Hi, long time lurker here but felt this needed a dedicated post. I know there's some good deals to be had on eBay with the CBIGXMAS voucher code, but that on top of an already good 50% off deal makes for a relative bargain on this good set of cans from Sennheiser
Sennheiser Momentum On Ear Headphones from $297 to $117.60 (+ $4.95 P&H) w/ Voucher @ DSE (eBay)

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Nice find.
On-ear version is terrible.
Thanks, it's a good deal but I almost didn't notice that these were on-ear, so I'll pass this one
Out of interest, what aspect of it is terrible?
The build quality (cheap build material) is not as good as the over-ear version, you will know when comparing them in store.
Ok thanks! Good to know.
Got excited thought this was the over-ear version
Similar deal posted days ago.
Come on OP, you should've known the "Sennheiser Momentum Headphone" and "Sennheiser Momentum on-ear Headphone" they are two models.
Tried both models in store before, have to say at this price the on-ear sound quality is not bad though, but I'm not so happy with the on-ear built, felt not that comfortable for my ear and head.
The over-ear is very comfortable and great sound quality. my mate bought one and I compared it to my Bose QC25's. Sound quality was very similar and both excellent. Slight edge to the Bose SQ + it has NC, but still Sennheisers were great
Edited to reflect ON EAR. Sorry guys, it was late when I posted. Just glad to have some up-votes on my first post!
remove redundant
Great local deal.
Don't forget 2% off from cashrewards