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Russell Hobbs Robotic Vacuum Cleaner for $199 @ COTD


DSE IS SELLING IT FOR $449. Any reviews? Will you buy it @199?

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Seems the folks at Whirlpool have commented about this device - not many reviews though.

    • +12

      While it's fair enough to ask what you've asked I don't think it's worthy of a negging what looks like a decent deal because of it.

        • +17

          Sorry to bust your bubble, but I for one am not a staff of that website, and I negged you for being unhelpful.

        • +6

          DSE selling it for $449 so it is a bargain

        • @soupiejr:
          Is it really help to post a bargain and then question if it is actually a bargain? Just because something's significantly cheaper than RRP doesn't make it a bargain.

        • +5

          @Shonky: its a valid bargain.
          Find it cheaper.
          Good post OP

        • -3

          Not if it's a piece of crap.

          Just because it's cheap does not make it a bargain.

        • +3


          A thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.
          "the table was a real bargain"
          synonyms: good buy, cheap buy;

          There is arguably a lot of cheap pieces of crap on Ozbargain.
          Some is loved, some is not but cheap being the operative word for a valid bargain.

  • +1

    Got one based on OK reviews elsewhere. Thanks OP :-)

  • +7

    WoW some grumpy heads for a Sunday morning, should we drag him down an alley & flog him :P

    I looked into these a while back, like many of the cheaper ones this returns to the charging station when the battery gets low, however when/if it takes off again it starts from wherever rather than where it last finished.

    Be ok if confined to very small areas for efficient coverage i.e. a room at a time, better than nothing however for $200 I reckon its better to save up for a smarter one.

    However unfortunately nothing will ever work better than the one you physically push, like packing & emptying the dishwasher its one of those chores….

    • +6

      "However unfortunately nothing will ever work better than the one you physically push, like packing & emptying the dishwasher its one of those chores…."

      Unless you have dual draw dishwasher, one for the dirty and one for the clean. Never need to stack a shelf. A true lazy persons tool.

      • +2

        Can't believe I had never thought of that. Will have to put this idea to good use now!

      • +1

        That would require the exact right amount of plate and utensil use to fill up the drawer. e.g. you could run out of plates (all in the dirty drawer) and still have clean bowls in the clean drawer.

        Back on the topic, I've been using my non smart iRobot for 5 years now. It works great and does a better job that one you physically push, plus I can run it every day, so house definitely cleaner.

        • +1

          While I can see the benefit in having a robovac do a daily clean I don't think they completely replace vacuuming. I guarantee if you took a good vacuum around your place it would pick up a lot. They may reduce vacuuming from twice a week to once every 1.5 to 2 weeks though.

          I've got a mate with one of the top end of these vacuums and I've got a top of the range Dyson (they crazily paid more for theirs than I did for my Dyson) and we put it to the test, after their robo vac was finished we used the Dyson and it picked up heaps of dust and dirt.

          The main reason being the size of the bin and the power, it doesn't have the same suction and dirt pulling power as a high powered vacuum with a motorised head.

        • @rekabkram:

          Since getting a Neato a few years back I have not once done a full vacuum with our ducted system.

          The main weakness is that dust can't be picked up effectively from edges. So I've paired my neato with a dyson stick vacuum which I'll run along the edges every couple of weeks, or when it looks in need.

          With 2 cats in the house, I can definitely say that running a robot vacuum multiple times a week, is better than vacuuming weekly (aside from the fact that vacuuming is the chore I hated the most).

  • +12

    Seems like a good deal and I don't think its a problem asking others for their opinion. Well done in posting OP!

  • +7

    Personally… it doesn't take me terribly long to use the Dyson and I'd rather save the money. I wouldn't buy one of these at any cost.

    Although still getting a plus from me

  • +1

    Yeah the DC59 Animal is awesome.. gets the job done just b4 battery runs out :p

    • +1

      I bought the Dyson Animal but the dog still refuses to vacuum for me.

  • -3

    Anygood deals on the Neato Botvac 80??

  • +8

    these are a load of rubbish, those infomercials about it cleaning the place spotless is just marketing, if you love throwing your money away at gimmicks then this deal is for you.

    as for me i too have a dyson and i take the fact knowing that after the vacuuming is done that i know ITS BEEN DONE, not wondering if this thing has picked up all that it can.

    to each their own.

    • +1



      On a more serious note, these robo vacuums just seem to go around the floor randomly. They don't seem to be programmed to clean in straight lines.

      I think I'd keep my money and buy a Dyson or something.

  • +4

    Will you buy it @199?


  • +4

    I have the cheap aldi version (no dock) and its brilliant for those times when you need a quick vacuum when you dont have time.
    Turn it on, go and do whatever else needs doing, meanwhile the floor is being cleaned.
    It does a good job and our wood floors. I wouldnt use it for carpet though.
    A vacuum with the dyson will do a better job, of course, but i dont have to vacuum as regularly when i can turn the robot on.
    For the record, we hate our dyson! Would expect it to do a better job than it does.

  • -1

    They make good kettles. Godfreys has these, not sure what brand for $89. Will obviously not replace a normal conventional vacuum cleaner.

  • +3

    I bought two of the ALDI ones some weeks ago - I am impressed.

    We have ducted vacuum and a DC35 dyson.

    As a trial, in carpeted main bedroom (5500x5800 - minus bed/sidetables/tallboy) - I used ducted vacuum, followed by dyson then left one ALDI robot locked in room - after 2.5hours it picked up an impressive amount of fine dust from the carpet - wasn't expecting it - very impressed.

    • -2

      Not really a meaningful test, as I bet you didn't use the first 2 vacuum cleaners for 2.5 hours in one room, (probably a 2 min job). If you did, they would have picked up a significant amount of that extra dust.

      • +7

        But that IS the advantage - its not my time - I go out, the vacuum vacs till it runs out of battery…2.5hrs, I'm not going to vac the whole house for 2.5hrs let alone a single room.

        I'm sold on the robot vacs - now they just need smarter software.

        • +2

          This. I've done similar 'tests' by using my normal vacuum then letting the robot do laps of the same carpeted area til it ran out of batteries lol. Picked up a good handful of dust and fur. I sure as hell wouldn't be vacuuming for that amount of time, so the robot is pretty sweet like that.

      • When was it ever mentioned this had anything to do with time taken?

        • +3

          I don't get what you mean.

          Vacuuming is a "time" chore. I used to vacuum the house once a week - about 40-50mins using a ducted system, plus spot cleaning when required with a dyson dc35.

          Now the robots vacuum the house Tuesday and Friday, they take much longer but do a better job, I'm guessing it's simply because they do it for such a long time. The time taken doesn't matter - because it's not MY time (I'm not even at home when they vacuum). Ideally - they would be quiet enough to vacuum while we sleep.

          End result - my house is BETTER vacuumed using LESS of MY time.

        • @reddulf: I like the sound of that. Am tempted to give one a shot but have just bought two Dysons in the last couple of years so can't really justify even more money on vacuums. Def going to keep it in mind though - had never thought of them as a time saver in that way, more just as a replacement.

  • +5

    Got this Robovac from Harvey Norman for $249 at the start of the year. It does the job and picks up a lot of stuff, but it requires maintenance everyday to clean out the rubbish stuck underneath. The rubber roller wore out pretty quickly on these.

  • +5

    I bought one months ago when it was around $200 from HN. Its junk. You have to clean the filter and rubbish every hour otherwise it gets clogged up and doesn't work. Save your money and buy a proper vacuum cleaner that does the job properly.

  • +3

    I don't want one, but this is a bargain worth posting because nobody found a cheaper price. It is reasonable for the OP to seek reviews and feedback.

  • +2

    You are probably better paying more for something like the neato xv21 when its on sale.

    • +1

      Neato xv21 is great.

    • Bought the Neato XV21 last time it was on special…great machine for the money…just waiting for their Botvacs to come down in price.

  • +10

    I love all the hate towards robot vacuums. People can't think outside the square and see how useful these things are for some people. It's far easier to just call out people for being lazy or stupid for buying one over a traditional vacuum. lol

    I have the cheapo Aldi one and I love it. I use a vacuum cleaner everywhere else in the house, but there are spaces which I simply cannot access with a vacuum cleaner, and the robot fits perfectly under those spots (ie. under the bed frame, under shelves, under tables - but mainly under the bed is the reason why I purchased one). I realise they probably don't clean as efficiently as a normal vacuum, so what I do is let it run several times in the room (my bedroom carpet is long/shaggy, and I have pets).

    I've got several friends with pets that also use robots for under cages or certain spots that the pets can get to, but we can't with a vacuum.

    Also know a 90 year old woman who can't physically vacuum her house, so the robot is awesome for her. Think of people with injuries, back issues, the frail or elderly… or just really busy people!

    They're a pretty sweet little gadget for the right people.

    • I think they are great, I just can't justify to myself spending the coin on it

    • True. But there is still a big difference between one that really works, and one that doesnt.

      I think most of the hate is because the ones that are very good cost alot more. Not because, as you suggest, people would rather use a dyson (although there are those people too)

  • Thanks, ordered one. Will try it out.

  • +1

    Don't think this will be any better than Godfreys one which is $99 reduced from $199.

  • Got one from Godfrey's - had quite a problem with the daughter's long hair, and takes some time to clean. Then again, so does the powerhead on the Dyson we have as well. Main advantage is that I can let it run while doing other things, then just clean and charge when the battery runs flat.

  • +5

    I have one of these and its a beauty. It runs every day (2 adults, 2 kids, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 68 fish) and it reduces the need to vacuum every second day to once a week. Its a huge help. We have been hammering it for around 6-9 months now and its not showing any signs of significant wear or failure.

    The unit runs for maybe 2 hours on a charge and it gets all over the place in that time. It does get stuck on shag rugs, kids items but doesn't get stuck it corners or anything silly. It does come with a zone excluding beam thing-o and a spare rotating brush thingy - oh and a spare fine dust filter. The dust bin is full after every second pass but its very easily removed and emptied.

    We got ours for $249, which I considered a great buy, so $199 is a certified BARGAIN :)

    Any other questions I'll try to check back.

  • it seems okay.. i was looking for new vacuum for myself.. should consider it

  • Thanks I ordered one too.
    Great price.

    btw. I also have a Dyson animal which I use a lot, but the powerhead is a pain to clean.
    I often have to pull hair out of the rotating brush after dissasembling it.

    • You will have to clean the this ones brush once in a while too but not that often and its very easy to pull out and put back.

  • Update.

    I received mine today and set it off in the games room.

    Wow, Im impressed. It cleaned everything, and I hadnt even vacuumed before.
    The dust bin was completely full, it did a great job.

    Very good purchase.

    I'll let it off tomorrow on the rest of the house.

    • One tip - if it ever won't turn on after a charge - before you kick it check the wee switch on the lower side bit. My kids switched it off a couple of times and first time it had me stumped!

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