Beekeeping Hive Tool on sale - 8.40$ including shipping. Usual price range for Stainless Hive Tool is 18.00 to 25.00 AUD.
Bargain price.
Beekeeping Hive Tool on Sale - $8.40 Including Shipping @ JB Trading

Last edited 29/07/2014 - 20:39 by 1 other user
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Normally I'd jump on a bargain before considering if I need it, but I think beekeeping tools is where I draw the line.
To bee or not to bee ???
Groan….. :-)
I'll bee back
Now to find a bee hive bargain somewhere.
thanks honey.. xxx
Ive always wanted one of these even though I don't know how to use it, have no bee-hives and will never own any.
I've been looking for one of those. You're awesome! (Want it to make smoke water, for seed germination,and figure it will be easier than the other methods I've tried.)
This deal is definitely a keeper
jb you've done it again
J 'bee'
Thanks OP ….. and just when I needed one :-))
This bargain seems to have generated some buzz.
There's got to be at least a couple of Simpsons 'bee' references… dont know why more ozbargainers don't maintain their own hives. Its great for the flowers, you get an unlimited supply of fresh honey/honeycomb and its a very soothing thing to do.
The only downside is when you move and you have to put the hive in the backseat and they sting your face.
I've been meaning to get around to keeping bees for a while now.
We already keep chickens and grow our own vegetables.
Do you have any tips for someone who's looking to start?Don't touch the pointy ends
You're looking at about $600 startup costs (hive, stock, smoker, suit, hive tool cough).
Maybe a few hours on a saturday once a month in 'keeping' activities.Just don't piss off the queen and its plain sailing.
i'd love to have my own hive or two. problem is, we live in an area where pretty much everyone lives in a triplex or more. so not much of a backyard for hanging up the washing let alone bees. also, most people ignorant and terrified of bees and think the best way of living with them is to get out the bug spray. plus our landlord has started spraying pesticides around the perimeter of the house. simply can't have that with bees around.
I find most people are scared of them too, it is a shame. Whenever anyone comes to my house they are petrified that there are beehives and won't go anywhere near them. I've had a couple of hives for about 2 years and only been stung once
i've never been stung. i suppose that helps my lack of fear of bees ;) as a kid, i would watch them really close. i'd always know when to back off based on the noise they made.
i understand some people are allergic and a sting can actually be lethal but people really need to get educated on living harmoniously with insects, not just bees.
meanwhile, i've adopted a small wasp nest living under the eaves of the driveway fence. don't tell anyone! :p
Wasps are a different thing altogether! Can't stand them :P
They are definitely nowhere near as vicious as they are made out to be in movies and such. I got stung during a war between my bees and some nearby meat ants, I was obviously on the bees side trying to help them but I guess they thought I was a spy or something. Was my first ever bee sting and was not bad at all, had worse from green ants
@jumpo: all the waspies i've encountered are actually rather mellow. in summer, they'll often hover about while waiting for me to water my bonsais so they can have a drink.
ouch! sounds like an epic bug war alright :D
Good deal to me thanks, been wanting to replace my standard hive tool for a j hook :)
I would love to start bee keeping but alas a unit does not have the space for them.
On a side note, if you have not read about the danger that our bees are in you should. It is a bit scary the thought should they get wiped out.…
Pretty sure you can't milk bees with that.