aAdzter » user profile

Member Since | 07/10/2014 |
Last Seen | 14/02/2022 |
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aAdzter commented on Dan Murphy's - Free Booze When You Sign up for My Dan Murphy's (Present Member Card in-Store)
How is this a bargain when its selective to stores?

Billy Guyatts still exists! Bring back the 80's memories!

Wow possibly the worst advice ever! 95% of people never chnage Providers? Proof champ! This coming from an Ex Medibank employee and one…

Just put through 2 large Value Plus. One was charged at 19.95 and the other at 10.97. Reduced both by 50% to a total of around $15 and I…

Seems to be 50% of each pizza at the time of checkout. Tried it again then and it took 50% off each individual item.

Sorry doesnt look the expiry date worked for some reason. 31st October. Doesnt say anything about all stores, but this was an order from…

Im in Vic so might only be Vic. My apologies.

Hi All, Recieved a coupon attached to my pizzas the other night for 50% off any delivery order over $24. T&C Minimum Delivery $24 Order…

aAdzter joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!