I heard about this on the radio this morning, seems like the current cheapest deal
Microsoft Surface Pro 3 i5 128GB - @Harvey Norman - $997

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If you're not sure, 'hire a Pro' first before committing…
JV replied to my comment !!!!!!!! My life is complete!
You are sad
I tried hiring a Pro 3. The Pro Hire store my friend sent me to had never heard of a Pro 3, but they offered me a Deluxe Pro for $200 an hour. When I asked how much to buy out right I got slapped. One of the other customers said I had to go to the Red Light District store and they start at $10k. At $200/h to hire I would rather just try a Pro at Harvey Norman and get Gerry's staff to teach me how to use it.
Do most companies allow you to bring your Pro to work? I don't want to leave my Pro at home because my kids are so dirty and I know they'll play with my Pro while I'm out. Or should I get a box to lock my Pro in while I'm out? JV, do you know where I can get a sturdy, cheap lock box to store a Pro?
This is getting complicated. All I wanted was something to sit on my lap to play with while I watched TV…
How does this one fare compared to 10% Students discount and 100 dollar voucher that microsoft is offering if you buy from them directly
That expired last night :(
the 100 voucher is history. student discount of this model still sits at 1088. op's find is by far the best deal.
MS told me that the $100 voucher could not be applied to academic pricing
I purchased the Pro 3 days ago using student pricing, then used the $100 voucher to get a keyboad cover for $30…Student price is 130 for it, 150 for normal.
Thanks for that info. Will try something like that next time a similar deal is on
If you can get 10% off and the $100 discount, you're better at the MS store.
edit: okay, so the 10% has expired. Better get it from HN than.Did you choose the '128GB / Intel i5' model?
yeh for the device itself it's cheaper. but the issue is the type cover price which is currently $149 on HN, or $134.99 at MS Store at student price (non-student price is the same).
So if you can somehow haggle the price down or find a better deal you could potentially beat the Student Discount/$100 voucher price of ~$1090 for the 128GB/4GB RAM
I asked JB if they could do better on the cover and they knocked it down to like $110 or $120 (I forget, but it was cheaper than the $130ish that MS was offering) without blinking.
I'm trying to decide between this model and the 256gb - I'm just not sure.
128GB is nothing these days (remember Windows already takes up space), so you're better off spending the extra coin for the 256GB model. OR you could add a 128GB microSD card.
128G micro sd is much cheaper and future proofing unless you need that extra speed.
Hmm yes. It's a good $400 more for that extra space - although the 128gb sd card is around $100 anyway. I'm also guessing the SSD will be a lot faster than the sd card. Hmmm decisions.
you won't notice the difference.
the 256 gb has more ram as well - 8 gig
I believe there are some limitations of how much you can use the microSD card for in terms of storage. Not 100% sure, but for example installing program files like games, software, etc. The 128GB comes with about 98GB accessible storage iirc.
I went with the 256gb model for the extra ram.
@Astro551: Wouldn't the microSD just come up as another drive in your computer like on any other Windows PC? Remember this runs full Windows not Windows RT.
@Agret: hmm by issues I guess I mean write speed. depending on what kind of card you bought and what programs or files you're loading up. although it only seems to affect load up time.
Possibly something to do with them counting 1000 kilobytes as a megabyte? That would explain the loss you just described, didn't think it was legal to do that though
I got the 256GB model, primarily for the 8GB RAM. We issue the 128GB model to staff however, which is fine for most people.
Get the 256gb for the double ram. It's worth the extra buxx.
To be honest, 128GB of storage space more isn't as big of a deal as the extra 4GB of RAM you will get. 4GB isn't enough for anything these days, I really suggest going for the 256GB version for the extra 4GB of RAM and see the extra storage as a bonus.
But 640 KB should be enough for everyone, I just asked Bill Gates.
You can't prove that someone never said something.
It is only possible to prove that someone did say something.
So just because no can produce first hand evidence that bill did say it doesn't mean that he never said it (only that the evidence that he did say it has not been found or produced).
In my opinion, on the balance of probabilities (so many people around at the time claim to have heard or read that he saw it) and the propensity for people (bill in this case) to revise his own history so not to be embarrassed), suggests to me that he indeed did say it.
Wait, are you saying accusation equals guilt if someone cannot or does not prove their innocence?
Mentioned on that site is that Bill Gates had no control over the amount of memory available, Microsoft is a software company, it didn't build or even design the hardware architecture.
4GB is enough to do a lot of things. I have no problem doing web browsing and word processing with 2GB. If anything, Windows 10 will be even better with RAM.
You only need 8GB for intense gaming or visual design, etc.
4GB is plenty for most people. I can't justify the $449 price difference between the 4GB and 8GB models (based on HN prices). Having said that, if it were my primary device (ie, if I didn't have a PC) then I might consider the 8GB model. It really depends on what your personal requirements are.
Has anyone ever successfully added 4GB RAM after purchase..i.e. as a DIMM module? (out of warranty of course)
As mentioned by scrimshaw's comment, opening this up would be a nightmare. They glued everything. I am not sure whether it is possible to add additional 4GB RAM like that, but I don't think you can safely/easily open this thing up without breaking the screen.
Ram is soldered to the mainboard and the screen in known to break on disassembly. I haven't heard of anybody trying.
I've got the Surface Pro 2 with 128gb and have just bought a portable HDD. I wish I'd spent the extra on the 256 just for convenience of not having to carry the extra storage. micro SD helps, but they are cheap for the big ones.
Extra ram is a nice touch too.
forget about ssd, you will need 8GB ram, trust me
I'll wait for Pro4
I'll wait for Pro 6
That comment made my day. Thanks mate.
I'm with you. The next version should be releasing with Broadwell and Windows 10, which is a fair step up from the Pro 2 and 3 in terms of change - and by then they should have properly refined the form factor even more (in terms of performance and ergonomics). We might even get a Bay Trail / Core M variants as well, since they seem to be killing off the regular Surface. 8GB RAM in the base models would be good too.
Surface pro 3S plus ?
Dyslexic moment- ignore report mod
This is a really good price better order quick, I wonder if it's a pricing error since the i3 model is listed as $976.
No pricing error, they are in comp with jbhifi
I just bought one from JBHiFi using this as price match. Another gain from OZBargain…
Not really, once you hold it in your hands you will wonder How the hell did MS cram the guts of an ultrabook in a tablet body, and considering that this is actually cheaper than a Macbook Air and it's bundled with Office 2013 it's not a bad deal after all.
Keeping in mind that the Macbook also has 128GB storage but with a nerfed display (720p, non touch and no stylus).
I didn't think it came with office? Are you sure you are not thinking of the RD version
Yep you're right, was thinking of the Surface RT.
Just to say if the MS Store offer still exists:
As a student, you pay the 10%off price, $1088.10 * cashrewards3% + keyboard ($149.99-$100(next purchase voucher)) * 1.6% = $1055.46+ $47.59 = 1103.05
With this HN deal, you pay $997 + keyboard $149 = $1146
So you would have saved $42.95 if you purcahsed from MS earlier.
This comparison is based on the i5 128GB model.
For the public though, the HN price isn't too bad.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.The $100 next purchase offer has finished.
Thanks OP after months of deciding I finally got myself one.
Hmmm… very tempting to upgrade my Surface Pro 1…
Possible to upgrade the SSD?
Possible? Yes.
Easy to upgrade? Hell no. iFixit rates repairability a 1 out of 10.
I think you will have a better chance of successfully completing a heart bypass surgery with a rusty pen knife — the glass display will simply crack the moment you try to pry it off to access the internals.
Do not forget to combine this with AMEX $50 cashback offer for spending $300 or over at HN.
Bought 2 of these today.
They were also happy to include a type cover for $135 and a dock for $180 without having to do any haggling. I probably could have gotten a little more out of them, but saving $180 (2x$90) on the MS education price was enough of a deal for me to be happy. (for the moment)
This review might help you decide if you are sitting on the fence about surface 3 pro.
TLDR; Thumbs down (according to the reviewer).
That's just Linus, it's one reviewer's opinion. I personally think that vid carries quite a bit of personal bias —even though that's what reviews generally tend to be, this review in particular is not in depth enough to give anyone a verdict on whether it is suitable for them or not.
You may or may not agree with his (negative) points — he states he didn't care much for the stylus as he would rather draw with a Cintiq, and that the XPS 12 is a better choice overall (XPS 12 is not sold in Dell.com.au). That's really a matter of personal taste. The Stylus is the defining feature of the Surface Pro series and so is the Type Cover.
Actual better review from a student rather than power pc user.
Not getting why people say 4GB of RAM is not enough and 8GB is so much better. So far the only program that I use requiring a lot of ram is Photoshop, and I do it on my desktop, not on my surface (screen too small).
Would you not use an external monitor for such things? Still use the computing power on the tablet!
i5 owner here - that price is amazing.
the price difference for the 256gb is almost 50% more expensive. $450 seems steep just only for 128gb SSD storage space and 4gb of ram.
This model's on sale, and that one isn't.
Ah, fair enough
Great post OP.
Very VERY tempting.
Think I'll still hold out for the Windows 10 release and see if I can nab one of these even cheaper then…
Is there hdmi out on this
mini hdmi
mini displayport should be the correct answer
Half my office has one of these, my Xperia Z2 tablet has made me partial to form factor so I just cant get around the bulkiness of the Surface currently.
In another post on the same product i said it was still overpriced (and i was neged on that to my surprise so i suggested it should cost more and got more negs - no figure some M$ lovers) but my best bet is these things are not selling (like gen 1 and 2) and that HUGE price cuts will be coming early in 2015!
My best guess is 30% (or more as the year goes on and new gen 4 model gets closer) & the KEYBOARD will get bundled in deals or inc in big discounts too.
So buy now and weep later, its your money but you can get a toshiba win8x laptop for $299@DS and it comes with a keyboard!
YAY comes with keyboard… And NO TOUCHSCREEN
It would be helpful if your "best bet" was backed up by some sort of data or figures that the current Surface lines are not selling. The first generation line dropped to about 50% early this year. So I would be quite surprised to see HUGE reductions in price early next year. Generally as a new line is released the older model price will drop (as you'd expect).
Regardless of whether you think this device is overpriced or not, it's hard to deny that the Surface line is striving to achieve a feat of engineering and innovation but replacing both your tablet and laptop. Is it there yet? Not quite, but it's getting damn closer and closer each time.
It all comes down to Intel's innovation really… next year we have Broadwell, and later in mid-late 2015 after we will get 14nm Skylake.
The first gen surface Pro wasn't all that succesfull because Ivy Bridge didn't have the super low idle power consumption features that was present in Haswell, so it was plagued by a short battery life.
When we get better faster CPU's, with lower TDP and power consumption, there will be a move towards more laptop/tablet hybrids like the Surface.
Copied straight from the post that you mentioned.
will just put this as example:
Yes, it would've been a lot of money if you bought iPad or any ARM processor tablets unless they could justify the price by being able to be compared to similar priced laptops.
Simply comparing it to an Android tablet or an iPad and saying it is overpriced… that doesn't work. I personally put them under different categories because it can replace your laptop whereas Androids and iPads… well, can they run photoshop? Even if you had the program ported to ARM, would they be able to run them fluently? I am not saying the watered down version of photo editing programs, but I mean the Adobe Photoshop CC.
I am going to bring Macbook Air as an example. It's a solid machine, kinda fits into the category of ultrabook, produced by Apple which produces its own OS etc etc.
Macbook Air 13 inch starts at price of $1199 from the Apple Store, Surface Pro 3, i5 model was $1,209.00 before the price decrease.
Now you'd need to add in extra $150 for the keyboard. So that is $1359 for the Surface Pro 3.I personally think SP3 stands well. It's lighter and thinner than Macbook Air, it has a pen function (pen comes with the tablet), it can function as a tablet. Also resolution on Surface Pro 3 are way higher and the screen ratio is perfect for document reading. Even though I'd laugh at people if they told me they use Surface Pro line just like an iPad, having that function is really good (800+ gram approx 3 times the weight that iPads have, being really rough about the numbers). Don't get me wrong, I'd probably be pulling my hairs deciding between these two. This being said, I wouldn't go, people who bought SP3 are just getting ripped off, since I know there are factors that they could've valued more to tip the balance over.
I personally see this as a tablet/laptop hybrid. Yes, it's somewhat gimmicky and yes, it is pricier than laptops and tablets. Yes, it can be cheaper to just grab a tablet and a laptop separately if you go for cheaper ones, but it basically have better spec in a smaller, lighter form, probably better build quality as well against those cheaper ones. Also knowing that ultrabooks had price like $1500, I don't think bringing $300 laptops would be doing SP3 right.
Of course, there is a gimmicky side to this tablet/laptop hybrid but if you look at it from the ultrabook stand point, whether it is "overpriced" or justified in its pricing would depend on how you see the pen and tablet function and other things like weight, which is up to people's perspective. So saying that it's overpriced without looking into those or even mentioning that these factors exist… well yeah, you are going to step on a lot of people's toe there.
I feel like I have to archive these things now.
Usually making statements require facts backing them up or at least give a solid reasoning behind it. If you believe that something is bad because you don't like the company or the program, that is fine. Saying that to group of people believing that they will listen to you without giving a solid reason behind it, would get people to question you.
Bummer - I just bought (and opened) a Surface Pro I bought from JB yesterday!! My credit card offers price cover protection but I need a printed catalogue apparently - anyone know if HN have some printed flyers advertising this deal?
HN advert is in todays West newspaper with SP3.
Awesome, thanks mate!
Ok glad I researched - I purchased the 256gb i5 model - jbhifi matched the student pricing on the microsoft store and I'm now typing from my new surface pro 3! I love it already.
Welcome to the Surface Pro owners club, I'm still rocking the first gen Surface Pro but's still the 'best' laptop I've ever owned and I love the crap out of it.
Same. So convenient.
Just pulled the trigger and bought one at HN Auburn Superstore.
Got the keyboard for $120 and a nice leatherish case(fits with keyboard) for $32 from about $65(yeah right)
All up $1149. Pretty happy with it, thanks OP.
Glad this has been useful to people, never thought it would be this popular even though I knew it was a great price from a strong company
Well done. Nice first deal.
Jumped into this deal yesterday!
JB priced matched and offered the type cover for $120, down from $149! Absolutely satisfied with this device!
Hi mate
How did you get the type cover for $120?
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Wow… Tempted