I went out to dinner last night, It was $75 per adult $37.50 per child, 2 Adults 2 Kids.
The bill came to $240ish,we had a drink as well.
We presented the cashier an entertainment book card which bought the bill down to $180ish, and I presented her
with a gift card $135ish which bought the bill down to $51ish.
She asked me how I would like to pay, I said credit card, and noticed the sign 1.65% on credit card payments.
She informed me of the charge and I worked it out to be about 90c so I said No problem.
She debited my card $55ish and I said how much was the surcharge, she said $4.00. I said that can't be right, she informed me since I was paying by credit card it works out the surcharge on the total bill. I said, you can't be serious, she informed me there was nothing that could be done and she had this argument with a guy last week. I said, there is something you can do, and that is refund me, if I had known that I would of paid by savings, she refunded it my credit card payment and put it through my savings.
I could imagine a group of 30, where everyone puts in cash and one person collects all the cash and puts the total on his credit card. OUCH.
TLDR Restaurant charges Credit Card surcharge on total of bill regardless if most is paid by another way ie cash.
This is my personal uneducated opinion (traveling for work at least 1/2 the year):
I think all the credit card surcharges are a huge pile of BS. Simply to get more money out of people.
Hotels for example, who pays their bill for a couple of days (ie easily >$1000 or more) or even for one day with cash or savings these days?
Scam….same as bank fees, late fees etc. All just a "nice" way of milking……