Coles is trying to kill me

I think Coles is trying to kill me.

Every time i go into that place, high quality fat is 1/2 price.
I mean, just look at their current catalog.
All that chocolate, sugar, etc - 1/2 price.

Is it just me, or is there anyone else out there who thinks Coles is trying to kill them?

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  • Karma from Coles, 'hitandrun'.

    • +1

      Only just now noticed that you've changed your handle.
      The quip was just that. There was no need to change your username - 'hitandrun' was as good as any - wasn't labouring under any actual misunderstanding / misapprehension as a result of it.

      • I am guessing it wasn't the OP that changed their username. I think the moderators had something to do with it. Perhaps another member decided to get a second account in order to post specific threads and was discovered. I am just speculating here. There is no way to view the OP's full profile at the moment.

        • It's all a bit odd. If not in the 'Penalty Box' for some reason, maybe gone altogether?
          Mods may have psychic ability to detect when people actually die from ill-advised food consumption, and then close their accounts…

    • action from Cloes ?

      • Maybe you're unaware of the word's colloquial use? That's almost always how it's used in western countries.
        In Oz, 'bad karma' is often just shortened to 'karma', sometimes with an added 'mate'! In that, it often refers more directly to 'retribution' than 'consequence'.

        Sorry. I hope all of that means something to you?
        Misunderstandings on OzBargain, relating to use of language, happen everyday. Every single day…

        • i have seen ozb using harma even most Hindus thinks karma is SIN , again bad karma mean bad action, end result of bad action is sin,

  • +5

    Same at Woolies (in fact it has been this way for as long as i remember :)

  • +5

    Yeah I noticed that recently, I wonder why they advertise junk food so heavily?
    Is it because that's the products that need to advertised before people buy them since they're not necessities?

    I dunno, some marketing strategy. I don't like it though.

    • +14

      Targeting the children to pester their parents to get the sweet and junk.

    • +11

      Junk food is easy to sell, cheap to make and high profit. That fruit, vegetable and seafood section needs constant attention and removal of stale goods. Junk food can sit on shelves for months. It's a supermarket's dream.

    • +2

      It's exam time. Brain needs glucose. Haha.

    • +1

      Because it probably has one of the largest profit margins of all foods, as its generally full of cheap junk like corn products, yet sells for relatively high prices per kg

  • +4

    Speaking of trying to Kill people… i bought a Cadbury Picnic Block (not the 50gram bar)
    omg it was so so sweet and hardly any peanut flavour -never again (Woolworths exclusive too according to the signage)

  • +11

    Yes, I too believe that supermarkets are trying to kill me. How dare they offer unhealthy items for sale which no one is under any obligation to buy.

    • +6

      That's nice and all, but consider the fact that shelf space will always go to whatever sells the best. If that's mostly junk then the selection for the health conscious goes down. Healthy convenience food is important too. Not to mention that some people are on or below the poverty line and will take any deal they can get. If it's always junk that's subsidised then there's going to be a problem. It's not hard to dismiss poor health caused by junk food when you're struggling to pay your bills.

      Edit: To be clear, I'm not saying were at the stage where cheap healthy food isn't an option, but rather that the trend toward cheap junk can come at a cost in future.

  • +19

    Next time you get a catalog you should go through it with a texta and cross out anything that is high fat/high sugar/low nutritional value. It's usually 80% of the catalog.

    • +2

      No, 80% of the catalogue is paper, 20% is ink.

    • A good rule of thumb is to see how much of your grocery bill is from the outside of the shop (usually vegetables, meat and refrigerated/unprocessed food) whereas the middle of the shop has preserved/junk food. Of course this is a rough, rough rule, and there are exceptions, but it's an interesting idea/approach.

  • +15

    Just throw the catalog out before you even look at it. They are not in the business of selling nutritious food, they are there to collect your money and that's it.

    • +13

      Just throw the catalog out before you even look at it.

      Blasphemy! lol

      What if you miss a proper bargain?!

      • +6

        recycle it for toilet paper

        • +6

          Bad for even the bum, too tough.

        • +8

          Plus it leaves your arse all colourful from the inks.

          (uh, or so I've heard)

  • +7

    The only things I get from the big 2 are: seafood on sale, veg on sale, milk, rice on sale and toiletries on sale. And to get to all those, I have to walk past all the temptations of chocolate, chips, processed crap and highly preserved crap.

    • where do you buy other things? i.e. pasta? pasta sauce? canned items? and other cooking ingredients, is there some other big discount place i haven't heard off?

      • +5

        I forage organic stuff and grow my own tomatoes and veg.

      • +3

        Ever heard of Aldi?

  • +14

    Its all helping Joe Hockey with his budget balancing. Feed them junk so they kark it earlier. Saves a fortune in pension payments. So do your bit for Aus and pick up a few of those megasized bottles of coke next time please.

    • +1

      So now we find that Ozbargainers are leaners. Refusing to do some of the heavy lifting by not buying crap at the supermarket. And of course by the time you struggle home with umpteen 2 litre bottles of brown fizzy liquid, you would well and truly have done some of Joe's heavy lifting.

    • That's a good plan! We should also remove subsidies to healthcare. It'll sure save a lot of taxpayers' money when these fat lards ask to check their diabetes levels.

    • If you join Joe's North Sydney Forum, you get a free stomach stapling. :)

  • +3

    Here, use this antidote, a Coursera MOOC on how to cook healthy meals for children and you'll find yourself going to the greengrocer more and Coolies less.

  • +5

    Serious question: who determines which products go on sale/special each week? Is it the manufacturer of those products or the store (Coles or Woolies) themselves?

    I've always wanted to know how all that works.

    • +7

      I think it's a combination of the two.

      I've often seen the same products on special at one major one week and the other major has it the next week at the same super price. I've even seen IGA copy the two majors a few weeks later or sometimes IGA start the pattern. This leads me to believe that the supplier has something to do with it and that they've given each major customer a deal but not at the same time.

      • +4

        Nah I used to work at a Coles/Woolies supplier. They dictate the price, even when it's not on special. Sometimes suppliers have to sell at a loss because big supermarkets demand they sell at certain low price, if they don't they lose their contract and no longer sell there. They even fine you thousands if you can't supply 1 weekly order no matter how big.

        • +2

          I'm so glad that Aldi is now in the market and presenting some competition to the big 2 supermarkets. It's a shame how much of a duopoly and power they hold over Australian food markets.

    • I predict it's peeking at the competitors discounts and company clearing warehouse stock. Things on sale sell out quickly.

  • +3

    Agree totally. I am getting fatter and fatter with the additional purchase where they award you with Qantas points.

  • +1

    its ok the Gym deals will be along in a few weeks when we head into spring ;)

    • Coles boot camp?

  • +2

    Most importantly, you have a choice.
    Most of the sugary products cost less to produce and if the brand name is an established one they have a bigger markup on them. If they sense a new threat in the market(competition, healthcare campaign) they can easily drop the price and still sell at a decent profit while eliminating the threat.
    There are calls from healthcare industry to address these issues but they have no power over the lobbyists from sweet food industry.…
    And to answer your question, no, they are not trying to kill you.

  • +3

    Watch the doco called "The Men Who Made Us Fat". Quite interesting. Can find it on Youtube.

  • +2

    IGA did it to me this week with their 1/2 price Mars/Snickers/Twix ice cream bars. 16600kJ consumed in one day, vs my more typical 8000-9000. Now I gotta make up for it with a few 6000kJ days :-/

    Incidentally, the "1/2 price" marketing angle must be working well recently. Here's a set of brochures all from the same week last month I found amusing:

  • +1

    I agree. Might be a good opportunity for a store to do a cheap healthy publicity campaign. Or at least Choice Magazine.

    • -1

      Do you honestly think it would make people choose otherwise?
      It would have to be a very graphic campaign showing the effects of extreme gluttony in a similar fashion to how they ridiculed smokers.

  • Its almost like they're trying to sell as much junk as they can before the govt bans it.

    • That will never happen…

  • +4

    Fresh food is pretty expensive at Coles (and I assume Woolies too). Where I shop, there's an independent grocer in the same centre, and their fruit and vegetables are almost always cheaper, sometimes by a lot, e.g. half of the cost in Coles. Also, the quality is usually a lot better.

    Also I bought ricotta cheese from there recently…it was half the price of the cheapest in Coles.

    Pays to look around and not assume the big chains are cheapest.

    • In terms of the quality it all comes down to the manager of the store. The same batches of produce are sent more or less at the same time from the warehouses to each store on the trucks, and they arrive on the same day or the next day. Whether the produce is fresh in the store comes down to if the staff are taught to cycle the stuff and if the manager ordered the exact amount required for each day. Good handling and presentation comes into it as well.
      When people complain about the quality at Woolies or Coles it tends to come down to the staff not caring about the produce. Sometimes it might be frost or winds affecting the quality but that will affect every shop.

  • Basically the big junk food companies pay money to Coles and Woolworths to advertise in their junk mail.

  • +1

    Its not just coles, woollies are doing it too. Catalogues are full of coke, chips, chocolate, etc.
    There is a big demand for the stuff so why not promote it..

  • +2

    Suggest that everyone go and have a long read at You'll be surprised at what you learn. Its not all about the so called junk food and sweet stuff. Its also about the bread, the pasta, the sauces, the canned crap. Additionally, next time you reach for "low fat", have a look at the carb and sugar content, then compare it with the "normal" variety which is not marketed as low fat.

    I go to a fruit and veg shop for my vegies, its a fraction of the cost of buying at coles.

    • +1

      Yep, this is the reason I went onto a Keto diet.

      It isn't the fat that's killing us, its the over-abundance and cheap supply of carbs and sugars. And yes, the food pyramid that we learnt was good for us back in primary school is also completely flawed.

      If you want to eat healthy and keep your weight in check (without actually needing to do intensive exercise, ain't nobody got time for that!) just limit your carb and sugar consumption — read the nutrition labels before you tuck in. Stick to foods that are listed on this document if you want examples of low carb foods and veg. Instead of buying sugar, buy some Stevia and use that in your morning coffee and cooking. And you can go back to putting butter on your vegies.

      If you want to lose weight, read up the Keto sub reddit and read up on the Keto recipe websites like Caveman Keto.

    • +1

      the bread, the pasta, the sauces, the canned crap

      But they're my four favourite food groups :(


  • +1

    half price at Coles is the regular price at ALDI and Costco. Sometimes things are even more than double at Coles.

    • Aldi is over priced home brand. If you want cheap, go home brand labels.

  • +2

    I realised Coles takes alternating turns each week to discount its Nestle or Cadbury 40-60g bars. That used to be a very bad habit of mine. I (female) gained 8kg in 7 months, however my BMI is still in the healthy range. Thank god I realised my foolishness and have started to do something about it. Now I just avoid the chocolate and chip aisle. Only go for the sweet stuff once a week.

  • Ok junk food bring people into stores. why IDK i used to work work for woolworth. Yes the are try to kill you.

  • +2

    Sugar = addiction. Addiction = Revenue

  • Not to mention the free cookies, banana bread, icecream…… :P

    • I got the banana bread but didn't get the free ice cream. Lucky you.

  • The last lot of steak I got from Coles gave me food poisoning, so yes to your question OP!

    • +2

      did you remember to cook it?

      • Nah I ate it out of the packet raw..

  • Happy its not Coles Healthcare or else your really stuffed if they get into the medical industry..

  • Junk foods not "in". Want proof? Just look up ccl on the asx

    • Coke making 4billion off 22million people is good proof junk food is in

  • +1

    The fatter you are the more you want to eat the more you buy the more they sell the more they profit the more my shares go up the happier I am the deader you are …

  • everytime I convince myself I am on a diet, coles/woollies/iga brings out 4-pack of magnums for $3.99 (50% off). ARGGHGH killing me slowly.

  • +2

    This is why I switched to Aldi as my main supermarket I got so sick of the specials at Coles only being on junk food and in your face on the front of every aisle. The junk food selection at Aldi is pretty ordinary and very easy to resist.

    • -1

      One of the main reasons I shop at Aldi too! They have a way better range of grass fed meats vs the Coles/Woolies also.

  • fatties eat more.


    • +2

      No, it's just a lack of self control and willingness to blame everyone else but themselves.

  • -7

    1st world problems. Get over yourself OP. Your death is insignificant in the grand scheme of things so you might as well stuff yourself silly and enjoy it.

  • +3

    I think Cadbury Marvelous creations are pretty evil.
    I used to think of chocolate when I thought of Cadbury.
    Now it's just substitute sugary goo masked by chocolate, which obviously uses cheaper ingredients, yet sold as if it is equivalent to or superior to chocolate.

    They've found a way to pack more sugar and less cocoa into their product and sell it as if it's just as good.

  • +1

    Word. IF you look at any special Catalog, at least 75% of it is always junk food.

    Pretty appalling

  • +1

    Wish Coles would kill a few POLITICIANS.

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