Logitech MX Revolution $79.99 Shipped 9289 price match at OW for $76
Absolute bargain. Cheapest on staticice is $95 not including shipping.
Logitech MX Revolution $79.99 Shipped 9289 price match at OW for $76
Absolute bargain. Cheapest on staticice is $95 not including shipping.
I get what you're saying, but I think it's worth mentioning the Officeworks price match since it'll be cheaper for some. I, for one, have an Officeworks 700m away from my home, and I'll likely be walking there today to pick one of these up — without the OW mention in the post, I'd have forgotten that this deal can be price matched there.
true, but with most deals on here, you would check to see if they sold it at officeworks in order to pricematch. Most people who drive past/live near o-works would probably do the same :)
I appreciate it when the poster goes out of their way to mention, or even verify, the possibility of OW pricematch.
If I didn't already have a G9, I'd definitely consider this.
Beats the dell offer. I knew not to take their $99 compromise deal and I was right not to. Patience wins and I didnt have to buy off a dodgy company.
Sorry i'm late. am i miss some thing.
I'm Jennica, I think lot of people know me already. I'm the stuff from 9289.
Thanks for all of your comment, It's happy to see Davo1111 has post our deal again. (Thanks Davo1111)
Just wondering dose anything you guys want to ask about this promotion?
Maybe I can help you with your question.
Feel free to let me know if you have any question.
This deal was posted by applebyte and Davo1111 was first commenter.
Oh sorry applybyte my mistake.
Thanks lmh86
No you didnt miss anything. This is a good price and I was comparing it to the switched price dell had it for at $99.
I'veput in an order for one from you guys. Can you tell me if theyre being sent by courier or aust post so I know if I need to be home. Thanks Jennica
I have bought 1 from 9289 without credit card surcharge fee.
This price is competitive with $89.99 on DELL.
OW is so far from my house….
You Lucky ! We just start our new program today. Which is.
Free Shipping Australia wide
Free Warranty Shipping
Replacement Warranty
Free credit card surcharge.
If that is under that 4 services we provide. This must be a really good deal I think.
Anyone agree??
Those are really great, I definitely agree, it shows a strong commitment to customer service!
I don't know if anyone's said it yet, but well done to you too Jennica for hanging out in here providing support/liaison for Ozbargainers with 9289, you're doing a great job! Cheers! ;)
Just picked it up from Officeworks Fitzroy. Price match + 5% discount for $76 exactly
It's not a bad idea if you pick one up from officeworks, if you just live very close to office works. I will do that too. if i can also get a 5% more discount.
I rang Nepean Highway Highett and they told me they would match Dell but not 9289 cause it is in Sydney not Vic?
Is the above Fitzroy Melbourne?
Rang the Elsternwick store and BINGO!
As long as 9289 have it in stock!
Got the last one and on hold!
Yes Logitech are releasing the Professional mouse with replaceable battery….so this will be the outdated model and may drop further!
I'm sure out 88cent dollar helps!
For the extra $3.99 i would rather support 9289 than officeworks.
can't agree any more!
I would go with 9289 too. $3.99 is not worth printing out the offer (paper and printing costs), driving to Officeworks (petrol money) and then getting the staff to get the price matched (arguing maybe? even getting it denied?).
Yeah, it's gotta be a good amount before going the OW route, last time I went for a PM the manager was a total idiot, wouldn't accept a printout, wanted a newspaper ad, so I bought the daily paper I was gonna buy later anyway, then I wouldn't let them cut it out, I made them photocopy it! ;)
The manager was moaning big time as he went away to do it but the staff member said to me "good on you mate, don't know why he's carrying on, it's our store policy, they shouldn't offer it if they're gonna bitch about honouring it!". Good call IMHO! ;)
Agree to this as OFfice workx isn't always as cheap as most people think
Buying from OW you can be sure it's genuine Australian stock. Also if you ever needed warranty claim, just walk into OW and swap for a new one. No shonky PC shop can match that! I hate mucking about with return authorisation BS and sending things back and forth.
I'd rather buy from 9289 - they started this discount, OW only joined in through peer group pressure. If you buy from OW, 9289 don't get any reward for the discount, so they will be less likely to offer it in future - and OW will have no reason to cut the price.
Hello Everyone.
Let me tell you more about this promotion.
This is call deal of the week promotion which we start from this March.
Every Deal of the week it's have limited time for one week. and while stock last. Normally we will keep supply the stock if our supplier have lots of stock.
and the only condition is one customer per unit. Because we want to make sure it fair for every customer who want to purchase.
All the product we sell in this program (Deal Of The Week) It's 100% supported and supplied by genuine Australia distributor.
Which means, It comes with standard manufacture warranty.
At the same time, We are offering the 'warranty shipping cover'. If something wrong with your product. You can contact with our customer service or vendor directly. It's your choice.
Once again, I will be in this feed to answer any question from you have. Trying to do my best to help you.
But please understand that sometimes i have to get back to our sales team and some other department. It will take time. But you can also contact with our customer service by phone or mail. (02 8090 7700)
Please feel free to let me know if you have any question or suggestion.
Great deal, I'm component hunting for an upcoming Windows 7 PC and this will top it off - thanks for posting, great find.
Is this still available ?
link isnt working
Sure why not.
Please let me know if you can't find the product. Because it maybe is we sold out. We have to update our system QTY. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Due to our system limitation, we have to update the QTY every hour. Because the maximum QTY we can post a time is 50. we will update our system very soon. Thanks for your understanding.
I did some research on the mouse and have decided that i will not buy it:
Great deal otherwise.
1 Lithium battery, which means it’ll last for a few years, then stop holding a good charge. For 80$ i’d rather one that lasts indefinitely
I grabbed one when they first came out in 2006-7, the battery still lasts as long as it did when new.
If need be you can also buy a replacement battery
It has no significant features over the vx nano i have from a post a while ago
I think the VX is too small, the MX fits in the hand perfectly.
could you link me to a replacement battery if convenient? the only one i could find is 26$ without post.
I noticed them on ebay a while ago when looking for a new keyboard
I have not purchased one of them so dont know how good they are however they probably come from the same factory which produces many of our mobile phone batteries and other lithium batteries so they couldnt be that bad.
Lets be real here - how long do you think a mouse will last ?
2 years maybe 3, by then the mouse battery may hold 50-60% of its original charge which means you might be charging it once a week rather than once a month.
i'd like to think an 80$ mouse lasts 5-10years. its certainly functionally powerful enough to still be a "great mouse" 5 years down the line.
i'm all for the battery replacement. but i just would rather common batteries than lithiums for anything that doesn't go obsolete.
i’m all for the battery replacement. but i just would rather common batteries than lithiums for anything that doesn’t go obsolete.
As long are you are using rechargeable AA batteries.
The cost of non rechargeable batteries is going to add up after a while!
@anthony: Yeah, pros and cons for either way. Thanks for the ebay link.
I see some people who own the mouse are voting my opinions down. good for you. go vote this down too.
@kimmik: One out of your three prior comments receive two negative opinions due to your statement regarding lithium batteries, and you throw your arms up in protest as though you were wronged? Weak, dude.
Those who have owned a laptop or mobile phone for several years should know that Lithum batteries require proper maintenance to encourage a long lifespan. Those who experience drastic drop in battery-life generally abuse their batteries, most significantly by not adhering to proper charge-discharge cycles.
Due to the layout of my desk, a cordless mouse would lose its benefits (in fact, have disadvantages), so I use a corded gaming mouse. For most desktop setups, and moreso for [gaming?] laptop users, I can see this mouse being highly attractive, especially at this price.
@TimeOrMoney: Exactly.
kimmik, i am sure many of the things you own a powered by lithium batteries, the reason is because they are very good at holding high amounts of charge.
They are used because they are good at what they do.
Over the years my mouse has been given a total hammering with 8+ hours of use a day, every day and it still holds a charge for over a week before telling me it needs charging.
If there was a better alternative then logitech would use it.
Plus they include a recharging station for a reason :)
@anthony: I have not been arguing, i've only been explaining my opinion. I am not a lithium chemistry hater, i love lithium batteries. i've built a 40W rms portable amplifier using a laptop's lithium ion cells, using the tda1562 chip.
I very much do understand how lithium cells work both technologically and practically. They're very good at charge density, but unless you're talking about the lithium cells used in the new macbooks which have a 1000cycle design life, well, chances are that it'll need to be replaced before the item goes broke.
e.g. ipods, dslr batteries, portable speakers (i have a logitech anywhere).
the battery simply degrades over time, a process that you can slow down by keeping it at 40% charge during storage, and store at clost to 0degreeC.
For a mouse, that's not likely.
And yes i am still using a logitech mouse from the early 2000's. its got a wheel. I also use the nano which i got recently and will intend on using till broke. the two alkaline AAA cells (25cents from coles) have 60% capacity, after 3months of use. I dont see how cost of replacing, or recharging common batteries is going to be an issue if the mx revolution used 1 or 2 AA batteries instead.
Before you pounce on my comment again, here are some downsides (irrespective of minor or major) to using lithium on this mouse:
Maybe someone could tell me what voltage the PSU provides? If its 5v, i could just joint the charge station up to a usb cord instead.
but unless you’re talking about the lithium cells used in the new macbooks which have a 1000cycle design life, well, chances are that it’ll need to be replaced before the item goes broke.
The battery is not designed to stop working after 1000 cycles.
After 1000 cycles the battery will still retain 80% of its original charge.
I dont see how cost of replacing, or recharging common batteries is going to be an issue if the mx revolution used 1 or 2 AA batteries instead.
Imagine all the extra toxic batteries going into landfill if every mouse took standard AA batteries.
Wont outlast the mouse’s useful life.
The AAA batteries you are using are not even getting close to lasting the useful life of your mouse
They last only a small fraction of the mouses useful life.
You replace batteries every few months, using lithium batteries in the same mouse you might need to replace the battery once in 5 years.
I have a laptop with batteries both of which are 10 years old, the batteries still power the laptop for probably 30-60 minutes without issue.
I have a Nokia 6110 as a spare phone, it would be 6+ years old.
It will still last a week on one charge with a few calls/SMS made, it has had a very minimal decline in battery life.
I’m very apprehensive about leaving small switching psu connected to mains
Nearly everything you have uses a switching psu of some type, if it is not a large plug pack it is built into the device so you dont see it.
they’re susceptible to voltage spikes
Thats why they contain a voltage regulator.
They are cheap to add and protect your connected device.
Maybe someone could tell me what voltage the PSU provides?
8v 500 milliamps
Yes, it charges from USB fine.
@anthony: Anthony, you're taking it far too personally. Be happy that you have one and that i dont and am missing out of it. i'm not going to bother responding to your comments but feel free to continue the discussion off the forum by sending me a private message if you wish. Nothing you have said so far i'm not already aware of, and your argument has been highly biased. Dont misinform other readers please.
Anthony, you’re taking it far too personally
Sorry, nothing i said was supposed to be taken personally.
and your argument has been highly biased
Stating the advantages of a technology is biased?
There are two sides to each story..
Dont misinform other readers please.
You mean by saying things like the new macbook batteries have a 1000 cycle design life? (That actually isnt the case)
I didn't vote your opinion down, but are you really using a 2 button ball mouse with no centre wheel right now that you bought in 1999 ?
I doubt it.
umm so its their fault that you tried to buy it elsewhere?
EDIT: jennica, you dont need to apologise.
I'm very sorry about you can't get this mouse. As we trying to fulfill all the customer but still have some other customer can't get it. We are very sorry about your situation.
The Deal Of The Week promotion it from every Saturday to Friday.
We can't reserve any stock for any customer. But you can order directly. We will make sure we have enough stock to fulfill our customer.
And if you would like to do the price with officeworks. Please do it early, just in case, if we running out the stock.
Once again, we are very sorry about the you situation. We will improve in the future.
You mean you have never been to a store before during a sale to find they have sold out of the product you wanted to buy?
Do you really think 9289 have an endless supply of stock?
Is it reasonable to expect that a retailer never runs out of stock?
What planet are you coming from?
You tried to save $4 and ended up getting nothing.
Next time just spend the extra few dollars so you are guaranteed to get what you want and keep the money out of the mega-stores pockets in the process.
What happened to my post?
I did not know free speak if negative was deleted?
Your post is there. And you are being unreasonable in my opinion.
Agreed with AntMan. (if you get 3 or more negative votes, your comment is hidden, you can show it by signing in and pressing 'show').
Your comment was judged to be unreasonable by other OzBargain users, which is why it's hidden unless other users specifically want to see it by pressing "show". IMHO, saying that 9289 has "pathetic business practice" was completely uncalled for and unreasonable based on the circumstances you described.
And your circumstance itself was unreasonable.
QQ They didn't help a competitor undercut for me. QQ
Some stores (especially independant games retailers) consider it a totally legitimate business practice to not confirm product prices over the phone to avoid undercutting by behemoth franchises like EB, and I totally support them.
9289 don't even use this business strategy, so your complaint has no merit.
HI all guys, it's time to get free MacBook on 12th October 2009!!
We will 'Call' you, if your're the Lucky Guy!!
20th Oct 2009(Tuesday) 12pm
i really don't think "price matching" is a deal tbh - will always be there.
Plus, $4 extra? and you get it delivered to your door? seems a pretty good deal imo