Dick smith pre-order for PS4 The Order: 1886 for $59.98, as catalogue shows.
Game releases 28th of Feb
Dick smith pre-order for PS4 The Order: 1886 for $59.98, as catalogue shows.
Game releases 28th of Feb
Good deal thanks but I'm personally going to try to avoid pre-ordering for a while, got burnt on a few games last year that ended up being disappointing.
same here. prices seem to drop really quickly post launch these days.
Don't think they will drop below 60, unless the game is as buggy as AC:UNITY.
I think you will be able to pick it up off eBay / gumtree pretty quickly after the release for under $60. It's a linear 10hr singleplayer title with no multiplayer modes at all. I can't imagine there is much replay value.
Really? Dicksmith have amazing deals on their pre-orders.
Expect the price to be well above $59 for 'at least' 2 months afterwards.
Pretty much all of the discount codes for dicks don't apply to gaming software.
Current prices:
Destiny PS4 - $79
Farcry4 PS4 - $79
Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4 - $79
I agree, its great to avoid preordering, but dick have brilliant prices which makes it very tempting!
mate this game is made by ex-Naughty Dog developers.
lots of things to like about this game, it's cinematic, action packed, has great graphics, has a unique steam punk-esque setting.
you'd be mad not to get this game if you have a PS4.
even if it's not 10/10, there's no way it can be that bad judging by the previews.
Also this deal is preorder only. So if you decide to get this game 3 weeks after it's release then you may have to pay extra.
Not saying that it won't be great and I agree the previews look promising but there is no risk in waiting to see, especially as it is single player and it won't affect my enjoyment if I play it at release or at some point in the future when it is cheaper and I am sure that I am going to enjoy it.
This game is made by those who made god of war games on psp. This is a new IP with a lot of hand holding and quick time events. The game will probably turn out amazing but it is a big risk for those not too sure. You mentioned a lot of great stuff but many previews have been very negative on the actual gameplay. The graphics may be the best I have seen but there is more to a game than that
"The graphics may be the best I have seen but there is more to a game than that"
Agreed, this is especially true since this is just a console game were talking about. It's not like were dealing with actual high quality PC level graphics and gaming here, let alone something that runs in full 1080p with an acceptable fps.
The gameplay really needs to be up to standard here & all reviews and comments on the alpha/beta of this game indicate it's no where close to being where it needs to be. I wouldn't be touching a pre-order of the game with a 40 foot pole & I don't understand why anyone else would either.
Please don't let this game suck! I want 'next gen' to mean the next generation of games already, and not just the next generation of watching streams on a console!
Pre-ordering is always risky unless the game has been out in the US for 2 weeks already so a good range of reviews are available. Risky remains a thing even with "good" Devs.
AC:Black Flag>AC:Unity
Borderlands 1&2>Aliens: CM
Motorstorm>Drive Club
Not all of those above are terrible games, but there's some big disappointments there that aren't exactly great, either. (And not worth new release money!) Most of those previewed pretty strongly.
…and on it goes as far back as you care to look. Just look at the CV of someone like Bill Roper. Would you have bet good money on his next project post-Blizzard? What about Peter Molyneaux post-Bullfrog?
If you've already got stuff to play it doesn't hurt to wait a year and get the GOTY with all DLC thrown in for half the price. Works for me on whatever isn't a "gotta play it RIGHT now" game.
Huh? Why so neg? It's an exclusive game, isn't it?
To limit a great title to one platform is such a waste. No one is going to get a console (or that console) just for one title, or even a couple of them.
"To cut your nose off, despite your face"
To statica
Website show the wrong price, the catalogue is right one. I think you can only preoder in-store.
The website has the right price now, for anyone who hasn't ordered in store already.
Game previews look amazing but I'm with camw, alot of publishers have burnt me with preorders recently.
To gogo123
They are not many good games for February, either this or EVOLVE. Also I still believe in PS4 exclusive.
Save your time and money DON'T preorder games
then how you get it any cheaper?
Source or proof please. Farcry 4 is still above 60 in all major stores (EB, JB, DS)
Agreed, unless you mean prices drop from $89 after the first weeks of launch.. then yes, possibly, but at $59 its a brilliant price.
The superior PC version can be had for $44 not even on sale at G2A keys, $40 on sale at Amazon currently & $35 on sale at MMOGA and other reputable game-key places.
Got sealed brand new FC4 Limited Edition AU copy for my wife (co-op) from eBay for $59.95 free post a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes eBay or Gumtree will save you a heap. FC4 is $64 in this week's Big W.
I'd be careful buying Ubi keys from G2A:
@Scipio: Thanks for that, I already got Farcry 4, bought the Kyrat edition during Christmas for $77. IMO $60 for a pre order is a really good price. If I dont like the game, Im pretty confident that I can sell it for $60 within two weeks after release date
It very much depends on the game to me. For a good game, I'm all for it. (Got Mordor that way after seeing US reviews.) For riskier purchases, not worth it. I don't have the time/inclination to try and sell games unfortunately.
@Scipio: Fair enough. I dont play the same game twice as I got so many games in my backlog and I only get to play few times a week, hence I sell as soon as I finish a game. Bought Farcry for $77 finished the game over the Christmas holidays and sold it for $60. :)
Yes selling games is a hassle, it took me almost a month to sell my Farcry 4
All very misleading. That's only an issue for people who buy second hand keys through personal reseller listings & adverts on G2A, not for people who buy their keys directly from the actual sites like G2A. The people having issues are those buying the equivalent of second hand goods from advertisers listing goods in advertisement spots on the websites, not the brand new keys directly from sites like G2A.
@infinite: Just saw this on gamespot. Please have a look at this link http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ubisoft-deactivating-fraudu…
Yep, the story states explicitly exactly what I said - it's the resellers of 2nd hand keys that have caused the issue, NOT the reputable key seller sites themselves. The issue is with those individuals who advertise on sites like G2A as resellers of keys, not the actual keys sold directly by G2A and others.
It would be the same as people having an issue with books sold by individual resellers listed on Amazon, but not having a problem with books sold officially by Amazon themselves. Same scenario here, but it's a game key, not a book.
you simply wait a little bit and see even if it's worth your time, patience padawn
Amen, after the launch disasters of HOMM6, Diablo 3 and COD I ain't pre-ordering any game, wait 3 months for the bug fixes to be deployed :)
Evolve is $69.98, doesn’t mention ant pre-order bonuses though, so JB at $79 may still be a better option, or EB for $99 including both pre-order bonuses.
Thanks op preodering now
I thought the release date was the 20th not the 28th. Other sites like JB still showing the 20th too.
Asked when I preordered just before. Told me 20th also however ops link does state 28th
My local EB says 28th on their big board out the front.
Great price, but be careful pre-ordering for this one - previews haven't exactly been glowing beyond graphics (generic cover combat plus quick-time events), and it's from a developer that has previously only made handheld spin-offs and ports.
i will wait for release and see, apparently game looks brilliant, other than graphics. everything else in the game goes downhill from there, based on many reviews
I'm going to wait for the reviews first. Got burned on Drive Club doing a super early pre order, although that was only about $47.
I purchased over 10 games last year - all preordered from Dick Smith due to their amazing pricing and this no exception, I chose to support a retailer that was going to give genuinely great pricing and their preorder service (instore) was spot on.
I got burnt on DriveClub & Unity like others but in both instances I onsold within a couple of weeks (ebay / gumtree) and either broke even or actually made a small profit. I'm not saying you do this to make a profit or anything but the "insurance policy" is there being that people will happily spend $60 on a new release game being that everywhere but Dickies will be $70 or more for atleast 2-3months after release.
Actual quote from the director:
I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that… it’s a game, we make games, we can’t get around it. We love games, but we also love telling stories, so I think story is always going to be at the top because it’s what we start with. It’s at the top of the pyramid and everything else supports that. I think it’d be more challenging to make a game for the gameplay’s sake, then try to make a story that fits in there.
Also, hilariously:
"But one thing that really changes is the aesthetic of the game in 60 fps. We're going for this filmic look, so one thing that we knew immediately was films run at 24 fps. We're gonna run at 30 because 24 fps does not feel good to play. So there's one concession in terms of making it aesthetically pleasing, because it just has to feel good to play."
I'm no graphics junkie, but goddamn I hate this excuse. Gaming is objectively better at 60fps than it is at 30/24. Games are not movies. More frames are better. End of discussion.
Well, they don't refer to the peasants as the great unwashed masses, because there's only a few of them !!!
lol thanks for the quotes.. saved me $59.98
Can you not just pre order and put $10 down to lock in the price and cancel the pre order and get your money back if it turns out to be shit?
That's in reply to all these people saying they have been burnt by pre orders.
Yep - I did this with Far Cry 4.
Why? Far cry 4 is great
Not slighting FC4. Got access to a free copy from a friend.
I wish. :-D Borrowed a PS4 copy from a mate who managed to get his hands on it prior to launch day.
where's all the other games for preorder from dick smith? last year dick smith had the absolute best preorder prices and I ordered a bunch of games. this year this is the first game I can remember being on a good preorder sale. I would've swooped in on a preorder deal for dying light xbox one
It's a supply & demand issue. People just aren't willing to piss their money up the wall on a pre-order now days, especially given it's the industry standard to release broken unfinished buggy pieces of shite & then take 6 months to patch it to a release state (if it ever even get's there).
People want the developers and publishers to stop blowing their budgets on misleading hype videos and advertising & just spend it on releasing a complete quality game. The only way to do that is to stop paying for pre-orders.
Still $79.99. How do you get it for $59.99?
Not working for me either….
Grab a catalogue from dick smith and order in store, you just need to put down 10 dollars now. I already done that yesterday.
Thanks. Will do tomorrow.
Please don't pre-order games - this rewards companies for releasing buggy, unfinished junk.
hmm tempting
hmm website still showing 79.98, suppose just slow to update? Or can you only preorder in-store?