Awesome prices on Vodafone Starter kit and USB Extreme!
Vodafone pre paid $30 starter kit $9 @ Coles from Wednesday
Vodafone Prepaid USB Extreme 3G Includes 3GB 30 day expiry $9 - Limit of 1 per customer, or take a family member or friend to get another :)
Vodafone $30 Prepaid Starter Kit Now $9, Vodafone Prepaid USB Extreme 3G Now $9 @Coles.

Last edited 05/08/2014 - 00:09 by 2 other users
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3Gb for $9 is great for those emergencies
Thought you only got 500mb ?
please tell me the um "trick"
500MB data with the prepaid phone sim, 3GB data with the mobile internet dongle.
Thanks tommy :)
Got one of the Modems this morning (had to do the crap form tho)
Thanks for pointing out the Modem deal TRENT86 & tommy-darko
Very close to the $70 = 34GB price via Favorites packs… $3/GB is a pretty good price.
I thought this wasn't available to new customers anymore?
/happy with my 14GB from Telstra for $44/mth :>
Is that wifi broadband? Where did you get it from?
Hopefully I can just buy them without the OTT ID checks.
its coles
they do checks now
if you're lucky you'll get a 60 y.o. woman who doesnt know what the form is for and let it pass
use the self check out.
they just scan their auth card.cant do that
they hold the shit behind the ciggie counter so you have to talk to a person
Coles normally have the prepaid sims and dongles near the stationary and magazines etc, I thought. Unless it's different from store to store.
not many 60 y/o women working at supermarkets anymore
Sorry I am a dull… but what is OTT ID Check?
OTT usually = Over The Top.
Thanks. I know its Over the Top, but why ID check?
haha I googled OTT ID Check.. figured it was obligatory telecommunications transaction or similar
I bought a few Telstra kits recently (from other outlets, not Coles) and never been asked for filling such form.
OTT check - so you can get name and address of hot chick to stalk on the weekends.
Nokia Lumia also $99 (Telstra) Link - Page 20 of the catalogue
Links to Vodafone deals - Page 26 of the catalogueYeah it's $99 everywhere now
Limit one per person on the starter pack, but not the modem.
I bet someone is going to get a smack over the head for that one.
The modem supports dual carrier. Nice, but it is still only 3G.
Anyone know if the sim from this modem would work in a 4G handset?
I will just add another modem or three to my collection.
does vodafone even lift?
and by 'lift' i mean 4g?
Yes. Vodafone do 4G. Cheapest 4G data is on Vodafone prepaid.
Not really you can get 12 gig for $40 on virginmobile broadband month to month.
@paulaus: i can get 17.1gb out of $40 recharge on Vodafone because my sims were activated before 3March (and i used to buy favorite packs for $16 per 350mb) but that offer no longer exists. So for me Vodafone is still the cheapest
lol yeah thats then this is now thats only cheaper for you now not anyone else who wants the cheapest.
not just cost; qualitative advantages do accompany Vf >
-850 3G, for in-building coverage.. . in the style of next G
-cell capacity, give smooth http streaming w/out VPN need
-Simple KB rounding, not MB 10 KB nor 500MB chicanery
-Weekly data session not deplorable daily/hourly disconnect
-non discriminatory tethering.Flexibility of 17.6 gb over <58 days add available from supermarket (to we savvy eligible), tops much else.
Limit one per person on the starter pack
How do they enforce that against serial purchases or visits to multiple stores?
Does anyone know if 4G is supported in a 4G device? Or is this 3G only? Has anyone activated a SIM?
Data SIM works fine for data only in my Huawei G526 (4G) handset.
Modem is unlocked according to Vodafone.
Does 3G USB expire? I know it is 30 days but how long does it expire before activation?
I want to know this as well. Can anyone help us out? I've never own one before
Posted answer in a few places yesterday! No expiry.
Can the SIM card from 3G USB be used in ipad?
No reason it cant.
Assuming it's micro SIM…
You can always just cut it
Standard size sim in the USB stick (ie not micro or nano)
I wonder if I can just buy a few of these. Then port in and out of yatango free trial every other month for a few months. ;)
can you use the Vodafone $30 Prepaid Starter Kit $9 for the long life expiry 6 month plan?>
I dont think so. The stater kit does not let me choose different recharge options when activating the sim, its $30 prepaid cap plan.
is this modem locked to voda?
Off course it would be. Use ebay for cheap unlock codes.
Are you sure? Someone said it does not lock to Voda.
I put IMIE into VF unlock site. It is not in their database. So It is unlocked.
So you got The handset serial number you entered was not found on the system from Vodafone UNLOCK
Did you follow the instructions?
report the problem, fill in the form below and click "Send". You will be contacted within 4 business days by our Customer Service Department. We are only able to release a device that was originally purchased through Vodafone or 3.
I have had modems unlocked free by Vodafone - by reporting. It's worth trying first. I'm still waiting, but it's only day 1.
Okay. I reported the problem, see what happens.
does anyone know whether the Prepaid USB comes with a SIM card? how to use the USB anyway? thx!
Cheap, hopefully ow sells them so price match.
Not in online catalog.
Checked - OW don't stock Vodafone USB.
Not in online catalog.
Starts Wed 30th…
What has that got to do with OW?
Went instore this morning to pick up 3 USB stix, was only allowed to get one. If they stop multiple purchases ask them to check the sale conditions in the catalogue, because there are actually no limits to numbers purchased (outside of complying with ID check/no. of active prepaid connections).
Feel like going back and tearing them a new one…
it says Limit 1 on the catalogue, on the same page as the picture of the modem
Got 4 Sim cards and 3 Usb stick without any hassle.
Yes but that is applicable only to those items marked with a superscript "1".
Had this discussion with senior staff member at Coles. They referred to the very last line of conditions on page 26 "Limit 1 per customer. Vodafone Pty…ABN…" As applying to all Vodafone stock.
Wouldn't budge. Said all phones they sell are limit of 1, and stock was limited so their decision was final.
Got 4 USB without ID or hassle at another store.
Picked up 2 this morning… Wondering if I should get more. The form was pretty simple as long as you had less than 5 prepaid services in you name.
Bought one of the 3G sticks today. Argued with the lady that there are no limits to how many one can purchase. Then another lady came along and said clause 1 applies to everything on the page. Rage
BTW, why do we need to fill in the form for the 3G sticks? They can't make calls/texts…
I got one this morning as well. What form r u referring?
Bought four today, on my way to work pass 3 Coles , only one store staff said one per one costumer
Same :( let me get ONE only
Has anyone ripped one open yet?
Can't bloody activate.. tells me network error and to call customer support.. grr..
Love how its deducting my quota when I'm surfing the vodafail site
It takes ~15 minutes to activate - also try re-booting device.
I got one the other day. Had to restart my computer and it fired up ok.
picked up 2 sims and 2 usb's this morning
is the sim another deal?
2 x prepaid starter kits
2 x usb extremes
I got one but the guy said come back in an hour and buy another
Mom managed to get 3 and didn't show any id, either
Funny there was actually a woman who looked at least 55 but she didn't serve me
Got 2 more.. most folks must have just woken up cos there was at least one dude infront of me.
Grabbed another one and the lady next to me who got served by another guy asked for two and she got the last two.. then the guy serving her goes.. just letting you know you need to put credit on these cos they don't have credit.. so she says 'ok I'll just take one then'. Guess who grabbed the lucky last :-)
Was gonna grab a few other things but age old rule never linger around the scene of the crime.. ok so now I gots 6.. why.. I got no clue.
Can someone please check the usb modem, what the date is for the sim to expire please?
Just a manufacture date on mine (2012)
Vodafone don't have expiry!
Thanks OP!!!! Just got 3 of each from Springfield (QLD). Managed to score an old lady and did get asked for ID.
I went to Coles Rundle Mall (SA) and they'd only give me 1.
Young lady in my case, and I didn't get asked for ID.go in again with a phony mostauche
I better be able to get 3 or I will tear them a new one
says Limit 1 on the page
I have friends that work there so will be able to get 3 :)
Coles Barracks (bris qld) did not have any
Does not apply to prepaid services (apparently, as I have done so in the past)
What I do with all the extra dongles?
- get unlock code
- ebay
- profit
sold out at both local coles. anyone try OW to beat the price?
Just got raincheck for 3 at a store with no stock :)
Have been to 2 stores in the afternoon, with no stock. Asked for raincheck but failed. Went to the third store around the area, bought one, said limited 1 per customer, no raincheck too.
You are lucky to get raincheck, but wondering if the raincheck will be validated. Good Luck!
Some of the comments above seem to suggest that this can be unlocked easily - have I read that correctly? And how much would the unlock cost?
Anyone knows when will the Usb or prepaid starter kit expire before activation ?
The latest Vodafone prepaid stuff does not always come with an advertised sim activation expiry date, which is a plus. On the down side, not easy to access sim, as you have to somehow crack it open ( void warranty ).
Has anyone been able to remove the sim on the USB modem. Appreciate some advice so I do not kill it. I just want to put sim in my Vodafone WiFi or similar unlocked unit instead.
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3Gb for $9 is great for those emergencies
will buy a few