Finder Fees Paid for Sonographers / Radiographers

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HR National - Medical are medical recruiters and are willing to pay finder fees for up to $1,000 for Sonographers whom they place in full time roles, and $500 for all other Radiographer positions.

The details can be found in the deal link.

PS : I run this melbourne based startup and have been an occasional ozbargain user. Won't do the "be kind to first time user spiel", so let me know if I am out of line with posting this here or you see holes in our biz model :)

A gist of what we do is that we have brought the finder's fee model to the online space with our unique carrotleads platform.

Many businesses informally offer finder's fee to select people who discover opportunities for their business. The finder's fee or rewards are paid when the opportunity is converted to actual business. We have taken this model, formalised it, streamlined the processes and implemented it online.

We provide a platform for businesses to inform everyone of their referral rewards( finder's fee) program. Anyone can become a finder / connector/ networker on our platform, share business opportunities and be rewarded. We have built a workflow that manages business leads and makes it easy for businesses and networkers.

Networkers and Not For Profit organisation's use our platform for free. Business have access to a flexible subscription model.

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  • Hi, I am a radiographer however I am struggling to understand the concept of this website, what am I supposed to do ?

    • +1

      If I find u a job do we both get $500?

    • +1

      Well you can self-refer and if you get the job then you get the $500…

      You can do it anonymously as well… we have built the processes internally to track leads/ referrals with a rating mechanism at the end.

  • So what's the benefit for the radiographer do they get $500 as well?

    • If you nominate yourself & get a contract thru them, then I guess yes!
      Otherwise you just get a job.

      He's a radiographer pimping agency. He pimps you out & gets a cut of the contract rate. No different to any other employment agency finding contact staff for business. I imagine it's a niche market he's aiming for, so is probably hoping to corner it. Good luck to him. Spotters fee's aren't unusual in highly skilled, small skills base jobs. It used to happen in the IT industry a bit (I used to see spotters fees as high as $5k).

      • You are way off the mark… I pimp my startup and the businesses who use our service.. :)

        and get no cut of the rate… Well the recruitment business may… that is the biz model of recruitment places.

    • If they self-refer and get the job then they get the $500…

      if someone else referred you, then they get the $500 for taking the effort.. and you get the job :)

  • I am a radiographer. Really don't see this taking off.

    So many recruitment agency already , many on LinkedIn.

    So they do have an online presence.

    Don't see how different this startup is? Could you explain ?

    It's interesting too there is a lot of locums who use recruitment agency, but a spotter's fee upon full time hire can go as high as $10,000

    • +3

      This is one example of a business using our services. We have 85+ other business offering different finder's fee for different domains… coming back to this profile on our platform.

      Now you as a radiographer may self-refer. We are not targeting radiographers here… but people who know radiographers or sonographers looking for a change…

      Now lets imagine this scenario

      1. You, the radiographer, are looking for a new job.

      2. An ozbargainer learns this and tell you he will get someone to get in touch and see if you can be helped…

      3. Ozbargainer shares your details across on our platform. ( can be done anonymously too)

      4. The business referred here "HR National" accepts lead( contact details revealed only on acceptance ), they may choose to decline lead too

      5. HR National contacts you and ascertains suitability, th usual recruitment rigmarole

      6. You get the job HR National updates lead status to "converted", if you did not they update the lead as "Unrealised"

      7. Ozbargainer gets notified of lead status ( lets assume the lead was converted )

      8. We will bring up a mechanism to exchange payment details and the $1000 or $500 gets paid

      9. A rating / review mechanism is triggered for both networker( ozbargainer) and the business( HR National)

      End of story… rinse and repeat…

      The way we are different to Linkedin or any other setup is we are a single place for you to discover finder's fee for different domains…

  • Interesting , its like taking out the middle man but not really.
    So it essentially turns everyone into a "recruiting agency" however you still need to go through HR national in this instance.
    Which means the only step I avoided is looking at jobs for eg. avoiding

    • +1

      You are right on the first part… everyone can be a finder / spotter / connector / networker

      Prior to our solution, one needed to have a personal relationship with a business and then they may become aware of the businesses finder fees… and even then there wasn't a simple or easy way to pass on a lead / prospect details, track the lead's progress and manage the whole process…

      Now when you self-refer as you suggest at the end, you gain 2 things
      1. the recruiter is the one pursuing you
      2. you get the referral reward / finder fee which you would not have received via a seek ad application.

      Our product can handle self-referring but that isn't our target.. our target is t=people who can refer or find opportunities for businesses.

      • Cool !

        Basically mainstream major talent right to businesses foot-step.

        Very low cost for small business who don't have a gigantic HR department to do the heavy lifting.

        Starting to get the idea!

        But hopefully it doesn't erode the everyday employee's skill set, making everyone less unique and easier to find.

        (salary decreases)

        • Thanks for the support mate.

          recruitment companies are one of clients… more than eroding skill set, businesses will have more money to play with instead of wasting time and money…

          search around on our platform and look at the other businesses offering finder's fees… there is a property guy offering 1% of property price if you inform him about a real buyer who buys from him… or a web dev firm who offer 10% of project cost if you find a probable opportunity for them…

          I will make separate posts about them to bring them to focus.

          Do create an free account ( just email & password or use social logins) and I can alert you to finder fees offered by new businesses in the domains you are interested in.

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