features of it in the coming months though i would assume.

          The best bit is probably the wifi connection instead of PLAs, and the standard 1tb hdd. As opposed to having to push to get a 1tb instead of the standard 500gb

        • @throwawaytime:

          Thanks… Can't see them releasing it until those issues are fixed, otherwise their support lines will get flooded…

        • Yeah, you would think, but wouldnt put it past them given how long theyve been advertising it for now.
          It does have A LOT less issues than it did, but it will still clog up theyre call centres with issues i believe.
          Go IQ2 for a bit if youre wanting hd channels.
          Also heads up to anyone with an older tv with no hdmi, dont even consider iq3, as it is only hdmi, so either upgrade tv first or go iq2

        • @throwawaytime:

          Go IQ2 for a bit if youre wanting hd channels.

          Nope, I'm happy to wait… No point in paying twice to upgrade…

        • Record up to 3 shows at once, while watching a 4th live

          Hmmm… might be worth the upgrade just for this…

          Feature list HERE…

        • @throwawaytime:

          I also heard that it has some feature where if you were to for example change the channel to Fox Footy half way through a game, you could go back to the start and watch it from the beginning but am not 100% sure this is correct.

        • @wogboy315:

          but am not 100% sure this is correct.

    • IQ3 will be $125

  • -4

    foxtel should be free

    • +3


      • +2

        no, Why?

    • Premium Content for Free? …Why?

  • You'll get the IQHD box for free if you push them with this deal - i did - but had to phone up (i placed order online first then phoned up)

  • Well, after many a f@k up on their end, I should FINALLY be getting my Foxtel installed this Wednesday! Unless someone mysteriously cancel my order (and account) again like they did last week. The "we have no idea why it was done" part of their explanation was very reassuring too, especially seeing as I'm not even a customer yet so I can only imagine all the good times that are about to come. I did get the deal above but honestly, I already feel like it's waaaaay too expensive given the service provided so far.

    Unfortunately with the ridiculous amount of decent sport in FTA and being tired of the poor quality of most 'alternative' streaming services, I just had to bite the bullet… sigh

    Now I wonder if I'll get the the IQ2 or IQ3!

    • Afaik you would get iq2 unless you specifically request 3 at this stage, or unless you were on the list for expressed interest in it.
      I could be wrong but that is how i believe it is rolling out. It will be a gradual release though from what i have heard, not a strong release.

    • Unless someone mysteriously cancel my order (and account) again like they did last week.

      Ha ha… happened to me 3 times trying to order Telstra cable…

      I reckon I spent about 6 hours on the phone, and talked to about a dozen Telstra people before it finally got done…

      • Yep… and I had ordered through Telstra too. And just cause I already have cable with them… This little blunder cost me 2 days off I had to take to wait for a technician who never came! aaaaargh

        • +1

          And just cause I already have cable with them…

          My issue was because I already had Foxtel.

          They kept assuming that I wanted my cable modem installed in my living room with the Foxtel box instead of my office, and kept cancelling the order and not even telling me…

    • +5

      Sport is the only thing that keeps Foxtel alive.

      • and the LifeStyle channel…

  • I'd love to get the entertainment + sport HD with this discount package, but I might as well add the drama package too, so I don't have to use channel BT for Game of Thrones. But it appears that the Telstra website won't allow for this combo, or am I wrong?

    • But it appears that the Telstra website won't allow for this combo, or am I wrong?

      That is correct, you cannot add extra channels to the Telstra bundles… (If you are bundling with internet), but with stand alone Foxtel only through Telstra, you can

      • Well that sucks. So I can't even add drama after install?

        • So I can't even add drama after install?

          Not if it's bundled with Telstra internet… If it's just a separate Foxtel only service on your Telstra bill, you should be able to add / remove extra channels.

          I had this issue when trying to get one of the Telstra internet/Foxtel bundles. The first rep I spoke to said I could add later, but even before they connected my internet, I lost my extra channels. When I called to add them again, they said I couldn't. I cancelled the initial contract (lucky I kept a transcript record of the original conversation saying I could.)

        • @jv: I wasn't going to bundle it with Telstra Internet, I have a mobile phone account with them though

  • +1

    Telstra Foxtel won't get the IQ3 til 2nd week in April.

  • +2

    replaced by netflix 1/6 of the cost
    ¹sans sport :)

  • Foxtel is a rip. Archaic pricing

  • I wonder if we can get the IQ2 box for free with this deal and then pay $125 later on to get IQ3.

  • Just curious…

    The 'box blitz' works with the iq boxes too? or just the standard boxes?

    My father in law has Foxtel purely for sport. I'm thinking I could pay for an IQ box, upgrade his plan to HD and then split the cost with him.

    • Not sure on the box blitz. It will work as long as you have the satelite and equipment ready to go. Get him to ask fotel for the IQ box and HD then ask for a DIY kit for another IQHD box so you can take it then split the costs. If you ever have problems with your box, take it to his place and get him to call up.

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