Got this today from JB HI FI Miranda.
Should be no problem matching this to other stores.
White PlayStation 4 500gb
The Last Of Us Remastered
Got this today from JB HI FI Miranda.
Should be no problem matching this to other stores.
White PlayStation 4 500gb
The Last Of Us Remastered
Dont forget that this bundle also comes with:
Where I can find PSN membership and $10 psn voucher. No redeem code I can find. Does it come with Destiny game or come with PS4 console?
and 1080P Destiny game play.
I'm not sure why you felt compelled to list this as a point?
Haha it sure is! But first… Console updates Ho!
did u swap the assasin creed game in the bundle for last of us?
I was gonna do that…
Shire Represent!
I previously bought (all separately) $399 PS4, $54 Last of us, $54 Destiny from Dickies. I probably would pay the extra for a white console though.
Not sure why everyone is going gaga over a white console, it doesn't match the black entertainment unit. Don't get me wrong though I'm looking forward to Destiny and I have the ghost edition ordered from Amazon heh
I have a white entertainment unit.
I don't have an entertainment unit. All my gear sits on glass shelving from the wall, cables hidden conduit. Looks a million bucks.
Yeah once you go black you never go back but to OP did you use the 20% voucher too ?
Please elaborate on this 20% voucher you speak of?
Did anyone get the supposed $10 PSN credit that comes with the bundle? Picked mine up today and can't seem to find it.
No I didn't. And unsure about the 30 day PSN trial either?
The 30 day trial was in the copy of Destiny that came packaged in with the PS4 console. It's just the $10 PSN credit missing.
Thanks Tyrus
I am also looking for $10 PSN voucher, where's it?
I think that's apart of the American consoles.
I bought the White Destiny Pack this morning from the Prahran Store here in Melbourne and wanted to do a deal on getting a different game as I already have Assassin's Creed IV and they said to me that I only could change it for Call Of Duty Ghosts and wouldn't even entertain the notion of paying a bit extra for a different game that I didn't have.
I rang them in regards to this post and a few others I have found this morning, Only to get the response that the Sales Rep that put it through …. I Quote "Should Be Fired" as it is strictly not allowed.
I did ring three other stores after hearing that response and got told pretty much the same thing.
So well done to the OP by managing to get a good deal that was wanted
Did you get the $10 PSN card with yours?
i have not found a $10 PSN card? where did it say you would get one?
I don't see why it would be such an issue to change the games around and pay the difference? That's exactly what I did and there wasn't a problem with it.
I was in the same boat as you, I have already finished ACIV and didn't need another copy so I just told them that and the lady was happy to do the swap.
Cos they end up with a lot of the game that was meant to be bundled, and can't sell it.
From when I worked at JB it all comes down to cost price, they would have ordered a heap of ACIV with the idea of selling it a bit cheaper in the bundle. Although there might be a small difference in retail price between another game, it may be a larger difference in costs on JB's end. Not only that, but then they're left with a heap of copies of ACIV to sell because they ordered one for every console and everyone just swapped it out. Not trying to justify it, just clarifying what goes on behind the scenes.
ummm.. for $550 is this really the best deal from JB especially?
my current JB catalog lists for $519 the white ps4+destiny+AC
now AC lists separately with JB for $59
and LTOU lists with JC for $74, only $15 more.
surely u could have got ur "package" for $519 + $15 = $534
u'd have saved $16.
what am i missing?
edit: oops… just read that bit about swapping games :)
Come on man, I'm primarily a PC gamer but you would be hard pressed to build a better performing gaming system than this for $550. It's decent value for money.
I'm a console gamer, but I am still arguing against your point. It may cost you $2200 to make a fully operational battlestation, but the fact that you can pick up games from steam (Not even counting Humble Bundle and the other cheap stores) for anywhere between $1 to $19 that may be $80 on consoles (I paid $48 bucks for Far Cry 3 PS3 on special one year after launch, and you can get it for $12 inside of the sales on steam), will more than enough save you money and pay for itself over the course of say, 7 years (the lifetime of the last consoles). The BonerArcade and PSN stores are only recently doing notable sales.
That's why you create a US PSN account (because AUS prices are terrible). PS Plus is required to play online on PS4 (which sucks) but the games they chuck in are pretty good especially if you own PS3/PS Vita as well. Depending on how much you game, I can see the value proposition being similar at the end of the day.
That said, digital PC prices are just a candy land and I have no idea how it's sustainable but I'm not complaining. That's why even when I get a PS4 I'll be sticking with PC mostly.
Anyway, if you pay full price for any game on any system you are doing it wrong! This is Ozbargain!
People always complain about price… I just don't get it, console setup is far more expensive but more comfortable.
Console Setup: $550 PSx, $2,5k couch, $2,5k 55"+ TV/Unit, $1,5k amp, $1,5k Speakers = $8,500
PC Setup: $2,1k Box, $600 24" Monitors, $200 Headset/Speakers, $100 Peripherals, $1k Desk/Chair = $4,000
Why would you get last of us when you get ac4 and destiny for $519, won't they just swap ac4 for last of us since its cheaper everywhere else
Here is $519 link
AC4 is a cheaper game then Last of US.
God jb are behind the times on pricing for that game
Dick Smith are offering the same Bundle in store for $518, White PS4 Console, Destiny & TLOU.
Wait really? First I've heard of this!
If you have proof, that would be worth it's own deal
Looking at getting this with a new 65" tv, would JB do a good deal on these two, reason I ask as I would love to get the PS4 firsthand then get the tv is around 2 weeks. Would it be worth waiting in hopes of saving a few $$?
what are costco doing with the white ps4's - anyone!?…
For $529.55 you get Black PS4, Destiny, The Last of Us and Killzone Shadow Fall.
I personally just want to play The Last of Us, bit much for $530. I wonder if I could sell those other two games for $100.
For all those wondering, I did the swap with ACIV to TLOU becuase I have already finished ACIV and dont need another copy?
MrMonkey, If you can back up that deal I would suggest posting it! Would save a further $32 on my deal!
i tried to swap it, but i was told some story that they received an email about not swapping it out. i didnt mind, but it was quite funny how they were going on about this email. would have preferred last of us
That's a solid couple days of gaming you have ahead of yourself, OP. Hope your weekend is empty!