• long running

[eBook] An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of The Occult and Supernatural - Free @ Amazon AU

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In this updated and expanded version of his remarkable encyclopedia, James Randi casts his cynical eye on the dubious claims of the occult and the supernatural. With hundreds of entries and illustrations throughout, this book examines the shady world of manipulators, occultists, and shamanists in microscopic detail. Topics include Jeane Dixon's long string of failed predictions, the elaborate hoax surrounding the mystery of the Abominable Snowman, and much more.

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  • -3

    Is this about free-masons

    • Read it and find out

  • +2

    Excellent find! Thank you OP 🙏

  • +2

    Now do the Catholic Church!

    • +7

      Not sure why so many butt hurt 😂 shows you hit a nerve. Lol

      • +10

        Catholic priests are responsible for so much butt hurt.

    • Good to see some push back against that proselytising I mean bible bargain. That was wtf

    • -1

      Good to see the bigots out to play. Enjoy your cheap shots boys, nothing so intelligent, balanced and historical as the keyboard warrior bigot.

      On the other hand thanks OP for an interesting read.

  • +4

    Saw pic, thought 'oh haven't seen/heard about Salman Rushdie in a while' so I looked him up. He was stabbed a couple of years ago and is currently married to Rachel Griffiths (no, not that one).


  • +2

    any mention of international Jewry??

    • +6

      "If they're Black, it's a gang, if they're Italian, it's a mob, but if they're Jewish then it's a coincidence and you never speak about it"

      • Dave Chapelle
  • How do you get it? My options are hardcover, softcover or Add to Wishlist. Can't see any digital/Kindle links.

    • +1

      Nevermind. Seems my content and device preferences are set to US.

  • +6

    Randi was a great guy. Very smart, not to mention a fantastic magician and entertainer. RIP.

      • Found the "career psychic". Maybe you should try getting a job!

      • +1

        LOL, your ignorance is astonishing umex. The guy spent his life systematically and skilfully debunking charlatans/'pseudoscience'.

    • +1

      Magicians, whose job it is to fool people make great fraud debunkers.

      Penn & Teller's Bullsh1t TV series is also great.

      • Yeppers, P&T's 'Bullsh1t' TV series is possibly my favourite series of all time. It is like 'Myth Busters', but for adults.

  • +5

    RIP in peace James Randi. I remember when he offered a reward for anyone that could prove psychics exist. Nobody ever came forward.

    • +8

      Nobody ever came forward.

      He offered $1M USD and plenty came forward but they all got embarrassed…

    • +5

      He was never smug about it when doing the tests on TV, even though he believed 100% these bogus claims were a cancer on humanity, ruining lives, ripping people off.

      • +4

        'He was never smug about it …'

        Yes, absolutely this. He was always humble, polite and unassuming; yet entertaining to the end. Even when that spoon-bending nutcase/fraudster and his cronies came after him and tried to shame him publicly, he always prevailed … just by being his calm, patient, clever, rational self.

        As you may have gathered by now, I really admired the things this guy did to open people's eyes up in somewhat 'less enlightened times'.

        • +2

          We are right in the deep of anti intellectialism, pseudo-science health woo, and angry conspiracies. We need people like that dude, and yourself, more than ever.

      • -1

        Like the government then ?

  • +1

    Randi 😍

  • The documentary about him, An Honest Liar, is available on Tubi

    • That doco' can also be found in a certain bay, rumoured to be frequented by pirates … and I reckon Randi would be happy about that.

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