This book has 22 positive reviews on amazon. Go and download it, book is free right now.
Free on kindle: Low Carb Diet: 30 Easy and Amazing Low Carb Recipes, Feel Great

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Sorry, "low carb" is so passé. Deader than Dr Atkins. Its all about intermittent fasting now, haven't you got the memo?
(And you missed the paleo diet in between)I'm think of trying the 17 day, intermittent fasting, paleo, low-carb, 5 factor diet…
Has anybody else tried this yet ???
Uhh… have you heard of a thing called diabetes? Let me assure you… low carb will be more important to more people than you can count in the very near future. Catalyst did a very interesting episode on it's importance and how many athletes have successfully moved to a low carb instead of carb load diet with great results. Not suggesting it is for everyone of course. I personally halved my blood glucose in 2 weeks by changing to a low carb diet. I may even live long enough to see my arteries harden :D
This book has 22 positive reviews on amazon.
Based on the writing style, most of those appear to be written by the same person :O
You mean the same person who "wrote" this book??
It makes you wonder what made him believe he could write a book in the first place….I'm not even going to look into this one, the other one was so full of grammatical errors that my head has almost exploded!!
If I by the book, use the book, i will look like the model on the cover.
If it was print,i could lower carbs by eating it.
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