This was posted 10 years 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Shadow Mordor, Drive Club, FIFA15, NBA2K15 Any 2 for $85 ($100 No AMEX) for PS4/Xbox (No Driveclub) @ DSE


These are currently $69.98 each so:
- buy 2 for $139.96
- then use SHOP20 code for $20 off to $119.96
- AMEX $15 off to $104.96
- you get $10 each game for pre-ordering per dicksmiths catalogue. so $84.96

There are other games which you can do this but just no preorder $10 off for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, GTA 5, PS4 Controller etc.

edit. Sorry the title looks bad, cos people keep insisting I have to put in the xbox version even though XBOX has no drive club

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closed Comments

  • Cool how do u get the $10back thx

    • Email your pre-order code to dicksmith and they get you a refund for each pre-ordered game thats in the promotion

      • I did get $10 off for pre-ordering Destiny and DSE wanted to see a screenshot where that was offered in their website/catalogue. And it was an active offer in their current catalogue back then. So where do I get this pre-order code you talk about?

        • He meant order number.

      • +1

        just quickly, never done this before, specific email address you send the proof to? and how do they refund it? gonna use this deal but want the extra $10 off NBA. thanks

        • hehe yeah could some please direct us to the relevant reference :) thanks in advance

        • I used the online contact form and was refunded through paypal within a week.

      • I assume "thats in the promotion" means once it goes into preorder stage in their catalogue just before release?

  • +3

    Looking forward to Dive Club!

    • +2

      FINALLY!! A sequel to Echo the Dolphin I assume??

      • *Ecco

        • Sad day… :(

    • +7

      Why do you do this to all my deals? this is ozbargin not Ozlist of whats avaliable for purchase. If i dont see the xbox versions as a bargin thats my call. if you think it is make a "deal" yourself.

      So if a Iphone 6 is selling for $600 its a bargin will you neg it and say the hwawei is $200 should list it too?

      you are rediculous.

      • -2

        Differnece is the iPhone is not the same as the hwawei
        The Xbox and PS4 version of NBA, Fifa and Shadow of Mordor are the exact same.

        • +1

          Funny, I'd say a MacBook isn't the same as a 'gaming laptop' the same way an iPhone isn't a Huawei, yet here we are.

          When $2579 is not a bad price for a laptop with those specs then you know you are being gouged. You could buy 2 top of the line gaming PCs for that price.

          Fine you could buy 1 top of the line gaming PC and a fantastic laptop and have money to spare for that price. Better? Btw, have fun getting ripped off.

          Be consistent and stop moving the goalposts on 'value' when it's expedient.

        • -3

          no it's not the PS4 version of NBA, FiFa and Shadow of Mordor is 1080P and the Xbox is 720p to 900p depending on the game.

          just like how the hwawei and the Galaxy S5 have same specs and functions but there are small differences in performance.

        • @suicine94:
          Fifa is already confirmed to be 1080p and the other 2 are un-announced. Get your facts straight.

        • -1


          yea cos fifa is the least demanding of all the games that's why it can be 1080p. FIFA is just zoomed out mini men running around with different colour cloths. any zoomed in player celebrations is not interactive so they just play a video file.

          mordor a game that needs real graphics will not be 1080p on xbox.

  • Wow. Thats impressive OzBargaining. +1 to you sir!
    Just wish I has an AMEX

    • i dont see your +1

      • +1

        Sorry. Got distracted by a shiny object

    • +4

      You have one hell of a persecution complex. See if you can spot a pattern from just from this month's comments.

      Why is this? Theyre not part of the exclusions or anything. PS fanboy running the site, I guess.

      Yeah, you have to discount the inferior PS4 games so people will actually buy them

      Makes it even worse when most Xbox One games are 1080p (Destiny, Forza, Halo etc) and not all PS4 games are 1080p

      • -2

        Well the first was a JOKE of why the Xbox games didn't work even when not on the exclusion list.

        2nd was a reply to suicine saying "no that doesn't work because you are cheating. xbox doesn't deserve the discount because it's dick smith's discretion of what to discount. please stop thinking xbox and ps4 version of a game is the same product… they are different products with different item codes and have different resolution and in game content."

        And the 3rd was a reply to once again Suicine posting "Dick smith is doing the following deal of these Full HD (1080P) PS4 games." in the deal details.

        So maybe don't just read the comments and look what they are replied to.

    • can you get your facts right please? they are not the same resolution.

  • Is there a way to select "Click and Collect"? It only allows me to ship and that adds $4.95 to the price..

  • +4


    You are both obviously very passionate about your beloved platforms, we get that. Its pretty clear that you two cannot communicate without getting into a console flame war and as much as I love watching the ball bounce back and forth some OzBers probably do not appreciate it.

    Stop baiting each other, keep it friends and on topic guys

    We are all in it for the love of the games/bargains right??

    • +1

      We are all in it for the love of the games/bargains right??

      We are. And thankfully the mods realise that whenever UserX posts a bargain about PS4 or XB1 games, it usually includes the other side as well… Otherwise half the crowd would miss out!

      Edit: And upon saying that, the OP has removed the XB1 refernce.. SIGH

      • I dont wana misslead people and get the xbox communities hopes up because the MODs changed it to everything avaliable for ps4 and xbox but Drive Club is not on xbox. I'm not a fanboi and I do not take sides.

        The reason I only post ps4 deals is because only look at the PS4 section to buy my games. If I did post xbox version of the games then i would be assuming the codes work for both versions which is not true as proven last time when codes only worked for ps4 and not xbox.

        Call me selfish but i dont want to waste the time to test out that codes work for xbox vresions since I dont need to buy xbox games. Therefore I dont want to potentially be incorrect in my facts so I only post deals that I've tested myself (e.g. PS4)

        • Call me selfish but i dont want to waste the time to test out that codes work for xbox vresions since I dont need to buy xbox games.

          Fine, but the commments revealed that it was valid for XB1. The title was updated, then you removed the update. All you're doing now is wasting other peoples time.

          And, if someone else was to make a post identical to this, stating that it was valid for XB1 as well, it would be removed for being a duplicate.

          I have no issue with you deciding to only include PS4, just don't remove XB1 when it's been verified by someone else.


        • @ryang:

          ok Ryang. I changed the title, but to fit everything in I had to make the title ugly with no spacing. are you happy now?

          The reason I changed it was cos the MODs made it look like Xbox has drive club, I dont want all the xbox kid crying when they find out drive club is not avaliable and have to go back to forza 5.

          secondly if someone made a post on the xbox versions only it wouldnt be deleted as a duplicate since THEY ARE DIFFERENT PRODUCTS WITH DIFFERENT PRODUCT CODES IN THE STORE. just like how a blue shirt has a different productcode as a red one in the kmart.

          so no dupe.

        • @suicine94:

          just like how a blue shirt has a different productcode as a red one in the kmart.

          … Terrible example.

          But thanks otherwise!

    • +3

      I try to stay aloof of flame wars but just from the post, I see one guy who's submitting deals and another who doesn't. DSE posts tend to specify PS4 because the codes for XB1 for whatever reason, usually don't work. The onus is not on the OP to veto every single item on the chance that it might buck the trend. That's what the comments section is for; so we can discuss the merits of a deal and provide helpful suggestions, not to whine about alleged bias. If Korup wanted, he could contribute with his own deals instead of consistently complaining that the submitted ones don't represent his interests. /my 2c

      • +1

        thanks strand thats exactly where i'm comming from. I dont know whether these codes work for xbox or not cos i dont try them out for xbox. I only post deals that I can verify.

        Korupxboxfan can make a deal of his own that will be fine. if he did I wouldn't go in there and say "change the title to include PS4" and neg it.

        @Korup, by negging it are you suggesting $85 for 2 pre-order AAA titles is not a bargin?

        • -3

          Not a bargain because they are not in 4k.
          Same as your logic as games are not a bargain if they are not in 1080p.

        • @KorupTx:

          I'm not saying they are bargin cos of resolution, i'm saying i hvn't tried the code on xbox games so i dont know if it works.

        • @suicine94:
          You did in a different post

    • Hey I was enjoying that little flame war, why'd you have to Britta it?

      • +1

        I'm the AT&T of people.

  • Awesome! Thanks alot just ordered Shadow of Mordor and Farcry 4!

    Any idea what email address i need to send my order number to?

  • Tried to buy 2k15 and Driveclub for PS4… SHOP20 doesn't seem to work

    • Make sure you don't log in to your account, wouldn't work when I was logged in (even though I hadn't used the code).. Guest worked for me, good luck

  • +1

    Cheers great time to use my AMEX statement credit offer, Fifa 15 and Forza Horizon 2 for $42.50 each is not to shabby at all!

    • Goes with my $45 Destiny and $50 Diablo 3.. Cheers Dick!

  • Just got my emails back from DSE claiming $10 off pre-order for this is not happening. Will be cancelling my orders.

  • What reason did they provide for not providing the $10 off?

    • 'Thank you for taking time to email Dick Smith Online.

      In relation to your inquiry, we would like to inform you that as per our terms and conditions products are not included for grab great footy promotion.'

      I made no link to it being part of the footy promotion, i sent through an email about two seperate orders I made, one a few days ago and how after asking two retail dse's was told I should get $10 off it for pre-ordering, the second order was this one with 2 games in it for 120 + 5 postage, let them know about the $10 off each as stated here and they've ignored it and told me im wrong its not part of the 'grab great footy' promotion. wtf?

  • As I mentioned previously.

    I did get $10 off for pre-ordering Destiny and DSE wanted to see a screenshot where that was offered in their website/catalogue. And it was an active offer in their current catalogue back then. So where do I get this pre-order code you talk about?

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