I went to OW (Frankston,Vic) this morning to get the $90.30 WD 3tb deal. Just saw this on yellow tag. For $83.30 to get a 2tb portable hard drive, it's really good deal.There were 7 when I left.
WD 2TB Elements Portable Hard Drive Black $83.30 at Officeworks

Last edited 07/02/2015 - 13:32 by 1 other user
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Correction, the website says 2,000 GB
don't be that guy
USB or SATA internal connector?
Sorry, I was in a rush to get back to work. What I was meant to say was.
The internal plug on WD hardrive is not a standard SATA 3 connection. Without an adaptor you can not connect it to any normal laptop/PC internally. For this reason I do not buy WD hardrives.
The internal plug on WD hardrive is not a standard SATA 3 connection. Without an adaptor you can not connect it to any normal laptop/PC internally. For this reason I do not buy WD hardrives.
This also makes no sense unless you are purchasing the drive to pull it apart and use it internally which few people would do. And why would you not buy WD hard drives just because of their portable drives? Sheesh.
And did you know that they use standard drives in their desktop usb drives that can be used in a PC contrary to what you claim!
Actually it is quite an important deciding factor for many of us purchasing a portable hard drive for several reasons:-
1) it enables the drive to be disassembled for use in other devices (PS3, laptops etc)… Notice the guys above asking if it is suitable for ps3?
2) it makes data recovery easier should the drive have problems… If you have a problem with a drive like this data recovery can be a nearly impossible for the average hobbyist.@ToobsAU: Whenever my portable harddrives 'fail' I always take them apart and mount them internally, every time so far, it has just been the power supply from the portable case packing up, and I've saved loads of time/trouble/important data.
Exactly why you want a unit that has a standard sata disk inside… These ones do not and as such data recovery from a failed unit will be difficult.
Any stock near sydney?
Just bought 1 at Taren Pt. At least 4 left from what I could see.
These are still available at some stores if willing to travel
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/181995Great price. Would buy if i didn't have so many already.
This or the seagate backup plus slim for $20 more?
A mate got the 3TB and is offering me the slim which he purchased from OW
I have the slim. You can open them up and stuff them into PS4 / XBox / Laptop.
WD use proprietary logic board (you MAY have issue if you want to do that).
If you just want to use it as an external USB drive then it's fine.Is the Seagate backup plus slim 1 or 2 TB for only $20 more? If it is the 2 TB, please state where from or a link please.
2TB, got it during the Shopping Express boxing day sale
Wow, great pick up. I missed that one as was O/S. Good store too.
@ozhunter68: without a doubt, inspite of the holidays, he had it in his hands by the end of the week
woops, wrong thread
Silly question, but why not get the 3TB if its only $7 more?
They are both have to be plugged into the wall, correct?Nope. Portable means it powers itself off the USB port.
Some guy wrote on the reviews
not very portable as it must be plugged into a wall socket to function.
So I'm guessing he must of reviewed the wrong product. So it is a 2.5"?
EDIT: All good, found the proper reviews. Think i'll go buy one. Cheers
I rang Harvey Normans in Warrnambool and they said they could price match it, so maybe other HN will do the same
My HN said the officeworks store that has stock must be also in local area to pricematch:(
My HN said that the prices are Hardly Normal and started adding new conditions to their best rip off guarantee.
do they usually do price match on clearance items?
Good luck at the Warrnambool store, I've tried to price match stuff up the road from the goodguys and they refused instore. Pack of #$*&s
Lol the age of entitlement.
Tried HN aswell however would not pricematch if OW has no stock.
Just got Hardly Normal to price match for me, picked up 2.
Only carries a 1 year warranty so better hope they live up to their standard of quality.
Doesn't look like there is any stock in Queensland.
Gone at Blacktown, Castle Hill. That's the trouble with really good bargains posted here. They're out the door before most of us can move on them.
none at Carlton and Alexandria [NSW] but the guy said Mosman store may have a few.
no stock in Epping nor Preston Vic.
No stock Wodonga, Albury, Wagga, Belconnen and Shepparton.
What's the advantage having a 3tb non portable compared to portable 2t? Its more space but is it faster and more reliable 3tb
Power supply + huuuuge compared to the portable drives
none left in ow Subiaco. looks like you can get them online with free same day shipping?
for what it's worth I already own one of these and was looking to buy a second. quick, reliable drives.Bugger, just bought one of these from JB yesterday and got the to price match the OW price of $119…and I live 10km from Frankston…
Most OW don't stock these any more, I had tried 3 stores and all had sold out.
Got lucky, all of my local Officeworks ran out and had to try 2 JB HiFi's to price match but got it for $83.20 :) JB HiFi Highpoint Shopping Centre VIC
Is it possible to scan and post the receipt?
You save 10c here, then you save another 90c elsewhere, now you have 1 dollar!
which Highpoint JB? down the shopping centre or beside GoodGuys?
edit.. sux. guy wouldnt pricematch for me@ JB beside GGInside HP Shopping Centre, the girl tried to look it up online and it was taking ages so she was like "can't be bothered" and prints me out an invoice lol.
P.S: tried that JB as well for the 3tb Desktop one, said would be below cost…
I just price matched JB North Sydney for the 3TB. They said it's below cost for the 2TB portable ones
Could you please scan the receipt for it?
Office work are out of stock, so I went to JB and they priced matched for $82.00 bargain
Is it possible to scan and post the receipt?
can do but not sure how to do it…
Price matched ($83.20) at JB. Went there first in case OW didn't have any :P
Pity that the drive inside doesn't use a SATA interface.
I'm getting 110/96 MB/s R/W if anyone's wondering.
only place in qld having stock is brown plains with one drive left. jbhifi in chermside refused to pricematch :(
Went to JB Hifi, Prahran today and they wouldn't price match as they reckon it was way below cost price
Thanks OP. Just picked one up at Altona North (VIC).
They weren't on the shelf, you had to ask at the counter for them. Was told at least 2 left, plus "might be a box of them out the back".
On the Officeworks website, they also list some Seagate Slim 500Gb portable HDD for $41.30 and Toshiba Canvio 500Gb for $41.30 and the 750Gb Canvio for $48.30
Thanks OP got two from my JB HiFi for $83.00 each
Read/ write test shows just over 100MB/s, so not to bad for 83 bucks.
I prefer the Seagate 2TB Slim, but for this price and what I need them for, I'm happy.
Drive inside:
Enclosure : WD Elements 10B8 USB Device (V=1058, P=10B8, sa1) - wd
Model : WDC WD20NMVW-11AV3S2
Firmware : 01.01A01
Serial Number : ***************
Disk Size : 2000.3 GB (8.4/137.4/2000.3/2000.3)
Buffer Size : 8192 KB
Queue Depth : 32
# of Sectors : 3907029168
Rotation Rate : 5200 RPM
Interface : USB (Serial ATA)
Major Version : ACS-2
Minor Version : ——
Transfer Mode : SATA/300
Power On Hours : 0 hours
Power On Count : 6 count
Temparature : 27 C (80 F)
Health Status : Good
Features : S.M.A.R.T., APM, 48bit LBA, NCQ
APM Level : 0080h [ON]
AAM Level : ——Is it possible to scan and post the receipt?
I really hate to be picky, but… Can we have a copy that doesn't have your public hair on it?
Yeah a receipt would be amazing.
goodluck. OW sales guy checked stock levels in other stores.. even though it was saying they had 11 in altona and a couple in another store, upon calling them up was told they sold out a couple of hours ago. website and their system stock levs weren't accurate.
I was told Altona had 22 this morning when I checked my local store. Broden is alive and well in Melbourne.
Might be some at East Vic Park in Perth but out of stock everywhere else.
I got the last one from EVP about an hour ago. Also about 6 left of the WD Elements 3TB Desktop from here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/181995
hey guys for people in Perth city there are a few left, i bought 2. they price matched
There's an office works in perth city?
Thanks, will head there tomorrow :)
Cheers, got 1 and the KB media hub too.
Well Franga became out of stock like 2 hours after this post haha.
Just bought a 2tb toshiba from OW for $130 a week ago - FML
None at Fyshwick or Braddon :(
Neither the local harvey norman or jb hi fi would price match for me.
Sold out at local office works too. These are the tailors lakes storesTypical T/L stores.
Been to Malaga and Morley in WA don't have any.
There is a literal stack of them at the city JB Hifi, just pricematch
Are you lucky to get one in City JB Hifi?
Lucky? It was really easy, just showed the girl the website on my phone. However they were unwilling to pricematch the Sennhieser Momentums.
Does any Melbourne store still have stock? I tried called the Narre Warren and QV stores but they are all sold out
Why bother going instore. Its now available online.
you need some spec savers mate
I can definitely see it working on my iphone. Plz check before complaining.
It was working on my phone too
Just bought one also. Late last year paid $119 at HN fit same WD elements 2 TB hard drive
Happy with $83.30 !!My friend got the chermside jbhifi to price match and picked 2 up, the same one which refused to do last week. well alls good now :)
Could you please add the receipt on this page?
JB hi fi at Castle Hill Sydney declined to price match. Manager said it was way below their cost price. Great deal for those that got it!
Ha. Interesting. The first JB Hi-Fi I went to just brushed me off with some BS reason as to why they couldn't price match. No problem, being on Hay St, there was another one like 10 metres down. Went there, and they price matched me the WD Passport Ultra 2TB for $83.30. Realised it was a different drive when I got back to work… had a sticker price of $169 and the case is smaller (which is good)! WHAT.
can you post your receipt please?
Thanks to those who posted the receipt. Picked 2 up at JB HIFi in Knox this morning at $82 each.
Could you please scan your receipt ?
Could you please scan your receipt ?
in melbourne where it is available now?
We can't make an order on Officeworks online store??
Hi can someone please share the receipt. Wanna go to JB and get it matched as well
There's no stock left in Queensland, so I called up my local JB Hi-Fi and had no luck getting a price match, although they went from $149 to $127. I then called my local HN where I only got to $138.
Finally I called up my other local JB Hi-Fi and the gentleman on the phone just pulled up the OW site and price matched no questions asked.
The receipt.
Good luck :)
just got 5 price Matched at jbhifi. Happy little camper
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Before you ask, no good for PS4 internal upgrade.