Medibank has changed the extras cover as of 29 September 2014. They claim to be increasing the benefit by $100. The category of "natural therapies" gets the new sub-limit of $100. Previously they all shared the $450.
That's not great, but we have to live with it. Here's the clinker- If you have used any of the natural health benefits already in the year (under the $450)- it comes straight off the $100.
So you started the year with $450, Used $100 and as of 29 September you have no more access to benefits for Natural Therapies.
This should have been done at the start of the new year not in September.
Forcing customers away in my opinion.
Why should the populace of members subsidise a shame therapy under the guise of medicine from a medical health insurance is beyond me!
I never understood this. It's all fake, why is it ever included and pushing up premiums!