A stunning and exclusive edition with coloured foil edges. According to booko it beats other stores by a minimum of $20 (https://booko.com.au/9781742838816/The-Hunger-Games).
Hunger Games Trilogy (Luxury Edition Box Set) $29.49 Shipped @ BookFari
yearmmix on 05/11/2014 - 18:09 bookfari.com (213 clicks)
Last edited 05/11/2014 - 18:23 by 1 other user
Last edited 05/11/2014 - 18:23 by 1 other user
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I find that you have to wait a while and the page eventually loads. Ordered with them a few times before although they didn't have this loading problem previously.
BookFari - We cut costs on web hosting, and pass the savings onto those willing to wait 30 minutes for our site to load.
Very well written but extremely depressing read. I can't believe this is recommended for year 7 and up. Don't teens have enough to deal with? :/
no longer available apparently
I really want to order that, but that is one munted website. At least the site seems actually legit though, there are references to them being around for a couple of years at least.