Subscribe for 12 months electronic access to The Australian, Australian Business Review and Business Spectator, and receive a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8", valued at $279 it's claimed. Billed at $3 for first 12 weeks, then $6 per week after.
Alternatively another package has electronic access plus weekend paper delivery for the same price, minus the Galaxy Tab.
Free Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8" with 12 Month Digital Subscription to The Australian for $299

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Outside of TGG and Officeworks it's $269+.
When are you supposed to get this tablet? Is it as soon as you start a subscription or 6 months down the road?
Edit: Tablets should be dispatched within 3 business days of order
That's the 10" version
the 8" which is whats free is $229 at office works.…I know the link you posted is the 10" version. I assumed you were laughing at the fact that you can get the 10" over the 8" in this promo for less.
That is also one impressive long link!
It's worth what people will pay for it. They would have to pay me much more to read The Australian after some of it's blatant bias lately.
There's a few "bargains" like this - I ROFLed today when setting up I.E. to use a real search provider, and saw " search with Bing and win prizes"….
Bing has its uses…
blatant bias
Depends on your bias, to what is bias!! LOL
Eg Some Oz media gets upset when someone makes derogatory remarks about Obama , but thinks its funny when another makes remarks about Palin.
Not that either is acceptable but it shows that bias is in the eye of the beholder…
I agree; every paper is biased! It's the nature of the beast.
The Aust is fairly right wing.
The Guardian is far-left.
Fairfax is medium-left.@coxymla: Correct and we buy the paper that tends to reflect our bias.
But always keep in mind where on the wing you sit.
If it's far left, then everything on the other side is right wing. e.g. Fairfax would be right wing
Likewise if you're far right then The Australian would be left wing of sorts…
and what would a Right wing Apple user be able to choose in this case… :)
But always keep in mind where on the wing you sit.
I have toilets in a couple of different wings of the house. Giles, bring me the Rolls, it's time to see how the other half lives!
wow, if i subscripe to this to get the tablet, I ain't OzBargainer
Sorry but Newscorp stuff to me is like a form of weaponized terrorism. Same with the ABC.
So let me get this straight, if I subscribe to the "Digital subscription + Weekend paper delivery $12 Up front"
They will send the tablet within 3 days of subscription?
I couldn't find any T&C in regards to the tablet.
same here - but this paragraph was a doozy..
" If you object to changes to any terms or conditions you may cancel your Subscription up to 28 days after changes come into effect without accepting the new terms and conditions. If you do not cancel or you use or access any News sites or News Digital Media (other than to review the new terms and conditions) using your Subscription within that period you will be deemed to have accepted the new terms."
It looks like they are using the Facebook method of unsubscribing. On the plus side, it's a "household" subscription that can be accessed on 7 different devices even without NoScript/Ghostery/Cache flush trickery……
Looks like you need to buy 12 months straight up @ $299 and monthly payments are not offered soo :(
there must be a good reason why they try this hard to get you to sign up.
Would be a good deal if you didn't have to pay the $299 up front
Looks like "Offer ends 31 March 2015 unless stock runs out earlier."…
"valued at $279 its claimed"