Hi All,
Apologies for my ignorance in advance but I have been pondering why people post deals on OzBargain.
Associates or Store Reps I can understand but those who just seem to be posting with no affiliation, I can't figure out why. Is there some kind of benefit or status you can achieve in Ozbargain determined by the number of popular posts you make or something? or you guys are just nice people and like to share it with everyone :)
Why Post Deals on OzBargain?

Last edited 20/03/2015 - 14:11
We love bargains.
and got the extra mile to save some $$.
A $ saved is a $ earned :)
A $ saved is more than a $ earned factoring tax :D
fair enough!
here's to all the selfless people posting up bargains….keep 'em coming :)
Badges?! We dont need no stinkin badges!
The monthly and yearly awards incentivize some people posting here
that's pretty good!
didn't know it before
Wait, there are meet-ups??? Woah
I love this community and sharing deal is the best way to give back to them.
Every time someone asks where I work I say OzBargain which they of course have never heard of. They never understand what the site does. It's always, what do you sell? Nothing. Oh, like Groupon? No…ugghhhh. It's like Reddit. What's that? Uggghh. Like Facebook. Ohhh…
And then I get the questions about who posts. Oh so the store post their sales? Well, that's a small part but its mostly users posting deals that they find. Why do people do that? I don't know. It's fun?
I seem to have this conversation over and over. It seems like there are people who post content on sites like OzBargain, Whirlpool, Reddit etc. and then everyone else.
I love your job!
Every time someone asks where I work I say OzBargain
@Neil, are you a full-time ozbargain employee?
Yes, for the past ~2 years.
what do you do? :)
@neil:Do you have an 'anonymous' handle that you use to comment and say what you really think?
Edit: @neil, do an AMA already :-)
No. None of the mods do.
The only time I don't really say what I think is in response to rude/angry comments. Best thing to do is go for a walk, the gym, or just have a chat with other mods (we just got a chatroom). I'd probably give this advice to anyone who faces this situation either on OzBargain or at a workplace (angry email I guess).
No. We gave up on IRC. We use Hipchat which is working really well. The new OzBargain pop up (or bottom right) notification was inspired by a similar feature on Hipchat.
I'm not sure if Scott is going to roll out a room for all members. It is hosted on the OzBargain server.
Is this my AMA?
Hmm.. Well, I had never heard of a Community Manager before this so I'm not sure if this is what they do.
Moderating (Lots of time spent on this), Social Media, Posting Content (Stats, This Post), Analyzing Stats & Stuff, Bugs & New Feature Stuff, Contests, Meetups, Support Requests (Takedown notices etc.), Posting Content (ChoiceCheapies Stuff), Attending events, etc… We all share most of these tasks (well I don't program).
The big picture is that we want to grow the community to attract new users while at the same time making the existing users happy. I think we can be more than just an online community IMO.
@neil: I'm going to assume that you work from home. So…do you have a threadmill desk ?
Please just do an AMA :)
Yes, from home usually or a Regus lounge. I'm too much of a tightarse to run a treadmill. However, in my previous job I experimented with a rigged up standing desk due to a shoulder injury and they are really good. Well, I think best practice is mixing up the standing and sitting. I'm still in the market for a standing desk however paying $500 for glorified monitor stand seems excessive.
@neil: We were told we might be getting 2 threadmill desks which we would have to share with the rest of the department. Was hoping to get some feedback.
@Peace Maker: I have no idea what the role of Community Manager either previously. It was inspired from what Jono Bacon did at Ubuntu, who authored this great book on community management — The Art of Community Online (which you can download the PDF version for free).
Actually come to think of it, Neil does resemble Jono Bacon a bit esp the soul patch, except Neil has a lot more hair :)
Actually they do it to make people suffer… All those bargains and so little money after the first 10 or so bargains… They are a sadistic lot here. :)
They are just nice people. But I do suspect that people like TA and EC have OCD ;)
What an arse!
So your saying Ozbargin is a hobby?
Another follower
It's a karma thing for me. I've gained a lot from this site, many great deals I wouldn't otherwise have know about (ie got return airfares Per-Melb for 2 people, and 2 nights accommodation, for a grand total spend of $180…! Yeah that won't be beaten anytime soon!) and in return for that I've shared deals and competitions that others wouldn't have known about.
If I believe it's worthy of a post I'll post it, but not just for the sake of posting, but that part is different for some people! And value is always different for everyone.
Spackbace thanks for all the awesome comps you post, like Colour Your Summer!! :) Keeps me sane to have comps to escape to!
Super karma points from my family - we had an awesome weekend from the Cinderella competition you posted. I don't find many bargains that haven't been posted already but I do my bit (I hope) by telling everyone to come have a look at ozbargain.
My dream is to find a killer deal like the Jacobs creek holiday promotion one day and live off the accumulated karma forever.
Wow you've been pondering for 2 and bit years now? Is that why you've never posted a deal? What was the last item you bought from a deal posted on OzB, I bet it was posted from a user (nonrep).
For me, it's this sense of trying to give back, since if everyone doesn't, we will be left with no bargain.
Though, I don't go out of my ways to find bargains like some of the people here seems to do.
I would also say that a lot of people probably get a sense of satisfaction in knowing that others who appreciate a good deal are getting it too.
It is also a starting point for discussions on bargains.
It's the votes and the community for me. Pretty much bragging rights…except…no one I know…knows OzBargain. :D
no one I know…knows OzBargain
Why? Are you a closet tight arse?
I post (not very often because everyone beats me to it by the time I type something up and try to look witty in the process ha ha) because being helpful feels good.
Yeah, I've come to the conclusion I'm getting slow in my old age…every time I see a good deal I get all excited and want to post it, only to see someone else has already post it well beforehand…
I like the people on Ozb, so always try and remember to post the occasional deal I see that isn't already spotted. There is also a bit of excitement when I spot a good deal, and sharing the deal, and especially if it gets lots of votes, reinforces that feeling.
Conversely, if you post a deal and the first 4 comments are where you could have got it cheaper…I like the people on Ozb,
We like you too :)
I enjoy giving back to the community that I've saved a lot of money and enjoy the company the website gives after a long day of work. I post niche (I guess) deals but gain satisfaction by adding all the extra detail into my posts to save people wasting their time and any B.S after their purchase. Not interested in becoming the new TA or the monthly draws, I just like giving back what I can.
Hahaha :) I love your deals buddy. Keep them coming!
Thank you for the kind words!
hop onboard the eneloop train!
It's simple really.
We each can't find every bargain. Thats impossible. So we crowd source. We know that other people are going to post bargains, so we return the favour. If everyone was too lazy to post those hidden deals then you'd only ever come across them by luck.
Nothing ever makes senses. We just try and justly ourselves that's it ok to do it even though it's nonsense.
Why are we allowed to drink alcohol when it has no benefits? Why not ban it? Why smoke when it does nothing but pollute and cut our lives longer? Why work for the rest of your when you don't need to work?
Whenever someone posts a bargain which peeks my interest, I love reading the associated comments about it. Really good stuff some of it. Puts me in a far better position to decide on it.
Sorry to be that Grammar nazi, but it's 'Piques'. :P
I does lover Ozbagrin!
Because we benefited from past deals, so it is normally that we would contribute whenever possible.
OZB do reward top contributors, but those top contributors are not just doing it for those rewards.
Though some people do take the voting and comments quite seriously. One OZBer used to post deals all the time, but he was upset with the way people voted (inconsistency).
Sharing is caring, dimples
I feel guilty that I don't post bargains but most of the deals I come across are specific to one store so may not even qualify as a deal. For example, last week I saw that Target had drastically reduced the price of their iPad covers/cases, down from an already cheapish (compared to Belkin) $20/$25 to $3/$5. The checkout assistant raised her eyebrows too. But if I post that and it is not available in your local target you'd be fed up wouldn't you? You would think it would be store wide but then you go online and see the original price….. Guys, if you want me to tell you about these micro deals please tell me. I would love to give something back for all the great deals I've found here.
As long as there's at least 10 available, post it up and the locals in the area will be thankful. Sure it won't get 100+ votes, but you can feel happy for possibly helping someone :)
… as long as they mention the location and small amount of stock in the title.
I've always enjoyed finding the best deal on products even way before OzB was around. I remember when I wanted a new backpack for school. I hunted around shops and put the prices in a spreadsheet on the Atari ST. Printed it off on the dot matrix printer and showed it to Mum. Who basically said, no.
But the point is, as the OP alluded to, why do we enjoy sharing deals? I think one member said it well, it is the satisfaction from seeing others appreciate your finding and attempt at a good deed. In a way, they are respecting this little personal hobby you have too.
But it is an interesting question. My brother can't understand it and thinks bargain hunting is a waste of time. He just goes to the closest store and buys what he wants there and then. Fair enough if you are in a hurry but otherwise, I couldn't do that.
it is the satisfaction from seeing others appreciate your finding and attempt at a good deed. In a way, they are respecting this little personal hobby you have too.
Exactly this. And usually most real life friends don't give a stuff about bargains etc so you share with people who actually appreciate it.
For the glory!!
Or am I?
(I don't post deals because I suck at finding them before everyone else does.. but I'd still like to share simply for the buzz of seeing other people get as excited about something as I am. Same kind of thrill you get from sharing awesome news with people you care about.. or the same reason you'd tell friends/family IRL about deals/bargains you've found or have seen posted on OzBargain which they didn't know about but would be interested in. Collective joy is far more enjoyable than joy on your own, no?)
OzB is a proof that communism actually works…
For internet points!
I'm fortunate enough to have a day job that allows me the freedom to take extended breaks, and trust me, they're well deserved, as the stress at times is overwhelming. For some, they'll take a walk, go for a coffee, take a nap etc, but for me, these breaks mean grabbing my iPad or laptop to start Googling the world for bargains. I simply love it, and best of all it takes me far far away from what I do for a living. Nothing gives me a greater kick than when people thank me for a post that has helped them in some way. I even have some of my favourite thank-you PMs pinned to my wall to remind me just how great some people are. I read them when I feel down. It's a real tonic. The votes and awards, although great, are secondary.
We love you TigggghtArseee!!!
We love you TA! Ozbargain wouldnt be what it is if it weren't for you! :) And of course the other amazing Ozbargainers that contribute to make this my ALL time favourite website!!
Say thank you to your boss from all of us :)
TA you sir are legendary!
Good on you tightarse.
i usually have to edit 2 or 3 times so I don't get beaten up whenever I post something.
I've rarely found deals that others haven't posted earlier but if I did, it'll be here. Why? It's easier to ask why not. Submitting a deal costs me nothing and it's just a nice gesture. Just about everyone here has gotten more out of this community than they put in. Outside a few dirtbags like broden or ethereal, I think everyone should share in whatever we find.
Sharing is caring. Although a number of deals I've posted don't seem to be published. Is no one interested in deals on breastfeeding bras?
Those tubs are the best. I even have a 12mth rain check in case I need more.
I rarely post bargains but when I do I'm really excited. I think it's the approval and thank yous of anonymous people that gives me the kick…
Its really simple. Because no one person can invest the time to browse thousands of websites, newspapers or physical stores, each and every day, for the best prices or freebies. Usually great offers only last a few days some even a few hours such as pricing errors or very special offers.
Via Collaboration we can all benefit from all putting in a little time each, and get the biggest bang for our buck.
I for example post a lot of hungry jacks vouchers mind you its no easy task for me to produce pdfs. I actually have to carry a scanner/printer across the room plug it in the powerpoint, scan to a memory card, plug memory card into laptop, and copy to usb stick on the laptop, before using that usb stick on my computer.
Scanner app on your phone. Boom done!
Though we thank you for your quality scans.
For dem +'s!
I wonder if we're the people who never felt loved by our parents as children.
Thus we now seek the constant validation, approval and love via the gaining of internet points to compensate and fill that life-long void.
Internet points > parents.
I'll never really understand what that emoticon means.. >_<
In this case it's a frowny face :( held back with a reassuring smile :) to yield :|
+s are a helluva drug!
Some people have stopped posting deals or decreased the amount they post because getting torn to shreds sometimes is not very motivating if all one intended to do is to help other people out.
I think that is the worst bit of Ozbargain - certain people tearing into people who mean well and post bargains due to the relative anonymity of the internet.
Also, sometimes I think the referral/affiliate system is very unfair (a little bit like Google-unfair).I have started posting certain deals elsewhere (while still also posting some deals on various sites) where I feel it is more about true community and sharing with less of the judgment and pressure which sometimes surfaces here and where the efforts of the deal poster are a bit more rewarded.
Don't get me wrong - I do very much appreciate the effort the people make who post on Ozbargain. Indeed very much appreciated.
I know that even this comment will probably get negged although I have only expressed my subjective opinion in a fair and non-aggressive manner. But I reckon I can live with it - after all it would just prove my points.
Have a great day everyone.
Don't hide tell us what sites you are referring to the elsewhere you think is the better community
Sales would go to waste without people knowing about them.
Obviously it's all about "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine", but there's also the factor of taking advantage of deals the most that we can. Sometimes getting a free sample isn't gratifying enough, you want to tell other people about it so that the discovery of it has more value.
Seems like a reasonable question on the surface: why should a person waste time helping a stranger. When you think about it though, its a silly question. Humans are a social species, and our main evolutionary benefit is our ability to cooperate. The default reaction should be to share. Its a more reasonable question to ask, if you knew of a deal, why would you not share it?
Sometimes people do things not because there is something "in it" for them, may be hard to fathom for some.
For me personally, I get excited when I come across what looks to be a good deal and I just want to share with the rest of the world, don't really know why I do it or what the underlying motivation is. It's just in me, I guess.
There are 2 sorts of people in the world: those who care about some sort of community, and those who are only in it for themselves. The latter sort of people are always asking "what's in it for me" and cannot conceive of helping another person for free. Everything is a resource to be exploited ("monetized"), an opportunity to increase their wealth at the expense of others. The former are socialists, the latter capitalists. Once upon a time, most people were community minded, but the modern world has embraced egotism, greed, narcissism, self-indulgence and entitlement mindedness.
Agreed. Theres always that little bit of ego in all of us. While we care about the community, we also get a little for ourselves (i.e. We want people to know we have done the right thing) Personally i could feel it when i want to post something on ozb. Think of it like this, if there are no usernames and identities on ozb, all posts are to be made anonymously, would ozb still be getting this many posts everyday?
In general, i'm thankful we have this network / community
Pretty much feel like a group of friends helping each other out to save a little.
I grew up from a not well off household and saving money was something that grew on me as a child and was never understood by my friends at such young age. Now at my early 20s, I still see my mates spending without second thoughts. So finding a group of tightass people, I kinda feel a sort of connection.HSC essay material right here.
whoa..I definitely feel the passion some of you guys have for this community.
will share a deal when I find one…just don't be too harsh lol
To stimulate the economy and employment.
Its the same question as "Why should people post reviews?"
I can understand why they should post negative reviews as it would warn the next person in buying the item or take business away from them as you would feel ripped.
However positive reviews is similar to posting a bargain, why do it???? You get no incentive from the supplier for posting a positive review.You post on ozbargain because you get rewarded with a sense of achievement… who can get the most +'s with 1 deal.
To give back to the community. Not be a selfish prick.
I rarely come across bargains but when I have I shared them.