Medibank Ripoff

Medibank has changed the extras cover as of 29 September 2014. They claim to be increasing the benefit by $100. The category of "natural therapies" gets the new sub-limit of $100. Previously they all shared the $450.

That's not great, but we have to live with it. Here's the clinker- If you have used any of the natural health benefits already in the year (under the $450)- it comes straight off the $100.
So you started the year with $450, Used $100 and as of 29 September you have no more access to benefits for Natural Therapies.

This should have been done at the start of the new year not in September.

Forcing customers away in my opinion.

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Medibank Private
Medibank Private


    • +3

      Why should the populace of members subsidise a shame therapy under the guise of medicine from a medical health insurance is beyond me!

      I never understood this. It's all fake, why is it ever included and pushing up premiums!

      • -4

        The physical treatment may be bunk but the time spent listening by the alternative practitioner can have a therapeutic effect for psychological problems.

        If the placebo effect heals 40% of patients and real medicine cost greater than 5x more, it may be cheaper to try alternative treatments first for non-life threatening illnesses.

        • then go see a psychologist.
          A doctor purposely trained in talking, working through and sorting out problems.

        • Reminds me of an old saying, "Ends justifies the means".
          Who cares if you cannot fully back it up by science, if it works then it works.

          A friend of mine tried every single type of doctor, however they couldn't treat his affliction, however he tries alternative medicine, and it works.

          So should I just go and tell me friend "don't try that" even if it works.

          Lol, I'm suprised people are willing to pump chemicals into their body but refuse to try alternative medicines such as herbs. Note: Eating ALOT of Saffron will cause an abortion, you need to be eating an absurd amount though.

        • @diddy50:

          You can't have it both ways. Psychologists are expensive and require many more vists as they are trying to correct the behaviour or emotion that is causing the issue. That will push up your premiums.

        • @This Guy: but it's a legitimate treatment

        • @lplau:

          Consuming just one teaspoon of cinnamon per day will noticeably decrease blood sugar levels. Clinically proven.

          Last I checked, pain killers need poppies (opioids).

          Most pharma drugs are based on, or synthesised versions of natural compounds, acids, proteins etc.

        • +1

          @diddy50: A psychologist is not a medical doctor, a psychiatrist is.

  • +15

    What a sensationalist headline.

    1) You've addressed one complaint that they took money away from Natural Therapies, but by your description, they have put money elsewhere, just because that doesn't suit you doesn't mean it's a ripoff.

    2) How is it a rip-off? If it's a rip-off that means that they have charged you over what is an acceptable market price for a service. I don't see that happening here.

    3) Good on them for doing this, the earlier we all realise that 'alternative medicine' which lacks any sort of clinical evidence is a waste of money the better. If you pay for private health insurance, it should be for real health benefits, not for wasteful 'alternative medicine' and 'natural therapies'.

    I know this is a topic which polarises people, but research it yourself, doctors are calling for an end to 'alternative medicine' and the rubbish that is associated with it such as homeopathy and chiropractic. There is a clear lack of clinical evidence for any of these practices.

    • +7

      Thank god we have Dr Paul on ozbargain to tell us if something is good for us or not.

      I dunno why though, I got this tingling feeling once upon a time everything lacked clinical evidence, doesn't mean something doesn't work.

      As for the op being ripped off, I do feel sorry for someone who has bought into one policy for his particular circumstances and reasons and for it change mid policy. I don't think it's right.

      • -3

        Haha, I actually did a few years of medical school, but that's in the past. Never really was interested. That said, I don't really care whether you want to use 'alternative medical treatments' or not, but you see, here is the issue.

        If I was a retailer, and I sold you a product that does not work as described, then you can come on OzBargain and complain and probably report me to the relevant authorities…etc. Correct?

        I'm not saying that all alternative medicine is crap, but a lot is, and it has been documented so. There have been ludicrous claims of certain alternative medical practitioners being able to cure cancer…etc. and it should be noted that there is no evidence of them doing so. The problem in Australia and many parts of the world, for that matter, is there is no regulation of alternative medicine and people are being ripped off under the pretence of getting medical treatment, often at the expense of proper medical care.

        For example, if I told you that I wanted to offer an alternative treatment where you sit in a black room for an hour and it cured cancer, would you think I'm talking baloney? Of course you would. It's complete and utter crap and if I'm charging you for it, then I'm clearly ripping you off. This needs to change, there needs to be regulation in the industry to make sure that providers are clear with their clients about what the benefits of their services are, so that there are no idiots trying to scam people into thinking their bogus treatments can cure cancer.

        • +5

          I'm not sure if you're aware Paul, but despite all of that strawmanning, you never really addressed the OP's issue at all.

          All you accomplished was a biased, long-winded rant about alternative therapies; which, if you read the OP properly in the first place, you'd realise is fairly irrelevant to the issue at hand.

        • -5

          @StewBalls: I know, I'm just bringing up a point of discussion. Never said it was relevant to OP.

        • @paulsterio: So you came in here just to berate the OP & knowingly go off on a tangential rant???

          That just makes you a troll…

        • -1

          @StewBalls: It's a relevant point of discussion.

        • @paulsterio: No, it's not in this context…others in the thread have understood the salient point here, why not you?

          Look, you're entitled to your opinion about alternative therapy, and frankly I don't disagree with you on some points; but start your own anti-alternative therapy thread if you want to ramble on about the medical professions, hijacking this one with your usual abusive self-righteous crap is piss-poor form.

        • +8


          abusive self-righteous crap

          Please calm down, you've capitalised on a minor point of my argument and ignoring the rest of it.

          My main contention was that this is a sensationalist headline, there has been no rip-off occuring and whilst I understand that OP has felt hard done by, I would say that it's too far to call this a rip-off.

          And given the number of + votes that post got, I don't think what I said is unreasonable.

          You might think that what I say is abusive, but in my view, I think too many people come here to complain about things with sensationalist headlines, e.g. "X RIPPED ME OFF" or "NEVER BUY FROM Y AGAIN", which I think is detrimental to this site in general.

          People need to have access to fair and unbiased opinions, there is always going to be a slant towards negativity because, let's face it, people love to complain in comparison to heaping praise. Some retailer gives you bad service, you complain about it to 5 different forums and all your mates. Some retailer gives you decently good service, you might mention it here and there, but you're not going to create a big fuss about it.

          I'm just doing my part to stand up for what I believe is right and that is a reasonable and moderate point of view that reflects the experiences of all people. That was my main contention, that somebody reading this should not feel like Medibank is a rip-off because of OP's experience, that there is more to the story than OP's sensationalist headline and that there are people who are better off and worse off from this, so that people don't naturally associate Medibank with rip-off unfairly.

        • +6

          @StewBalls: your posts are so stupid in this thread im not even going to bother dignifying them with a neg…

        • -3

          @nosdan: Wow, sycophant much…you pair should get a room.

        • +3

          @paulsterio: Go have an objective look at your entry into most comment threads mate, as with this one, many start with some sort of beratement of the OP, usually catering to the lowest common denominator around here. You need to grow up & become part of the community, not just another aggro troll.

          By your own admission you never addressed the OP's issue, you just used it as a springboard to launch into your own disordered diatribe about "wasteful alternative medicine". Simply because you or I do not use a service, does not mean that it does not have value to others; and the sudden withdrawal of same would of course be upsetting if the person felt that they were paying for it & therefore still entitled.

          The OP has a right to feel disenfranchised here, as others have noted (& the halfwit squad have completely glossed over), MBP shifted the goalposts mid-game, that's never been in dispute; and is in fact a fair & unbiased account of what has happened. Most reasonable people would call that unconscionable or unethical practice…wouldn't you?

        • +6


          Go have an objective look at your entry into most comment threads mate, as with this one, many start with some sort of beratement of the OP, usually catering to the lowest common denominator around here. You need to grow up & become part of the community, not just another aggro troll.

          Yes, because most posts around here tend to be an OP complaining about something rather than adding anything of value to the community and you know that.

          You're intelligent enough to know that posts such as "I WILL NEVER BUY FROM X AGAIN" or "X SCAMMED ME WHAT SHOULD I DO" are completely stupid and all the OPs of such thread want from the community is empathy because it will make them feel good about themselves.

          People actually post here, saying they haven't received an item after XYZ days, and having a whinge about it. Well hello, you contact the business. What are other people on the internet going to do about it? Doesn't that strike you as a completely non-sensical way to approach a problem? Complain first, solve later?

          By your own admission you never addressed the OP's issue, you just used it as a springboard to launch into your own disordered diatribe about "wasteful alternative medicine". Simply because you or I do not use a service, does not mean that it does not have value to others; and the sudden withdrawal of same would of course be upsetting if the person felt that they were paying for it & therefore still entitled.

          Again, you haven't addressed the crux of my argument, which was that I don't believe this to be a genuine rip-off as OP has mentioned.

          You've taken a snippet of my argument and responded to that whilst conveniently ignoring the rest because it doesn't suit what you're trying to say.

          The OP has a right to feel disenfranchised here, as others have noted (& the halfwit squad have completely glossed over), MBP shifted the goalposts mid-game, that's never been in dispute; and is in fact a fair & unbiased account of what has happened. Most reasonable people would call that unconscionable or unethical practice…wouldn't you?

          No, when you signed the policy, you agree that they have the right to change the policy. If you don't like that, then don't sign the policy to start off with. Either way, it doesn't constitute a rip-off, as per my original argument.

        • +4

          @StewBalls: Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that they are associated with the other side. Nosdan never agreed with me at all, he just thinks your posts are stupid.

        • @paulsterio: I never suggested that you pair were actually affiliated…just implying that nosdan was behaving like a pathetic, opportunistic, sycophantic lapdog; an assertion which I stand by, BTW. I don't really care what he thinks, looking at his comments here & elsewhere, I'd be happy enough to go out on a limb & suggest some sort of mild-moderate cognitive impairment, and that's being generous. He's just another symptom of the gradual downward slide of OzBargain's collective IQ…

          Back on topic though, we're gonna have to agree to disagree on the MBP thing, I believe that what they've done is immoral & unethical, you seem to think it's fine & dandy…the twain are never gonna meet there. I also think it's probably easy for you to be so magnanimous towards the insurers as a casual observer; but if you were in the OP's shoes I suspect you'd be singing a very different tune indeed.

          FWIW, I speak from experience…two years ago the wife & I were MBP members…we voted with our feet when we saw them making similar moves back then, now they've done it again to current members…I reckon that's piss poor form. We switched to BUPA back then, and have been very satisfied since, they haven't dicked us around with anything…you've paid for the cover, you're entitled to it, you get it, end of story.

          I would highly recommend MBP members think about taking their business elsewhere, because things aren't gonna get any better! Shop around a bit, you'll find that you'll have no problems negotiating a move on a similar level of cover with no waiting. ;)

        • @StewBalls: jealousys a curse champ, just let it go and quit tryin to act tough or mummy might well spank your arse again….

          your really not fooling anyone anyway.

        • @StewBalls:

          I never suggested that you pair were actually affiliated…just implying that nosdan was behaving like a pathetic, opportunistic, sycophantic lapdog; an assertion which I stand by, BTW. I don't really care what he thinks, looking at his comments here & elsewhere, I'd be happy enough to go out on a limb & suggest some sort of mild-moderate cognitive impairment, and that's being generous. He's just another symptom of the gradual downward slide of OzBargain's collective IQ…

          But why would Nosdan actually care about wanting my approval or being on my side. I don't even know who he is and he's not even a part of the discussion.

          Also, it's not very nice to say that he has a cognitive impairment is it? What qualifications do you have to back that up? Are you a psychiatrist who has studied cognitive impairments in detail? If not, then you really have no basis on which to claim that.

          Also, IQ isn't the be all and end all of life, I'd much rather have a community with a lower collective IQ that cares about each other and makes valid and genuine comments than a community with a high IQ who are selfish and arrogant.

          That said, I don't think you can go so far as to say what they've done is immoral or unethical. Perhaps it is of inconvenience to OP that this has happened, but hardly immoral or unethical.

          If this is as immoral or unethical as you think, then why not try to suggest OP to take it to court or to take class action or report it to the relevant authority or ombudsman? Because you know that what MBP has done is an inconvenience, but not something they aren't allowed to do.

          I would highly recommend MBP members think about taking their business elsewhere, because things aren't gonna get any better! Shop around a bit, you'll find that you'll have no problems negotiating a move on a similar level of cover with no waiting. ;)

          Fair enough suggestion.

      • +1

        I dunno why though, I got this tingling feeling once upon a time everything lacked clinical evidence, doesn't mean something doesn't work.

        So how do we sort out the things that don't work from the things that do work?

      • +4

        Every time I hear about alternative medicine/natural therapies, all I think about is Storm by Tim Minchin

      • +4


        I dunno why though, I got this tingling feeling once upon a time everything lacked clinical evidence, doesn't mean something doesn't work.

        by definition alternative medicine has either not been proved to work, or been proved not to work.

        do you know what they call "alternative medicine" thats been proved to work?


        edit: @BadHorse hehe id not read down to your comment yet, good call

      • On the subject of Doctors- why are chiro/osteo/other running around calling themselves doctors now without the traditional medical training? To me, a doctor is someone who has gone through a proper medical degree and jumped through all the other hoops and all that.

        Side note, I've had positive benefits to remedial massage, chiro (very short term), and osteo.

        • +1

          On the subject of Doctors- why are chiro/osteo/other running around calling themselves doctors now without the traditional medical training?

          Rightly or wrongly, it comes down to three letters, PhD.

      • Things that once upon a time lacked clinical evidence but worked are called medicine.

    • Yes, only medicine approved of (and sold by) the major global drug companies is any good. Medical practice not overseen by the Royal College of Already Extremely Rich Medical Service Providers is not "clinically proven". (How they hate being referred to as service providers)

    • +3

      You've missed the point.

      The change is one thing. I am sure they have done this by the book.
      Members have started the year thinking they have $450 for remedial massage, use $120 until September, they now tell you that you've exhausted the limit all while saying they have actually added $100 to the benefit- that to me IS A RIP OFF!

  • there is IPO going on for this company, guys

    • Yes. As a member, we have been bombarded with material.

  • Contact them directly.

    • +3

      Have done so- they say that's what it is. I have also put in a complaint on their website (the form doesn't like the $ sign BTW.)

      Sharing this here to make others aware that if they do use any of the benefits, they are in for a surprise.

      • Re: $ sign.

        That's some lazy SQL injection prevention!

  • +13

    The OP's point is they should have at least change it the following calander year, which I totally agree.

    • +5

      Correct. They have taken off benefits already used from a sub-limit just created.

  • +12

    I agree with OP, it is unfair. I was affected too, increase my @ss! Talk about moving the goal posts halfway through the game! I think this is to be treated as a bit of a community announcement - I think a lot of Medibank Extras customers will be in for a shock when they try and claim their remedial massage at the end of the year.

  • +1

    OP, thanks for the heads up. signed up in the MBP member community. may consider to bring it for discussion in the forum.

  • +1

    AHM has been advertising recently about having a single annual limit to spend on extras.

    I don't know much about it, but may be an alternative.(Slight pun there)

    Funny that it is owned by Medibank.


    Yes, MBP should have waited to the end of the year.

    • +1

      AHM LIFESTYLE EXTRAS is about $35 a month, about $10 more than medibanks basic your currently using and it offers $400 for massage (all the levels are higher, does complex dental ect and is over all a better deal IMO)

      The anual limits option pay 60% and are not worth it IMO and i wouldnt concider it as the premium+rebate percentage you have to pay is too high.

      • What I love about AHM is it also gives $150 for gym membership / sunscreen / Cancer council hats etc

  • +3

    OR add MDHF (mildura district health fund) $20/m after rebates anciliary-plus as a topup for your MBP extras as it gives you $540 extra for chiro, $540 for massage ect… And your not doubling up on dental!

    You can have more than 1 extras but not with the same company
    You get the gov rebate on all your extras
    BUT you cant claim the same service from both!

    Just use up the new MBF $100 and then the MDHF $540 (giving you a great total of $640 back off massage)

    This is great value as the MDHF extras gives you 70% back on members dental… So heres my spreadsheet of extras i thought were good value…

  • +3

    I've been a member for 20 years and covered by my familys cover with them beforehand.
    Best "deal" i get for 30+ years loyalty is a 2 dental cleans per year which apparently is only 1 per year on the same priced policy.
    But the price increases in 2 years is the worst in 10 years!
    Already looking elsewhere.

  • +1

    Simpsons quotes:

    Yeah, they're always tryin' to screw ya.

    Get us addicted then jack up the price!

    What a scam.

    Guessing you guys missed the Nixon tapes then?

  • -2

    Agree it's a sham. Not as big a sham as Abbott selling it off without compensation for the members whose equity has built up MBP's infrastructure, systems and cash nest egg. We'll be dumping MBP shortly after decades of paying basically for nothing.

  • Personally I'm not going near Medibank Private, either with their Cover or with the opening Share offer. Both under-performing from my point of view.

  • Don't underestimate the healing powers of 'quackery' (or natural therapies). It may not directly cure cancer BUT a lot of real and commonplace illnesses are the result of psychologically driven. The biggest one being STRESS!!!! The placebo effect of natural therapies has real benefits. And possibly cheaper than seeing a psychiatrist.
    ..anyway Medibank blah blah…

    • -1

      Despite the neggers, what you say is actually true. Placebo effect is very powerful. Antidepressants are 90% placebo, and a lot of medically prescribed drugs, like analgesics and antinflammatories, can ascribe 50% of their efficacy to placebo effect.

      People have the power to improve their own health by mental means alone, but most have to be tricked into thinking themselves into health. It would be great if people could directly use their mind curatively… Anxiety and other adverse mental states are toxic to the body. The link between anxiety and stomach ulcers has been known about for decades, and is just one of the many ways a sick mind gives rise to a sick body.

      • -1

        Really? 90% of internet statistics are invented, just like <—- this one, although 40% usually have a modicum of common sense and intelligence about them, unlike your stabs in the dark. The brain is indeed a very powerful thing so while your first par scores a 1 (very non-credible) on a 5 point internet cred Likert scale, the second gets a 3 (credible but limited).

        The link between "anxiety" and some peptic ulcers may exist but little is known about the mechanisms and actual specific causes so that's about all we can say. Placebo may also exist, but it's effects are often over-emphasised by plebs like us. Here's just one article about placebo worth reading. Hypnosis has also been shown to be an effective treatment for "physical" afflictions in some cases - all of which suggests the "mind" can be a great healer in certain circumstances, but it needs the help of specific drugs in many many more, despite your implication above.

  • So to sum it up, you are getting less of nothing.

  • Go and invest in the Medibank IPO and make some of that money back,

    Raising prices, Bad for policy holders >> Good for share holders,

    Esp in an industry where 95 % of the people never change providers.

    • Wow possibly the worst advice ever! 95% of people never chnage Providers? Proof champ! This coming from an Ex Medibank employee and one that has never condoned the way they communicate with there members. But random rubbish like this ..

  • +4

    OP, I know the issue you are referring to. My parents have used Medibank for many years and only ever claim on acupuncture and the occasional dental check up and clean. They were quite surprised when their claim fell through after their acupuncture session as Medibank had changed their policy on 29 September. I agree with you, Medibank should have waited out the year to make it fair on members.

  • +2

    I agree it's unfair. I pay my premiums 1 year I advance and make sure I spread my claims over the year so I use all my extras. If this happened to me I would not be happy.
    While I don't buy into most alternative therapies I love a good massage.

  • +1

    MBF were WRONG to have this change come in SEPTEMBER as to when the health fund reset at the end of the year, it has caused some distress and it seems to be to copy BUPA who enforce a similar (dislike) for massarge. But your actually $100 than before as you still have $450 for chiro/physio which health funds treat as real treatments. They also pay a decent 70% of dental (better than the BUPA 60% on the equilvent plan) but it does cost $10 more a month, so as they say 'you get what your paying for'

    As for the share offfer, im re-reading the prospectus and i agree, its a VERY BAD DEAL but it may well make investors money on FLOAT (the two things are not mutually exclusive)

    The CEO has been bought and paid for with his/her pay going from 1m>$4m on float (for doing the same crap job). He is like the dragon in LOTR, stilling on a pile of wealth and claiming all of the glory. Poor dwaves that mined it as being left in the mine from my reading of the offer.

    You can change extras (AHM LIFESTYLE) or add on MDHF extras to TOP UP your massarge. You have options, you can move funds (you can and IMO have extras and hospital with different providers for the best deals) or not have hospital at all… Your the customer, MOVE

  • Hmmm, MPL shares up 25% in first 3 months since IPO

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