This was posted 15 years 4 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Catch of the Day "The Pressure Cooker" 23/09/09


Catch of the Day Pressure Cooker Sale

Members only special event on Wednesday 23rd of September 2009.

Hey guys,

I know how unpopular this might be with some, but if you are quick AND lucky, you might just score a bargain.

PS3 Slim $339
Wii $199
DS Lite $99

Yes these items are probably the only ones that are worth while, Yes it is there as bait, Yes it is probably not an ethical business practice… and again, the site WILL go down and you WILL need luck. So, if you're not up for it, then feel free not to participate (gives me more of a chance :P)


Mod — republish this & put on front page

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closed Comments


  • +6

    lol wow, 24 items, one every 30 minutes = 20 junk items, 4 items in low quantities as bait! lol Perhaps i'll get the deal or no deal dvd game afterall :P

    • +1

      I agree, but at least they have 4 good items :P

    • Neg to COTD.

  • +1

    Haha, I didn't manage to snag any of the big ticket items last time, but it can't hurt to have another crack :P

  • Well I know my Wednesday is planned …

  • +6

    Awwwwww, I wanted to buy an actual pressure cooker!

  • Im sure everyone in the whole world knows about the COTD site by now.

    Giving them more exposure and PR will only make it harder for yourself to buy or get the items

  • Did they upgrade the SERVERS?!

    • lol, probably not, the servers are not going to make a difference if they're only selling 5 units :P

    • Where would the fun be if they did that??

  • +1

    seeing as there were 20 negative votes for the 1-day sale that means that be 20 less people trying their luck.

  • Too much into the future — please post when the event is on.

  • +2

    It's On now! and the servers are down! (surprise surprise)

  • I love these sales, both other times I have picked up some awesome items at a bargain price. You just have to be quick!

    • +1

      It is more luck than being quick.

      • Agreed.

        Doesn't help when you try to log in on time and the server has crashed.

        Human speed has nothing to do with it.

  • +3

    High school musical speaker cushion for $9.95?! What a great deal. Yet the servers have already crashed? How is this possible? Really makes me wonder whether the servers really do crash or if…well…its just their way of advertising but not selling products…

    • +2

      Before the deal is released thousands of people go to their website, this causes the servers to crash.
      People keep refreshing their browser trying to see the website.
      More people keep coming
      They too need to keep refreshing
      And so on.

  • +1

    Parker Slinger II WriteWear Pen

    For Just $5.95. FREE SHIPPING

  • +1

    Wondering if it is worth sitting by the computer all day until 9 or 10 pm and then trying to log in and then not getting anything - all to save $50 or $100.???

    • -2

      If you manage to buy the PS3, Wii and ipod then sell them on ebay for $50-100 profit i guess it is if you have nothing else to do.
      I am sure that will happen to some of the purchases.

  • +7

    Bit rude putting this up, hard enough as it is… :P

    • COTD make it harder. Saw a half page (colour) ad in the West Australian the other day.

      Now joe public can enjoy the frustration too!

      • evil

  • +2

    What is it good for?
    I had this experience when I was new here. This is not a bargain just waste of time.
    What am I suppose to do? Seat in front of computer and hit the refresh button every second just to see the server is down?
    I think the definition of bargain should be a good price with reasonable available stock. so this is definitely isn't a bargain.
    In addition to that, beside some branded products , most of the COTD products are absolute junk.
    I bought some stuff I needed (at first that I heard of them here in OZBargain) , a set of knives, some dishes, etc… all were useless and went straight to trash bin.

    To be honest I'm sick and tired of the way this thing works. Shouldn't we use this community as a collective bargaining opportunity instead of just advertising for junk sellers?

    • dude, as I said, if you don't want anything to do with this sale, then don't waste your time! makes simple sense to me… previously I felt this was a bit of a joke too, but I've come to consider it for what it is - a bit like lotto and a small chance to get something real cheap if you're lucky.

      • First of all it is not like lotto! because in lotto at least some one wins! in this case the server is down. down as dead.
        Second, if you think your logic makes sense so why not post everything else here too? after all everybody can just simply pass it if doesn't like it!
        So isn't it better instead of OZbargain make this OZ-come-see-our-add-if-not-like-it-pass

        I don't know, that's my thought anyway.
        And again, thousands of users here could really have a impact if they act together. But seems no one like this idea.

        • in this case the server is down. down as dead.

          The server is not down as in dead.

          Servers can be programmed so that once a certain number of people are viewing the site or the server is under a specified amount of load the server will redirect new visitors to a 'server busy' page.
          The page you see informing you to sign up to the newsletter is the server busy page.

  • +4

    I can't even buy a !@#$ pen !

    • chances are you will get the pen in tomorrow's catchathon … ;)

  • +1

    total site fail.
    should at least prepare the server for expected load.
    All I have been getting is the "Server is filled" message.

  • +2

    im going to downvote this shit because we all know cotd just does it for publicity… and dont bother to upgrade their servers.. fail

    on a related note, do they send you an email once your product is shipped? I bought something on friday and i still havent gotten any emails about it being shipped…

    • +2

      yes straight away, sounds like they took your money.
      i like how u bag it out then mention u bought something from the store.

      nice one genius.

  • Not this again…

  • -2

    I cant see any pressure cooker deals… all i see is some pen and past sales! wheres the itouch wii and the rest?!?!

    • +2

      you're not going to get one so don't bother.

      • can i buy from u instead then? i'll give u your 50 cents worth more

  • +1

    Crash of the Day

  • COTD crashes on the most important days… im annoyed at this i've been waiting and on the bloody site since noon and theres isnt any of those advertised deals

    • +1

      It has only bee on for 1 hour.

      The promotion spans over something like 7 hours so you need to be patient.

  • +1

    Please Try Again in a Few Minutes, or Subscribe Below

    Like subscribing is going to help.

  • 10x Colgate Toothbrushes for $7.95

    • Wouldnt have known! …. til 1.30 then….

  • 10 x Colgate Premier Toothbrushes

    Thats the first time i have had the site actually load..

    • +1

      It only loads for worthless items =p

  • +1

    argh, toothbrushes, when is the real stuff going to come up >.<

  • +2

    1/2 an hour to try to buy a pen. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. reload.. … you get the idea, finally get to paypal, log into paypal and confirm my details, paypal sends me back to COTD.. COTD has the serve full message. No paypal email saying I have paid.. I can't even give this mob money if I try !

  • +1

    this 1/2 hour.. "10 x Colgate Premier Toothbrushes Top Brand - Just $7.95 with FREE SHIPPING!"

    • Yeah! good deal to save $10 on toothbrush for next 3 years!
      By the way try an electric one, it really makes a difference.

  • +1

    site doesn't work, terrible

  • +1

    So slow!

    • THANKS GerrardLFC

      We didn't know the site was so slow! Thanks for the news update.

  • this is harder than fishing

    • -3

      Really? what else is it harder than?

      • +1

        Using logic with COTD's affiliate.

  • I'm finding the site much better than last time :o been able to see the page within a minute of a new item.

    I'm assuming a thousand other people have already seen it before me and decided they don't need 10 toothbrushes and that's the only reason i got through.

    • I think that a lot of the load could be cause by people on their lunch break checking the site out.

      As lunch break in the eastern capital cities finishes lots of people wont have the time to look at the COTD website so the server will have a smaller load to face.

  • +1

    Toothbrush? No thanks.

  • +4

    I reckon it's better if they tell you a few minutes in advance what's coming up next like they did last time via their twitter feed.

    At least that way maybe someone who doesn't want a particular product won't bother going to the site.

    • +1

      I agree. put it on twitter to save the site load some.

    • +2

      Go to - that tells what product it is as soon as it's up

      • did i tell u that u are the man! Man* of the DAY!

        *conditions applied: unless the this user is a woman, in that case they are "WOMAN of the DAY!"

  • I've been able to access the site fine.

    • +2

      Cos no one wants toothbrushes…LOL

  • +3

    Sorry will vote No! for such deals from now onwards. Such deal has become a luck based game.

    • Its free to try your luck though, is there any better bargain? :)

      • ya its called, courting the daughter of harvey norman, bing lee and dick smith, talking shit and making them feel beautiful, proposing and marring and then FINALLY getting family discounts :-)

        oh baby its worth it, now i just have to find the ladies …

    • +2

      I concur!

      To those that think it's ok and expected to be a lucky dip, I say…

      NO IT'S NOT OK!

      It's pretty much the same as if I was to post a deal with the title "10 million dollars lotto draw BARGAIN!"


      • +1

        I'd enter a free 10 million dollar lotto draw :p

        But i suppose in this case its more entering for the chance to buy a lotto ticket for a chance to win 10 million dollars.

    • +1

      I'm with you. From now on COTD has my negative, sincerely!

  • +1

    I hate these catchathons. Server down galore. whats the point

  • +1

    Nintendo DS Lite Handheld Console $99

    • +1

      Probably why the site won't even load -_-

  • +2

    Down again..

    They s**k..

  • +2

    I clicked Buy IT now got to my cart and boom down :(

    They should be be fair and let you keep the item in your cart if you managed to click on it then the site messes up not our fault!

    • +1

      exactly what happened to me, I got the page finally, clicked on buy, and then had the next step come up as the site down notice, managed to keep refreshing until i got to the shopping cart page, where it informed me that there was nothing in my cart…

  • +1

    Aaaaaaand sold out. Lame.

  • +1

    what a load of CRAP. The DS Sold out in 5 Minutes ?

    • +1

      About 3 minutes. And yeah. A load of crap. :)

      • +1

        There was probably only 5 available anyway..

  • +1

    I have to agree that this is kind of luck based.
    If a lot of people hate ebay type deal posted here, why not this one? This one are similar…

  • -1

    Successfully caught the DS, waiting for the Wii next, got one last time when it was 250, now buying another one for my aunty.

    • +3

      Aunty ebay?

    • -1

      dont believe you.

      • Not an especially profound investigation, neosin. Leave it to the mods.

    • AHA! I see!

  • +1

    i have got to be the most unluckiest son of a luck ever…

  • didnt knew that DS was so catchy for grabs!

  • +3

    my comments stay on this post longer than the deals on COTD … oh and i am a FLAMER haha

  • Asus 1002HA Black Atom N270 Netbook

    • $499

  • It's the Asus 1002HA Black Atom N270 Netbook at $499

  • +3

    Fuinny how the site comes back when the good deals run out

    • The Asus 1002HA Black Atom N270 Netbook hasn't sold out yet from what i can see :o

      I guess its not a good deal.

    • +1

      that really makes me wonder if people who are wanting great deals will stay on until the real deals come why all of sudden COTD servers seem to be working when the deal is not so good ??

  • +3

    COTD - Collapse Of The Day

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