• expired

Westpac AMEX Credits: Spend $90 Get $30 (Country Road) & Spend $50 Get $10 (Target)


Only American Express Cards issued by Westpac Banking Corporation are eligible for this offer. Register for this offer by using either your primary or supplementary card. Spend on either card is counted as eligible purchase and credit will be posted to the primary card account once the spend criteria is met.

Link to Country Road offer here
Link to Target offer here

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • Thanks.

  • Got it. Will use it for coles myer gift card. Thanks

  • Sorry!

    Unfortunately this campaign is by invitation only. Please visit https://www.amexconnect.com.au/ for other fabulous offers.

    FAILED on ANZ.. i guess it was worth a try haha

    • Ye sorry ghost, only for Westpac issued cards. But nice try with the ANZ card :)

    • Some of these must be targeted offers as I often don't get an email, nor do they appear on my portal even though my bank-issued card qualifies. OzBargain is the only source that alerts me to the offer (I should be avoiding this site if I want to keep my expenses down - can't resist a bargain sadly).

  • With the country road offer, can you buy it online on the outlet and it still qualifies?
    Or does it have to be at the 'normal' store

    This is the outlet store, it's link from the main online store


  • Thanks, registration worked for my Westpac card. Of course by mentioning this to the wife I'm not really saving $30 - just prompting her to spend and costing me at least $60. Bargain?

    • +1

      all in the name of giggitty!

  • Thanks TA,
    Love these offers!

  • I knew there was a reason I held on to my Westpac Amex, thanks OP!

  • Anybody had an issue getting credit back on amex offers?

    This has just reminded me a while back there was a $20 rebate for a $100 spend at the iconic. I got the email confirming I had qualified and that the credit but would be made in 5 days. A month later and nothing. Lucky this post reminded me to follow it up.

    • It happens some times. If you call They will quickly sort it out.

    • or you can email them, like aldoduco said, they sort it out quickly.

    • Just reminded me I've signed up (and I believe qualified) for a couple of these things and don't recall seeing any credits. Problem is I can't remember what they were…

  • Thanks to these Country Road statement credits, my wife is now some premium member on their rewards scheme, which required her to spend over $750 a year… although she only ever buys stuff on special, so can't imagine the actual RRP value of what she's bought vs. what we've actually spent…

  • Just in time for the Target Toy Sale

    • Easy $10 savings if you have a few kids to buy for anyway.

  • I registered my card, no problems, then read the reply which said that each registration was only valid for the specific cardholder registered, and that supplementary card holders must register separately to get the rebate. So, I then tried registering my wife's supplementary card (which has the same card NUMBER but different name and different email address. Nope; the system refused to accept that registration as supposedly being a duplicate registration. Grrrr. Stupid contradictions!

    • Yes, you can only register unique card numbers.

  • +1

    Can I buy $50 gift card and claim the $10 credit?

    • +1


  • I know they say country road gifts cards not included for this offer but has anyone tried and got $30 back? The previous offer in Jan had the same thing but I bought the gift card then and got my $30 back after someone else reported that buying gift cards worked.

    • +1

      Many of the offers say "no gift cards" but in all honesty there is no way for them to tell exactly what you've purchased since all that comes up in the statement is a line item for the store.

      • Sounds good, thanks

      • in all honesty there is no way for them to tell exactly what you've purchased

        That's not technically correct - example: people with GE Money issued credit cards that bought gift cards during the ebay 20% off Sunday got hit with cash advance fees.
        In practice, it seems the retailers of past deals have not been identifying the purchase as a gift card in the credit card transaction or that Amex is not policing this distinction.
        To be more sure, buy something else as well as the gift card and the whole sale should be designated as a general 'Goods and services' transaction.

  • Does anyone has the link to the "Contact Us Form"?

  • I received an email today saying Country Road offer has been extended until 31st December 2014.
    Link shows the same thing.

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