• expired

Catch of the Day "The Pressure Cooker" 23/09/09


Catch of the Day Pressure Cooker Sale

Members only special event on Wednesday 23rd of September 2009.

Hey guys,

I know how unpopular this might be with some, but if you are quick AND lucky, you might just score a bargain.

PS3 Slim $339
Wii $199
DS Lite $99

Yes these items are probably the only ones that are worth while, Yes it is there as bait, Yes it is probably not an ethical business practice… and again, the site WILL go down and you WILL need luck. So, if you're not up for it, then feel free not to participate (gives me more of a chance :P)


Mod — republish this & put on front page

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closed Comments

    • +5

      classic!! how about Conspiracy Of the Day

      • LOL

        • +4

          What about Can't order this Deal

  • +1

    COTD - Crash Of The Day
    The netbook isn't a very good deal, you can still get a deal like that on eBay.

    • Yea. Totally agree mate. I've stopped trying even. Lets say abandoned COTD

      • +1

        If you can't handle the pressure get out of the cooker :) Personally, i find the comments on here and whirlpool entertaining enough that its not a complete waste of my time.

        • thank u, i am trying hard not to be a "flamer" and keep it entertaining for all

  • Cygnett iPhone Case

    Free, just pay shipping.

    • +1

      and thats what is crashing the site hmmm

    • ya and how much is shipping again???

      • $5.95, Australia wide.

        • they could put it in an envelope for 45c !!

          • @adam149: No they couldnt.
            A small envelope costs $0.55 to mail.
            The goods must not exceed 5mm thick or about 50 grams

            This will exceed both

        • hehe yup i did the "almost bite" action myself and then withdrew… seeing i dont have an Iphone and it wont work with iTouch anyways

  • Now we know why the site never loads.

    From whirlpool:

    FeedMeTrance: i need an iphone case, cmon of the 30 tabs open 1 shud get in!

  • What ugly cases…

  • +2

    It's all a con. I am sure there is the same amount of people visiting the site whether it's a good deal or bad deal. But it only crashes during the good deal. Doesn't add up. It's a fraud. They should be audited.

    • +2

      yup its a dodgy site, when they say limited they mean like 2, one for me and one for another person who is lucky like me :-p

    • It doesn't add up, or you can't add up?
      Good deals = popular = many people = server overloaded = crash
      Bad deals = unpopular = few people = server not overloaded = online

      • +3

        let me add it for you apple eater,

        good site = expect rush, have contingency plan, allow fair trading
        bad deal = what we are all experiencing with sites like COTD today

        • Have you ever tried to buy tickets to a popular concert on any of the major ticket sellers websites or over the phone?

          They have the exact problem COTD does, and they are much larger companies.

          There is no point paying for a server which can handle traffic on days like today when the other 360 days of the year will not need such powerful servers.

          • @anthony: When you want to buy a ticket for a concert, you know what is the concert before visiting the site. That's why when a popular concert is on the site is overload.
            In this case, we don't know (most of us) what is the next deal. So i assure you the number of visitors are about the same at the start of the every half an hour period.

            • +1

              @Danielj: Yes however people are saying COTD is dodgy for not having a server which can handle the load, I was making the point that it is not only COTD who have server issues under load. Many large companies face the same problem.

  • +1

    But whether it's good or bad deal, the same amount of people will be accessing it at the same time. I had 10 browsers opened up for the pillow, toothbrush and pen and the opened up easily at the exact time the deal was released. But for the Nintendo DS, you can't even access it after 5 minutes. If it is not intentional, I don't really know what it is.

    • -2

      But whether it’s good or bad deal, the same amount of people will be accessing it at the same time.

      You can look at http://www.dailydeals.com.au/ to see it the deal is worth trying to get.
      If it is a good deal then more people will be on the server trying to buy the product

      I had 10 browsers opened up

      Its people like you who make it worse for everyone else.

      don’t really know what it is.

      More load than the server can handle

    • +2

      Makes sense, all the deals should have the same initial rush of people trying to see what the item is. Yet the toothbrush i could get to within 30 seconds, too soon for thousands of people to decide its not a good deal.

      Even with the other sources, like here, whirlpool and DailyDeals.com.au, I think the majority of people would still be clicking refresh like mad.

  • Ipod Touch 8gb, 139

  • 8GB iPod Touch 4th Gen.

  • If there are 2000 people monitoring the deals, there will be 2000 people clicking on the website at the same time when the new deal is first realeased. Whether good or bad.

    • +2

      Yeah I agree with ktks seems bs that for the not so popular items it loads fast and the popular items it takes ages.

      It should take same time to load for both popular and unpopular items.

  • Anyone manage to get the itouch?

    • +3

      YEH, COTD Staff members lol!

      • +2

        ROFL so true

  • sold out

  • +8

    Don't waste your time on this crap!
    Work out how many hours you spend sitting in front of your PC waiting to hit the refresh button hoping that deal is coming up next.
    COTD should be out of business by treating their customers like this, advertising in every form of media to sell a seriously small quantity of goods at a cheap price.
    They haven't listened to any customer feedback such as implementing a holding system on their website, like the ticketing websites.
    With the number of visitors (that they boast about) and the cash they have to spend on advertising you would think they would spend money to: upgrade their pathetic site, and purchase larger quantities of goods for these "saleathons" (or whatever they are called this week).

    • +1

      i agree unconditionally

    • +1

      I've just spoken to a representative at the ACCC. He said that we may have a case based on the fact that cotd could not supply the quantity of goods when they knew demand would be high. He said that action is made when more complaints are made. You can call them here: 1300 302 502 (i was in the waiting queue for about 4-5min which isn't that bad).

      • The rather large 'pressure cooker' advertisement with a black background which listed the products which would be for sale, didn't that list the quantity which would be available?

        If they knowingly advertised that there was X quantity for sale however there was only Y quantity available for sale (where Y is less than X) then they will be in hot water.

        Even so an advertisement to sell a product is not legally binding as if it was anyone who placed an advertisement would be liable to sell an unlimited quantity of goods at the advertised price.

        If catch of the day are not advertising quantities there is no liability to them to meet customer demand at any quantity.

        That's very basic first year law, i dont see what the ACCC can do

        • nah the latest advertisement did not advertise the quantity available (previous pressure cooker events did though).

          I just looked it up on the ACCC website, “if retailers advertise goods at a specific price, they should insure they have reasonable quantities of the goods available for customers to buy for a reasonable period of time”

          • @Davo1111:

            “if retailers advertise goods at a specific price, they should insure they have reasonable quantities of the goods available for customers to buy for a reasonable period of time”

            Reasonable is a vague term and needs to be interpreted in the context of the offering.
            For example the PS3 is to be sold at $330, dick smith (for example) is selling it for $500

            1 is obviously too few however the good is being sold at a substantial discount to retail stores consequently it will be impossible to hold enough PS3s to meet a large percentage of demand.

            A 'reasonable quantity' is open to interpretation and everyone will have their own thought as to what the correct number should be however I think at a price so heavily discounted 'reasonable' would be anything over about 50

            • @anthony: hmmm i look at "reasonable quantity" to be whatever is sold in the first 20 minutes (during these half hour pressure cookers). Imo they knew they would be popular (anyone could tell you that), and they know that they're one of the biggest sites in Australia.

              • @Davo1111: the itouch sold out in about 4 minutes - don't know if that's a reasonable 'time' to be selling something.

                • -1

                  @abacus: It is possible to sell to people simultaneously using the internet so you dont know how many were sold in the 4 minute period.

                • @abacus: Most deals aren't coming online until a few minutes past the half hour, so I think they sold out in exactly the time it takes 100~ people to enter their payment details.

              • @Davo1111: The Samsung camera would likley be ACCC worthy, it was available for sale however you were prevented from buying it unless you knew the working of a web page, html code and some php

  • +1

    I thought the iPod Touch was only up to Gen 3???

    • they have released a 4th gen 8gb ipod touch - however, i think the only difference is the firmware upgrade.

      • 4th gen has better specs, ie faster processor, more RAM, cheaper price etc.

        edit: I mean 3rd gen. 4th gen does not exist yet.

  • +1

    Oh wow its Manchester and the site loads fast for me now :P

  • +1

    Queen Size Mystery Manchester
    Queen Size Only, FREE Shipping!
    $7 free shipping

    Mystery manchester
    Queen size beds only!
    Randomly selected colour and design
    The possibilities include:
    Flat sheets
    Fitted Sheets
    Fitted Sheet Sets
    And More

    I am not paying $7 for the chance i might only receive a sheet..

  • +1

    Yeah…..I only need one browser this time. I think they better stick to normal deals. They had better reputation the past few days for the 500gb 2.5 HD and the lazer mouse. This just irritates the shit out of us.

  • +2

    If their server can't handle the load then stop doing this promo. If they want to sell then they do a random date and time to sell the items and if people legitimately go to their site regularly then that is great but stop this nonsense.

  • +1

    i'm not bothering as nothing there I want. But I've been through it before. it sucks, they know it, they don't care.
    I really think this kind of thing should not be accepted.

  • 5 Pack Top Brand Mystery Cosmetics $9.95

  • +1

    These deals simply don't work, no point wasting time.

  • Free random reebok shirt just pay 5.95 shipping

  • Mystery Reebok Sports Shirt

    I am guessing it will be one of these which have previously sold on COTD

    • Good call…was about to buy one. Glad I didn't - already have one of those

  • Can't even pick the size LOL


  • WII for $199. I'm seeing "Almost Gone" for the first time on a hot product. Too bad I've already gotten a Wii. Ironic.

  • +1

    Now im pissed….

  • Wii sold out

  • put credit card details in for the wii and got busy message

  • surely once you reach checkout you have priority?

  • LOL I was in Paypal checkout and submitted the payment then BAM Sorry servers are busy :O

  • +2

    why bother people just give up like I did.

    The only people that get it are COTD staff who coincidently also members of Ozbargain so if they post here and say they got one, technically they aren't lying lol!

  • Voting down for fun :)

  • +2

    lol, I hit COTD website when the wii went up at 5:00 and 3 seconds!!!! and it said "Nearly Gone" - How can it be nearly gone if no one had time to checkout, very suss………

    • +2

      Exactly, I have always defended these sales and wasn't even going to submit a neg but what i just saw makes me say enough is enough. I got through at 5:01 and it was almost gone how the hell did that happen?

    • The quantity they were selling could have small been enough to set the "nearly gone" logo

  • +1

    Srsly how annoying. Clicked complete paypal, sends me back to COTD… "Busy Servers" once servers are finally not busy… SORRY NO MOARZZ

    They really need to prepare for days like this, why don't they update their servers. It was like this last time.

    • +1

      Exact same thing happened to me, they need to make it that as soon as you put one in your cart it gets reserved for you.

    • +1

      Same thing as me :(

  • Lol 10 seconds into it and stock level already was "almost gone". Must have like < 10 in stock or something. Oh well, glad i got the DS, it's not as much of a bargain compared to the Wii though.

  • +2

    I think they only had 1 in stock and that even is bought by their own staff member. I guess people on COTD surely lacks business ethics to offer any fair deals. For me they are out of my online shopping stops!

  • LOL… has anyone got anything worth bragging about yet from this pressure cooker?

    • My Grandmother got some…… MYSTERY QUEEN SIZED SHEETS :O:O:O!

  • Homedics FlexiTip 10 Sec.Digital Thermomer


  • +3

    Feel sorry for everyone here, I wish i could buy WII's for everyone and sell them at $200…. No one deserves this COTD teasing….

  • wonder if we can call nintendo up and just place an order for like 1000 wiis and see if they will discount it down to 200 for us….

  • Funbox… not so much

  • fail

  • So i had the iPod in my card but didnt get there before selling out.

    If anyone bought one just to sell on ebay send me an email :)

  • Whats the difference between this ipdo nano model and the previous other then the Camera. Cause they sell refurbs of the previous model on the apple store for $99. And I see no point for a camera on my ipod

    • Other than the camera the new model has Digital FM radio, a pedometer, voice recording and i think a few other things.

      I wanted to grab one for the digital radio, that's all i use my current sandisk mp3 player for.

  • +1

    The only item I wanted (the Ipod nano) was gone in 3 minutes (if that). By the time I actually got it to load it was already sold out.

    Not sure what happened QQQ but you had a special sale day a month or so back that handled the traffic fine. Not sure what happened since then but today sucked lol

    • Ah wait I was in the US store not Australian store the refurbs for previous models are $149

      Sorry my mistake

    • The only item I wanted

      Same here

  • +3

    It is obvious they were only selling maybe 5 IPOD. With a shitty server, how can it even process 20 transactions and be SOLD out in 3 minutes.

  • TomTom - ONE 3.5 INCH GPS 2008

  • Does anybody know if there is going to be a camera? I thought I saw one advertised a couple of days ago but can't remember

    • There is suppose to be one…. but there's probably like 5 in stock & the site wont load :P

      But yes, there is suppose to be a 10.3 MP Camera @ $79's

      Good luck

  • +1

    Slazzenger hat and the site loaded with no problems wait for the PS3 to come on and it will die in the arse.

  • +1

    Anyone buying one of those silly hats? It's only $1.70 extra shipping to get both.

    Ugly hats.

  • Has anyone else been charged for an item of which the order crashed before you could confirm? My credit limit has gone down by a couple of hundred and I tried to get the Wii today and I made it up to the confirm page where it crashed…I guess I'll have to wait a few days for it to come up on my statement but just wanted to see if it was just me or not

    • stories like this have popped up in the past with cotd

    • check your account on the cotd web site that should tell you. i had to do the same

      • I checked and the Wii didn't go through but I can't account the decrease in my credit limit for anything else :S I'll find out in a couple of days I guess but makes me a little uneasy in the mean time not knowing for sure what it is. If it is, they better not give me a hard time trying to get the money back…

  • Asus 1002H Black Atom N280 Netbook - $499 + $9.95 shipping

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