This was posted 10 years 7 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Cyclist Awareness Sticker


2 ways to order your FREE stickers:

Option A: Add the stickers to your basket and we will deliver it with the rest of your order (note: checkout can only be processed if other products are in your basket, not just stickers alone).

Option B: If you want a sticker without placing an order with then simply email us at [email protected] with your mailing address and choice of sticker size, and we'll send you a Cyclist Awareness Sticker in the post free of charge.

The Bikebug Cyclist Awareness Sticker is a free sticker promoting awareness of cyclists by all road users. It is a self adhesive sticker designed to be used externally on a car or truck, and is both weather and UV resistant. have decided to start a Cyclist Awareness campaign. Our first initiative has been to produce a sticker to remind all road users to Watch For Cyclists. We posted our original design on Facebook and asked for your help to make it better and got a lot of excellent feedback with some great ideas for improvements. Thanks to an overwhelming response we added an arrow to remind motorists to leave room for cyclists and moved the car and bike further apart.

Now want your help to make the road safer for cyclists. We are giving our Cyclist Awareness Sticker away for FREE so that we can out on the roads to raise awareness of cyclists. believe that the best solution to safer roads is to make all road users more aware of each other and we want our Cyclist Awareness Sticker to be play a part of this change in awareness.

Maximum 3 stickers per size per customer.

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closed Comments

  • +29

    Got any stickers I can put on my car for "Cyclists to Watch Out"?

    We are all supposed to be sharing the road and following the same rules, but apparently there's a lot of cyclists in my area that do anything but… and I think a bumper sticker warning THEM of cars and not thinking like they own the road would be of benefit.

    I dont know whether its just me, but every day I see cyclists putting themselves in danger by not following the road rules. I know cars do it too… but cyclists have no protection whatsoever to be playing russian roulette with 1500kg metal objects moving so quickly.

    Your sticker says to keep our distance from them, but what do we do when they are the ones encroaching?

    It's not just driver attitudes that need changing (and I completely agree that some drivers need their heads fulled in), but cyclists have a lot to answer for when it comes to reckless riding on roads too dangerous for them to be on.

    • +6

      wow the negs on this post go to show that the problem is cyclist who believe that they are NOT part of the issue.

      • +5

        Yep… it's all about attitude.

        I didnt say bikes were sole issue, but even mentioning that they are a big part of it seems to warrant negs from them.

        This is a huge issue in Canberra, but thankfully the local government here has the foresight to build bikeways to keep them off the busiest roads.

        • +19

          That is because it is a ridiculous comment, and this is not the place for it.

          Car, Bikes and pedestrians ALL do stupid things on the road. Only one of those will get someone else killed, and does so often.

        • +17

          @UFO: "Yep… it's all about attitude."

          Shame about what appears to yours and how common it is. No one is saying some cyclists don't need an attitude adjustment, some certainly do, but most don't. Most are just riding along, trying to get where they are going, obeying the road rules when they are killed.

          So watching out for them is a responsibility for all road users.

        • @cakesy:

          I recall a cyclist killing a pedestrian several years back. A vehicle travelling at speed is a dangerous thing when controlled by idiots.

        • +10

          @linton: "A vehicle travelling at speed is a dangerous thing when controlled by idiots."

          yep, I agree.

          However, this is very very uncommon. I know of it happening once in the past 10 years in australia. Un-tied shoelaces are probably more dangerous to pedestrians. Happy to be corrected if it's more common.

          "In 2006, a pedestrian in Melbourne was killed by a cyclist in a tragic, controversial incident. To the best of my knowledge, there hasn’t been a similar death in Australia in the six years since. "

        • +14


          so that's one. motor vehicles kill around 1200 people a year on Australian roads. yup cyclists are the problem

        • -1


          Back in your box mate, I was not taking sides just stating that there are idiots everywhere.

        • +7


          my box? I see idiots on the road every day. The difference is if a cyclist is an idiot, he'll end up in hospital or worse. If a motor vehicle driver is an idiot, there's still more chance a cyclist will end up in hospital or worse. If you've had a vehicle pass you at over 60km/h less than a foot from the end of your handlebars, then you will understand why I won't be quiet about this issue

        • -2


          Yes, your box.
          You popped out of it to take offence and make assumptions from my comment when there was none to be had, just so you can stand on your soapbox and scream about the poor cyclists hardships.

          I am a driver, cyclist and bike rider, and I treat everyone else on the road equally (that everyone is an idiot so it's my job to make sure our interaction is uneventful).

        • -1


          /me points to rock

          back you go…

        • @nosdan:

          Well done, so witty and added so much to the conversation.

        • -4


          The ratio to cars and cyclists on the road are the same??


          You shouldn't even compare the 2, I'm sure if there was as many cyclist on the road as cars. You'll see much more deaths caused by cyclist.

          End of the day cyclists should pay a road tax and follow road rules.

        • +2


          happy to pay road tax (remember roads aren't payed for by your rego). heck, even happy to be licensed. still won't stop idiots on the road trying to kill me (BTW - I do more kms on the bike than the average car in Australia does)

      • -2

        Ozbargain sheep - No view either way on the issue but join in. I've seen it heaps of times where 5 rapid negs and as soon as its up voted, the neg votes stop.

        • +1

          pressure of popular opinion, similar to mass hysteria.

        • +3


    • +28

      The big difference is a bike is annoying or at worst a scracth on your car, a car lightly touching a bike often means serious injury or death.
      Some cyclists need an attitude change definately but at least they are not threatening your life!

      • +12

        I ride a motorcycle and I can tell you that (some, or a lot of) cyclists are definitely a threat to my life.

        • +3

          more than cars dtroy? want to go and check on how motorcyclists get killed on the road? you might find cyclists arent in the 5% of reasons.

        • @BhanuL: I never said more than cars. But they are not "harmless".
          And I am not even talking about how annoying they can be ;)
          I personally avoid the bus lanes every day because of cyclists.

      • +1

        So what u r saying is when the bike and car scratch each other, no matter whose fault it is, its always the cyclist gets hurt and driver gets the blames… So word of advice to drivers, when u see a bike near u, steer as far away as possible

    • +47

      In almost 80% of accidents between cars and cyclists the driver has been at fault. In 85% of accidents the cyclists were riding alone and in a straight line so there is absolutely no excuse for drivers to collide with them except for inattention and impatience.

    • +11

      The problem is that there are too many idiots on the road. Period.

      My pet hate is when cars overtaking me (on a bike) heading into a roundabout. The road narrows and then the car puts on the brakes hard at the roundabout. I don't care if you over take me if you are faster, but don't bloody overtake on a narrowing road then put the brakes on.

    • +20

      when it comes to reckless riding on roads too dangerous for them to be on.

      who died made you the police? unless the roads are specifically marked "not for cyclists" they are just as entitled to ride on any road as you are to drive a car on that road. your (shitty) attitude is why cyclists get killed while completely obeying the road rules. when you are riding a bike it IS your road, just the same as when your in a car its also your road. just because you drive a 1500kg death machine does not give you any more rights to be on a piece of road. learn to share

    • +20

      This is why i neged you:

      "Your sticker says to keep our distance from them, but what do we do when they are the ones encroaching?"

      You do the same thing you would do if you were in control of a 1500kg metal object moving quickly and someone's life was at stake. This has been covered many times, by a clear and overwhelming margin drivers are responsible for killing more far more cyclists then anything the cyclist has done to be at fault.

      here is an article from one study.…

    • +20

      A cyclist is entitled to an entire lane. If you are behind the cyclist, you are encroaching on their road space, no matter how you perceive it.

      • +3

        All this arguing over who is right. Self preservation goes a long way.

        Would you walk out onto a crossing if a car is coming at 60km/h and not slowing down? "but he has to give way" doesn't mean he will.

        Blame drivers all you want, not getting into the position in the first place is the safest way.

        • +4

          you are so completely and totally wrong…. obviously never ridden a bike as a valid form of transportation.

          All this arguing over who is right.

          there is no arguing, there is only laws. if the law states something then you as a driver should respect it… like cyclists have the right to be on the road exactly the same as any other mode of transport

          saying cyclists shouldnt be on certain roads is as stupid as saying "this road should only have fords on it because i dislike holdens"

        • +10

          If a car is coming at 60kph of course you wouldn't cross the road, but the driver there is completely at fault. You shouldn't be blaming the pedestrian for trying to cross the road, but the motorist for breaking the law and creating unsafe conditions for everyone. Rules exist for a reason. If you are on a minor road turning onto a major road, you have to give way to a vehicle on the major road (regardless of whether it is a car or a bicycle). It doesn't matter how big or small your vehicle is, the rules apply equally to all vehicles on the road.

        • +1

          Oh, captain hindsight posts a comment

        • +3

          @nosdan: no, as a cyclist I will do as much as I can to stay alive. If I rode unsafely but legally I'd be dead many times over. Killed by motorists who didn't see me, didn't want to see me, or intentionally tried to kill me.

          Legally, I don't need lights on my bike during the day, but I have them and I use them. Legally I can take up a whole lane and make a right hand turn into a driveway on a busy road with broken lines. But I'd be nuts to do that.

          All cyclists should understand that we are simply not as visible as other road users. And should ride accordingly.

        • +4

          @ChickenTalon: I agree. Yesterday I was riding on a side street and wanted to turn right onto the main road. A tour bus was coming up behind me and another tour bus was turning right from the main road into the side road that I was on.

          If I had stayed where I was, which I should have done, I would have been in the middle of the road waiting to turn right with two tour buses less than a metre either side of me, so I had to cross to the other side of the road to get away from the buses.

          People might have looked at me and thought I was doing something wrong but I was riding defensively, which you have to do to keep yourself safe. Legally, I could have stayed in the centre of the road and the buses should have treated me as they would a car (albeit one which if they hit, would probably kill the occupants), but it was much safer for me to get out of the way.

      • -2

        Taking up a whole lane is a pretty dick move though, and whether you are 'entitled' or not you will enrage road users for being significantly slower than the speed limit.

        If you are in a car I believe you can be fined for being 20 km/h under the posted speed limit, precisely because it is a hazard.

        • @Talonparty:

          If you are in a car I believe you can be fined for being 20 km/h under the posted speed limit, precisely because it is a hazard.

          You can drive as slow as you like legally (at least in NSW), so long as you're not creating a hazard. something like 20km/ph in an 100km/ph zone would probably do it.

          Some countries do have minimum speed limits, and these are usually posted on each lane.

    • +2

      I ride and drive a car, what is your problem, what is the big deal? Do you have an issue with braking or changing lanes or steering? The prejudged attitude you have is wrong, too many people get behind a car with your attitude, cyclists putting themselves in danger, with drivers who think they write the rules….

    • +1

      Maybe so, but most people in Australia dont seem to be aware that the majority of cyclists killed or maimed on the roads are due to mistakes by people on vehicles. Yes there are some cyclists breaking road rules and putting themselves in danger, but the vast majority of cyclists getting hurt is due to motor vehicle drivers not understanding how a cyclist operates on the road:

      1. not seeing them or not looking for them or not understand why they do things like riding away from the edge or move into your lane ahead of you when passing a park or car or lanes merge.
      2. not understanding to give them space when overtaking them on the side thats less close to you, ie on the on the right.

      2 tonnes of steel can cause mincemeat of somebody who has a wife/husband/kids to go home to pretty quickly. You dont have to run over them to kill them either, touch them at a speed over 20km an hour and they will fly of their bikes and break their bones.…

      Thanks to His Holiness for the above link, but there's plenty more of similar studies done with similar results.

  • -2

    Kinda hard not to notice cyclist when they are three abreast

  • +7

    "I'm sorry I didn't see that cyclist before I hit him Mr Officer, I was concentrating on the cyclist awareness sticker on the car in front"

  • +12

    How is this a bargain? This is you offering to provide free advertising.

    • +8

      Agree belongs in forum

    • -1

      If you don't think it's a bargain report it and let the mods decide.

      • +4

        Or write a comment.

        That's what comments are for…

        • +1

          I expected your usual

          'how much are they normally'

          Comment. :)

        • @linton: Pedals..

  • +9

    I'll have to get even closer now to read that sticker on their backs.

  • -8

    Why not cyclists start watching for cars and not behave like they own the road

    • +2

      On what valid grounds did you neg a road awareness freebie? It would be an equally valid deal if you produced a sticker with your views - if it was free. But I would not want one as I do not share your extreme view, & I don't even ride a bike. We all 'own' the road, but it's to share.

  • +3

    Sounds like a good trade! I wonder if its a citizen or a swatch.

  • Thanks OP. Ordered a large sticker for my car. Should get a bit of attention there.

  • -6

    Happy to have one once cyclists start paying rego and ctp.

    Until that time - use the roads that we motor vehicle driver pay rego and ctp towards, at your own risk.

    • +10

      and the award for evolved human of the year goes too…..

    • +14

      Car registration is to pay for road maintenance and new roads, bikes cause effectively 0 wear on roads.

      You pay for CTP because of the relatively significant injuries cars cause in accidents, should we start charging pedestrians for CTP as well?

      In all seriousness bikes can cause injuries to other road users but the occurrences and severity of injuries are much lower.

    • +15

      I'm confused by that kind of logic. I do pay rego because I own a car, but I also own a bike. If according to you I'm not entitled to safety on the road with my bike because I don't specifically pay rego for the bike, does that mean I'm not allowed to walk across a road either? Because I don't pay rego for my shoes…and if I did pay rego for my shoes so I could cross roads would I then have to pay multiple "shoe regos"? What if I'm barefoot?

      Should school kids on bikes be run down on the road because they're not paying rego?

      • +1

        What does crossing the road have to do with needing rego? You are no allowed to walk along a road as if you are a car.

        • I believe the pavement is also part of the road?

        • @BhanuL:

          Drive your car on the pavement and you will quickly find out how much of the road it's a part of…

        • @gokhanh: driving on the wrong side of the road is still part of the pavement… but with similar consequences…. what exactly is your point?

  • +1

    Favourite deal ever, thanks!

  • +1

    Looks like it's telling cyclists to fart on the motorist's direction.

  • -8

    Roads are for automobiles; cyclists don't belong. Why can't they just drive cars or use public transport like normal people do? Riding a bicycle on public roads is dangerous for your health, just like snorting cocaine or having unprotected intercourse with strangers is. Don't do it.

    • +1

      The only reason it's dangerous is if either a cyclist or a driver isn't paying attention, they don't make allowances for weather conditions or aren't following the road rules, period.

      • -1

        What's with this 'period' rubbish.
        It's a full-stop!

    • +2

      Why can't you just ride a bike and stop causing traffic jams, deaths and polluting the environment?

      • Because people want to get places in less than 12 hours.

  • +11

    This is not a bargain. These stickers are always free.

    • +2

      I was wondering when I'd get to the on topic post :P

  • +12

    Can I have free Idiot Awareness stickers?

    Just general idiots. Car drivers, truck drivers, cyclists, motorcyclists, schoolkids that cross the road without looking, people who jaywalk while listening to headphones or reading their phones, people who reverse out of parking spots without looking, taxi drivers, my mother behind a steering wheel, people texting while driving, people reading while driving, people tinkering with their GPSs while driving…

    • +1

      Bloody oath. The safest way to use our roads to is to assume that everyone else is an idiot. In the five years I've been driving, I have been in over a dozen situations where this assumption has allowed to me avoid a situation where I - or the idiot - or the other drivers around me - would likely have been killed.

    • +3

      Yeah most of the time cyclists are moving faster in city traffic…

      • +2

        Yeah, while running reds in their stupid outfits.

    • +8

      Your rego doesn't go toward roads, it goes into communal funding like any other tax.
      Maybe we should pay to use the footpath too, all those spongers walking on YOUR concrete that YOU paid for…

    • +5

      Uneducated Courier Mail reader anyone?

      Most cyclists have a car and do pay for rego, Einstein. They're actually doing you a favour by taking up less space on the road. 100 cyclists take up far less space and are far less of a drain on the budget than 100 individuals in idiot mobiles.

      • Could you imagine 100 cyclist riding in front of your car, the horror…

        *Disclaimer:I am being sarcastic (in case cyclists decide to get mad at me).

  • +14

    I'm going to get a stash of these stickers, and when a car cuts in front of me to turn left and almost kills me (happens EVERY ride), I'll catch up to them at the lights and stick one on their windscreen.

    Loving reading all the favourite reasons anti-cyclists bring out whenever any cycling related article or comment is made. Old favourites such as:
    - How about cyclists consider drivers
    Read the road rules, I have the right to use the whole lane if I want, I choose to stay left so as not to disrupt traffic too much, and give you a fair go. Patience & courtesy, those few extra seconds are not worth it.

    • Pay rego for your bike
      I already pay rego for a car sitting in the garage, I choose to ride a bike because it has minimal impact on the environment, I get exercise instead of sitting in the car, and is actually faster than driving in peak hour.

    • I see cyclists break the law all the time
      Yep, and I see cars break the law all the time too. Plus, good cyclists shake their heads at the idiots too you know, it's not like we're all part of some kind of outlaw cycling gang.

    • My car is bigger than your bike, therefore I have right of way
      Think about that the next time a truck wants to merge into your lane. Maybe he should just cut you off and force you into the gutter.

    • +1

      What's the rule with cyclists? If they're in your lane in front of you, do you put your indicator on, merge into the next lane til you're about two meters to their side, overtake then merge back?

      • +3

        Yes, just like any other road user. Safely overtake.
        If you want to turn left and there is a cyclist, don't speed up to get around them, slow down and let them through. It is approximately 5 second difference, and one which could prevent a nasty accident.

        For Victorians:…

        • +1

          What if it feels unsafe to do so. Say i feel the car behind me might not see you in time to react safely, should I slow down in my lane and stay behind you to protect you?

        • +2

          @grasstown: Yep slow down and enjoy the drive.

    • If you so happy about riding your bike on the main road, why not just sell the car and pay for rego for the bike?

      Damn, accidentally press the neg instead the Positive.

      • Well you can revoke it under "Votes" way up at the top.

      • Because sometimes I like to travel with other people, transport things, go out in nice clothes, or use it when it's raining. Plus it sucks riding a bike to a Drive-In cinema.

    • -1

      I'm a passionate driver, of 20 years.
      Cyclists annoy me - They're pests. —HEAR-ME-OUT—-
      I have a mob-mentality about it. It's probably the only subject I do.
      I read anti-cyclist remarks, and call-out "YEAH!" in my head.

      Then I read posts like yours, and want to slap myself.
      I'm a rational & educated, fair-go for all, person.
      So what's wrong with me?? Lack of awareness!!

      Rules are rules, and facts are facts. So the information should be FRONT PAGE for all people sharing the road.

    • I see cyclists break the law all the time
      Yep, and I see cars break the law all the time too. Plus, good cyclists shake their heads at the idiots too you know, it's not like we're all part of some kind of outlaw cycling gang.

      Most of the time you see a cyclist when the lights are red, he will always slowly make his way over the line and wait on the corner for a gap; I cannot recall the last time I saw a cyclist wait at the line like all the cars.

      My car is bigger than your bike, therefore I have right of way
      Think about that the next time a truck wants to merge into your lane. Maybe he should just cut you off and force you into the gutter.

      Many trucks already do that so…

    • You toucha my car, I breaka your face!

  • -4

    The roads are crowded, the traffic is heavy and hectic… You CHOOSE to ride a bicycle amongst it and expect everyone else to accommodate your stupid decision?

    What am I missing here?

    • +1

      you CHOOSE to hog 99% of the road in your big metal box usually for only one person rather than riding a bike or taking public transport. you are the problem not the cyclist

      • Sorry, not all us can afford to live in inner city suburbs where public transport is a viable option, and not all of us have workplaces that are accessible via public transport. Ride your bike all you want but don't expect drivers to lay down rose petals for you to ride over; you will be treated like any other road user.

        • +2

          you will be treated like any other road user.

          but if only that were true most cyclists would be more than happy, rther than being cut off, forced off the road, run down etc etc

        • +1

          People like this is why cyclists want to take the whole lane, ride 2 abreast everywhere and in groups and wear cameras on their bikes and heads waiting to report motorists doing stupid stuff. No helping them or advising them nosdan :P

  • +1

    I'll make it easy for the knuckleheads here.

    I have started a new business that revolves around a bicycle. This is my workplace. I don't drive past your desk at 60km/ph shaving you by centimetres so don't do it in mine! I also have four years of law enforcement training, do you want to take the risk the next cyclist you do something stupid to is me?

    • I've seen an off-duty law-enforcement motorcycle instructor, of 30 years, make a suicidal decision/move. Coolided with a small truck. Could've cost HIM his life. Angry, aggressive, threatening… despite being at-fault. There are always knuckleheads on both sides of the fence.

      I'm not sure what your post is supposed to say/mean. I understand things can get heated, but your post simply seems passive-aggressive.

      • +2

        It means some of us are trying to earn money and we aren't all here on the roads for a good time.

    • I also have four years of law enforcement training

      Shouldn't you be a cop by now?

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