Splinter Cell on Wii U for $8.88. I believe it is $2.50 shipping but I usually pick up which is free in Adelaide.
Very good game especially for the price
Splinter Cell on Wii U for $8.88. I believe it is $2.50 shipping but I usually pick up which is free in Adelaide.
Very good game especially for the price
I paid $29 just after release and played about 1 minute of it so far. My backlog is getting out of control.
Did take me 4 years to finish conviction so I am well on track :)
You have played 1 minute, in the space of 1.5 years. So unless you're immortal, unfortunately I don't think you're going to finish it. And you are well off track from 4 years. :P
haha true. Was more like 10 minutes but yes you are right
Conviction in 4 years? I still haven't even started on Splinter Cell 1!
Haven't bought conviction yet and I'm tempted in buying Blacklist…
this game is on sale now for 10 usd on steam
not much use for a Wii U
Someone had represent The PC gamers
Well I bought a deck of Uno cards for $2 yesterday, might as well mention that too…
Is it worth it. Ive heard it called a masterpiece and a waste of time. Is it worth the $10?
Is this game any good? I used to play Splinter Cell back when it was Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (I'm assuming it's the same game series) and the last good memory I have was the opening title music to Rainbow Six's Rogue Spear.
Changed a bit over the years. They are a bit more action stealth now. There are a few different systems in place. Watch a video review or some gameplay
Splinter cell and Rainbow six are different series' though both Tom Clancy brands. Six is a squad based FPS while cell is third person stealth. Mind you, the last time I played them was on Xbox.
I've a copy of rogue spear in storage for a decade and I'm not really sure what it's about. The question is, what is the longest duration someone here has possessed a game in their backlog without playing it? (Not necessarily their oldest game but one they've had the longest)
I've got an SSI Game (anyone remember them?) that I won back in the 90s.
Haven't opened it as I'm not really a fan of SSI.
Does this count? :-P
Not bad. I have an SSI from the 90's too but it's been well used.
When I was a kid I bought a big duffel bag full of Atari 2600 games at a garage sale. I'm sure some of them are still unplayed by me.
When are you going to play them?
Got this at Christmas for $10 with other Wii and Wii-U games I spent a lot more money for(like Bayonetta and Pandora's Tower). Finished all those, haven't even touched this. It's probably okay. I'll play this when I get bored of Monster Hunter 4 (Spoiler; I'll never get sick of Monster Hunter)
Ordered, Thanks
Is this game any good? Not even sure if I ever will play the game but for 12$. Why not..
Now that's the spirit!
Good deal… I just bought a used copy for more though :(