Dell mini 10v specs are at the link, the main difference is this one has a faster CPU (N280/1.66GHz vs N270/1.6GHz) and faster wifi (802.11n vs 802.11g) compared to the vanilla 10v.
First, start off at moneybackco ( and then follow the links through to the Dell website. Then find the mini 10v which currently has a $100 discount thus bringing the price from $599 to $499. When checking out your order, you can uncheck the support option which brings it down a bit more. Finally apply the coupon code to bring it to $464.64, which ends up as $432.12 after the moneybackco deal - a total of nearly 28% off!
Stock is limited, but hopefully my order gets honoured fingers crossed
Tempting, especially good for hackintoshing.