This was posted 10 years 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

100GB of OneDrive Storage for Free for 2 Years - US VPN Required (Details Inside)


The 100GB "sticks" once you've disabled Zenmate.


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closed Comments

  • +3

    "Bing Rewards isn't available yet in your country or region"??


  • +1

    worked perfectly for me, clicked the link, (I used TunnelBear on mac and connected to US server), clicked sign up to Bing rewards. then i just clicked the 100gb free offer which was first on the list once I signed up. Accepted the terms and said I have 100GB added for 2years onto my account. Usually these sort of +data deals stick though so that 100GB will probably remain for life. I've seen the same thing happen with Dropbox

    • +1

      My 3 year 50gb Samsung Dropbox special recently got removed, so back to 9gb for me

  • First steps are, of course, optional if you have another VPN… worked nicely.

    • I already had one drive setup on my mac and PC. Just download the little app. But you can use the web based version of onedrive also. When i login to i can now see - "130 GB total", decent amount for free for a oz bargainer :) thanks OP

    • Just the OneDrive program if you want to keep files loaded and synchronised on your computer. Otherwise just upload/download whatever files you need through the browser of your choice.

    • +3

      You can actually just map it as a network drive, and don't need to install anything. So you don't have to do sync…

  • Works a charm. Thanks!

  • +2

    What will happen after two years? Will those data stored there be lost?

    • +8

      Why do I still have extra storage available if I’ve canceled my subscription?
      After you cancel a storage subscription, the storage is available to you until the subscription's expiration date. If you exceed your remaining storage space when the subscription expires, you'll be able to view, share, and download files on your OneDrive, but you won't be able to upload files until you buy more storage or free up space.

      So basically will still be accessible and on the Cloud, but you won't be able to upload any more. Same with most other Cloud systems (happened with my Dropbox and HTC One X offer).…

      • Fair enough. Thanks for the info.

      • +3

        Hm, does it mean that if I would purchase a large plan for a month, let's say 1TB, uploaded all my backups, and then revert back to free plan I can still happily access my 1TB of backups?

        • Short answer, yes.

        • +1

          Longer answer: While you'll be able to access them, they won't be current for long and will be useless as backups in most cases since you can't update them… So while it gets around having to pay for storage, its a poor backup strategy.

        • +1


          those 1TB office 365 user will get unlimited space sometimes this year, you can apply the early request if you need more space now, they will send you a email and activate your 10tb storage at the moment. and send them email to request more~

        • @padfoot87:
          That was more of a hypotetical question. On the other hand, my 10 year old photo collection is unlikely to change :) So I can have my ~1TB of pic/videos sitting there with all the new stuff going to a low cost 100GB account.
          But again - using 10TB student Office 365, so for me no reason doing that.

    • Interesting…

  • Works well. Thanks.

  • How's OneDrive usability compared to Google Drive, especially with uploading videos?
    In Google Drives, it works quite good and the video streams fast during playback.

    • +5

      In my testing, OneDrive proved to have better video streaming playback on Android than Dropbox and Google Drive. It's now my preferred cloud platform for providing clients with video proofs.

  • +4

    awesome. my 50gb at dropbox just expired (from samsung s3 deal)

    • +1

      Me too! And as soon as I went back to look at my OneDrive account, turns out I was eligible for way more free storage without that dropbox referral crap. Comfortably sitting on 30GB free forever.

  • Worked great for me. I signed up easily on iphone using

  • Thanks OP.

  • +2

    if I upload my special files, can they access it? don't want to be in the news

    • Better off using owncloud or for that.

    • Careful, Microsoft reserves the right to inspect those files. I.e. You may have read about accounts being locked out after a nude photo upload to OneDrive.
      For any "special" files (what ever they are) I would choose some other provider (or would not put them in cloud at all)

    • You should assume that ANY data on any public network is … public. It takes just one curios, bored employee to make it so. If you have any "sensitive" data, either use only local backups, or encrypt data before uploading to the cloud.

    • Encrypted zip file - problem solved

  • Worked like a charm. Thanks.

  • Thanks OP. I'm now up to 240GB for free!

  • Does it work if you have Getflix? (not familiar with all the vpn,,,)

  • -1

    I love how people who are new to VPNs think that their VPN is the only VPN.

  • 139gb of storage that i will probably never use hmm

  • Awesome ty!

    • Does bing rewards work outside of US?

      • Not in Australia. I think UK is the only other country that has Bing Rewards.

  • Thanks OP! Was running out of my 200GB and was going to upgrade to the next Tier, but this will be a welcome addition.

  • Wait, So this this say i have 1TB of one drive space??

    • yes lol… how'd you manage that?

      • i…i..i have no idea.. I just went to check if the deal was applied and saw that

        • I guess, you're an office 365 subscriber.

        • +1


          I had to 2 months ago but cancelled. Maybe there never downgraded my storage.. Thanks microsoft

        • @letthiswork1: Might give you some time to move files in case you actually used 1Tb.

      • Got office 365?

    • There's been many promos that give 1TB of space. Specifically the newer Surface Pro's and Office 365.

  • +3

    Works with Hola plugin.

  • Thanks OP.
    Finally make use of my OkayFreedom VPN :)

    • Worked a treat with OkayFreedom. Cheers

  • Does anyone know if you still earn those Bing points through searches, if you're not connected through zenmate or similar geoblocking services?

  • -1

    How do you change your location to US in the Zenmate extension. I could not find that option.

  • +1

    just fyi - noticed much slower browsing with this. So make sure you turn it off/uninstall after

  • I got :

    "You're signed in as xxxx. This isn't a Bing Rewards account.
    Not you? Sign in with a different Microsoft account."

    Weird. :/

    • +3

      search bing reward, and click JOIN will fix this

      • You sir are Awesome! Thanks!

  • anyone try using a VPN and earn a amazon credit via bing reward

    • +1

      quite a bit of credit for so little reward

  • Thanks OP worked nicely.

  • Awesome, works like a charm, cheers OP!

  • Worked nicely for me :)

  • -1

    Thanks worked.

    You should also note - you can get Amazon gift cards - 1 point = 1 dollar.

    • Really, how?

      In the Redeem section, I see $5 Amazon GC for 525 points

  • -3

    Does it include FREE access for NSA and all other agencies?

  • Not bad. The iOS app has improved enough I now use it as cloud storage for my mobile photos. 160Gb will go a long way until I get my 465 sub (currently using my technet one while I still can)

    • +2

      until I get my 465 sub

      You live on an earth which a much slower orbit?

      • +1

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

  • Do you really want to rent storage for 2 years?

    Dropbox has just told me that my time is up, and if I want to be able to save a document, I need to start paying like $10 a month (or delete most of my stuff to get down to new limit).

    Depends on what you use it for I guess, but I don't want to have to find a new provider and move al my files every couple of years

  • Thanks OP!! I happend to be in US now, didn't have to go through the VPN but it was great to know about the offer

  • not work for me:
    Your Bing Rewards account has been closed because it doesn't conform to the Bing Rewards Terms of Use, which you accepted when joining.

  • Ops I just saw this. Worked for me :)

    Used TunnelBear will have to check out Zenmate

  • As an Office 365 subscriber I have 10TB of storage and counting
    Just be aware of One Drive limitations
    The most obvious is that upload speeds are woeful
    It will take you forever to upload even that 100GB
    Also the sharing options aren't as good
    (I wanted to share family pics with the other users I have under the 5 user 365 plan.
    It currently does not work as simply or effectively as Dropbox or Gdrive at present
    For my use cases Dropbox > Gdrive > Onedrive
    There are changes coming to Onedrive - picture sharing announced already - which I hope will turn things around
    fingers crossed

    • dang. I was hoping Onedrive might be my dropbox replacement now that they want their space back :(

      • Give it a go for free to see if it suits - heck cash in the above 100Gb too
        But don't be surprised if it is not up to your tasks

  • I couldn't get this to work with Hola or Zenmate. Is this still working for people?

  • Expired.

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