Non-drinkers: How do you do it?

Hey Ozbargain community,

I've been a non-drinker since I left high school. I'm talking alcoholic beverages here. It all stemmed from getting my drivers license at the same time as completing my RSA (bar and gaming) license. The course was run by an experienced bar/club owner, and his stories turned me off. I was a terrible drinker to begin with, and annoyed myself more than anything while inebriated, let alone the sickness that followed.

I soon built up a tolerance to beer, wine and spirits, and consuming any in small quantities would make me sick or physically uncomfortable. Drinking scotch would send me sleep, and I'd get hangovers without reaching inebriation.

Through my early 20's I was ostracized by my mates, who would often go halves in a carton on the weekend or drink a hundred dollars on a night out. I'd spend the money on kebabs and lemon-lime and bitters. I was judged as a 'PUUSSSAAAY' or 'pr1ck who wouldn't drive them home at the end of the night'.

I've also developed greater sensitivities to alcohol, and suffer from gout attacks. Last Easter, baileys and milk had me spend 4 days off work in horrible pain, with an inflamed big toe twice the size of the other.

Now that I'm 30, I've started to enjoy going out to the local again, and have no problem needing liquid courage to have a good night out with a group of people or meeting new people out on my own.

On a night out, I'll drink waters, occasionally soft drinks, and unless its a birth/death/marriage, I'll have a single beer. It's got to be special and I'd only drink with the best of company, at the best of times.

Who else in the community experiences similar?
What would you like on the menu for non-alcoholic drinkers, and could something like this make nightlife experiences in bars and clubs more enjoyable for designated drivers, non-drinkers and reformed drinkers?
How easily do you enjoy your time out in public places without the need for intoxication?

Poll below and share some stories. Thank you

Poll Options

  • 204
    I dont go out/rarely go out because I dont drink or dont have interest in drinking.
  • 87
    I'm the same, I can manage a night out without a drink on multiple occasions no problem.
  • 14
    I really wish there was something for non-drinkers, something suave and non-dandy
  • 43
    Mate, get a kidney/liver transplant in Mexico and start your life again as a drinker


  • +20

    im 19 and all my friends go out fri/sat night and get knocked off their blocks, I cant think of anything worse. Id rather stay home and have a redbull :P. But i do get alot of crap from them, but i go to breakfast or lunch with them instead. Alot funner.

    • +18

      Many people use drinking as a social crutch and as a 'filler' activity to cure boredom. If you were closer as friends, you'd be doing more fun activities rather than just sitting around a dinner table and seeing who can chug the most schooners in one night. I remember when I turned 18 and my friends took me along to go camping. There was a lot alcohol invovled, but it was great because of the camping activity itself. You don't need alcohol to have a good time.

      Here's the thing, if you hang out with alcoholics they will expect you to go along with them and drink together as doing so makes them feel more 'normal' if they can manage to convince other people to do it. They tend to get offended when you decline to drink — I usually reassure them that I don't give a rats bum on how much alcohol they consume and they can drink all they want without me judging, but I wasn't into it as I never liked alcohol in the first place.

      • +2

        Kinda agree with you on the close friend thing, though it seems to be a 'cool' thing to drink. Just got back from the Coast with a friend and she drunk every night without delay kinda pissed me off, I feel like nobody nowdays can be fun without alcohol, Told her to not drink one night and she couldnt do it (quite the alcoholic) then brings us back to your point of not being close enough friends. It gets hard finding a good friend who dosent drink :P.

        • +1

          Yes I agree also. Theyre good mates, and a lot have come around later in life. Theres no way maturity is a factor when you're 18. And those who can learn from their mistakes made while drinking and not keep going back to the same assholery are even better.

        • +7

          THIS! I hate how people immediately start thinking fun nights must have alcohol. There is so much of the world you can see whilst sober and these things are much more fun than drinking up over the weekend. A lot of my friends drink and while they're good guys, the closer friends of mine would rather give up the alcohol and spend a day at the beach followed by lunch. Much more fun that way IMO.

    • +1

      I personal love nice lunch or breakfast out then drinking.

      • +4

        'Then' or 'than'? Drinking after breakfast is a bit worrisome.

        • +1

          This just in: Alcoholism may cause minor grammatical errors! You have been warned!

  • +4

    There are usually plenty of mocktails on bar menus. Might not look entirely masculine, if you're concerned about that kinda thing, but… well, you shouldn't be concerned about that kinda thing. Cos mocktails are fecking delicious.


    • +2

      This might be slightly OT. But here's a question to all the TwoX Chromosome Ozbargainers (I know they're kind of a rare breed here) — would you be more enthuasiastic to date a guy who doesn't drink, or drink very seldomly? Or would you find a man who prefers to be sober at dance parties to be a deal breaker?

      • +4

        My first boyfriend rarely drank. He preferred to be sober - I think he simply saw no reason to drink (he was a very cerebral type if it makes any difference to include that detail lol).

        So I guess that might answer your last question: it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me personally. But that's just me. Not all females were created equal :) So others may answer completely differently for different reasons of course.

        I do like the odd drink myself though (coughslightunderstatementcough), so it would be fun to have a partner who isn't straightXedge, and is in more the 'drinks seldomly' category… but then, that does make me question myself: what's the point of that? What does it matter what the other person does? etc etc.

        It's an interesting topic when you think about it; the strong social aspect/culture of drinking. Why do non-drinkers feel the pressure to be drinking anything at all? Why do drinkers feel the need to egg on or (even jokingly) dis non-drinkers in a group? It's really self-imposed peer pressure in a way… no? :P

      • +4

        IMHO, drunk guys = Serious turn off! Guys who get drunk to pick up or to appear more 'interesting' have serious self-esteem issues.

        A survey conducted in the UK on 4000(?) heterosexual couples found that:
        * 1 in 5 men thought they were better in bed when they are drunk
        * 43% thought they are funnier.

        Interestingly, only 13% of the women surveyed said that they found their partner sexier after a drink and 42% said that it was actually a total turn-off.

      • +10

        Same goes for boozy chicks too! If you havent met a lass with a drinking problem by the time you're 21, you're just buying eneloops. Mate's ex-gf would drink white wine in bed on Saturday morning watching 'how i met your mother'. She was 25 going on 46. The teeth on her looked like they were rusting

        • +7

          Same goes for boozy chicks too!

          and smokers. I met this girl at a party once: she was funny, sweet,had a great laugh… and very pretty to boot. we really hit it off. I remember dancing with her and having to hold my breath because her beautiful strawberry blonde hair reeked of cigarette smoke. At one point, she kissed me …. and it was like licking an ashtray :(

          I politely excused myself, tried to leave and she went all batshit crazy …but that's another story.

          The gist is:
          - smokers, its really disgusting french-kissing you
          - single people looking for love, be careful. There's some really f*@#ed up psychos out there.

        • +1
        • +3

          @Jar Jar Binks:

          I want the story…

        • +3

          @zaphy: can't. I'll get in trouble with Ms Turnip. She thinks I ramble too much :-(

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: LOL nonsense! Ms Turnip is like #1 rambly person around here. I definitely don't think you're guilty of anything of the sort.

          Maybe just a little guilty of having too good a life. I'm just a little jelly :P

          (I think we're all a little envious, in the nicest way of course! You're a lucky guy, and Wicket is a lucky lady) :) my previous post was honestly tongue in cheek hug

        • +1

          @waterlogged turnip:

          my previous post was honestly tongue in cheek

          I know… but I love teasing you :) You sound so much like a Jane Austen heroine when you're flustered :b

          As for being #1 rambly person, did you see this ? :) How does a 27 year old become so wise?

          Friendly hug right back at you :)

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: I can't believe you guys are both on the same forum, no may my SO would be on the same forum as me, it would be like working in the same office, and then coming home to each other… There was a couple at work doing that, I could never do it (take nothing away from my SO, but still)

          Apart from that, there's every type of person out there, the world would be a boring place if everyone was exactly the same, celebrate people's differences. You may not like some of them or some of their habits, but then imagine how horrible life would be if no one ever drank, or got a bit loose, or only wanted missionary. It would suck big time. You never know, that bat sh*t crazy bird may have been crazy in bed if what they say about rangas is true.

        • +2

          @Jackson: She was on ozbargain first and got me to sign up so that I could come to an ozbargain meetup. we're on the forum for different reasons : she's here for the bargains (mostly) and rarely comments whereas I don't really care that much about the bargains.I'm more here because of the community. I've grown so fond of so many people on here that it feels weird sometime to think I don't even know basic stuff about them :like their gender, their name or what they look like.

          the world would be a boring place if everyone was exactly the same, celebrate people's differences.

          I couldn't agree more :) It was fascinating to read the various comments on one of my forum post and to try to see the world through other people's eyes.

          that bat sh*t crazy bird may have been crazy in bed

          She called me a half-caste mongrel (mom's Caucasian, dad's black) and asked if I thought I was too good for her. Screamed it really ..among other profanities . Then followed me outside and offers me a ride home. When I politely declined, she tried to run me over.Next morning, she turns up at my door to 'apologise' and I had to threaten to call security ( I was staying on campus) for her to leave.

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: Mate I would feel sorry for you, but I was never in a position to turn down an offer like that, so I won't :-)

          but yeah that shit is not ok, but maybe I'd have tried harder to 'compromise' in a vengeful sort of way.

        • +1


          I was never in a position to turn down an offer like that, so I won't

          Then you're a braver man than I am. I could never sleep with someone who has tried to kill me.

        • That's probably the meth..

      • My husband despised alcohol when we were teenagers and dating. His father has issues with drinking and he'd had to deal with him, so he hated it.

        Not a deal breaker for me obviously. I'm not much of a drinker myself, a heavy drinker would be more of a deal breaker for me I'd imagine.

        He slowly relaxed a bit as he got older and will now have the occasional social drink, probably about 5 over the course of a year. In the 18 years I've known him I've seen him drunk once.

    • I agree, and im not afraid to drink something out of a conical flask because its delicious. What do you recommend? And this is in response to the mocktails

      • If you like something sweet I recommend Strawberry Caprioska, its got strawberries and lime. Very nice!

  • +8

    I soon built up a tolerance to beer, wine and spirits, and consuming any in small quantities would make me sick or physically uncomfortable.


    • +4

      I think OP means INtolerance.

    • +2

      I think he means 'intolerance'

    • +1

      yeah cheers intolerance. wouldnt want to be up for gout every friday night. Cant escape the eye for detail qualities of an ozbargain commenter. thank you

      • +1

        As a long term sufferer of gout and occasional drinker I can confirm that the alcohol would only be the straw that broke the camels back.
        You must have an underlying conidition of very high uric acid to have an immediate flre up
        Go see your doctor, get a blood test and get on longterm medication (likely allopurinol)
        Your joints (hello knees!) and kidneys will thank you in the coming decades

        • yep on the allopurinol, and a good diet helps. definitely want to save my kidneys in the long run. will see a specialist/naturopath soon this year to get some long term action in place. i'm very fit and active and need to be for 2 of my jobs. luck of the draw really. cheers!

        • +1


          As a male, I have never suffered through child birth (which I imagine is probably the worst pain), but gout is absolutely the most painful thing I have ever endured. Wish it on your enemies!

  • +42

    Drinking is expensive. I would rather save my money and buy Eneloops or something.

    • +3

      This. I consider myself to be an "economical drinker" for this reason.

      • +4

        "economical drinker"

        AKA hip-flask smuggler.

        • +2

          Hahahahaha, I wish. My body cannot tolerate alcohol really well, so I get absolutely smashed with 1 standard drink. My girlfriend who's half my size can drink me under the table.

          :P I can tell you about how I puked on the leg of a staff sargeant when I was just an airman second class on a day when we were allowed to drink, but, meh.

        • +4


          I wonder if anyone in this thread is unknowingly afflicted by "Asian flush sydnrome".

        • +2

          @Scrooge McDuck: Oh so that's what it was.

        • +2

          @Scrooge McDuck: I got half the Asian flush thing going for me. So annoying.

          I get the flush but if I keep drinking (past 2 drinks at a normal pace), then the flush subsides and I'm all good.

          I can probably thank my Pommy genes for that. Lots of full blooded Asians I know can't get past the flushing stage.. and any attempts to do so will probably land them in hospital lol.

          Hooray eurasian genes!

        • +1

          It's amazing how quickly even a small hip flask can pay for itself these days

        • @waterlogged turnip: Finally someone who gets it when I say "It'll go away after a couple more drinks".

        • @Scrooge McDuck:

          I don't drink partly due to this. I get red just on a couple of sips of a barcardi breezer. My dad and brother get it too, luckily for them they are dark so the redness/blotches are not so obvious.

  • Everything in moderation as they say.

    I'm probably really bad to comment as I'm hideously anti social. I hate going out, even to eat. All my drinking is done at home. I don't in general drink midweek, but do Friday night to Sunday. Just as a mild relaxant. The last time I got throw up drunk was over ten years ago.

    I love the tastes though. Just like coffee. I actually wish coffee was caffeine free. I drink it as I love the flavor. I can go straight to sleep after. I get zero buzz or alertness. I have one a day. But if I stop I get chronic headaches. So I guess I'm sadly addicted on one a day. But not for any benefit other than the taste.

    • +1

      Everything in moderation as they say.

      Including moderation.

  • +1

    I occasionally go for ginger ales. Lots of alcohol-free beers available in Japan … I wish we had that here too. Better for the liver too!

    • +1…

      What I don't understand is how pricey they still are o_O

      the 'fun' has been removed, why still so expensive?!

    • i'll drink beer in Japan, as it is delicious. i think a lot of preservatives and general shit quality beer in Aus is to blame for gout attacks. Never drink to excess though

  • +4

    I'm Muslim… "Maybe he's born with it… he is". I take soft drinks normally at the bar, though one time I did manage to trick others into thinking I was having beer when it was just an energy drink poured into a glass. The people I hang with are chill enough to just accept that I won't be drinking alcohol.

  • +2

    For non-drinkers looking for sexy drinks to take to house-parties / BBQs / BYO occasions, etc… I noticed the Bundaberg soft drink selections have improved lately with a few more fancy pants types, which seem to be more geared to the non-alcohol-drinkers in such predicaments.

    They're too flavoured to be mixers, IMO, so my money is on them being designed for peeps wanting to still feel like they're drinking something classy and fancy along with the boozy drinkers, without actually drinking booze :) You decide! Especially the 'apple cider' in a glass bottle, and 'pineapple and coconut' :)

    • +1

      I've had Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Spiced Ginger Beer and Apple Cider. They're all great. I usually mix the Ginger Beer with Canefire Rum (local WA distiller), though.. :)

  • +3

    I just buy what I like, generally ginger beer/ginger ale and I don't tend to get hassled by those who are drinking. I will quite happily drive people home at the end of the night, because surely it's better to be the designated driver than to risk friends driving home drunk…

  • +2

    I've been a non drinker for some time also due to Asian flush. I don't pretend to be drinking and will happily say that I'm not. I thought this would impact certain aspects of my social life but it hasn't at all and some of my best mates and colleagues centre life around a good drink. People generally accept it and respect it.

    I have found it best to say you're not drinking rather than hide it

  • I'm not a drinker - never have been, never will be. I've tried various drinks, but never found something I like. And I'm not particularly keen to either.
    From an OZB point of view - think of how many eneloops you/we can buy by not drinking!! :D
    $100 a night, at a conservative once a week on average, for say 10 years = >$50k. That's a lot of bargains!

    • -1

      Then when you Die, take them Eneloops with you.

  • +2

    What about the calories you put on!!! 3 schooners of beer = 50 laps in the pool.

    On average there is about 150 calorie in a schooner of beer ($7). Same for a softdrink ($3 or sometimes free depending on pub). alternatives are sugarfree like coke zero or pepsimax. Even better is soda water but if you want to be a real tight ass, order a glass of water with a wedge of lime in it ($0)!

  • +3

    I don't require a social lubricant to socialise. On special occasions like birthdays I'll make a toast, and only drink with food. And have plenty of water.

  • +2

    I'm not a non drinker but I do drink at special events - birthdays, music festivals, etc.

    I don't really like the taste of alcohol and even one or two drinks will give me a sinus headache the next day. I like the buzz alcohol gives me but I don't think the trade off is worth it.

    My friends are all fairly big drinkers, but they don't care if I am drinking or not. I'll just spend my night drinking from a couple of bottles of Coke Zero.

    I think you just have to go with whatever is best for you. Try not to let others get to you … if your mates keep hasseling you about it, buy Coke but ask them to put it in the wider, shorter tumblers so that ut looks like you're drinking rum/bourbon and coke.

  • +9

    Fun facts about me:
    - I sleepwalk
    - I sleep naked
    - Alcohol exacerbates my somnambulism…

    and I'm one of those somnambulist who will find his way out of a locked house… to go for a run …at 3 in the morning… butt-naked …in freezing temperature… and only wakes up at the sound of the horn of a car that almost ran him over. The worst part was having to ask the giggling and wolf-whistling teenagers who were in that car, if I could borrow a phone to call my gran to get her to come pick me up.

    There was also the time when I turned up at this girl's place in the early hours of the morning and knocked on her door. Again butt-naked. There's photographic evidence of that one. It was on the menzies' college wall of fame for ages.

    So no I rarely drink..only the odd beer or glass of wine on special occasions.

    • +3

      I can see why you steered clear of the bucks party! :)

      • I'm disappointed we didn't know those details during the bucks party discussion thread :(

        • +2

          I alluded to it in option 3 but almost everyone chose to interpret it as meaning that I'm one of those men who would cheat on their wife after a couple drinks.I'm not. What I meant was that I am so vulnerable when I'm sleepwalking that some of those 'depraved' people at the party could have taken advantage of my hot body :b

        • @Jar Jar Binks: I know that feeling too well. That's why I tend to drink only around my girlfriend. The sad thing is, it ends in a similar way. :'( Meh, I don't mind looking vulnerable around my girlfriend, it's not like I have to be tough all the time around her.

  • +10

    I prefer water

  • Lemon Lime Bitters. Non-alcoholic version.

  • +1


    Half lemonade, half soda water, and lime cordial (I find full lemonade and lime cordial is too sweet)

  • +1

    I feel out of place, I look forward to letting loose every Friday and Saturday.

  • -1

    I dont Drink and Drive.
    I smoke and fly :)

  • +1

    I loves me some beer.
    I drink it all year.

  • There isn't anything to it… I used to drink alot during uni days, alcohol didn't affect me cognitively, or at least i can still make proper judgements and still remember what happened the night before. However, everytime i drink, I question myself, why do I even drink… it doesn't taste particularly good and it is so bad for your body (especially if you have the "asian flush" issue and ulric acid problems). So i just decided not to drink anymore.

    Only time I drank was during my mates bucks and that was because there were umm… entertainment walking around serving drinks and they kept asking what I wanted. (I'm a man… I cant say no to them cough).

    Anyway, my point is, don't worry about what other people say, drinking alcohol isn't good for you, and it doesn't taste good so only drink during very special occasion, and that's if it is necessary.

  • +1

    I don't drink, nothing strict or religious, drank my fair share while at Uni a couple years back. But I've become a person that doesn't drink because I don't endorse societies need to get drunk or even sip a glass of wine, in order to have fun or just socialize, I think its kinda sad really. Most people can't even have a dinner party while being themselves (aka sober). They feel the need for a glass or glasses of wine. I reckon 50% of marriages end in divorce because the pair where drinking wine at dinner on the dates they were getting to know each other, aka they never got to really know each other. LOL.

  • +2

    I don't drink, mainly because I don't find it particularly pleasurable. I have nothing against it and when it's free, I'll give it a go. But I don't spend on it since I don't get anything good out of it. I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. If friends make fun of me for it then I know that they're not real friends.

    When I was still in school, my friends never had a problem with it. We would still have fun and they could always count on me to drive them so it worked out for them. These days when I go out with people, no one says anything if I don't order an alcoholic beverage. Maybe it's just the kind of people I hang out with.

    For those who like to drink, good on ya. Same thing to those who don't drink. Whatever floats your boat.

  • +3

    I like smoking Weed. When is that going to be legal??

  • +2


  • +1

    I hardly drink also - have the occasional beer but generally stick to soft drink or water. I just tend to think why go out and spend a lot of money for something to make you feel like crap the next day?

    In saying that though, my OzBargain cheapness comes into play when I come back from overseas and purchase alcohol duty free to make use of the allowance as well as the cheaper prices (after checking OzBargain, Boozle or Dan Murphy's website of course!). Suffice to say that I had fun picking up a bargain or two duty free, but now have a few bottles of alcohol sitting there doing nothing :/ The 'buy now, think later' concept seems to take over!

  • +2

    I really appreciate your comments in the last 24 hours. I'm not surprised to see the poll the way it is, with most people turning their backs to socialising due to fears in the drinking culture/unattractiveness of clubs and pubs due to it.

    I challenge all of you to find your way in these places, with your water, eneloops, weed, mdma, ginger beer, LL&B, unattractive drunk dudes/chicks or whatever floats your boat - but be social. Liquid courage is a myth, and people drink because they like it as much as it likes them. Get over the judgement, and let your preference be part of you, and use it as a strength in social situations.

    I'm humble to be a designated driver, to or from a venue. Grandma told me 'never led (profanity) in your car', so know who you let ride with you. This has saved my vehicle from booze related hurlers, beer farts, but not that one guy who threw my tissue box out the window because it was a little busted up.


  • I rarely drink outside because I don't like to depend on people and I like drive myself to places. So far it seems that the only time I drink is when I am at professional events (because my career depends on fitting in).

    I never liked the taste of hard alcohol or wine. I like some very light and fresh beers and these I drink at home. Never liked the blood rushing to my head. I used to drink in uni when we partied without fail every week. I never got black out drunk because I would start puking way before I would start to lose vision and movement coordination even (have never reached that stage). Now the smell of concentrated alcohol makes me want to puke.

  • I'm more of a lemonade fizzy drinks kinda guy… but when my uncles or friends ask me to drink I usually join in.

  • I'd spend the money on kebabs and lemon-lime and bitters

    LLB definitely wouldn't be my first choice if I wanted to blend into a boozy environment, it's a drink more popular with the ladies.

    I sometimes get stuck at work functions with beer swilling blokey blokes, normally I'll grab coke, red bull or plain old water. If there's no way out of beer (which I've never acquired a taste for) I'll grab a light beer and hold onto the glass all night without actually drinking it.

    • +1

      it's a drink more popular with the ladies.

      Yes, exactly. Careful, your penis might invert itself instantly!


      • +2

        Hehe :-) LLB is actually one of my favourite drinks (as long as it's made in layers with a good quality syrup, not the pink coloured pre mixed crap), but from the perspective of blending in with yobbos (which I have to do thanks to boozy corporate culture) IMO it's not a great choice.

        • +1

          Nothing worse than a shitty bar-made LLB.

    • Dont forget lemonade, diet coke, anything with fruit or anything with a straw in it might make you a lady also. Just as long as you dont drink these drinks with your legs crossed. If you do, its time to let your parents know you sing songs from the movie frozen while driving. its ok tho

  • I don't see what's the deal with drinking. The stuff taste horrible and you throw up if you intake so much of it. I could drink alcohol if I wanted to, but I refuse to accept social society where destroying your liver with a bad tasting drink is just there to prove a point that you can take it. I get it, the whole world knows how to drink.

  • I rarely drink. Maybe one standard drink a month. I only have 2 friends so I don't go out and neither of those friends enjoy drinking either. I drank more then enough during high school. And currently doing uni. I see what going out twice a week does to others in my class (basicly falling behind and failing). Basicly drinking is not worth the investment for me, as I can have fun sober.

  • +5

    Asian flush sufferer checking in. I can confirm I rarely drink. Luckily, I have groups of friends who can accept me not drinking when going to clubs/pubs with them. Especially as I grow older into my mid-20s, people seems to be more accepting and you really start knowing who your real friends are anyway. Those guys are most likely the ones that are going to respect your decision.

    In saying that, for work functions, to fit in with colleague and be "social" with clients I have plenty of tricks in making them thinking that I was drinking. For those interested:

    -Put coke into shorter glass
    -Glass of Champagne (typically they are in a thin glass, so easy to sneakily dump into the counter or random table)
    -Always MOVE around and sneakily dump your drink somewhere and get a new glass of different drink (company paid ofc, too tightarse to do that otherwise). If you stayed too long, those noisy people will start questioning why you are not finishing your drink. Then once you got a new drink, feel free to engage those group of people again while pretending to sip. Do that for the first hour or two, rinse and repeat, and then announce that you have enough for the day as you need to drive home later


  • +2

    I used to be a big drinker (very big). I had a friend who never drank but he came along often and drank coke or whatever. None of us ever gave him hassle, as he was a very funny bloke, good natured, and he was handy to have around because within 30 minutes of us sitting down somewhere, he was so outgoing he'd go pick up three or four girls and bring them back to our table.

    The rest of us were often too busy getting drunk to grab any of those girls, he would simply take his pick at the end of the night while we went home alone, blind drunk, feeling like crap and vowing never to drink again. Till the next night.

    I used to enjoy that. Still don't know why really. I now hate loud places such as nightclubs. All the places we used to frequent are the last place I want to go when going out. Don't get me wrong, when I get invited I go along for the social aspect, but I can think of so many places I'd rather be now.

    Anyway in my early 30s I developed a chronic condition that means I can still drink alcohol, not allergic and won't die or anything, but it will likely cause me a lot of pain and discomfort for a week or two. So I don't drink any more.

    Do I miss it? A little, yes, but not much. Does it annoy me the sheer mindset and how prevalent drinking is around my life and how much emphasis is placed on it? Now it does yes. Drinking more than a few drinks a day is actually quite poisonous yet I still have friends who cannot complete a visit without downing a 6 pack at least and leaving inebriated.

    Would I still be doing the same thing if it didn't make me sick? POSSIBLY but no-where near as much even if I did because after having kids and the wife and some friends stopped having drinks the urge left me heaps anyway. Plus I try to stay fit and drinking is probably the biggest single waste of kilo joules on the planet.

    But here's the kicker. In my case my friends are aware of my situation, and although it bugs me sometimes it's ASSUMED I'll drive when we go out, and on special occasions like my birthday they do still hassle me (and I do sometimes risk it on those occasions), in general, my friends NEVER think I'm a pussy or whatever. It's an accepted thing that I do not drink, they always have alternate drinks around for me.

    It does bug me a lot here in Australia that non-alcoholic beers, wines etc are not as readily available though. In Europe you go ANYWHERE and there's ALWAYS a selection of at least 10 non-alcoholic alternatives in addition to the normal alcoholic ones. It is very much the norm over there that people sometimes just don't drink alcohol, but they like the taste or wine or beer (or just want to look "cooler" rather than a have a softie).

    I personally think Australia would do very well to have licensed places have some of those types of drinks in stock for the skippers/non-drinkers.

  • I'm 29 and apart from a Vodka Cruiser (Alcopop) on NYE, I don't drink. I can't stand wine, beer and any other alcohol. I hate the taste of it. I'm a huge soft drink drinker. So whenever I go out, I get water or soft drink. I'm turned off alcohol probably because of two reasons. I don't like the taste and also my Dad gets drunk almost every night and I hate it. I never want to be like that.

  • +1

    I'm female and can't stand the taste of alcohol, never have been able to. I prefer water (I also don't like soft drinks, coffee or tea). Yep, you can't even take me to a coffee shop, let alone a night out LOL!!

    I did meet someone once who managed this socially by drinking diet ginger beer in a stubbie cooler. Everyone thought she was drinking alcohol but it was always diet ginger beer - the bottle made her look the part.

  • +1

    It's just a kid thing to put pressure on non-drinking/smoking lad.

    Kids're always talking (show off) that how much they drunk last night, hang over, haven't slept or crazy things.

    For an adult, or who have a family, it's more likely having brunch or lunch to catch up with friends so you hardly or never have any problems.

    • +2

      According to surveys done on 1000 under 18 year old male teens, 66% are able to drink their dads under the table, and 97% were "literally drowning in pussay" during their school holidays.

  • +1

    Frankly, a lot less people should drink. Few people I know can handle alcohol; it alters their personality in an entirely negative way.

    However, if you decide you don't want to drink don't wear it as some anti-conformist badge of honour. Frankly, I think the whole "Oh, people harass me in social situations when I don't drink" is exaggerated nonsense. I've never seen it, nor have I ever experienced it when I've decided not to drink. If it has happened to you, find new friends because the ones you have obviously don't respect your decisions.


    • Your comment reminds me of what my dad told me. If you are drinking to enjoy, drink till you enjoy; don't go overboard.

  • +4

    Im a High School teacher - drinking is almost a prerequisite to deal with the job (dealing with swearing, thrown objects and fighting - and thats just in the staff room!). I used to indulge quite a bit but since having my own kids that has been a deal breaker (cant handle the early starts or loud noises the next day lol). When going out (rare these days) I just have a drink or two at the most to be sociable and normally make an excuse to leave early. Normally I am driving anyway so cant drink (cant afford Taxis on a part time teacher wage). Most of my drinking friends have lost their licences thru drink driving (so not worth it). Id say its a lot easier for women to be 'non-drinkers' however suspicion is aroused that we are pregnant if we arent drinking so we cant win either really lol.

    • I briefly toyed with the idea of becoming a science/maths teacher when we found out we were having twins. Glad I didn't.

      • +1

        Depending on how well you do and how long you've worked for, teachers earn can earn fairly high salaries, 80K a year for instance, with the median being 60+K.

        It's rewarding, but it is very stressful. My brother is chem/phys teacher in private school system and has had enough of it after 8 years of teaching, but he can't give up the job because he too has 2 children and the high salary is too good to pass up.

        • I had great teachers who really inspired me.They have a lot more to do with shaping who I am today than my parents.They've instilled in me an insatiable thirst for learning, to not only absorb knowledge, but develop the intellectual curiosity that leads to the production of knowledge, to make a difference in the world :)
          I wouldn't have a made a difference in the world by being a mediocre teacher.

        • +1

          For the records a 10 year experience teacher with a full load and some extras (eg year advisor, careers advisor) in a private school can earn at least close to 100k.

  • +2

    23 here, non-drinker currently due to medical reasons.

    When I was in the 18-21 range I was a rare, minimal sort of drinker and was never interested in going out clubbing or pubs. Its not much fun going out when all your friends are hammered and acting like idiots whilst you're sober. Plus, the constant mocking and pressure - you're weak, you need to loosen up, learn to have some fun etc. So yeah, I got ostracised as well. The drinking culture is extremely prevalent at that age, along with putting pressure on and being competitive over masculinity and its not always a possibility to find people who aren't like that - I didn't at least.

    Now I can't drink even when I'd like to but thankfully my mates are fine with it and there's no pressure on me either way. I wouldn't be friends with them if it wasn't this way.

    It doesn't stop me going out - I just don't go when I know they'll be getting drunk. When I go out I just get a coke or water and that's fine for me.

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