This thread was inspired by lemc6125's
If you could have one wish come true , what would it be?
This thread was inspired by lemc6125's
If you could have one wish come true , what would it be?
AMA request to Jar Jar Binks :D
Trust me , he's not that interesting :b
His wife
so u want one night with his wife
so u want one night with his wife
You mean like a whole night of erm self-love ? That would be a bit of an overkill, wouldn't it?
p.s: I am his wife ;)
your signoff,
"His wife" confuse me and I thought you meant one night with his wife..was your wish
Wish for more wishes :D
So you wld use your wish to wish for something that you already had: a wish?
Plural mate, why choose what wish you want when you can wish for them all
Infinite wishes? How depressing would it be to have everything at the click of your finger?
IMHO, life is struggle and resistance; a series of conquests. We evolve, expand and grow through them.The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realisation demands very great struggle.
If I cease to struggle, I would cease to exist.
@wicket1120: +1 so much.
I read this thread last night and ended up sitting here for ages thinking quite seriously what I would wish for. The more I really thought about any idea that popped into my mind (or the options in the poll), the more I realised how empty it would be to have something granted and 'fixed'… something entirely predictable and concrete for the rest of your life, be it having endless money, or being loved without it being real/earned, and even stuff I thought would make me happy like more self confidence, or to rid myself of anxiety and self doubt (I figured having confidence could simply lead to gaining the stuff in the poll anyway, right?).
But then you wouldn't be who you are. The crap in life, the struggles and hurt and knowing what it's like to lack something or go without - they make life what it is, and worth living, don't they? etc etc, just as you've said, wiki. Totally.
So I really don't know what I'd wish for… or it might take me a long time to answer the poor genie, at least.
@wicket1120: But by having multiple wishes, I can wish for mundane things and still have wishes left over. I don't want everything done for me, but I know that there are mundane things that would make my life easier. Something like, I wish I had the exact changes for buying things, I wish the bus was already here, etc. If I had one and only one wish, I wouldn't be able to "waste" the wish on something mundane like that.
Struggle without any resolution in my personal opinion is just a stressful struggle.
Why would you wish to have the exact change for buying things, when you could use the same wish to have those things for free and delivered to your living room?
Why would you wish the bus was on time when you could wish for a car or to be teleported to wherever you need to be? :)
Why would you have to go to uni, couldn't you wish for your lecturers to come to you? Or better, wish to have a copy of the solution to the exam papers and then there's no need to go to uni at all. Unless of course you just wish to get your degree without having to ever have to attend any lectures or sit any exams. Why then stop at a bachelor's degree, why not get a masters or a phd. Its just a matter of wishing and it comes true, right?
If its just a matter of wishing, why not wish to be a superhero. A superhero will save more lives than an ordinary person.But again,why stop at 1 superhero. Why couldn't you be the whole cast of the Avengers?..etc
IMHO,if there is no longing, no struggle to get it, whatever you get is valueless, meaningless.
Struggle without any resolution in my personal opinion is just a stressful struggle.
We don't always win in life but to have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals, this alone is worth the struggle.
We don't always win in life but to have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals, this alone is worth the struggle.
^ This
Not everyone survives their struggles :( Sometimes I wish that life could be less harsh..
@wicket1120: Because having everything can be boring, like you've said. I'd rather have something to fall back to, rather than not having anything.
Sometimes what you acheieve is more than what you end up with. i.e. I've once spent a whole week, sleeping less than 5 hours in total on writing a Maths report in high school. The sense of achievement I've got was greater than the result I've ended up with. I've got something close to my average marks I've been receiving at the time, but that assignment is the only thing that I talk about to this day, since it was that satisfying for me.
Besides, the thoughts of there being an end of their struggles can be more than enough to get through for some people.
It's just my personal opinion on this hypothetical thing. I've experienced struggles that are simply seemed, at the time, never ending that resulted in scars and nothing more. I'd rather have that fall back option as a result. Sorry about going slightly personally and touchy.
@waterlogged turnip: I was thinking along the lines of a few people in my life who have committed suicide, wish I did have that chance to talk to them before it turned out that way… Sigh
@waterlogged turnip: if you aren't sure maybe you can consider ending world hunger or asking for world peace? you may not need that wish but there are millions of people who are wishing for change everyday. just my 2 cents.
@turkz1: How does ending world hunger work? If it's 12pm and I'm hungry, have we really ended world hunger? And if the world is not at war (since 1945) aren't we at world peace?
I'll take your 2c and raise you $2.
I'm sorry that dachshund puppy photo I sent you didn't cheer you up for a bit longer! :(
Muddle on through, moogi - in one way or another and usually in multiple ways EVERYBODY is just muddling through as best as they can.
Especially on Mondays!
@moogi27 I am so sorry for your loss :(
Have you thought of maybe joining a support group for suicide survivors? It may help to connect with other people who have experienced the same type of loss that you have. It might even prove to be healing.
Alliance of hope is a site developed by survivors for survivors. Have a look at their forum, if you feel like it.
My heart goes out to you :( You cannot save anyone; you can only love them.
@muncan: And if the world is not at war (since 1945) aren't we at world peace? you serious? so i'm just dreaming up the fact that people are getting shot and killed around the world on a day to day basis then? just because this isn't at your doorstep doesn't mean that there is no war in the world. look beyond yourself mate, maybe being hungry at noon isn't the worst thing in the world. take your $2 and go donate it to a charity.
@moogi27: Needing an OzBreak, I would imagine. Reached the point I did, but decided to go one step further.
Like you, moogi (and turnip), I'm sure he'll come back, at some point.
I do know that on just about every occasion I've clicked on the live feed (irrespective of the time), he has been in it.
How many hours a day has he been spending on OzBargain? My guess is: many.
I have a friend in England who is very active (too active) on social media. In the last few months, she has deleted her twitter on no less than three occasions. She's ok, but by her own admission, the internet is sending her a bit loopy.
Prior to a Mr.Binks return, the lovely Wicket - in the interim and behind the crease for OzBargain duties. Twins allowing!
HELP!!! My wife has locked me in the RED ROOM OF PAIN!!! Can't get out! I'm… ok, I'm kidding.I'm fine:-) What Tas said and some other stuff. But mostly what Tas said.
I also did something very,very naughty last night. I must have been going through withdrawal 8S Apologies to mods.
p.s: @scrooge Mcduck , why is my wife blowing you kisses? or was that a typo? o.O
I also did something very,very naughty last night. I must have been going through withdrawal 8S Apologies to mods.
You didn't pay RRP for something, did you?? O_O
p.s: @scrooge Mcduck , why is my wife blowing you kisses? or was that a typo? o.O
*Looks at keyboard.*
Context considered, pretty sure 'z', 's', 'd', 'c' and ' ' would make less sense. So gonna have to take the kiss. ><
I dunno dude, women occasionally sign off texts like that and I'm not quite sure how often they mean it. Which is vexing to me since I always mean it.
vid of this :(
So it wasn't my fault.
PS - One can't get sent to the penalty box for PMs, right?
@Scrooge McDuck: It most definitely was a kiss. A friendly kiss.
Your concern was touching. Thank you.
PS - One can't get sent to the penalty box for PMs, right?
I think they can.. but I'm only assuming the reason the OP in this thread is in the Penalty Box is due to the PM they sent to thornton…
I dunno dude, women occasionally sign off texts like that and I'm not quite sure how often they mean it.
Semi-appropriate song, but not really.. I just wanted to link it cos it always cracks me up lyrically.
Dearest Wiki,
My thoughts are with you, and JJB (wherever he is), at this challenging time.
I know that, by now, you must have asked yourself:
"Did I really marry one of the most beloved of all the characters from Star Wars? Or did I marry, instead, a mere, human, male?"
I never imagined that I would find myself actively encouraging, let alone endorsing, the 'cutting of someone else's grass', but I really think that you should explore your nascent feelings for Scrooge McDuck - and let him - explore the nascent feelings that he almost certainly has for you.
During his downtime from OzBargain, Jar Jar is likely to be away a lot - manually seeking bargains by day, aimlessly wandering the streets and howling at the moon, at night.
Frankly, Wiki, you are going to get lonely.
I'm not exactly sure of the specific gestation period that you're in for, but I feel that in the time Jar Jar is away, you and Mr.McDuck could easily conceive and hatch-out quite an impressive clutch of ewoklings.
If they are as cute as I envision (maybe even if they're not - Jar Jar is a caring fellow), I'm sure that Mr.Binks will forgive you, and your - understandable in the circumstance of raging duck-love, infidelity.
Bonus: Your kids will undoubtedly be thrilled by their new playmates!
As always, on OzBargain, I am here to help.
Yours sincerely,
@Tas: Dearest T'as, the only thing that is correct in your analysis is that the twins love ducklings. Who wouldn't, when they are so kawaii? :)
Here is where you went wrong:
Your advice to
(…) let [scrooge] explore the nascent feelings that he almost certainly has for you.
My nascent fondness for scrooge is unrequited. He has not returned my friendly kiss nor does it look like he might acknowledge it with a 'thank you' anytime soon. Quite sad really,since I find his comments to be intellectually stimulating and his grumpiness endearing. And then of course, there is his chest: Oh! what a sight to behold! I believe it made Ms Turnip exclaim, in admiration, :"Can't motorboat that. Would bruise face. Jebus." Maybe he would rather receive kisses from Ms Turnip, hence why he is ignoring mine?
As for me being bored, I assure you I am not. If anything, JJB is driving me to utter and complete knackerdness! By the time I stumbled out of bed this morning, he had already cleaned the house, gone for a 12km run , had a shower and was making us pancake and waffles! It was 7.30 a.m! Then it was a family trip to the market followed by a family bike ride to the duck pond, where we had the picnic lunch that he had somehow found time to prepare… And while the kids and I had a well-deserved siesta, he went to play a soccer game with a bunch of 17/18 year olds. He's currently in the garage, boxing.
I like it when he's only human and acts like one.His 'superman' episodes make me look like an unproductive slob, which I assure you, I am not.I like to chill on my weekends. What's wrong with that, I ask?
Nothing, Wiki. You have a spear. Use it on Jar Jar when he is in manic-mode.
No late night tonight, so the likelihood of being dragged along to another Sunday morning market looms large for me. It looms.
Pelted down with rain this morning.
I have come to wish for such weather on Sundays.
Wiki - relative to the OzB email-update, you edited your comment a bit.
No, I can't think of anything on OzBargain that you might have missed that might have triggered Jar Jar's latest 'superman'/m-mode, although I did subtly imply something the other day in this very thread. That couldn't be it, could it?
JJB wasn't singing 'Genie in a Bottle' while preparing the pancakes and waffles, was he?
Still, pancakes and waffles.
Your life could be worse - a McDuck rebuff notwithstanding…
Speaking of which, by him - Rude.
Regards, Wiki and my best to JJB/Christina/PancakeGenie.
That couldn't be it, could it?
JJB wasn't singing 'Genie in a Bottle' while preparing the pancakes and waffles, was he?
@Wiki/PrincessLeia: Sans spear. Gains hidden light saber. Just as kawaii.
If I may…
I'm no expert on such things, Wiki, and while I do appreciate that light-saber-concealment trumps fashion, I also do think that your dress could benefit from a few alterations.
Hair, however, on point/fleek.
Obvious decision to defy current bushy eyebrow trend: Brave.
(Emoticons with a shocking monobrows, but still smiling: Also brave.)
I also do think that your dress could benefit from a few alterations.
The last time I took fashion advice from a man , I ended up wearing this dress ( front back ) to go to a nerds party. It was held together by knots and sticky tape.I was 5 months pregnant.
The morale of that story is: never trust a man to dress you or you'll be walking around half-naked.
Any fashion advice that results in a woman showing off a beautiful back, is EXCELLENT advice.
Likewise, Slidey-SheerFabrique (a technical fashion term - you wouldn't understand) over a pregnant belly, is always fashion-forward.
+1 on your comment is for the dress.
Kindly listen to all future male advice. Headstrong minx.
Your gravatar has NO EYEBROWS AT ALL. You clearly need guidance.
Don't you believe in love, Scrooge?
I don't believe in anything.
But I do have an elementary understanding of the billions of years of evolution responsible for the neurochemistry involved in interpersonal attraction.
The last time I took fashion advice from a man , I ended up wearing this dress ( front back ) to go to a nerds party. It was held together by knots and sticky tape.
So that's a good thing right? ^_^
I was 5 months pregnant.
Before or after the party? :o
BTW, I heard that Jar Jar had this item dry cleaned late last year, how did that work out?
But I do have an elementary understanding of the billions of years of evolution responsible for the neurochemistry involved in interpersonal attraction.
That is McDuck's way of saying that he DOES believe in love (and ducklings.)
Speaking of translation…
It dawned on me this very morning that Jar Jar may have mentioned in a past comment that you were of Mauritian extraction, hence a French speaker.
Tissu stuff is made in a factory.
So there.
Is there a tongue-sticky-outey emoticon?
Close enough.
Incidentally, men don't expect any praise for our (universally excellent) fashion advice.
We just take pride in a job well done.
That is actually a very versatile emoticon.
That is McDuck's way of saying that he DOES believe in love (and ducklings.)
I think that is Scrooge way of saying that he DOES have an (elementary? :p) understanding of how to make ducklings but that he's too clever to fall victim to Nature's "Love trap".
4 things neuroscience can teach us about love
@Scrooge, JJB is my strong cup of coffee, my ibuprofen,my valium , my anti-depressant and my cocaine.The best part is he's free. Now that's a bargain! :)
I'm sure that Scrooge also understands how to make ewoklings, and maybe even leialings.
Similar method, half the quacking.
Wiki, you edited the last bit of your comment again, but does JJB know that you consider yourself in a trap, albeit a 'love trap'..?
Does he also know that you do drugs, namely, him? (ok, that's a rhetorical question…)
Re: Link that mentions Helen Fisher.
She's had me in a 'love trap' of sorts for years. One of coolest, smartest, down-to-earth women / non-duck-chicks, ever / EVAH.
I've heard a number of interviews that she has given. A regular over the years on Radio National's Science Show. I've also read some of her work.
Will watch that TED talk later.
how did that work out?
A marked increase in the subject's level of both serotonin and Oxytocin was noted.
I need to get that man to sign some kind of confidentiality agreement asap.
BTW, I heard that Jar Jar had this item dry cleaned late last year,
how did that work out?
I'm not going looking for the original comment by JJB to try and glean context.
Should I?
Hmm.. Nope.
I'm just going to focus on jumping to my own conclusions.
Seems reasonable.
I've already got 3, and don't want 2, so more money it is.
Am i the only one thinking this person has pets, possibly dogs?
I feel I could have all the options offered if I lived long enough……
The worst thing about being immortal would be to watch everyone you care about , grow old and die.How many loved ones can you bury , before you go crazy with grieve? I couldn't think of anything worse:(
its easier to just be neutral. Never love or hate. Obviously our emotions are our weakness as human beings and will probably be the cause to our extinction when the time comes.
But if we can get rid of all emotions in our selves, or supress them somehow, we may have a chance but I doubt it.
Neutrality is not far from depression. Without emotions, there would be nothing to motivate us.
Why would you care even care about the extinction of the human race if you were completely neutral in your emotions. Why would you even get out of bed?
Plus, positive emotions mean you can enjoy puppies and ice cream and junk.
@Jebediah_Kerman: +1
It's taken me a long, long time to understand that emotions aren't a weakness or flaw, or something that we should control. We can't control how we feel.
What we can control is how we respond/react to those emotions. The behaviour is where it matters. Our only 'weakness' (though I dislike that term in such context) is that often we fail to pause, think, process and act mindfully.
Life without emotions would be ever so dull. Without them, how would we ever know what's important to us? Our values? etc.
@spn, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as an optimal state of being that maximizes one's potential for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. It does not confine health to physical parameters or measures. Passion, interest and action are needed for optimal mental and emotional health.
(…)be neutral. Never love or hate. (…)get rid of all emotions in our selves, or supress them somehow
People presenting with the above characteristics (blunted affect,detachment,apathy) would seem to fall short of the WHO definition of health.
In fact, a strong connection exists between these symptoms and mental disorders such as schizophrenia,depression, dysthemia or even schizoid personality disorder. The last one is quite ironic, considering that it is often abbreviated to SPD and your handle is SPN.
Edit: couldn't find an SPN in the Mrs' DSM copy. Do you mind if I ask what it stands for?
You're absolutely right. Life would be bland.
I also think society as a whole would be negatively impacted. Emotions are our major motivator. Without them, productivity would drop to what is necessary for survival (assuming we have survival instincts in this metaphorical situation.)
I do think a person has some level of control over their emotions though. Like you said, pause, think, process… after that, you may now feel as angry/sad etc…
@Jebediah_Kerman: when there is positive there has to be a negative there is no way around it. Il you can be good but to be good you need evil. Without evil you are not good.
I'm saying if we were to survive as a spiecies for the next infinite years then we will probably need to do something. Wars happen every century and we always have lunatics like hitler and saddam or whatever coming in. We just need to avoid he next world war 3 or 4 for the next infinite years and not let some lunatic hit the world self destruct button.
Now I'm going to stretch this theory by a very long shot so much so that it looks crazy but let's say those aliens need experimentations on humans because of our reproductive nature what if hey gave up their reproductive nature because sexual desires made them weak and went on the path of cloning , yet they survived millions of years but now they are a dying ancient race due to DNS degradation by cloning? Person I think emotions are our true weakness and we are so dependent that it is so hard to let go of them. It will be death of our race. It may not be now but probably in the future.
@Jar Jar Binks: it's my initials. Those definitions are defined by humans. Do you think it's good to be human? What is money? Social society makes us think money is important but we could meet alien visitors and it will mean absolutely worthless to them. We think we are smart but we see them once every few hundred years. Where is Archimedes or Leonardo da vinci of our generations.
Does anyone really think that there is a solution to end all wars for the next j finite years other than getting rid of emotions.
I've had this discussion with people a few times. I don't think that argument works too well because if we live to even the average life expectancy, we will see people we care about grow old and die.
We will more than likely outlive our parents and grand parents. We will also may outlive our siblings and friends. For those in a lifelong relationship, one will outlive the other.
So essentially what you are saying is already true for us, and yet most of us don't wish for a young death. Conversely, many people say that they would like to see their children and grand children grow up. Well, what about great grand children, and so on.
I know some people only want to have one family in their lifetime. This would still be their choice. Other immortals might choose to move on and start a new family, it would be up to them.
In any case, I don't think most people would want a shorter life because they will have to outlive others, and if they did, that could perhaps be considered selfish. I don't really see why this wouldn't apply to a life of any length.
We will more than likely outlive our parents and grand parents. We will also may outlive our siblings and friends. For those in a lifelong relationship, one will outlive the other.
True.But if you were immortal, you would not only outlive one sibling, but all of your siblings; not one friend, but all of your friends; not one partner, but all of your partners…etc
The worst would be outliving your children and their children and then their children. It would be unbearable..and to know that this was your choice: that you made the wish to be immortal.
In the words of Dr WHO:
I'm old enough to know that a longer life is not always a better one. In the end you just get tired. Tired of the struggle. Tired of losing everyone that matters to you. Tired of watching everything…turn to dust.
That's true. It would change from knowing you will most likely outlive your elders, and may outlive those younger than you, to knowing you will outlive them for certain.
I still feel it would be worth it though. You would lose some, and gain others. Lose your children, watch theirs grow (assuming you chose to have children).
To each their own though. I suppose other who have experienced more loss than I might have a different opinion.
@Jar Jar Binks: that's not even going to be the worst of it. IF I ever was immortal I'll be shitting myself the day extinction occurs or the planet blows up and you drift into space. The loneliness and all…. Shudders
Eventually we will all be immortal, well those of us that dont die before they sort out the technology anyway!
No need to see your loved ones die, we will all be able to live forever in the bodies of our young fit healthy selves. No wishes needed, just some research funding and a slight change in approval processes and scientific interest.
Interestingly, if we ceased to age and had much more powerful immune systems we would still have a 'life expectancy. Eventually all of those infinitesimal risks that a piano falls on your head, a bus runs you over etc will all add up.
In terms of 'getting bored', only those with no imagination would get bored. By middle age there are loads of people now that would not contemplate going back to school to learn a new career etc, maybe they already know their body couldn't hold up to a physical job etc. If we lived forever in the bodies of 23 yo's why not go back to uni as an 80 year old to take up medicine, why not quit your banking job as a 65 year old to take up a trade. Why not join the Air Force as a jet pilot at 70 with perfect vision and healthy body, why not get scouted as a professional footballer playing with your kids and grand-kids in a professional team. The danger in speculating on these kinds of things is that we make the 'value' judgments based on what we currently know, not what we could expect if all else was different.
Read an excellent series that talked about this very subject including the extraordinarily long lives recorded in biblical times, what they found was that after a certain age the soul began to feel a calling back to the source from which it came, so it wasn't so much a dying body thing but a time to go home type feeling that initiated the death of the physical form. They were working on methods of rapid reincarnation as well where by the soul jumps across to a new body and retains its previous knowledge but it was all very pagan and involved things like harnessing the energy of cedar trees. Anyway it was an interesting read and highly recommended for those who believe these 'technologies' already exist in the natural world.
This reminds me of a cracked article where they put immortality as the worst power when applied to the real world…
Living forever seems boring at certain point of life.
When you have enough money ( now my statement is not about gold diggers), you will have enough chances to meet people and eventually find a true love - or at least someone to spend your "Care free days".
Provided that living forever means I can go on without food for days… I'd choose that… so many games I want to finish yet life is too short… especially when you have to work most of it…
Live for ever most definitely mainly cause i could stay alive till a time when space travel is real for humans (im a massive fan of Stargate and exploring other planets lol) sure its a long time till thats all possible but it will comes at some point and id like to know whats truly out there beyonds our solar system.
Thats just me.
Immortality could be a curse. What would you do for eternity after the Universe suffers a catastrophic event, peters out or becomes otherwise uninteresting?
Wish granted. Several thousands of years later all humans become extinct, then a few millenia later the sun goes supernova and the earth is destroyed. You're left floating in space and get sucked into a black hole.
There's nothing to see here.
I chose to live forever because I've always wanted to since I was a girl and read Interview with the Vampire. Always thought I'll learn everything, travel everywhere, do everything. Never mind I may not be talented in some, I've got endless time! Lol
I chose 'to live forever'. The difference an omission of punctuation can make!
Wish granted. You get to live forever, and no physical harm can kill you. However unlike vampires, your cells will still gradually deteriorate and age, and you'll suffer the usual effects of aging (e.g wrinkles, rheumatism, dementia and osteoporosis). You also can't get a job because of age discrimination, sentencing you to a life of eternal boredom as you are locked in a nursing home with no living relatives to visit you.
They can create a new religion like "scientology"
and make themselves the eternal leader/god..
And there would be many worshippers wanting to know the secret to eternal life etc..
They would live like a god forever…
If I get dementia it wouldn't be that bad. People with dementia don't suffer too much as they have no awareness. It's the people who love them that suffers more.
Other - no more dumb polls :)
So your wish is
Jar jar binks would stop making these threads…
your wish is granted :) No more polls.
I was half joking……. Just up to to discern which half ….. :)
If you vote 'Other'- Please comment what it is!