We have one of these and it's a life saver. Spotted it on sale and thought other ozbargainers could also benefit.
It's a play mat with interactive panels and toys. My four and a half month old is on it right now kicking away.
Toys R Us: Bright Starts 2-in-1 Convert Me Activity Table & Gym $49.99 (Save $80)

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What you can see in the photo exept the babies ;)
the mat, the pillow, the tent structure, all the toys?
Yep. One of the panels is kick/motion activated.
It includes 3 decent toys and 2 bits of plastic shaped like bees.
We don't use the pillow and it tends to slide out anyway. But the rest of it is pretty good.
I got one when my bub was little, 11 month old on and she still plays with the table so you can get a bit of use out of this.
Just as a comparison. We also have one of these: http://www.mrtoys.com.au/?Preschool-Baby-and-Educational-Toy…
Which we leave at the grandparents. My son prefers the Bright Starts mat. As we can leave him on this mat for longer before he gets bored.Take a close look at your link & tell us why you're about to be negged into oblivion…
appears that the link is for Target in US.. which would require purchasing a plane ticket there, or perhaps pay around $100 postage fee
Doh, apologies!
tell us why you're about to be negged into oblivion…
Oh yeah… There is no baby with that one…
I just wanna know what is the usual price for the baby??? ;)
Does it have Bluetooth?
If you give your toddler too many sweets they will.
At what age would the baby be able to use this toy?
Can use for tummy time (toys can also attach to the mat) so start use from a few weeks old. Can unattach toys and make a little table for sitting so continue to use until about a year.
We used ours from the first week back from hospital.
As Ridge_didge says. It's great for tummy time.We put ours into his cot… He doesn't sleep in his cot :(
So he's kind of "fenced off"
No toys'r'us near here. $79 inc. delivery doesn't make it such an attractive proposition.
VIP club price only?
what's actaully included in the package? (obviously not the baby)