This was posted 10 years 3 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Dick Smith 6 Way Surge Board $9.95 + $2 Delivery


get in quick, last time they were $20. $9.95 plus $2 delivery
Add to cart from link page

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • So this is the new Eneloops eh? I've got 2 already but this price is good

  • good find… 8port difference makes this better buy

  • Not bad. Bought two 8 ports at $15, $25 previously. Can't go pass this at only $10. Bought two again.

  • How much is the insurance on this one?

  • +1


  • Just got 2 as spares, Thanks

  • +2

    Link is dead for me.
    Perhaps it was a mistake?

  • $22.49 now. Price error??

  • +1

    Can't believe I missed out. I have been waiting for these to come back on special. But I have a fairly strong feeling some people are about to receive an email about a price error…..

    • -1

      I bet they will go out it.

      • Meant to say honor

        And they did.

        Just received confirmation of shipment and tax invoice

  • My order just got through the order submitting screen, nice deal op!

    • +1

      You will receive an price error email soon.

      • Nope, got a confirmation of shipment email instead :P

  • paid and completed - ordered 2! Here is hoping!

  • Link still works.

  • +4

    Yeah, Dicksmith must closely monitor OzBargain nowdays. Every time theres a good deal up, within 20 minutes they shut it down.

  • +1

    This product is currently out of stock.

    • +1

      Back again

      Still can click and collect.

      • Again out of stock

  • +1

    lol ozbargained in under 7 minutes …

  • ordered 2 to be collected from my local DS. hopefully they honor the sale

  • Bought 2 & pick up

  • gah too slow

  • try with this page and add to cart

    • +1

      Can add to cart but no delivery and no stores for click and collect :(

    • +1

      You can add to cart, but because you can't select home delivery or a store to click & collect from, you can't place an order.

  • More Please. ;-(

  • have order acknowledgment just waiting fullfillment ,, this could be a long with me thinks

  • Bit late to comment but got one C&C and paid with $10 gift card which I got for $5. Hopefully I can pick-up this arvo while I'm near the store.

  • I've been waiting to get two of these on special but just missed out :(

    • -2

      Don't worry it's a pricing error any way. Dick Smith would have cancelled your order in any case so it doesn't matter.

  • Some thing seems odd. Says half price saving of $22.49 and then saying $9.95 that's half price. $9.95 with a saving of $22.49 is not exactly half price that's way more than half price.

    If it was a half price saving of $22.49 then the normal price should have been $44.98 and the real half price sale price should have been $22.49.

    Looks to me a pricing error. Get ready for the pricing error order cancellation email. Dick Smith never honours pricing errors on their main store web site.

    • It was. I was in Dick Smith earlier and the 6 way board was $50~. It's meant to be on sale for $22.49.

      • Yes that's right there's no way the normal sale price is $32.44 if you take into account $9.95 + $22.49 off = $32.44 which the $32.44 is not the correct price. It was meant to be on sale for $22.49 at half price down from $44.98.

        Have most people in this thread got the stupid virus thinking that the $9.95 price is legit and that Dick Smith will actually fully honour the price on all orders made in the end?.

  • This will go great with my Staples Nilfisk VacPack

    • -3

      But you won't be getting this power board is a pricing error.

      • I'm also thinking it is a pricing error but has dse acknowledged it?

        • -3

          They will when the order cancellation emails come through. It may take a couple of days for that to happen knowing how slow Dick Smith is at this sort of thing.

          It's blatantly obvious pricing error when it's saying $9.95 at half price with a saving of $22.49. That is not half price.

        • Well I guess only time will tell. I bought 2 so fingers crossed!

      • …just like the VacPack.

  • +1

    Darn, it's out of stock. That'll teach me for working when I should be OzBargaining!

  • +1

    my order is ready for collection, so im off!

    • -3

      Better get in quick before Dick Smith online discovers the pricing error and sends out an email to all stores to cancel the click and collect orders. You don't have it until it's in your hands.

      • lol miss out much

        • I wouldn't want it any way already got two Dick Smith 8 outlet power boards.

        • @hollykryten: Yeah me too. The $1 from a while back

      • +2
        • Some thing doesn't seem right there on that banner. Saying $9.95 save $20 yet the item page said $9.95 save $22.49 at half price. Which is is $9.95 save $20 or $9.95 save $22.45. As i said $22.49 off $9.95 is not half price as it said the saving was half price off yet the sale price didn't reflect it. I think Dick Smith stuffed up. Can't even get an advertisement right.

  • Just got my shipment confirmation and startrack tracking number.

    • Got mine too.

      Told ya they will honor it.

      Unless it ls a major (profanity) up they generally will honor the price.

      • LOL I didn't say they wouldn't :P (i think other people did though)

      • -2

        This is a major stuff up. Pricing a power board for $9.95 when it's meant to be $22.49.

        • Not really that major.

          The 8 way one was $19.99 before. The 6 way was once $15.

        • @Ahan:

          It is when they're accidentally selling the item at around 80% off instead of the intended 50% off.

        • @hollykryten:
          They only cancel orders when they have to (when they incur losses). At 50%, I am sure there is still fair a bit of margin available.

        • -2


          Except at $9.95 sale price with $22.49 off is not 50% off is actually way more than that. You do the maths. Has to be under their cost price. If you take $9.95 + $22.49 = $32.44. $32.44 down to $9.95 = 69.5% off which is far from the claimed 50% off. Pricing error way above the intended 50% off. Got to be under their cost price so they'll be incurring a loss. Proper price is meant to be $22.49 at half price.

  • +2

    I just picked mine up.
    Great deal!

    • Lucky you :-)

  • -4

    Dick Smith mustn't have picked up on their pricing error yet. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that $22.49 off saving to $9.95 sale price to what is supposed to be a half price off saving is way more than 50% off. If that was the case then the normal sale price would be $32.44 which it's not. Normal sale price is $44.98. $44.98 with 50% off is $22.49 which it has it as here that is the correct price. Same online Gagdet deal offer ends 14 Nov 2014 yet on that page it's showing the correct price but some idiot running the Dick Smith web site has incorrectly entered sale price of $9.95 into a database.…

    Tomorrow i'd say a lot of the orders will get cancelled order cancellations emails will come through. Those getting their orders sent now are lucky.

    Dick Smith online is notorious for order cancellations due to a stuffup. Like the Pioneer MJ711w headphone deal from the Dick Smith web site was not honoured and the majority of orders were cancelled example for a few orders that got snuck through very early on that's one example. Dick Smith really does not honour product sale errors.

    • +7

      Heard you the first 5 times, stop saying the same dam thing over and over again!

      • -4

        Oh well you'll see when we starting hearing of the people posting their order cancellation emails. $32.44 down to $9.95 does not = half price discount.

        • Oh well you can admit you were wrong ( ie DSE will cancel orders) anytime you like now

          Picked up my 2 units this morning

  • Successfully picked up after receiving ready to collect text.

    • -3

      Good for you got in before Dick Smith picks up on the pricing error. May be a different story tomorrow when Dick Smith online sees thousands of orders at $9.95 and then realises it's the wrong price. Some idiot has entered $9.95 by mistake into a database instead of the proper $22.49.

      • +1

        unless because you missed out, why do you care ?

        • So i can say i told you so :P

        • @hollykryten:

          strange comment considering some have already picked there's up

        • -2


          Not strange. Because Dick Smith online admin hadn't noticed the pricing error yet. The B&M stores are only processing the click and collect orders that the automated system is sending them they have no idea if it's a pricing error a lot of stupid stores employees wouldn't have a clue. The computer system is automated.

          For the recent EMTEC 32GB $9.98 pricing error at Dick Smith online after a while they the Dick Smith online store admin sent out an email to all stores telling them not to process click and collect orders but not before a bunch of orders had already gone through at stores and some already had been collected by people. But any click and collect orders that people hadn't already picked up were cancelled.

          The same is going to happen to this Dick Smtih 6 outlet power board pricing error. You can see how Dick Smith does not intentionally allow pricing error orders to go through and does not honour pricing errors. Mark my words on it an email will get sent to stores not to process any more click and collect orders for this pricing error will probably happen tomorrow when Dick Smith opens for business. So don't expect much more of these orders to sneak through.


          So i say again do you peoples really think that Dick Smith intends to honour a blatant pricing error that's around 80% below the normal sale price of $44.98?.

        • +1

          lol your very special

        • @hollykryten:

          an email to all stores telling them not to process click and collect orders

          Perhaps I was 'lucky' again when I collected my USB 3 days after the first report of the cancellation email.

        • @hollykryten:

          Don't want to rain on your parade too badly but I now have a tracking number at 11:58am

        • @warmbeer05:

          Good for you were just fortunate. Just wait until later today when Dick Smith wakes up to their pricing error and then there won't be any more orders sent out.

          The late orders will probably miss out.

        • @hollykryten:

          theres quite a few of us "fortunate ones" not just me

        • @warmbeer05:

          Well yeah exactly the same happened with the $9.98 incorrect priced EMTEC 32GB USB3 flash drive. Some fortunate ones in the early stage slipped through and got shipped out or picked up through click and collect and then later on Dick Smith online closed the door by cancelling remaining orders that hadn't already been shipped out or picked up through click and collect.

          Just because yours was shipped out doesn't mean that it wasn't an incorrect price it means that your order was lucky enough to slip through the crack before the Dick Smith online admin realised the mistake.

          Today the DSE 6 outlet power board is suddenly in stock and is on the banner as $22.49 at half price and in the cart as $22.49 at saving of $22.49 50% off. That is the right price it was meant to be yesterday. $22.49 is the correct half price so you can see a $9.95 would have been a crap load more than 50% off. Today they've fixed that error.

        • @hollykryten:

          yup error fixed and $9.98+$2ph are still getting delivered

        • @warmbeer05:

          For the moment. Later today may be a different story for the later orders. Good luck to those who got the orders in early.

      • Wow…chill dude…

    • Me too.

  • haha, got mine delivered on Brisbane Public holiday!It's really quick this time.

  • -1

    Surprise surprise the DSE 6 outlet power board is suddenly back in stock but it's adding to the cart as $22.49 with a saving of $22.49 which is exactly the same half price $22.49 saving price as what it was showing yesterday except was showing $9.95 with $22.49 off at half price which made no sense because that's not half price at all. Either Dick Smith suddenly found a lot more stock or that they're starting to cancel $9.95 orders from yesterday. Same online gadget sale that ends today.

    Proper sale banner. They just screwed up yesterday that's all with a wrong price. Some one at Dick Smith online admin would be getting a kick up the backside today.

  • Mine got shipped today

  • just arrived, great quality worth $44 for sure, bargain at $12

  • +1

    Yep. Got my 2 delivered this morning.. Got anything to say Holly Kryten?

    • +1

      it would appear someone is a little on the quite side lol

  • Got my orders today! Looks like no one got their orders cancelled so far, good on you dse!

  • +1

    I just realised now that they sent me two 8-port boards, not 6-port ones LOL

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