Lowest ever according to the camels and about 10USD or so for shipping has this on your doorstep.
Edit: I had the URL of the Amazon direct drive that delivers to Australia, however the direct link url keeps changing to a different supplier that does not deliver to Aus (and is a different price). Please use this link instead:
Seagate 4TB Bare Drive $139.55USD Plus Postage @ Amazon

Last edited 19/08/2014 - 16:33 by 1 other user

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I think OP meant AU$139
No, the seller selling for $130 USD (New World IT) doesn't ship to Australia. You need to click on the "97 New from $139.95" and select Amazon as your seller to buy one that'll actually ship to Australia.
OP you might want to change your post to reflect this because a lot of people are complaining.
Maybe link this page instead of the other one?
$40 shipping for 6 drives… hmm tempting…How did I not notice that? Duh.. Thanks serrin
This item does not ship to Brisbane, Australia.
So another $30 or whatever mobs like hopshopgo chargeThis never happened before, I'm assuming they're stopping us since Amazon is coming to Australia soon
Some people are saying that this drive has no warranty as it is an OEM drive same are saying its 1 year on amazon ???, any one know ?? and what are seagate like with international warranty ??
ITS 139USD, the 130 is from New World IT… if you change the seller you can get it for 139+ shipping from Amazon to Australia…
however, New World IT has free shipping US, if your buying multiples it may still be cheaper buying from them and getting it forwarded to AU…
eg the 5 drives I want work out to be about 90 bux more from amazon direct… if I get them from new world, im sure I could get shipping for half that from a forwarder.amazon works out to be about 155AUD landed per drive for me…
Select amazon.com as the seller (click on "97 new from $139.95"). It does ship to Australia.
Uh, yeah, they do have a warranty… Seagate's international one.
As with everything electronic from Amazon: This item does not ship to Sydney, Australia.
but they do ship external hard drive to Australia
Works for me, Sydney NSW
Items: AUD 155.50
Shipping & handling: AUD 11.89
Total before tax: AUD 167.39
Estimated tax to be collected: AUD 0.00
Order total: AUD 167.39MSY has them for 178, unless your buying bulk, I just can't see this deal being much cheaper than buying locally…and the hastle of ordering from overseas/warrantee concerns me, to me, warrantee and picking it up right away are worth more than 10 bux.
(5900 RPM)I've revoked my pos as I don't think its a great deal, but its ok I guess. better if your buying bulk.
So we are looking at only $10-$20 saving over Oz prices. For hard drives i'd happily pay that to get the warranty. Prices on hard drives are dropping again atm because of the new 5-6tb drives. Wait a few weeks you will probably get the same drive for the same price in OZ with warranty.
If you're happy to pay an extra 10% then that's your perogative. This is still the cheapest 4TB HDD that you can get by a significant margin. If you want long enough any computer part will drop significantly in price. Just because you believe the warranty is difficult to claim is no reason to neg a deal, unless you've actually had bad experiences with Amazon's warranty service (in which case please share).
FYI it's easier dealing with Amazon's warranty than it is with MSY and other local computer stores. Dealt with both numerous times and Amazon comes up trumps every time.
Please read this before negging. Negging something merely because it's a grey import is an inappropriate vote.
The many, many electronics I have bought from Amazon prove you wrong.
These have been bought for around 150 Au from time to time, seems steep.
Seagate is bad brand for HDDs. buy this and it'll stop working and you'll lose your data.
I have a 2TB Seagate drive in my N54L.. It has over 42,000 power on hours. I'll let you work that out into years.
They're all as bad as each other, no hard drive manufacturer will ever be perfect, or anywhere near it. Guess that's what we get for hard drive prices being so relatively cheap.
Sorry Sage. I've had nothing but good experiences with Seagate in all my NAS boxes over 7-8 years starting out with 4 x 500Gb drives in my first ReadyNas gradually doubling their capacity as prices became affordable. The old drives were then re-used in PCs and external caddys and to my knowledge are all still working perfectly to this day! I'm currently running 6 x 4TB Seagates and have been for about 9 months without any problems at all although I know they're not the most energy efficient.
As Porthos says above, they're all as bad (& good) as each other.
I don't think they are all as bad as each other. http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/175089-who-makes-the-most…
I've had all brands die on me at one point or another, but I've found the more expensive they are, the less they fail. Currently having no issues with WD blacks or hitachi drives - but bought the ultrastar not the deskstar.
I wouldn't buy cheap (bad idea) seagate (bad idea) from overseas (shipping - bad idea, warranty - bad idea)
if you paid me.been hanging out for some deals on decent 4tb drives from local sellers for a while now…
Yes.. Let's all run WD Blacks for storage drives.. I also enjoy pissing money up a wall!
And I take it you've never dealt with Amazon for any issues? They put basically every retailer in Australia to shame.
Cheap drives = pissing time and or data up the wall.
You can of course, do what the F you want. But the cheapest I'd go is WD reds.
Hitachi got sold to WD but WD had to sell the 3.5" factories to Toshiba so the HDD market doesn't become a duopoly. So if you want the HDD factory that made the 7k3000 and 5k3000 series then you'll want a Toshiba HDD, not a modern Hitachi which is basically a rebadged WD (unless it's a 2.5" drive).
HDD move, often and rapidly, which leads to the possibility of things going wrong, often. There's lots of stories of isolated failures. There's also the occasional run of bad batches. Doesn't make things easier that factories often change hands and over the course of several years put out drives under different companies. Plus, they're the only part that if it suffers an isolated breakdown and you replace with a new one, still results in massive headaches.
I am awaiting for the day SSD's are cheap enough to replace the HDD's in my NAS…
Has it just dropped another $9.55?