I run a finder's fee discovery service startup in melbourne and have been an occasional ozbargain user( different nick :) ).
We have 3 RE firms willing to pay finder's fees for putting them in touch with potential property buyers.
The details
NSPI : http://carrotleads.com/invite.php?code=53bJICJVCndio
- gives $3000 referral reward at the end on success
Substantia : http://carrotleads.com/invite.php?code=54himf8SMH1Tc
- give 1% of property sale price ( eg: $5000 on a 500K property )
Equity : http://carrotleads.com/invite.php?code=544x0izLMg5JI
- gives $1000 on property sale plus has $5000 sales commission, check details
Does this interest ozbargainers?
Posted last week here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/172077 and we have had a few people pass on leads to the referred company who are following up.
PS : Based on some of the feedback we just added a checkbox that a networker has to check to inform if the data is private or confidential data … Will wire it up better and tighten it asap..
Since ozbargainers seem interested in the overall concept these why pages should explain it better…
This link talks about becoming a finder/ networker and the benefits http://carrotleads.com/whyshareleads.php
To understand how our product could work for a business, http://carrotleads.com/whyusecarrotleads.php
Occasional user but just signed up 3 days ago?
So what's the other username?