This was posted 9 years 11 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Splinter Cell BlackList (Wii U) $8.88 Plus Shipping @ Beat The Bomb


Splinter Cell on Wii U for $8.88. I believe it is $2.50 shipping but I usually pick up which is free in Adelaide.

Very good game especially for the price

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Beat The Bomb
Beat The Bomb

closed Comments

  • Good deal… I just bought a used copy for more though :(

    • +2

      I paid $29 just after release and played about 1 minute of it so far. My backlog is getting out of control.

      Did take me 4 years to finish conviction so I am well on track :)

      • You have played 1 minute, in the space of 1.5 years. So unless you're immortal, unfortunately I don't think you're going to finish it. And you are well off track from 4 years. :P

        • +1

          haha true. Was more like 10 minutes but yes you are right

        • +1


          yeah my backlog wont ever be finished :(

      • Conviction in 4 years? I still haven't even started on Splinter Cell 1!
        Haven't bought conviction yet and I'm tempted in buying Blacklist…

  • this game is on sale now for 10 usd on steam

    • +3

      not much use for a Wii U

      • +1


      • +1

        Someone had represent The PC gamers

        • +5

          Well I bought a deck of Uno cards for $2 yesterday, might as well mention that too…

        • @jv:


    • Is it worth it. Ive heard it called a masterpiece and a waste of time. Is it worth the $10?

  • Is this game any good? I used to play Splinter Cell back when it was Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (I'm assuming it's the same game series) and the last good memory I have was the opening title music to Rainbow Six's Rogue Spear.

    • Changed a bit over the years. They are a bit more action stealth now. There are a few different systems in place. Watch a video review or some gameplay

    • +1

      Splinter cell and Rainbow six are different series' though both Tom Clancy brands. Six is a squad based FPS while cell is third person stealth. Mind you, the last time I played them was on Xbox.

      I've a copy of rogue spear in storage for a decade and I'm not really sure what it's about. The question is, what is the longest duration someone here has possessed a game in their backlog without playing it? (Not necessarily their oldest game but one they've had the longest)

      • I've got an SSI Game (anyone remember them?) that I won back in the 90s.
        Haven't opened it as I'm not really a fan of SSI.

        Does this count? :-P

        • Not bad. I have an SSI from the 90's too but it's been well used.

      • +1

        When I was a kid I bought a big duffel bag full of Atari 2600 games at a garage sale. I'm sure some of them are still unplayed by me.

        • When are you going to play them?

        • @Jesmond: Soon™ in Valve time. Still got another 600 games on steam in my backlog.

  • +1

    Got this at Christmas for $10 with other Wii and Wii-U games I spent a lot more money for(like Bayonetta and Pandora's Tower). Finished all those, haven't even touched this. It's probably okay. I'll play this when I get bored of Monster Hunter 4 (Spoiler; I'll never get sick of Monster Hunter)

  • Ordered, Thanks

    Is this game any good? Not even sure if I ever will play the game but for 12$. Why not..

    • Now that's the spirit!

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