needingsleep3 » user profile
Member Since | 19/03/2014 |
Last Seen | 03/07/2020 |
Location | Melbourne |
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I’m in Town Hall Sydney myself. The Daily Eatery are available on Skip and make okay large coffee for the $2 price tag.
Thanks. The second opinion I got is that it's a very clear-cut case of a scam attempt. The doctor lied when he told me I have two months…
needingsleep3 posted a forum topic How Do I Make a Formal Complaint about a Scammer Dentist?
I was referred to a dentist for a certain treatment. He was very nice and welcoming, and wrote me a treatment plan that was a LOT more…
needingsleep3 commented on Domino's Pizza - Value $3.95, Traditional & Chef's Best $6.95 - Online and Pickup Only
The Dominos code works now, yes.
needingsleep3 commented on Audible- $10 Coupon
Still works - 27.1, 9:11 AM WST. I can't seem to find any audiobook I like for under $10 though. Credit lasts till 28/3/2015.
I'd like to thank the OP. I just booked a Melbourne > Boston + Seattle > Melbourne today on Expedia, not knowing about STAtravel's deals. I…
needingsleep3 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!