Been a while since I've seen lamb cutlets close to this price anywhere, let alone Woolworths. And the cheese is a beauty as well.
Here's a fantastic Jamie Oliver Recipe that'll make your mouth water. Enjoy!
Been a while since I've seen lamb cutlets close to this price anywhere, let alone Woolworths. And the cheese is a beauty as well.
Here's a fantastic Jamie Oliver Recipe that'll make your mouth water. Enjoy!
Cool.I find this more useful than the lamb :)
Great Price on the Lamb thanks TA.
Not in NSW for lamb :(
1/2 Price Lamb Cutlets $16.99/kg
Don't they normally sell for $28 ?
Preston Market has them for around $28/kg, but never seen them below $30 at a supermarket.
Not a cheap cut, that's for sure jv.
yep lamb is so expensive they dont have them in many restaurants except for the very high end
its just too expensive as a raw ingredient
You shoud goto to Queen Vic market they (Chops with Handles as the rugrats call them) were $20/kg when I was there 2 weeks ago. Missus reckon she normally pays $16-20 there. I usually go to get a piece of cryovac'd porterhouse for $10/kg, I keep forgetting to take a pic & posting here as it's insanely cheap.
I agree. Lamb cutlets at Vic market are the cheapest I've ever seen in a while, even cheaper than Preston market.
Not available in WA i checked 2 stores. :(
For the Lamb anyway.
Please read the post. Sale starts Wednesday.
Confirmed, checked Woolies online and if you select a WA store, no cheap lamb.
Starts Wednesday…
Sooooo, when does this start?
Ditto ACT. No Devondale cheese either.
Not available in WA
WA gets Scotch fillet for $15/kg. Not too bad as a consolation.
"I was free and clear. I was living the dream. I was stripped to the waist eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery."
Lamb offer not available in NSW/ACT catalogue for 13/8 :(
We get half price Australian Beef Porterhouse Steak $13.49 kg, 1/2 Price, Save $13.50 kg
$27 for Porterhouse what a joke…needs to be half price
used to be $9.99 kg when half price.
Interesting how the meat deals differ between states. Presumably demand is so big that they have to do a different special in each state and leverage their national buying power.
In South Australia its $11/Kg (half price) for T-Bone.
Possibly matching Coles which had discount T-bone last time I looked. Disgusting gray bones.
sad,was going to wait outside the store 13/8 morning,but here is nsw
Cutlets are usually with 1/3rd extra fat when on sale. The last batch I bought from Woolies when on special ended up after trimming half the weight.
Yeah, those lamb cutlets are so fatty, they're rubbish.
The fats's there to provide you with lotsa energy for all the hard manual labor you do in the 19th century.
If you ever go to a supermarket in the USA, the lamb cutlets (or "chops" as they call them there) which are imported from Australia, hardly have any fat on them. Nobody over there would accept paying that kind of money for meat with such a high fat content - most of the fat is trimmed off. Nevermind the fact that the fully imported chops in the US are pretty much the same price as they are here, despite travelling half way around the world. I guess Aussies will put up with any kind of s—t.
@MrZ: Its not only the presentation, but all the good quality lamb and beef is exported overseas. Aussies generally end up with lamb that's bordering on mutton and the old 'breeding' stock for beef. In the US, their steaks(our good aussie export beef) are so tender.
So, yes "I guess Aussies will put up with any kind of s—t."
Cutlets are usually with 1/3rd extra fat when on sale.
Yep thats why you want to get there early on WED the 13TH :) get the old stock ;)
(i actually noticed this a few times…sneaky stuff)
So True!
I have seen this also, definitely more fat content than normal. So best to go yourself and hand pick them…
time for some my favourite rare lamb cutlets with a glass of wine… omg this is paradise!!!!
Cheers TA
Also a 10% off Telstra recharge when purchasing a $2 sim, good for iPad 365 day plans.
apologies for asking… what is the purpose of a 365 day plan on an ipad?
what is the purpose of a 365 day plan on an ipad?
so you can connect to the internet without wifi…
Starts Wednesday…
@ JV
Starts Wednesday…
i think it should be
What time?
$24 at my local butcher.
I think I'll be stocking up on Woolies brand at this price. Sometimes there is a lot of fat in certain packages, but you get to choose. So no big problem there.
Oh and yeah, someone already mentioned it before, but get in there earlier on Wednesday.
How do we get free shipping from the woolworth's online store?
Hopefully fat reduced cheese is included in the special. I buy Coles brand reduced fat cheddar for $8/kg as the cheapest option. Getting it for $5.76/kg would be very nice.
Do you actually like the taste? Why not just slice it thinner to get less fat?
There are some nice lower-fat cheeses, e.g. ricotta, but it aint cheddar.
Believe it or not, I prefer light cheese to full fat :-) I like my cheese hard and dry, without all the fat that oozes out when full fat cheddar is melted.
I always found low fat cheddar to be too unlike cheese. To me cheese is a taste ingedient, so I like it strong and not much of it.
The more meat we export overseas the more expensive it will get, last 5 years the meat prices have almost doubled, it's insane!
We need to export something to pay for all the goodies from China. Australia usually runs a trade deficit and if we include borrowing costs we're digging a hole for ourselves every single month. There's no iron ore at the bottom of that hole.
Thanks for the deal and recipe idea, TA!
Cheap lamb cutlets… Sam Kekovich is gonna go baaaaaallistic!
was working in the butcher just over 5 years ago. wages are almost the same but prices seem to be double especially on the lamb… horrific economy ..
This may sound like a stupid question why is lamb cutlet so expensive ?
Because it's the lamb chop of hipsters.
In the 90s lamb cutlets was a weekly meal, 2000s lamb cutlets were a monthly meal, now days it's a half yearly thing when it's on special. Chicken prices are now sold by kg, before they just sold it as a whole, soon we will be paying $8-10 per kg for normal caged chickens.
Because Aussie lamb is really good quality and we export overseas and they pay top dollar so we end up paying also.
When I lived with my parents we used to have lamb cutlets almost every week.
Now that I'm paying for them, I only have them once or twice a year as a treat.
went to local store, they had none left only after 20minutes of opening.. I asked staff and they informed me there butcher was away sick and they were only getting pre-packed meats from nearby stores.. I went to another woolworths down the road and they had stacks of the packs! :) got one! :)
Went to Woolworths Noarlunga SA and all Devondale cheeses still had full price tags, 6 hours after opening.
Not available Darwin Woolworths TBones $10.99kg
Sent my gf to buy cheap lamb cutlets… came back with bacon because its wasn't on sale in NSW :(
Next time better double check catalogues.
no such cheese in Brisbane Woolworths. They offer us Bega and 500g for $4. These prices and products are not available all states, please note such in title.
Thanks man. Cheese blocks are from 550g-625g though. Might wanna stick that in post :)