This was posted 15 years 5 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Movie - An Education - New Screenings (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide)


An Education
Starring Carey Mulligan in a breakthrough performance alongside Peter Sarsgaard and the who's who of leading British actors including Emma Thompson, Alfred Molina, Dominic Cooper and Rosamund Pike. The screenplay is by Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, Fever Pitch, About A Boy).

In the post-war, pre-Beatles London suburbs, a bright schoolgirl is torn between studying for a place at Oxford and the rather more exciting alternative offered to her by a charismatic older man.

An Education won the Audience Choice award and the Cinematography award at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

Tickets are available at the following locations:
Palace, (Sydney) Academy Twin - Monday 21 Sep 6.30 PM
Palace, (Sydney) Norton Street - Tuesday 22 Sep 6.30 PM
Palace, (Sydney) Academy Twin - Tuesday 22 Sep 6.30 PM
Greater Union, (Sydney) Bondi Junction - Wednesday 23 Sep 6.30 PM

Village, (Melbourne) Rivioli Cinemas - Sunday 20 Sep 10.00 AM

Independent, (Adelaide) Capri Cinema - Monday 21 Sep 7.00 PM
Independent, (Adelaide) Capri Cinema - Wednesday 23 Sep 7.00 PM

To download tickets simply go to: and enter code: 679319

Hurry, tickets are limited

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I watched this through the first special screening by seefilmfirst and I really enjoyed the movie. so if you haven't watched it yet, give it a go. :-) Enjoy.

  • no perth again boo

    • +1

      then try they include perth usually.

    • tickets for perth are available with the other code.
      Windsor Cinemas, Nedlands, Luna Palace Cinemas
      Grand Cinemas Warwick x 2 sessions.

  • This is a duplicate. Already posted last week.

    • +1

      These are new screenings (a new code 679319)

      • -1

        Not new screenings as you claim. New code, yes. Same bargain….

    • The previous post was updated with the new code which this post provides, and did so before this was posted.


      • +1

        I checked the previous post and it didnt have the new code when I posted this.
        The previous post added the code after I created my post.

        • Scroll to the bottom. jennkei posted the new code 20 minutes earlier, and the freebie was promptly edited to include the new code.

          • @TimeOrMoney: How can you tell the post was edited promptly by the Op.

          • @TimeOrMoney: well Tiger only updated his after reading my post.
            see his comment saying “Already posted last week.: (while this is a new code)
            This is not ethical.

            • +1

              @bashar20: OK, a comparison of the sessions available for the two codes, both of which are presently valid.

              981532 provides 31 sessions, the final offered session being 14 Oct.
              679319 provides 7 sessions, the final offered session being 23 Sep.

              Most importantly, 679319 contains no new sessions compared to 981532.

              I don't see why you bring ethics into this. I've not voted neg and I've not demanded deletion. Just presenting the facts to be interpreted. IMO jennkei did the more "ethical" thing by posting this code as a comment in the previous post. Or perhaps he was just lazy. ;)

  • -2

    Dupe, previous post contains new code.

    • -1

      It's a dupe, but i do not think it deserved your negative vote.
      It's not the poster's fault is the code in previous post was updated.
      However, being a dupe, a mod should remove it.

  • at least he took the time to do it, man this world is full of bitches

  • -2

    Its going to be removed by a mod so what do you care if I neg it..jeez this world is full of bitches :S

    • I've revoked my vote pending moderator response.

  • +2

    for the Mod: Kindly check the time of my post and compare it to the time the previous post was edited. you will see that my post was up before the previous post was edited.

    • Will know tomorrow (or late tonight) unless scotty or another mod wishes to interject before then.

      Generally, my preference in cases like this is that new codes are commented in the existing deal and brought to the OP or Moderators' attention. However, it's not a major issue and the other mods may have other opinions. Edit - just saw foundit's below.

      Regardless, I don't think there will be concerns with letting this stand.

      • +1

        Not that it should still be a bone of contention, but jennkei's comment was posted at 19:25 on Wednesday, this deal was posted at 19:52, and Tiger's original deal was updated at 20:11. (And for whatever reason, Basicinstinct79 voted -1 on jennkei's comment at 21:21.)

        In the circumstances, OzBargain is big enough for both deals to remain open.

  • I printed out my free ticket, how do they limit the number of free tickets? Does everyone get to print this out?

    • +1

      when they run out of tickets for a screening it will show a run out messeage instead of a confirmation.

  • +1

    I saw this movie in the first round and i Loved it. I would see it again. :-)

  • +1

    The only reason I put the code on the other one was because I was too lazy to make a new post, so good on bashar20. :P I, too, watched it the first time round. Was only aiight for me, but I have strange taste, haha.

    The codes and availabilities might well expire at different times, so I personally think there's no harm having two (it's a few days apart anyway..) — we'll see what a mod says.

  • +1

    Junior Mod opinion - I defer to the opinions of the Senior Mods

    The other post was for an offer which expired.

    This bargain is to raise awareness of a new and separate offer.

    So no duplicate.

    Also, while people who commented on the original offer, will see the code updated there … it is unlikely that everyone else will be checking that post for new codes.

  • I went to the screening in Melb last weekend - so good! :>

  • 379389

    Tickets are available at the following locations:
    Palace, (Sydney) Academy Twin
    Dendy, (Sydney) Opera Quays
    Village, (Melbourne) Southland
    Dendy, (Sydney) Newtown
    Dendy, (Sydney) Opera Quays
    Greater Union (Sydney), Castle Hill MEGAPLEX
    Dendy, (Sydney) Opera Quays
    Greater Union, Newcastle
    Dendy, (Sydney) Newtown
    Luna Palace Cinemas, Windsor Cinemas, Nedlands

  • Aww I was two mins late. Ah well. More for those who haven't already seen it~

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