This was posted 10 years 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

100GB of OneDrive Storage for Free for 2 Years - No Country Restriction


First only for US, now all over the world. You can grab 100 GB extra storage for your OneDrive for 2 years - free.
There was a post few days ago from our ozbargainer here which required US VPN.
This time it just opened for all country. :-)

Happy storage.

Get it here

What happens after 2 years?
As stated in Microsoft's website, this is what they mentioned: -
Why do I still have extra storage available if I’ve canceled my subscription?
After you cancel a storage subscription, the storage is available to you until the subscription's expiration date. If you exceed your remaining storage space when the subscription expires, you'll be able to view, share, and download files on your OneDrive, but you won't be able to upload files until you buy more storage or free up space.
link : -…
We would hope that they keep their word ;-)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome! Works great. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    What would you do with the info in the cloud storage after 2 years?

    • -2

      You're then forced to buy a relevant amount of storage, duh!
      10/10 marketing.

  • exactly. what happens after two years?

    • +2

      As stated in Microsoft's website, this is what they mentioned: -

      link : -…

      Why do I still have extra storage available if I’ve canceled my subscription?
      After you cancel a storage subscription, the storage is available to you until the subscription's expiration date. If you exceed your remaining storage space when the subscription expires, you'll be able to view, share, and download files on your OneDrive, but you won't be able to upload files until you buy more storage or free up space.

    • +14

      Microsoft owns you and knows what you did last summer

      • +3

        As Apple, Google and NSA… :)

      • +2

        and the summer before

      • They probably know more about most people than they know about themselves.

        • Yes MS knows when where how and how frequent did you do last summer. I don't

  • After 2 years, can you still pull files off it? Or can you not access it at all?

    • +1

      You can pull files off but you can't add more files to your drive.

  • +7

    If you have 2gb of space and make it 102gb then fill it to 50gb, after 2 years, you still have your 50gb of stuff but you cannot add more stuff to it unless you delete below the 2gb level or buy space.

  • "We would hope that they keep their word ;-)"

    Why wouldn't they? It's not like storage is getting more expensive, and Office365 members have unlimited storage, so this (partial) 100GB is hardly a big deal.

  • neat :)

  • So can you turn off this stuff you need to accept to get the 100GB??

  • Am I missing something, I only get 15G. Are there any steps needed to get the 100G?

    • +1

      Click Get it Here link in the body of the OP. Sign in. Accept permissions. Receive confirmation of bonus 100GB for 2 years.

  • +4

    If you don't want MS snooping through all your personal info, once you've added the 100GB I recommend removing permission for One Drive to access your contacts, emails, photos, personal info etc.
    Log into your Microsoft account and go to Security & Privacy>Manage Permissions>One Drive and then remove permission

    • +1

      Oh no! Microsoft will have access to all of my Microsoft Windows Live contacts and Microsoft Windows Live emails. Oh, wait…. You know Microsoft are the ones who make OneDrive right?

      • This is the reason you want to remove the permissions in the vain hope you get to retain the bonus 100GB:

        "You've given OneDrive Preview access to the following information:

        Add or remove bonus storage
        OneDrive Preview will be able to add bonus storage to your account. It will also be able to remove this storage (but no other storage), at any point in time.
        You last used OneDrive Preview today."

  • +1

    Love oneclourd but HATE their upload speed!

    • -1

      Agree. Taken me 2 months to upload about 500gb.But probably also because of my Adsl2+ connection.

  • Do you need to sign up for the Bing Rewards like in the previous post to get the free storage ?

  • I took advantage of this offer, but not sure what I'd use it for if it is free for only two years. Archiving? They don't force you to "return" the 100GB even if you didn't "renew" later, right?

  • +1

    Well pretty sure in two years 100GB would be minimum "FREE" standard offering for cloud provider ..

    Flickr is now already offering 1TB free space but only limited for photos though ..

    • +1

      cough iCloud…

    • Wanted a neat way of backing up my photos in this digital camera world…. so Flickr is free, no catches 1 TB? Just upload photos and is it restricted to yourself and whoever you want.. who can view, download etc photos???

      Would you recommend flickr to someone looking to store digital photos safely, physically away from backup external hdds (incase of fires etc).

  • excellent. thank you very much OP

  • Thank you dd12.

  • -6

    btw. A word of warning!

    Onedrive is pretty pathetic.

    around 2 months ago a friend in US shared a 5GB file with me.
    they chose Onedrive to do it at.

    the 5GB file took 7 hours to download. I used linux console and wget command to download it, so no software overheads on this end.
    speeds fluctuated like crazy and it took forever, I would never want to repeat that experience again.

    true story :)

    • +1

      Quicker than posting a flash drive ;)
      Sometimes I'm staggered that it's 2015 and email or flash drives are still the best way to share a file with someone who is sitting next to me!

    • Need more specifics.
      What is the connection speed to your ISP?
      What did your download speed max out at?

      My experience with OneDrive is that the download speed is unlimited. People with 100Mbps connections report the same.

      • -1


        given all the negs its the last time i try to share something like this with people.

        im with Internode.
        connection speed 8500k using a Cisco 877w modem
        it was downloading at around 30000-3500k but constantly going up and down as low as 2500k.
        i even power cycled the modem at one stage.

        i'd like to think i know what im doing, have used linux for almost 20 years, pretty experienced with TCP/IP networking.

        im surprised to hear what youre saying to be honest. i just put it down to Microsoft retardation, even thought they are adopting linux for their Azure cloud. but seriously, windows 8 interface, by retards for retards lol

  • Microsoft deleted 10 years of inbox emails when they decided to upgrade me to without my knowledge.
    It's a free service so no recourse, be very wary putting your data with them.

    • I got negged on top of losing all my emails, wow.
      Google it and see how many others are in my position.

      • They probably deleted all your spam emails from the hotmail days. Be thankful.

  • I got the free 100GB with US VPN the other day. Can I now claim an additional 100GB?

    • No you can't. I tried and got the message:
      "You've already received your free storage for this offer."

  • Pardon my stupiditiy but if i now wanted to upload all of my photos, is there a way to turn a folder into a onedrive sync folder? S each time my computer is on, it is slowly chipping away at uploading and syncing them - as opposed to copying and pasting the photos which would require the computer to be on the whole time. Cheers

    • If you get the client, you should be able to select which folders you want to sync. (at least that's the case for the OSX client)

    • Everything that you want synced with OneDrive must be contained within the same OneDrive folder. (e.g. C:\Users\cjb\OneDrive ) You can't pick and choose select folders you would like to sync from different directories on your drive.

      You need to copy or move files into the OneDrive folder in order for them to by synced.

      • On Windows 7+ mklink is your friend.

        OSX ln -s (soft) I would assume


        • Had a quick google about this and it seems bloody hard! Any suggestions of where to start?

  • -2

    I don't understand why so many people think this is a good deal. It's not free because if you use it then you have to pay in two years time.

    • No, you don't have to pay anything in 2 years. You will still have your 100GB of backed up data there to use as you wish. Nothing gets deleted.

  • It is safe to assume this is similar in concept to writing a DVD-R disc, ie you retain access ? Strangely, description seems to suggests you may free up (delete) of the free 100 in order to write again, even after expiry.

    you won't be able to upload files until you buy more storage *or free up space.
    link : -

    On a side note I am looking for a service that can accept "1MBs" so 3.6gb per hour is feasible from a voda lte connection. + this is 0.35MB IME.

    • +1

      Uploading 100GB over LTE would be quick but I'd fear the bill at today's prices.

      • Correct.
        + I saw a 0.35megabytes/s uplink ceiling last weekend as I sent some 9 gigs by Voda's unmetered/giveaway weekends, til APR-15. Stopped using T&O ISPs.

        Will next test outdoors with the OnePlus (4g 1800) to check what % of 1.5-2.5MB/s(available) it can send.

  • There is your 300

  • Brilliant! Thank you very much OP :)

  • Signed up already.. but on second thoughts does this 100 GB have to be redeemed by a certain date? or is it an ongoing permanent bonus if you allow this onedrive preview??

    Really don't know what this whole onedrive preview is about.. just accepted the permissions to score the 100gb, but if it was a permanent promotion (at least for medium term) on second thoughts I would have started the 2 years free at a later point in time since I won't ge ta chance over the next 2 months to upload any photos anyway for archiving.. :(

  • Deal is over? I receive a message "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." when I clicked on the link.

    • +1

      When I click on the, "Get it here" link, I get the message:
      "Please return to your Bing Rewards dashboard here to redeem this offer.
      Not yet a Bing Rewards member? Sign up here. US only."


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