I found an SG5($700 phone) today and was able to return it to its rightful owner. Obviously she was very thankful for my honesty, perhaps a little embarrassed that she was careless (x 2) due to the fact that her phone wasn't entirely locked down and I had to go in to find information that would help locate her (.e.g name, photo, home phone, etc), although I didn't snoop or look at anything else.
Assume you found a very expensive phone in public and it wasn't remotely traceable/locate-able with security software or you had the means of "wiping it" i.e. you could "get away with taking it", would you take it?
This is more a question of personal ethics and honesty rather than if it is possible to evade detection.
I'd like to think that if I accidentally misplaced my phone and someone had the means or capacity to locate me then they would try to make an effort to return the phone.
Found a Nokia at the footy back when they were still semi-decent.
Called 'home' and arranged for them to pick it from work - they gave me a box of chocolates.
Life is like that sometimes…