This was posted 10 years 7 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FUJITSU 2.5kw Inverter Split System AIRCONDITIONER $655 Delivered (after Cashback) @ Appliance Central


Remember this?: 14-17 January 2014 Melbourne records 4 consecutive days of temperatures exceeding 41 degrees, 2 of which the temperature exceeded 43 degrees

FUJITSU 2.5KW Cooling and 3.2 Heating Inverter Split System Air-conditioner.
This is the perfect bedroom size.

AC Unit $805 with Free Delivery to Most Metro Areas
$150 Cashback from Fujitsu (ends 31/08/2014)

Fujitsu is supposed to be one of the best units out there. Includes 5 year standard warranty.
Has R32 Refrigerant which makes it more efficient and environmentally friendly. R32 used to be a problem due to availability challenges in Australia but this year there is plenty of supply and clearly R32 is the way forward with cooling units. R32 will replace most other refrigerant gases in the coming years.

I would expect install costs to be around $550-650 including electrician.
Great price. Great Unit. Done the homework on this for the last few weeks now.

Right now there's low demand for AC units so this is the time to snap it up before:

  1. Unit Price rises again;
  2. Cashback ends;
  3. You cannot find an installer because everyone leaves it to the last minute and wants one when it's 40 degrees outside. It's going to be a hot summer again…

Climate still will become much warmer in the long term
Knutti believes that despite the short-term climate fluctuations, which can be easily explained, the more rapid global warming rate will resume once again as soon as solar activity, aerosol concentration and El Nino activity return to the values of previous decades.…

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closed Comments

  • +4

    As much as I agree and appreciate the link regarding climate change… you're really baiting the deniers by putting that in there! lol

    Looks like a good deal though!

    • +2

      Baiting the deniers…. yeah, facts will do that

      Blows me away the the number of people prepared to believe newscorp journalists opinion writers against pretty much every scientist in the world. Then again Today Tonight, ACA and the Daily Telegraph magazine continue to be very popular, so that goes someway to explaining things.

      • You'll need to stock up on air conditioners to remain cool when the global warming really hits!

    • -8

      Sweet memories. Remember the good old days of climate panic?
      Back on June 11, 2005, the ABC reported alarming news from a reliable alarmist: “Professor Tim Flannery has warned that Australia is now entering long-term climate change, which could cause longer and more frequent droughts. He also predicts that the ongoing drought could leave Sydney’s dams dry in just two years.”

      Mon 18/8/14- Sydney Catchment 80.1% full.

      So yeah, go blame Newscorp even though you fools can't seem to stop shooting yourselves in the foot, lol.
      For starters, learn the difference between computer-modelled guesswork and actual, you know, facts before checking how good your smug looks in the mirror.

      • +3

        Hmmm…let me guess, you like:
        1. Listening to Alan Jones
        2. Reading Newscorp "news" papers
        3. Watching ACA and TT
        4. The liberal party

        and you hate the Greens…sigh!

      • +1

        You pick a single measurement to back your denial of what pretty much every scientist with expertise in the area agrees on, you win?

        Climate models in 2005 weren't predicting a drought. They were predicting more significant weather extremes. Which we are seeing. We've broken so many temperature records in the past year. Care to comment on all the other measurements?

        Hang on a second. It's much colder now than it was at lunch….could it be…. THE WORLD IS COOLING! RUN AWAY!!!!!

        • -7

          Hang on a second. It's much colder now than it was at lunch….could it be…. THE WORLD IS COOLING! RUN AWAY!!!!!

          How ironic. You have unintentionally just encapsulated the whole climate change industry in a nutshell. A couple of decades of warming in amongst a few million years and all of a sudden the sky is going to fall in.

          Geez it was only a couple of years ago it was called Global Warming lol. I mean all the scientists agreed, right? What happened? Why the need to rebrand the industry, change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change?

          Here's a gallery of sad "climate scientists" to ensure you stay the path whilst revelling in your doom and gloom. (Well Tim Flannery's expertise was dinosaur bones but there was a good living to be made being a panic merchant, so whatever.)

        • @COR80:

          It's not an 'industry'. It is a scientific fact! Read more science articles and understand how we are impacting the nature rather than listening to 2GB or reading Rupert's trash papers.
          You want proof of Global warming? Go to the poles and see massive ice caps melt. You want proof of climate change? Just see how all seasons get more extreme by the year. New records of excessive heat or excessive cold are being set and it's getting a lot more common.

        • -5

          @Porco Rosso:

          We have been recording accurate temperatures in some places for, what, 100-150 years out of billions. All of your extreme! seasons? No, not at all. Polar ice activity? It grows and recedes, grows and recedes; the Arctic polar cap bounced back by 50% after one year between 2012-2013. (Here's a fun read ;) Warmists trapped by irony off Antarctica.)

          Not a single IPCC prediction/model has been verified or validated.

        • +2


          And there you are once again making a mockery of yourself by posting links to Murdoch's trash papers. And this one is a blog by ANDREW BOLT for goodness sakes!!! This guy is a well known racist who is also a right wing conservative. He has also had defamation and litigation cases against him. I'm wasting none of my precious time reading that man's crap!

        • -5

          @Porco Rosso: Keep those blinkers on ;)

        • +3

          @Porco Rosso:

          Without realising, you are doing far more harm than good. Here's why.
          1. You have not provided any evidence to support your claims.
          2. When cor80 has posted references, you slagged them - again, without any evidence other than name calling
          3. All you did was hand waiving for any point that cor80 raised, which would do nothing to influence or educate anyone. I'm staggered people modded your comments up at all (even though some did).

          Here's a link on the topic so I don't fall for the same trap.

          Please do me a favour? Back your comments with fact - and avoid terms like "proven fact" or "scientific fact" as these are throw away lines. Let's just say that those terms trigger my "warning" sensors.

        • @DeWalt: Excellent article.

          After working with some great scientists, in unrelated fields, there is one thing they love to do, rip the sh*t out of any research they can prove is reaching the wrong conclusions. So this level of consensus on anything staggering.

          And before people roll out the "climate change $$$ bandwagon" there is a crapton load of money to be made by any scientist who can come up with credible research disproving climate change. So many industry interests keen for anything to protect their revenues.

  • Would this suit a medium sized, 2 bedroom villa unit?

    • +3

      I would go for a bigger unit, maybe 3.5kw but best to get someone to come and do a free assessment. All fujitsu have a reduced price at the moment plus cashback until end of the week.

      • Cool, thanks for that

        • +1

          Just remember, deal expires this Sunday and purchases must be completed before Sunday. Any quotes I received from installers who supply UNIT + Install was over $1600 up to $1900 so I decided it's best to buy single unit as per above and get sep. installer organised afterwards.

        • @drb:

          My father works for a big air con fitting company in Sydney and he just told me they've been fitting these units for around $1200 (excl cashback) all year round

    • +1

      we used a portable last year, we wanted a split system but we found it wasn't needed unless we had a lot of people over. We only used it 2 days (Sydney)

      Most other days we had the 50cm fan in the living room on and 30cm fan in the bedroom was enough

      If your dead set on a split system, we decided 3.2kw + was the min. 2.5k will work fine for 2 people but if you have 10 people over, that's 12x 38 deg heaters you have in your unit

      • Ignore this

  • +2

    805-150 = 655?

  • $949 anywhere else, they might price match. not sure, but free delivery is a winner.

  • +1

    Any recommend of installer?

    • Where do you live?

      • Melbourne

        • +2

          I find these guys are great in Melbourne.
          They installed by Evap unit 6 months ago.

        • +1


        • +1

          @deal88: $700 their quote

        • @ee6oos: thanks for the feedback, good to know. I have no idea what the right price is. They did seem a lot more professional than the clowns that installed the unit at my last house.

  • +1

    I was gonna buy this Fujitsu few months ago but decided to buy this from Masters:…

    They beat Appliance Central's price by 10% so I paid $730. Then, got $100 cash back from Panasonic, made it $630.

    I still don't know if I did the right thing but it's stronger than Fujitsu (3.6kW heating vs Fujitsu's 3.2kW) and ended up slightly cheaper.

    • +3

      Good work. Master's would be worth a try to price beat/match for Panasonic models. Panasonic provides $100 Bonus on Powerbills on 2.5kw units at the moment. I'm sure it's fine also, I just really wanted Fujitsu. Panasonic still has the old refrigerant 410a but if you can save another $200 due to master's price beat guarantee it would be worth it. Thanks and I'll consider master's next time.…

      • +2

        Masters beat by 10% so easily on appliances I don't know how the small shops can compete with Masters. When I was buying my A/C all customers in the appliances section were asking price beat (they all had print outs in their hands from online shops) for other items like Fridges, stoves etc and Masters were perfectly fine with beating them.

        Can say Ozbargainer's heaven at this moment but not sure of the long term effects.

    • for the $100 cash back, do you need to install right now or you can just buy it? it said on the cashback we need to copy our recent electricity bill? do they give $100 to us or to electricity company?

      from the website:
      "We require you to provide a copy of a recent electricity bill so we can ensure that we are transferring the rebate into the right electricity account."

      • They put $100 in your electricity account. So when you pay your electricity bill next time you pay $100 less. Purchase time is important not the installation. They don't care if it's installed or not.

  • +1

    Looks like free shipping excludes NT/WA. $159 to Darwin. $93 to Perth

  • What happens when the thing breaks and needs warranty service. Do Fujitsu just us a local installer to service?

    Its one of those things where I would be inclined to get local person to supply so they can deal with fixing it if it breaks. But if Fujitsu have a good service setup then maybe this isn't an issue?

    We have a large 8 kW unit in our main living area now. Its a tad oversized (a lot, but it was a cheap buy at the time as ex-work stock) but it doesn't quite push all the way into the bedrooms so I was thinking of one or two at that end to cool that space.

    • Local installer wont fix the thing lol you would still have to get fujitsu to sort out warranty.

    • I recently had the ASTG18KMCA installed (this is the 09, the model number should be in the description), and the installer mentioned that Fujitsu are a pain to deal with for any after - sales support. That matches what I had read on the web beforehand.

  • Can anyone comment on the noise level of thus unit?

    • The much bigger model ASTG18KMCA, is very quiet even when AC is on full & it is mounted between the house & metal fence.

  • +1 for your homework

  • I m in the process of renovating a granny flats, which is about 50 square metre. Will this unit be sufficient for this granny flat? PS This will be for the tenant as i wll rent it out. Cheers

    • +1

      Simple calcs here…
      According to that, no, it wouldn't be sufficient.

    • +1

      Probably too small for 50m2. Use this tool to calculate the size required.

    • If they are well shaded and insulated a 2.5kW would handle a warm day but a hot day it would really struggle and be a bit useless. I have a split in my garage (40sq.m) and that works well but it faces southwards and has no walls exposed to afternoon sun. I will check he kW on that but I think it is more like 4kW.

      There are ac sizing apps on google play and I think the fuj or Panasonic web site has a sizing calculator. I think you might need more like 6kW.

      • thanks for the info. The granny flat i used to live in has one split aircon and was more than sufficient. I could not remember its capacity, However it would have more capacity than this one,

  • I would expect install costs to be around $550-650 including electrician.

    Ouch! Are there any inverter split systems that come with a 10A plug and DIY install kit, or are those banned in Australia?
    (screw hoses together, pump out air, wait to see if it leaks, open valve to release coolant. )

    • -1

      A 10A plug would only be able to supply 2.3kw max, so I can't see that working for anything other than the smallest aircon units.

      • +3

        Cooling/heating capacity is not the electrical power draw.

    • They are all pretty much self-install levels of simplicity if you can get by with the hoses which are included (I.e. you don't require longer hoses). However you are not allowed to install them yourself.

  • +2

    Those in WA Kambos has it for $799 - $150 = $649. Was $679 without cashback when I bought mine last year. Honestly the retailers took advantage of most of the cashback offers not the consumers.

  • Would this be big enough for a master bedroom? (dont know dimensions).

  • How many of these would you need to sufficiently cool a 370m2 house?

    • -1

      One. If it is well insulated, and has windows correctly positioned. But we have not been to your house.

    • +1

      One in every room. Two in larger rooms. The air conditioner in this deal is pretty tiny 2.5kW. If you wanted to cool a 370sq.m house and did it with a central unit you would need upward of 20kW.

  • Just shop around before you buy these for $800. I bought 2 of these (exact model) from The Good Guys about 1 month ago for $715 each. This makes them $565 after the cashback. My Fujitsu Visa cards arrived yesterday. I just need to activate them and withdraw the cash!! Air cons are getting installed on Wednesday morning

    • Can you share receipt?

      • +1

        Sure…won't get to it until after 6pm though

    • Great. Please share receipt. My local GG would not come near it. Maybe buying two helps.

  • looking forward to summer, Duct aircon, insulation and brand new home :) will be the test for the duct unit :)

  • Looks like they just dropped the price a little, now $799. So $799 - $150 = $649

  • I got this unit a few weeks ago and the unit was making strange noise.
    Fujitsu service was pretty bad too. They wouldn't replace the faulty unit and insisted to come to repair it. The service guy came with an hour late and didn't even know what was happening.. don't know when I will get this problem aircon sorted.
    I had Panasonic before and never had any issue.

    • they used to be good, parts are expensive. now most recommend Panasonic "blu fin"

  • +4

    I picked up 2 of these beauties during the Good Guys 20% off Ebay sale.

    Starting Price $919
    - Ebay 20% = $184
    - Delivery fee Reimbursement = $44
    - 120% GG Price Guarantee($800 Appliance Central) = $90
    - Cashrewards $17.50
    - Cashback $150

    Total Per Unit = $433

    ..and I paid $500 per unit for installation

    • Hi, if the price was 20% off how did you manage to get a tgg price guarantee as the final price would have been lower than appliances central? Was this an error on tgg behalf? If you pulled this off then you are a true professional. Impressed.

      • No, the GG Invoice makes no mention of the Ebay 20%. As far as GG are concerned I paid $875 for the unit, the funding source is unknown to them.

        • +1

          Amazing & well done…you should have posted this deal! Installer is located where? My quotes were all $600 ish.

        • @drb: Sent you a PM. I must point out, this price takes into account that I had two units to install and it was the heart of winter. Plus he has done a few jobs for me in the past.

          $600 is about right for 1 Unit.

        • @knackers: Hi mate, can you please provide me contact details for the installer? I am looking to install 4 units at my place.


    • -7

      @knackers You sir instead of talking crap why don't you post it on Ozbargain?

      • +6

        First up The Good Guys 20% off was posted and received a tonne of attention. I commented in the appropriate thread about Price Matching and Cashback. Is Price Matching worthy another Post? I've copped heat in the past for posting such deals.

        • You must have a moron magnet or something that attracts all the idiots to you.

        • +1

          Yet he continues to get likes after I posted a link to the deal.
          People have a hard time following a simple timeline. The nature of Price Guarantees make it impossible to post about a possible outcome because the original deal is long expired.

    • +2

      It is perfectly safe, most manufactures have been moving to r32.

    • Why does everything have to be completely safe…grandma

      • Better to be safe than sorry, dude
        Coz "Sorry seems to be the hardest woooord"

  • if you want the fancier model, you might get better value at bing lee
    $50 more, but you get a $100 bing lee voucher.

  • Thanks OP! I was considering buying these units as well. I'm considering 3 x units. 2 x 2.5 KW for two bedrooms and 1 x 5.0 KW for the lounge/dining area. I'm wondering if we can buy it from The Good Guys and then lodge a 30 day price guarantee claim.

    Appliance central prices:
    2.5KW unit = $805
    5.0KW unit = $1325

    The Good Guys prices:
    2.5KW = $949
    5.0KW = 1449

    TGG 30 day price guarantee claims that they'll refund 120% of the difference if we found a cheaper price for the same model. Thus they'll be refunding $172.80 for the 2.5 KW unit, bringing the price down to $776.20 and for 5.0KW unit the refund will be $148.80 bringing the price down to 1300.20. Then you can still claim the cashback from Fujitsu!

    While I know this will only save about $50 overall, I also have the $50 TGG voucher that I received from their previous promotion so I think that'll come in handy too. Appreciate your thoughts.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: Just realised as I'm buying 3 units, I'll be saving around $75 not $50 :-)

  • +1

    Cheaper at $790 if you can pickup from Best Price HVAC, around western side of Melbourne. P&h was $50 to Melbourne, possibly more elsewhere.
    I used them last month as part of a GoodGuys pricematch guarantee for 120% of the difference love.

  • This is even cheaper than diy ac

  • 77 bucks postage. That's a shame.

    Doubt it's big enough for our house anyways. Nice deal though!

  • +3

    Having second thoughts about buying Fujitsu now. Read a lot of negative comments on whirlpool :-(

    Maybe I should go Panasonic with Masters 10% price beat like Sharp suggested above. Also saw the Panasonic were the best air conditioner brand according to Canstar ratings.

    • I ended up buying Panasonic units from Masters. After price match it came down to $719.10 per unit. After the extra $100 electricity rebate, it will work out to be $619.10 per unit. Thanks again OP and Sharp :-)

  • Hey guys,

    Would this be suitable for a living/dining area about 5m x 5m?


  • Cool deal, OP

  • Here is the receipt for 2 at $715 each at TGG ($565 after cashback). These are cooling only. The guy said I could pay an extra $40 each for reverse-cycle. Don't need it up here though.…

    • +1

      Thanks, but they are not the same units… The one posted is cooling and heating. Big difference. But looks like you managed to get a good deal for your specific needs. Well done.

  • Had a yarn to a family member who's a fridgie-sparkie and said it's a good price but…..gas it uses is a type of hydrocarbon (flammable) and not as commonly avaliable as other types used in ACs. May not be a problem in city areas but could be in more rural areas.

    • Thanks for the post. It requires a new certification / training update to handle R32 hence the reluctance for old school tradies to touch the 'new' stuff.

  • Yeah. It is R32 gas. A couple of the installers I rang said they don't touch the stuff. Like people have stated above, it looks like most things will be R32 in the future. Definitely helps the energy rating. My air con (cooling only) has a 4.5 star rating

  • emm so this or Panasonic one better?

    • +1

      I'm leaning more towards Panasonic. A bit of googling has shown Fujitsu to be not as highly recommended as Panasonic.

  • i ordered 3no units at 2.30pm yesterday, they were on my doorstep in brisbane at 10.30am this morning. amazingly quick shipping!

    • How do you go about claiming the cash back?
      I read the terms and all I can see is that the promotion ended last month!

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