• expired

Rocksmith 2014 (Steam Key) for US $12.48 in the Humble Store


Rocksmith 2014 is on sale for US $12.48 (75% off) in the Humble Store. RRP is US $49.95.

The lowest price at other places is US $19.60 right now: http://cdkeyprices.com/product/Rocksmith-2014-CD-Key-Steam. Note that you'll also need a Real Tone cable, which can be bought for around $35 from ebay.

Sale ends 1AM Sunday 14/09/2014 AEST.

Some sales blurb about Rocksmith 2014 itself:

Rocksmith® 2014 Edition is the fastest way to learn guitar. Plug in any real guitar or bass and join over 1 million people who have learned with the award-winning Rocksmith method.

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closed Comments

  • Notice: The Rocksmith™ Real Tone Cable is not included with the purchase of Rocksmith™ on Humble Bundle and must be purchased separately. Please see your local retailer or many online stores to purchase the Rocksmith™ Real Tone Cable.

    • +4

      Really? You mean you can't download the physical cable? :(

  • +1

    Just a word of warning: I bought a USB to 3/4 cable off ebay a couple of months ago which cost about $10. It ended up not being compatible with Rocksmith. If you're going to purchase this, make sure you get the Ubisoft RealTone Cable for about $30.

  • Can anyone recommend a cheap guitar that would be suitable?

    • +1

      If you want something cheap and dirty, and I mean REALLY cheap and REALLY dirty, get this: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/musical-instruments/monterey/monte…

      I'm the kind of guy that gets cheap and dirty stuff, and even I wouldn't go for that. Not when it comes to guitars. I would go out and look for an Epihone or something. Spend about $300 if you want something half decent.

      I have unexpectedly come across cheap Suzuki guitars that look and sound really good for their money.

      Try this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SUZUKI-SG-STYLE-ELECTRIC-GUITAR-W…

      Or this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SUZUKI-LP-STYLE-ELECTRIC-GUITAR-B…

      I had a Telecaster-style Suzuki a few months back which I stupidly traded for an old Samsung Galaxy SIII. I bought that brand new for $100 on sale, and it played way better than my Epiphone SG ever did. :(

      In any case, hope you find something.

      Thanks OP. I'm going to be getting this for sure. Already have the cord. Never really used it with my PS3 version because of the lag, so maybe it might be better on PC.

      • I bought rocksmith and went and picked up a monterey bass from JB-Hifi, and I have been happy with it as something to first start learning on. If your not 100% certain that you will go the distance my suggestion would be to give the monterey a try.

        Its neck is a bit thicker, for a new learner a thinner neck is advantageous, my hands are normal size and while its not over sized that I cant reach the strings, its a learning curve.

        My only gripe is some of the frets are not smoothly finished, so the metal is rough where it meets the edge of the neck.

      • @flaminglemon:
        You're welcome. I am happy to see that other OzBargainers can make use of this, and feel glad I decided to post it.

        Also thanks for the links to the Suzuki guitars. I have added them to my list of guitars to consider.

        • No problem. Also… the Suzukis ARE cheap guitars, so, you know… don't expect anything flash. But they are pretty good for their price. You might find the neck a bit bumpy, so what I did was sand off the neck just a little then re-applied a gloss finish. I used a wipe-on poly. Smooth sanding finish, 2 layers of polish… with a bit of cat hair on it….and you could hardly tell there were any problems.

  • +1

    Wanted to pass this on: The way I play is with an applied cracked exe onto the steam game which allows you to use any cable. My cable setup is, guitar -> amp in -> amp headphone jack -> 6mm to 3.5mm cable (male to male) -> Line In jack on computer. Saved myself 60 bucks for the cable alone.

    • Interesting. Got a link to the crack? Also, could I just get a 3.5 mm adapter for the my cord?

      Do you use the amp because there's a delay? Because that really killed my experience on the PS3.

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