This was posted 10 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

SanDisk Ultra II SSD 120, 240, 480GB, $64, $104, $225 + $1 Extra 16GB USB2.0 Stick @ MSY Pickup


$5 better than last deal.

SanDisk Ultra II SSD ('up to' Read: 550MB/s, Write: 500MB/s, Detailed Specs)
$64 - 120GB ($0.53/GB, Was $79)
$104 - 240GB ($0.43/GB, Was $119)
$225 - 480GB ($0.47/GB, Was $245)

Pay an extra $1 when buying the above SSD and get a Sandisk Cruzer Orbit 16GB USB2.0 Stick ($9). (In-store only)

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MSY Technology
MSY Technology

closed Comments

  • Great, couldn't have come at a better time!

  • +1

    I literally bought the 240gb Ultra II from their store earlier today..
    Why oh why did I open it

    • Buy another one and return it with the receipt of the first one.

      • Buy another one and return it with the receipt of the first one.

        Does MSY still charge the restocking fee?

        • +1

          I Ask that question last time. They usually don't. So once you opened the package, usually can't return it unless it is faulty. Really depends who's the store manager though.

      • +2

        My MSY receipts always have the serial number on them so that may not work

  • +1

    Is this better than Samsung EVO SSD regularky posted here?

    • +1

      Ultra II has Seq R/W of 500/550mbs

      Evo 840 has Seq R/W of 540/520mbs

      Ultra II is $20 more expensive on ShoppingExpress at the moment.

      I'd go the Ultra II. I'm sure you won't notice the difference in speeds.

      • +1

        You've got the speeds the other way around.
        For Ultra II the R/W speeds are 550/500 MB/s

      • -1

        I got 120 GB Ultra 2 on my HP laptop and later replaced it with Samsung Evo 250 GB. Evo is a little faster than Ultra and I could notice it. It might be due to bigger size or Samsung Magical software for settings.
        Having said that EVO are a bit expensive compared to Ultra as well.

    • +2

      Isn't Samsung considered more reliable?

      • +1

        Speeds, quality, reliability and even warranty period is not just depend on brand, but also range/model and speeds can vary within a same brand/model depending on capacity. SanDisk were slower on average than Samsung, but have really picked up their game on all fronts. Today, there would not be much between them, especially recently since Samsung to a knock on their Evo range with some bugs.

    • +5

      Breaking news. Samsung 840 EVO firmware update resolves slow read error with old data.……

      • True. I was going to add that there was a firmware update in the works, but just like some other companies in the past, this would have some negative impact on their reputation and hence sales figures.

  • +1

    Makes you wonder how much ssd drives cost to produce.

    • +2

      Makes you think SSD costs less to buy than it did last month/quater/year.

    • +2

      True. You could say that about most tech stuff, heck, even most manufactured goods in general.

  • Thanks,
    Just bought online and will pick up in-store today! Weird that it'd be cheaper to buy 2 x 240gb than to buy 1 x 480gb tho!

    • Its the convenience of using 1 slot instead of 2

    • +2

      Supply and demand

    • +3

      larger capacity SSD's are generally faster

      • never found this, only going from under 240 to 240, over 240 they become slower than 2 x 240's

        ie the intel 520 had 4 channels in the NAD for the 80, 120 and 180gb and 8 in the 240, same with its 480gb still 8…

        • +1

          depends on the controller and manufacturer, but most benchmarks show slight improvement as you go larger, including for the Sandisk (98k random read iops va 91k for the 256gb). not sure about the intel 520

    • +1

      Roll them in RAID0 :D

      • No. Drives fail. What is worse than one failed disk? One failed disk and one corrupted disk because you used RAID 0.

        You are also adding latency because now you need to jump between two drives to find your data instead of just using one. The only reason we will pay more for a SSD is to reduce latency.

  • Thanks OP. Was just on the lookout for a new ssd.

  • If I do pickup, can I go in and tell them to add the USB stick for $1? Doesn't seem to let you add it into cart for pickup at $1

    • +1

      I think the USB stick special bundle is only available if you purchase in-store. You can try anyway but I am guessing they won't do it without a new order in-store. Please let us know how you go :)

      • +1

        I added both to my cart for pickup in store. will ask them to adjust it instore

        • Yes they will adjust it instore for you :)

  • why is the 240gb cheaper per mb than the 480?

  • Dang.. been eyeing an SSD for a while now but too cheap to take the plunge.

    Is this a good price for an SSD? And just how good are SSDs? I hear they're quite good so this might get me forking out…

    And of course, this is preference, but would you guys go the 240 or 480?

    • The best price for a 'similar' drive recently was $119 for a Samsung EVO 250gb from PLE… Link

      Regarding size, go for as big as you can afford! I bought a 128gb Samsung 830 maybe 18 months ago and I'm frequently running out of space & needing to delete crap all the time.

      • I wonder which drive would be considered more reliable?
        I note this UltraII has a three year warranty as does the Samsung.

        • +1

          From what I read, and personal experience with both today they are equally fast, reliable and competitively priced. Samsung used to have the lead, but SanDisk has improved in recent times, they even provide good management software like Samsung, working on providing free cloning software like Samsung too. Most big brands make fast reliable SSD, some can sell cheaper because of scale of turn over.

    • "asdffdsa"
      Jump in now as you will not look back. They are half price of what they were only a few years ago and faster and more reliable too. Unless your use needs huge amount of storage, personally I think the 240GB is the sweet spot for money and size/performance. On laptops often 120GB is not enough for most users, although for my use it's fine. I don't like having a lot of programs and data on the laptop I use to surf the net, so 120GB leaves me with 30GB-50GB free after O/S depending on how you set things up. If later you need more space, you can upgrade as prices drop further, buy a USB3 enclosure ( $10 del ebay ), put the smaller ssd in there and you have a solid fast external hhd. People have different ideas, but just some options. Once you use a ssd and see the benefits, you will think it was well worth it, especially at these prices.

      • +2

        The 240gb is the sweet spot, it's purely mathematics, nothing personal about it.

  • +2

    "Pay an extra $1 when buying the above SSD and get a Sandisk Cruzer Orbit 16GB USB2.0 Stick ($9)"

    was actually scouting around ONLY for a 16GB thmb drive to have my OS restore partition backed up on, now it looks like I'll be having a new ssd to install my OS too thanks to Ozbargain.

  • +1

    Seriously, how crap is their website? I have probably bought half a dozen things from them for instore pickup and every time I go to use their website, I get caught in some sort of endless vortex and after what seems an eternity of frustration, I finally get to place the order. I'm somewhat technical (I have a University degree in Electrical Engineering with a major in computer systems) and I can't figure it out. To make matters worse, it seems every time I go back, they've changed something to make it even more difficult to spend money with them. Whoever codes their website needs a career change.

    If it not for the prospect of saving a few bucks OzBargain style, I just wouldn't bother.

    • +3

      Looks like they are also saving money on design. Getting the cheapest price won't give them the best design.

  • +1

    Is MSY pickup still a hellish 2 hour queuing experience?

    • +1

      Nope, its pretty good now

    • +1

      Maybe if you go there at a bad time, but both times I've been served in like 10-15 mins maybe. Happy to do it again.

    • I've bought from MSY a bunch of times in the last 4 years or so, from both the Ultimo and Auburn shops. My longest wait was 20 mins and it only happened once. Usual time in queue is just 5-6 mins.

  • +2

    240gb ssd acquired. Now i just need to buy the rest of my computer….. in time…

  • Sweet price . Don't think the avg user would notice the speed different over a Evo .

    I just pick up a Intel 520 for $120 the 5 year warranty was the sweetener for me

    • Yeah I am looking for a 5 year warranty deal too.
      How much was the Intel?

      • +1

        Ebay , there a few seller that are selling them from $120 - I think it umarts or other computer shops

  • So how does one go about copying os and data from hdd to ssd?

    • I believe Acronis is best for doing so. You can't do a straight simple clone, because you will have sector alignment issues. Personally I recommend a clean install.

    • Use EaseUS To do Backup Free version as Sandisk Ultra does not come with a cloning software. No need of spending money on one.
      Here are details:…

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