• expired

Free Pet Emergency Window Sticker


Fill in the form to get your free sticker.

From website:

Just attach your free sticker at your front door, front gate or other obvious location, and police, fire and SES officers and other rescue authorities will know if there are pets in the house, and how to contact you in the event of emergency.

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closed Comments

  • +32

    Good idea, its hard to fit my dog in the car with my plasma

    • +4

      I need a sticker to please redirect all my free calendars from ozbargain that havent arrived yet

  • +1

    I filled it out and pressed submit and the form went blank, does that mean its sent?

    • +3

      Same here but instantly got an email confirming it.

      • k thx says in the email i got a $5 off next order PERS000

  • +1

    Very useful
    Thanks Op!

  • +2

    Finally a appropriate option for "How did you hear about (insert)", Freebie website. Lol

    • There are others?

  • +1

    Is this the same site that 'said' it's sending me a Katrina Warren dog training book?

  • +10

    This would be great if it wasn't for the fact that my dogs don't have contact numbers.

    • -1

      Clearly you shouldn't have wagged puppy school.

  • +1

    …but would anyone save my pet carpet python or camel spiders?….

    • I had a camel spider drop from a ceiling onto me while I was having a shower. Fond memories.

    • no, no I wouldn't. I'm pretty sure if there was a flood I would go next door and sleep on their roof instead.

  • +6

    Seriously….Some people would actually expect people to risk their lives for your pet?

    • May depend on what the problem is, if it's flooding, then sure, for fire, I'm not as sure.

    • +6

      Should read:

    • expect? no.

      There are plenty of scenarios where it would be perfectly safe to rescue a pet that is locked inside/in backyard that may be at risk in the near future (eg. from an approaching bushfire)

      If there is evidence of pets (eg toys, dog kennel, food bowl) it may lead to people going out of there way to find the pet with or without a sticker- so providing a phone number and extra info would help them and possibly reduce the risk.

      I personally wouldn't put my life at risk to rescue someones pet troll though.

      • +1

        I would definitely risk my life to save any of my pets and most other pets as well, depending on the pet. I think if its a dog i definitely would. Pets are living creatures with feelings and feel pain just like humans do. I am sure there would be many situations where the risk may only be like 5-10% or maybe a bit of burn or heat etc. Do i expect someone to sacrifice their own life..maybe not..

        • Bit of a biased comment coming from you, "lonewolf" :P

  • +6

    Maybe just have one of those my family stickers (you see on the back of cars), then they/you can cross off each person/creature as they are rescued ;-)

    • You could even put numbers above the family members to show which ones you want rescued first…genius

  • Very warm idea! I have read too many news about pets died at home due to fire while nobody at home. :(

  • +2

    They dont have T-Rex in the sticker.

    • +2

      Don't you watch Hollywood movies? You ALWAYS risk your life by stupidly going back for the mingey dog, particularly if you are escaping an earthquake, volcano eruption, demon possession or alien attack.

    • +7

      Guessing this guy doesn't own any pets.

      • +2

        I've got a cat, but I wouldn't expect some stranger to risk his/her life to rescue her, especially just because of some idiotic sticker on the door.

        • Put the sticker on the cat instead.

      • I actually do own a dog, though I'm not sure where the little mutt is.

  • +2

    As much as it's a good idea in theory, I'm pretty darn sure I wouldn't want my family or friends having my phone number plastered on their front door.

  • +2

    My dog has one of these on his kennel, cept it says "If the house is on fire it's probably just another Cory party".

  • How will the "know if there are pets in the house"? Because this is a contract and once you put it up, the pets are never out of the house? Ludicrous. As stupid as the "baby onboard" stickers on cars, especially when driven with no baby onboard.

    • You need to think outside your little square.

      • +1

        No, the problem is that I can think.

        • Not always a good thing it seems.

        • Now there's no need for THAT is there?

      • jv is that you?

        • Cory?

    • -1

      The 'baby on board' stickers are meant to get any potential rescuer to think to look for a child, not expect there to always be one. Otherwise according to your logic I should take mine off every time I park the car and no one is in it, child or adult.

      I agree though about the lunacy of pet stickers - to risk your life for a child is one thing, for a pet is sacrificial lunacy.

      • +2

        Why is it so hard to see that providing info and a contact number can potentially assist people during an emergency? With or without a sticker if there is evidence of pets (kennel/dog door) then people, not necessarily firemen, may go looking for the pet (I've seen it). A sticker like this isn't a demand to save them and there are plenty of situations where it would be perfectly safe to rescue a pet before a fire front hits.

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