This was posted 10 years 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Domino's Pizza - Value $3.95, Traditional & Chef's Best $6.95 - Online and Pickup Only


I don't think this is a dupe, checked but didn't see these codes on previous deals. Deals must be ordered online.
Hope someone gets some use. I must say our local Kambah, ACT store has been cranking out some of the best pizzas I have EVER had anywhere.

Following starts 16 February until 25 February - pickup and online only
Note: ausmechkeyboards has had success with this code NOW. Try your luck, mmv.

  • Any Value Pizza - $3.95 710218

Following starts now until 25/02/15 - pickup and online only

  • Traditional and Chef's Best Pizzas - $6.95 615242
  • Any 2 - $6.00 (Garlic Bread, Cheesy Garlic Bread, 1.25L Drink, Belgian Choc Lava Cake, Salted Caramel Choc Mousse) 696278

Following starts now until 25/02/15 - delivered and online only

  • Any 3 Pizzas + 2* Garlic Breads + 2* 1.25L Drinks - $30.00 512955
    (Choose from Traditional, Chef's Best, Extra Value, Value or 4 topping Mogul pizzas.)

Note: Standard extra conditions apply for prawn and other additions.

Thanks to Chef-Johnson for this one:

  • 3 Pizzas, Garlic Bread And 1.25L Drink DELIVERED - $25 436137

Thanks to zoinks for these (Valid until 28/2/15):

  • Extra Value pizzas - $5.95 pick up 486304
  • Any 3 pizzas, 1 garlic bread and 1 x 1.25L drink delivered - $29.95 145548
    (choose from Value, Extra Value, traditional, or 4 topping Mogul pizzas)
  • Garlic bread $2 each with pizza purchase 181061

And more Pick-up codes just in (valid until 22/03/15) - these may have been listed in prior posts but I just found them on the inside of the flyer and figured I'd post them here too:

  • 'Cheaper Everyday' Value range - $5.00 195583
  • Extra Value range - $5.95 724008
  • Chef's Best, Traditional or 4 topping Mogul pizza - $7.95 200136

And more codes as above, but Delivered (also valid until 22/03/15):

  • Value, Extra Value, Chef's Best or 4 topping Mogul pizzas - $12.95 649716
  • Any 2 pizzas, Garlic Bread and 1.25L Drink - $27.95 954253


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closed Comments

  • +2

    I must say our local Kambah, ACT store has been cranking out some of the best pizzas I have EVER had anywhere.

    Cant say that for my local. Quite the opposite. The franchise accused me of being a fraudster.

    nonetheless a good deal.

    • +4

      Our local store started off making some of the worst pizza I have ever had, but after numerous complaints and a bit of time they have really improved. It's probably taken 6 months, but seriously, they make the best pizzas ever, better than Crust, better than Pizza Capers, almost better than home made. And when the prices are this good it is seriously amazing value.

      I'm very impressed now and I'm not easily impressed by food. The elusive triangle of Cheap, Fast and Good finally came into existence.

      • +2

        Yep I've complained numerous times and then he called me a fraudster. How do you work that out?

        • +7

          Perhaps try complaining to head office. I even took photos of some of my pizzas as they were so lightly topped or missing ingredients and emailed them through as proof.

          Once I got a margherita with no basil sauce, I called and they told me they ran out. No one told me when I picked it up though.

        • +2


          I tried to complain to head office and they kicked it down the local owner, who then rang and abused me. It was only about half way through the call that I realised it was the franchise owner.

          I go to a different store now, which is also close by.

        • You really like living on the edge.

          You complain about to the 'chef', the chef knows you're complaining and calling you a fraudster.

          Yet you still order from there.

          Haven't you watched the French Toast scene from Road Trip?

        • @JB1: You talking to me?

        • -1



        • +1

          @JB1: Didnt complain to the chef, complained to franchisee via EMAIL.
          Havent been to that store since.

  • +3

    I've tried dominos and two different places and the quality is highly different. One was excellent, the other had stale vegetables and didn't taste as good.

  • +5

    436137 - 3 Pizzas, Garlic Bread And 1.25L Drink DELIVERED For $25

  • +2

    I just had dominos tonight and was given a flyer so you can add these to the list

    486304 Extra value pizzas from $5.95 each pick up Valid until 28/2/15

    145548 Any 3 pizzas, 1 garlic bread and 1 x 1.25L drink delivered $29.95 (choose from Value, Extra Value, traditional, or 4 topping Mogul pizzas) Valid until 28/2/15

    181061 Garlic bread $2 each with pizza purchase Valid until 28/2/15

  • +1

    436137 Would use but I hate delivery. I know how little they get paid so feel bad if I don't tip. Besides, they are just down the street.

    710218 =

    I'm REALLY starting to like where Domino's is going with the pricing! Make plenty of pizzas at cheap prices instead of less at more expensive prices! Let the bargain guys get their fill and other less enlightened people can pay more! Win win!

    • +2

      You're not wrong. I was just in to grab my $3.95 pizza when an older gentleman walks in and asks what the "small" pizza is. The storeperson says they have only 1 size, and he points to the Chef's Best as the "small" pizzas.

      The older bloke goes "Ah, $10.95. I guess so. I'll grab the meat one."

      Yet not 20cm from that, there were the Value range pizzas for $4.95.

      • Well, technically he was right.
        If the old bloke was asking for a small as in portion, then chefs best are the smallest area pizza, however the value range does offer better value for $ in terms of volume.

        Loaded chefs best do usually taste pretty damn good though.

  • -3

    What does the fox say

  • +2

    Meanwhile over at Pizza Hut they're stuffing anything they can find in the pantry into the crust …

    Dominos FTW!!

    • +2

      The r makes for a world of difference!

  • some great deals there!

  • +1

    Following starts 16 February until 25 February - pickup and online only

    Working fine for me right now.

  • Tomorrows lunch sorted, cheers OP! :D

  • +1

    Great find OP.

    • +3

      It literally was a find. Walking back from the shops and there was the Domino's flyer on the ground, with a great big offer staring me in the face.

      • Perfect timing!

      • I have to laugh, dropped my $1 off Cadbury coupon somewhere today… doesn't matter, can always print more out!

  • The Dominos code works now, yes.

  • That's lunch sorted until the 25th!

  • -1


  • +3

    In my opinion it really comes down to who makes the pizza, if they have a bit of pride and care in what they do then it shows when you lift the lid on the box.

    • There making cheap pizza's at minimum wage, I know how much pride and care, I would be taking.

  • Great. I was in need of one.

  • +1

    I wonder how much even less toppings for the $3.95?

  • I am between houses so i have 2 locals, the new dominos in Balwyn is terrible but the one in Melbourne CBD is most of the time good although a little hit and miss because i guess they have so many different staff.

    At any rate I find the quality differs a lot depending on which one, which is a shame.

    • I have used the Balwyn store 3 times and have no complaints; it seems slightly better than Bulleen, which tends to "drizzle" far too much sauce on top of the Chef's Best pizzas.

  • +1

    Bummer this doesn't work for me in Victoria- Traditional and Chef's Best Pizzas - $6.95 615242

    • +3

      I also had issues, getting the error:
      The voucher 615242 cannot be used at this time of day.

      Ordering in Canberra on the iOS app at 8pm on 6/02/15.

      200136 for the $7.95 Chef's Best worked though.

  • 16 feb why so long… cant wait!

    • i know right

    • Seems the code is working now though for some, a few have successfully used. Give it a try and you might get lucky.

  • +5

    $3.95 pizza for lunch.

    Mother. Of. God.

    • +1

      I tried using that coupon for lunch today but the system refused me, saying "wrong time of day".

  • +1

    Just used 512955 … didn't allow chef's best
    (well it did.. but u've gotta pay a little bit more)

    EDIT: nevermind .. it did work. Problem was pebkac

  • +3

    Just used Chef's Best code for 13 pizzas from Carlton (VIC). Worked a charm!

    • +4

      Bit hungry!!!
      13 pizza's deserves an upvote don't you think?

      • +3

        Course it does. My oversight!

  • +3

    Just went to pick up the pizza and the guy was like $3.95??? O.O

  • +1

    My turn for Friday night drinks at work. Usually there's some corn chips and dip. Thanks to this post, it was 12 pizza's tonight! Bargain!

    • +5

      And still no upvote? Tough crowd.

  • 710218 didn't work for me but I got a 10% discount with my sweet talking anyway :)

  • 'Cheaper Everyday' Value range - $5.00 195583
    Extra Value range - $5.95 724008
    Chef's Best, Traditional or 4 topping Mogul pizza - $7.95 200136

    these codes are working for me. in WA

    • I also am in WA, just used the "Chef's Best, Traditional or 4 topping Mogul pizza - $7.95 200136" and the Chef's best that I ordered went through for $6.95. Happy.

    • That $5 value code did not work at lunch today "this is not a participating store", however the same pizza without the code was 5c cheaper at $4.95 (Victoria).

  • Value range is $4.95 without coupon (in Vic at least.)

  • +3

    G rated coupon.. doesn't work at night! :-)

    Tried earier at Melb City (was after midnight and came up.. 'not valid this time of day..')

  • 436137 $25 delivered 3 X pizzas 1 X Garlic bread 1 X Soft drink

  • did not work for me

  • Have not been able to get the Value Pizza code to work in VIC - I get the "not valid at this time of day" message despite trying at various times throughout the day and night.

  • not work

  • Just tried.. Went through at my local for 3.95 value

  • None of these except the $3.95 value pizza code is working for me at kingsford NSW. Some of the codes posted give an error message saying that they do not exist.

  • 649716 worked for me now.

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