UPDATED: Australia's tightest family

Did anyone else see this on A Current Affair? It's a bit old now, but the family will be making another appearance and taking their money tips 'on the road' this week. What do you think of their money saving ideas?

UPDATE: View the second ACA story on Wendy and her money saving tips which was aired tonight (4/8/14).

[Power User]: Just a friendly reminder to keep comments civil as per the commenting guidelines


  • +7

    why buy so much morning fresh? it will be 40% or half price again in a few weeks so her money is tied up in stock sitting on shelves…and b'day candles? i just stick the match stick straight in

  • +3

    Shop at A!di - problem solved plus the story was so lopsided it's not funny, why did she only shop at one store? This story appeared to be nothing more than a public relations exercise, a trained eye (true ozbargainer) could see straight through it, a more honest and balanced comparison spread right across would save a lot more $$$, nice try.

  • +13

    Well i watched the new episode. I'll give her credit for actually showing that family how to cut down costs, it was much better than last time.

    • I cried when she said she just leaves the aircon on at 24 degrees constantly so the kids don't get cold. Tell them to put a jumper on! Theres an unspoken rule in our house that you need to be wearing at least a jumper and socks before turning on the heater. Not that we all sit in cold, it's just pointless walking around in only a shirt complaining it's cold
    • Ducted heating (and just reverse cycle aircon in general) is hugely expensive to run. At the very least close off the entire house except for the rooms you're populating. That way heat (or cold) isn't just being wasted. In a brick house like that, you shouldn't really need aircon for most of the year anyway (unless you live in FNQ).
    • Coco pops are really cost ineffective. I could demolish 1/3rd of a packet in one sitting, it's not that filling. Choose a better cereal.
    • She raised a good point about bolognaise sauce. It's about convenience. If you've got the time, then save the money.
    • People were giving her shit in the last ep about her tight ways, in reality it's all about how you value your time. She works 2 days a week, and has the other days to do these kinds of things (which she enjoys), so hell, why not do it!
    • The whole two light rule actually makes sense. You don't need a lights on in rooms you're not in, so it makes sense. I think the rule actually refers to the switch, not a single 40w light bulb hanging from the ceiling.
    • in reality, it's probably a few lifestyle changes that will cut her costs, you don't have to become amish
    • Air cond at 24c? Ours is set to 20c and warms the place up nicely, as long as you've dressed correctly. In SUMMER it's set to 24c or even 26c and feels cool when you come in from outside. Just costs money to heat/cool further than necessary. Thought most people could work tht out.

  • -4

    Aldis the pits imho
    I find I can only get a few things that I need and still need to go to woolies to get 95%

  • +2

    Re the ducted heating/cooling, it used to be that it was not an option to close off all the vents except the room you were in, because that would over-heat the system (or something like that?). Not sure if that's still the case or not; I've never had 'ducted' anything!

    Re the lights, I reckon in the not-too-distant future, LED bulbs will hit the market that come on as soon as you enter the room, and go off as soon as you leave it (or 5 seconds later or whatever). The technology is there now, and as soon as peeps realise the possibilities/benefits of such lights, the demand will be right there to match it.

    I chuckled at the "Coco-pops" comment Davo-### (I'm losing track of all the Davos)… Even back in the 1970s us kids weren't allowed to have Coco pops, because they were way too exy compared to stuff like Weetbix. Some things never change!

    Re the spag-bolognese, it was not so much a good point as an obvious one. Pasta dishes are one of the cheapest, nicest, most versatile, easy to make, (etc.) for a family… buying any pre-made pasta-dish in a can on that sort of scale is simply madness.

    Re how anyone chooses to spend/allocate their time (leisure vs. work), I judge no one on that, unless they're asking me to work, to pay for their leisure-time. This may or may not be relevant here. Most peeps in the previous posts were actually wondering whether this couple is drawing payments from the state, while not putting anything back into it (i.e., collecting "middle-class-welfare", while paying no tax); which is very different to judging someone on how they decide to pass their time.

    If they are paying their way 'socially' (i.e., not taking any more money from the government than they are giving back in income tax), then I say power to them. It would be really nice to have all that extra time to spend with your family, rather than working all the time.

    • +2

      Re the lights, I reckon in the not-too-distant future, LED bulbs will hit the market that come on as soon as you enter the room, and go off as soon as you leave it (or 5 seconds later or whatever). The technology is there now, and as soon as peeps realise the possibilities/benefits of such lights, the demand will be right there to match it.

      They have these at my uni, motion-activated lights. They'll turn off if you're studying too quietly :|

      • +8

        I just learn to turn off the lights. Anyone in the house caught leaving a light on is sentenced to a day collecting cotton in the fields.

      • +1

        We've got them at work too, quite often if I'm the only one in our part of the he office I'll have to roll my chair back and wave my arms to turn the light back on. Pain in the bum, but does make you realise it's time to move.

        • +4

          OK well yeah, CONFESSION TIME:

          I was visiting some labs once and headed off to the John to 'lay some cable' that turned out to be particularly stubborn in coming forth. I was impressed when the lights went on automatically as I entered the amenity-room. About five minutes into the job though… LIGHTS OUT. Now, in my own 'realm' I would have been able to deftly complete the tasks at hand without any light at all, no worries; I'm gifted like that. In a 'foreign land' though… very problematic.
          No amount of wild arm-gesticulation, or praying, could 'summon the light' either. Probably because I've never been religious so god was simply laughing at me, and I was locked into a tiny high-walled box well out of the 'line-of-sight' of the little sensor responsible for deciding whether light is still required in the area…
          So, it seems "sensor lights" are not ideal for all situations. I.e., communal bogs. Unless the sensor/s are cunningly positioned such that any cable-layer, on any throne, can turn them back on from the seated position.

        • @GnarlyKnuckles: I feel your sense of helplessness

      • i believe its an aussie company that is bringing this prod to mkt

  • +13

    I would like to see a top shelf tightarse like realfamilyman take her on in a subsequent aca episode. They could call it the night of the fightin' tightarse titans.

    The thing that annoyed me was that the girls had crappy flip phones. Why not just get a g526 for 79 dollars off target?

    • +1

      Sold my previous $300-400 phone, "upgraded" to this very G526 for $79, couldn't be happier!

    • +9

      Crappy phones would mean the kids would be too embarrassed to get them out and use them except for emergencies. That would save on phone bills.

      • +3

        Someone give this guy a medal. Parenting 101.

    • Yes, my vote for RealFamilyMan to take her on too!

  • well, life is the matter of choice:

    1. you can choose to work hard and use money to buy your happiness.
    2. or you can have happiness with some degree of discipline and effort.

    in current economy situation option 1 is not viable, you got to work very very hard!

    • What is it about the current economy which makes it difficult to work hard?

      • because working hard is not enough. e.g: not enough jobs for you to work on.

        • -1

          Your logic is flawed.

        • -1

          @wolfenator87: what you mean by flawed? do you ever heard the term fuzzy logic? that what human use to interpreted things, we are not computer to only do TRUE or FALSE. oh my gods… I am not a teacher… hmm I am just realised that you a just a kid. never mind.

        • -1

          @wolfenator87: The wolf is entirely correct. The wording does not make logical sense, thus it cannot be meaningfully interpreted/ it's impossible to work out what you are actually trying to say exactly. The concept of "fuzzy logic" is valid in certain (very well-defined) contexts, but it is not a justification for babbling meaningless crap in a mainstream forum.

        • @GnarlyKnuckles: you are the one babbling!

  • +9

    The best part last night was when she helped the first lady make her own surface spray because the woolworths brand was "too expensive", and then recommended the same surface spray to the second family because it was "the cheaper option"

    • +8

      Wonder how much Woolworths paid for product placement. Given she didn't take advantage of specials at different supermarkets.

      • +1

        Wouldn't surprise me if the Woolworth's brand mentioned as too expensive was a client relations mistake that needed correcting.
        I was curious too considering ACA's history of infomercials whether this would end up as a sponsored segment.

      • +1

        As I was waiting to play the video online a woolies ad came on… little surprise. I was really glad that Wendy went to Aldi last week and was surprised that aca allowed it. I'm guessing a woolies rep had a quiet word with someone from the network after that hence we're straight off to Woolies this week.

        • Or they simply don't have an Aldi serving their area?

  • +5

    Her hubby is a pastor (tax deductions galore … and probably pays little to no tax) … FTB & FTA… selling eggs (cash in hand and probably doesn't declare it as income).

    Just the usual low income earners doing little to no work and reaping the tax benefits as usual

    • For someone who works 1 day a week.. as a pastor. Not exactly tax deductions 'galore'. He probably doesn't even meet the minimum tax threshold. Pozzing anyway, 2 healthy, capable adult choosing to live off the system then goes around bragging about their frugality just sickens me.

  • +6

    I wandered into a well known charity shop a few months ago & was shocked at what prices they had on used clothes that were given to them for free. There wasn't much charity to be had as I could buy new clothes from K-Mart, Best & Less or Big W for the same price if not cheaper especially when the sales were on.

    • +1

      Yeppers Reg, only about 10% of the op shops out there now (in Melbourne anyway) sell stuff at old-school op-shop prices. Forget any of the chains (vinnies, salvos, savers, etc.), they've all been "rationalised"… to the point where now they sell cutlery for 50 cents an item, mugs and glasses for $2 each etc.; as you point out, actually above new price, for 2nd-hand stuff they got for free. The only real cheap ones left are the semi-independent ones associated with a church or a lesser known charity.

      • +1

        Yeah, I generally shop in op shops for books. The same thing can vary between $0.50 and $3.99 depending where you go.

        Overall, Red Cross Shops, Vinnies and Salvos are off the charts with their pricing, in particular the Salvos on furniture. The lady at the counter once told me that the furniture is priced higher because certain demongraphics of our multicultural society have worked out how to play the system. They go to the Salvos, say they are poor, and the Salvos give them vouchers to use for household goods in the Salvos stores. Apparently they tell their friends about the free deal and they all go. She told me some even turn up in BMW's.

        • I love a little casual racism.

        • +1

          @mskeggs: Erm, no particular race was even mention M-kegs. I'd also be interested to know what your definition of "racism" actually is. If I broadcast a statistically proven fact demonstrating that a certain race is more likely to commit certain crimes, act fraudulently, etc., would you classify that as "racism"?
          Too many peeps these days adopt the extremely simplistic view that even publicly acknowledging that any race-specific behavioural problems exist = 'racism'. It does not; in fact it = 'REALITY', and failure to acknowledge it/ discuss it etc. leads to perpetuation of the problems. The guilty parties hide behind a claim of 'racial persecution', when challenged; and nothing gets done about it.

  • +3

    I can't grow chicken han&cock and vegies cos living in an apartment. Wendy's tips here don't work

  • +1

    she dint mentioned she is on OZB.. so there is a scope for her to save more… :)

  • +10

    I could not live like her at all. As a young person, if I was one of her daughters I think I would go insane. Also Wendy's voice really reminds me of Julia Gillard.

    • That's who it is! Couldn't put my finger on it.

      • +2


        • +1

          Wendy's very tight. She does kegels.

        • @Davo93:

          LMAO.. that really made me lol.

    • Young person too. I'd probably run away from home.

      • +3

        Giving mum more savings!

  • Good on them. The lack of financial stress makes them happy not miserable. I prefer travelling and spending a fair bit more on food and clothes but I don't think they were that extreme. That pantry of tins was worrying, all that salt.

  • +2

    Oh Wendy, you miserable cheapskate. I pity your daughters. How they must cringe seeing you on tele. Give the bullies at school ammo why dont u.

    • +5

      Miserable? That's how a community of cheapskates calling another cheapskate that happened to be on TV? You know that's how a lot of our friends and relatives said about us as well but you know who have the last laugh.

      • +8

        Quite miserable if you constantly have to worry about your expenses on the smallest things like soap to get through life. Life's too short for that.

        • +7

          Hey Im a cheapskate to. not a MISERABLE one. I dont water down morning fresh, and subject my children to humiliation on national tv. If I proclaimed to a national tv audience my teenage daughters are only given a $150 yearly allowance to spend on clothing only from an op shop, id be a laughing stock and a bad father.

        • I'm supporting Wendy's saving strategies. but don't think it work for me, I like to stick with OB and getting the most out of all deals and bonuses

        • +2

          I feel it's almost like mum saying these girls are not worthy of some new clothes. Buy less Morning Fresh and canned soup and let them go to Sportsgirl or Myer!

  • +3

    Scotty had better be calling ACA to get a sneaky OzBargain mention on the next segment ;)

  • +4

    these guys seem rather expensive, $150 on clothes a year at an op shop, i save heaps of money on clothes, i buy a few cheap K-mart jeans and wear them for about 6-12months, using some cheap dish washing powder i buy in bulk at BIG W or K-mart as well, and as for T-shirts, when i go in to buy a new game (which isn't often,(steam sales for the win!!)) i look for what ever shirt is on special when i need a new one that week for less then $10, my $5 space invaders T-shirt has lasted me yonks

    Sure a random T-shirt and some cheap black jeans aren't fashionable according to most, but who cares, screw fashion and there horrible looking crap

    • +2

      I spend more than $150 a year on clothes, but not much more, and can get reasonably good looking clothes.
      E.g Hallensteins will get you chinos or jeans, a shirt and a coat for under $90 when they have a sale. Add some mix apparel basics and you have plenty of clothes for $150.

    • +1

      Remember they are GIRLS, not guys, I'm a guy and I couldn't care less what I wear, especially working in rural areas. I'm sure when you're a teenager and all the girls at school buys makeup, nice shoes, clothes, talks about fashion.. You must be a very miserable social outcast.

      • +5

        and not all GIRLS buy clothes, makeup, or shoes on a routine basis, nor are we all into fashion. Mind blown, right? Even as teenagers, we aren't all the same.

        I don't think I consistently spend $150 per year on clothes. Some years I'll spend up if I happen to find a lot of nice things, other years I won't buy hardly anything at all. A lot of girls/women are practical and don't follow fashion trends, so our clothes are timeless and last season after season. I think I dress pretty well too lol.

        Besides, young girls (teens) have so many clothing store options that sell stuff like basics and even fashion trendy items for dirt cheap - think Supre, Valleygirl, Cotton On etc. $150 per year even to keep up with the fashion conscious would be a decent enough to get by. Likewise makeup for teenagers isn't exactly boutique counter stuff.

        I actually feel a bit sorry for anyone that has the mindset of 'unless you buy makeup, nice shoes, clothes and talk about fashion like all the other girls/kids at school… then you must be a very miserable social outcast' lol. Wow. I'd hope that if and when you have children, you encourage them to think freely and individually rather than conform simply out of fear of being alienated by the crowds lol.

        Life isn't actually identical to the film Mean Girls :P Sure those type of teens exist but there are equal shades of grey as well… teenagers can be pretty open minded.

        • +6
          • female
          • sydney
          • ozbargainer
          • frugal
          • fashionable

          We should go out.

          I propose a scoopon meal, some telstra hoyts movie tickets, and then go dumpster diving for goodies. if things get crazy, we can go back to mine and make our own washing detergent.


        • +1

          Well put, +1 to you. However, I believe these girls are in a entirely different situation.

          "Some years I'll spend up if I happen to find a lot of nice things". Remember, these girls do not have the same opportunities or financial flexibility as you. They're restricted to 1 shop (I've never been to an OP SHOP, so i can't comment on the quality or selection) once a year with $150 to spend. I'm not sure how disciplined a couple of highschool teenagers are with their money and given that they live in a fairly (in my opinion) deprived financial state.

          I'm referring to not going out for dinners, parties (it's something most teenagers would like to take part in) or go to the movies. I'd say that their annual shopping spree will be too practical to bring them joy and leaving them unsatisfied knowing that they're stuck with their secondhand "timeless fashion" for many years to come.

          Yes most teenagers probably can get by without makeup, they can live with secondhand op shop clothes and they can use flip phones. This is the kind of life I've always strived but I hope that if and when I have children, I will encourage them to think freely and individually rather than conform simply out of fear of their own parents.

        • @Davo1111:

          if things get crazy, we can go back to mine and make our own washing detergent.

          Kinky. I like it.

        • HILLARIOUS

        • +1

          @waterlogged turnip: I only tried it once. I think I've still got some borax stuck up there somewhere.

      • +2

        $150 a year on clothes is a bit too tight IMHO. For children or adults.

        Shop at OP or Rivers… /shudder

        I know this thread has drawn the tightest of tight on Ozb here, so I should probably back off… real slow.

        • We live in such a throwaway society.

        • @waterlogged turnip:

          It is the way it is… young padawan. :)

  • +2

    Me thinks an elite Ozbargainers would do a better job, however we should not voice out too much else we will accuse again and again as professionals

  • +5

    My saving tip.

    Discarded pizza boxes are an inexpensive source of cheese.

  • I think this lady should host ACA

  • I wonder how much do they pay for internet, or is it considered a luxury? For a frugal family like this one, they must've surely heard about OzBargain.

    It also raises the question that whether running a computer breaks their 2 lights policy, perhaps the monitor doubles as a light source.

    • +1

      She is a mod on another site, so they must have some internet available to them.

    • I gather that hubby is a pasta-maker, and I've read online that these days, for some reason they are able to claim internet costs as a job expense. Looking up recipes I suppose, and specials on pasta-sauce on Oz-Bargain. That's an interesting point you raise re the "light-source" too… I reckon given these circumstances, the pasta-maker should be required to estimate for the tax-man the percentage of light emitted from the VDU that is used purely for researching pasta-making, and the percentage that is used for purely non-work-related-purposes. I mean, all of us have to jump through such hoops come tax-time, why should a dude who makes pasta get out of it?

  • +10

    I like the part where they say "look, we saved you 2/3rds on your grocery bill"

    then show a pile of groceries 1/3rd the size

  • -4

    I would like to see some of the so called frugal OzBargainers here show us their weekly budget, and demonstrate clearly how they live frugally to save money.

    For the most part we have 3 pages of puerile nonsense, and very little in the way of realistic and practical steps towards saving money, and still living a reasonable life.

    You obviously don't like Wendy's way of doing things, so, as you are the experts, show us how it is really done.

    • +1

      I have a BOGOF milkshake coupon from pancake parlour in Melbourne from 1992 which I am determined to redeem next time I'm in Melbourne.

  • +1

    She is buying heaps of processed, extremely low quality junk food… And what a great idea to buy 2 year worth of shampoo, even though it's on sale every two months max.

  • Here's a link to the latest edition of Wendy's tips http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/article/8912684/wendys-wonderful-h…

    I think the family featured needs a lot more help than just Wendy…

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