UPDATE 2/8: in case you still want a Macbook Air for good price, go to The Good Guys before they reflect their prices http://m.thegoodguys.com.au/promotion/bargainbuys?homepageba…
UPDATE: Only 13" Retina models still on sale!
BEST of the BEST is this top range 15" Retina, just refreshed with higher clock speed from 2.3GHz to 2.5GHz YESTERDAY, now priced at 15% OFF from DickSmith, Apple has it for $2999 (this replaces the $3199 with 2.3GHz before yesterday) http://www.dicksmith.com.au/catalog/product/view/id/17741/s/…
HURRY before DickSmith realises and change the price or put it to Temp Out of Stock!!!
Mac Mini's excluded